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Chinese spam reports often come through as "Abusive or hateful content"

Is the report form unclear as to the difference between spam and abuse in Chinese?

Not for me at least.

Maybe rewording it was something like
Abusive or hateful speech\words

Would make more sense?

And spam could be changed to
Spam ads\links
ads\links Spam

To be clear, I'm specifically referring to reports for Chinese content. There doesn't seem to be a problem in English.

@hoothin any thoughts?

Создано: 18.05.2022
Отредактировано: 18.05.2022

I understood that. But I wonder if just spam and abusive are words that maybe kind of have the same meaning in chinese, so making it a bit more specific perhaps would solve the problem?

Yes, that's what I'm thinking too, but the solution is just to be clearer in the Chinese translation, not changing the English text where it's already clear.


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