- thumbnail

Adds clickable thumbnail

< Feedback on - thumbnail

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2018-08-26

it hide background-images in embedded yt videos

it hide background-images in embedded youtube videos:

Posted: 2018-08-27

would be good if you could provide info on how to reproduce this.

Posted: 2018-08-28
  • install script
  • open webpage with embedded youtube video

  • if script enabled - you see as background image loaded and hided under this video, and if script disabled - background image turn back

  • so script hide basckground image in it

Posted: 2018-08-28

if script enabled - you see as background image loaded and hided under this >video, and if script disabled - background image turn back

I don't see this behavior in chrome, but I've restricted script execution within frames just in case.

Posted: 2018-08-28

good, it work

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