Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext

Shows a list of the playlist video names/channels/URLs in plaintext to be easily copied

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v0.9.2 2025-01-15

    Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext v0.9.2

    • Looks like duplicate compatibility tag display order doesn't work as I thought. It might work alphabetically? Anyway, just decided to remove the duplicates and put the info in the same tag.
    • Also changed the script version mentioned in the tags to match current version
  • v0.9.1 2025-01-15

    Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext v0.9.1

    changed duplicate compatible tag order so that greasyfork displays them in the desired order (reverse order of appearance in code)

  • v0.9 2025-01-15

    Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext v0.9

    • Added popup message for scrolling through playlist
    • changed #exportPlainTextList > span color to a static value instead of yt variable, because the rest of the elements aren't styled to respect yt variables either. So white theme would likely cause the text to be black, but the background would still be dark as well (didn't test, but probably). now it's just hard coded to be always dark coloured in a logical way.
  • v0.8 2025-01-15

    Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext v0.8

    • Converted to CSP compliant vanilla JS
    • replaced custom style adding function with GM_addStyle
  • v0.7.7 2025-01-15

    Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext v0.7.7

    • Fixed issue with getting button placement
    • Noted chrome specific issue: not yet fixed
  • v0.7.6 2024-12-22

    Export Youtube Playlist in plaintext v0.7.6

    updated compatible metadata

  • v0.7.5 2024-12-22 Imported from URL
  • v0.7.4 2024-01-30

    just added license and compatibility tags

  • v0.7.3 2023-10-05

    "Compatibility" for hjk789's YouTube Clickbait-Buster (quick hacky solution, might do something smarter at some point, but it's whatever)

  • v0.7.2 2023-07-29

    - Updated menu item text styling to match current YT version
    - Excluded the new "Recommended" section on the playlist page from the generated list

  • v0.7.1 2021-09-26

    Close button click event listener creation moved to options state

  • v0.7 2021-09-26

    - Added options to add video title/channel/URL to the list and choose the separator
    - Made the popup larger by default and resizable

  • v0.6 2021-06-10

    Moved the button to the triple-dot menu and improved CSS

  • v0.5 2021-06-04

    Not sure why, but the number of videos shown in the playlist info panel is no longer accurate (at least not for one of my playlists that caused me to notice this problem). I used to use that number of videos as the indicator to stop auto-scrolling. (Which was a stupid way to do it anyways) Due to this miss-match, the auto-scrolling would never stop.

    This is now fixed. Now checking for the "ytd-continuation-item-renderer" instead, which seems to get removed from the DOM when there is no more scrolling to be done.

  • v0.4 2020-01-11 FIXED: button would not appear if going from one playlist to another
  • v0.3 2020-01-10 fixed a problem with inserting the button when entering the page from another page (without hard loading the page)
  • v0.2 2020-01-10 automated the whole process
  • v0.1 2019-05-31