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Огромный юзерскрипт, который изменяет сотни веб-сайтов, добавляя моды, хаки, новые функции и качество жизни в Интернете! (в бета-версии) Примечательные особенности: автопереадресация и обход , полнофункциональный хак, темный режим Google Classroom, массовое удаление сообщений discord, удаление рекламы на baidu, отключение Google Analytics, блокировщик рекламы Facebook!

< Обсуждения Снятие веб-ограничений: .io Game Mods (, Ad Link Bypasser, Adblock, & MORE!


LMFAO ya'll dumb asf The people who said it was a copy istg he said he merged it lmfao istg lol and the browser tracking is has something to d with greasy fork i had many people go tho it lmfao idk why tf People are saying he copied it when he fr said he merged it sigh........dumb people

UR SO DUMB, evrybody knows that this is just a copy and TtHE Browser tracking has nothing to do with greasyfork because its of his own mod. Go AwAY nobody likes u.

OKkkkkkW I agree with you. Fear? is just a dumb ass. Probably he is FZ with another account XD


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