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Снятие веб-ограничений: .io Game Mods (, Ad Link Bypasser, Adblock, & MORE!

Огромный юзерскрипт, который изменяет сотни веб-сайтов, добавляя моды, хаки, новые функции и качество жизни в Интернете! (в бета-версии) Примечательные особенности: автопереадресация и обход , полнофункциональный хак, темный режим Google Classroom, массовое удаление сообщений discord, удаление рекламы на baidu, отключение Google Analytics, блокировщик рекламы Facebook!

< Обсуждения Снятие веб-ограничений: .io Game Mods (, Ad Link Bypasser, Adblock, & MORE!

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Do you know how I can make my own script

If I wanted to make hot keys for accessories do you know how I could do it in code

Создано: 02.06.2020

i'll add it in

Do you know where I can do script tutorials

Создано: 05.06.2020 requires a bunch of other knowledge, so it's not worth it. i'll fix everything now though

Making a User script isn't something you just do, there's not really a tutorial. All you need to know is how to make a basic website with Pure HTML and CSS then enough JavaScript knowledge to be able to edit and modify the site you want until you have made the script do what you want to do.

You also have to remember specifically for IO games, some IO Game Developers may see your userscript and attempt to or actually patch your script. If that's the case, you have to figure out someway to go around their patch and still make your script work fine.

Again, it's not that easy to do to make a script.


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