FYTE /Fast YouTube Embedded/ Player

Hugely improves load speed of pages with lots of embedded Youtube videos by instantly showing clickable and immediately accessible placeholders, then the thumbnails are loaded in background. HTML5 direct playback (720p max) is used when selected and available.

La data de 31-07-2016. Vezi ultima versiune.

// ==UserScript==
// @name           FYTE /Fast YouTube Embedded/ Player
// @description    Hugely improves load speed of pages with lots of embedded Youtube videos by instantly showing clickable and immediately accessible placeholders, then the thumbnails are loaded in background. HTML5 direct playback (720p max) is used when selected and available.
// @description:ru На порядок ускоряет время загрузки страниц с большим количеством вставленных Youtube-видео. С первого момента загрузки страницы появляются заглушки для видео, которые можно щелкнуть для загрузки плеера, и почти сразу же появляются кавер-картинки с названием видео. В опциях можно включить режим использования упрощенного браузерного плеера (макс. 720p).
// @version        2.5.1
// @include        *
// @exclude        https://www.youtube.com/*
// @author         wOxxOm
// @namespace      wOxxOm.scripts
// @license        MIT License
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant          GM_addStyle
// @grant          GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect        www.youtube.com
// @connect        youtube.com
// @run-at         document-start
// @icon           
// @compatible     chrome
// @compatible     firefox
// @compatible     opera
// ==/UserScript==

/* jshint lastsemic:true, multistr:true, laxbreak:true, -W030, -W041, -W084 */

var resizeMode = GM_getValue('resize', 'Fit to width');
if (typeof resizeMode != 'string')
	resizeMode = resizeMode ? 'Fit to width' : 'Original';

var resizeWidth = GM_getValue('width', 1280) |0;
var resizeHeight = GM_getValue('height', 720) |0;

var playDirectly = !!GM_getValue('playHTML5', false);
var skipCustom = !!GM_getValue('skipCustom', true);
var showStoryboard = !!GM_getValue('showStoryboard', true);
var pinnable = !!GM_getValue('pinnable', true);

var _ = initTL();

var imageLoader = document.createElement('img');
var imageLoader2 = document.createElement('img');

var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
var oembeds = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');
var persite = (function() {
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		{host: /(^|\.)pikabu\.ru$/, class:'b-video', match: '[data-url*="youtube.com/embed"]', attr: 'data-url'},
		{host: /(^|\.)androidauthority\.com$/, tag:'iframe', match: '[src*="youtube.com/embed"]', eatparent: '.video-container'},
		{host: /(^|\.)reddit\.com$/, tag:'iframe',
			match: '[data-url*="youtube.com/"] [src*="/mediaembed"], [data-url*="youtu.be/"] [src*="/mediaembed"]',
			src: function(e) { return e.closest('[data-url*="youtube.com/"], [data-url*="youtu.be/"]').dataset.url }},
	for (var i=0, rule; (i<rules.length) && (rule=rules[i]); i++) {
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				nodes: rule.class ? document.getElementsByClassName(rule.class) : document.getElementsByTagName(rule.tag),
				match: rule.match ? function(e) { return e.matches(rule.match) ? e : null }
				                  : function(e) { return e.querySelector(rule.query) },
				attr: rule.attr,
				src:  rule.src,
				eatparent: rule.eatparent,

new MutationObserver(findEmbeds).observe(document, {subtree:true, childList:true});

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {
window.addEventListener('resize', adjustNodesIfNeeded, true);
window.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
	if (e.data == 'iframe-allowfs') {
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			if (iframe.contentWindow == e.source) {
				iframe.allowFullscreen = true;
				return true;
		if (window != window.top)
			window.parent.postMessage('iframe-allowfs', '*');

function findEmbeds(mutations) {
	var i, len, e;
	if (mutations && mutations.length == 1 && !mutations[0].addedNodes.length)
	if (persite)
		for (i=0, len=persite.nodes.length; (i<len) && (e=persite.nodes[i]); i++)
			if (e = persite.match(e))
				processEmbed(e, persite.src && persite.src(e) || e.getAttribute(persite.attr));
	for (i=0, len=iframes.length; (i<len) && (e=iframes[i]); i++)
		if (/youtube\.com(\/|%2F)(embed|v)(\/|%2F)/i.test(e.src))
	for (i=0, len=oembeds.length; (i<len) && (e=oembeds[i]); i++)
		if (/youtube\.com(\/|%2F)(embed|v)\//i.test(e.src))

function processEmbed(node, src) {
	function decodeEmbedUrl(url) {
		return url.indexOf('youtube.com%2Fembed') > 0
			 ? decodeURIComponent(url.replace(/^.*?(http[^&?=]+?youtube.com%2Fembed[^&]+).*$/i, '$1'))
		     : url;
	src = src || node.src || node.href || '';
	var n = node;
	var np = n.parentNode, npw;
	var srcFixed = decodeEmbedUrl(src).replace(/\/(watch\?v=|v\/)/, '/embed/');
	if (src.indexOf('cdn.embedly.com/') > 0 ||
		resizeMode != 'Original' && np && np.children.length == 1 && !np.className && !np.id)
		n = location.hostname == 'disqus.com' ? np.parentNode : np;
		np = n.parentElement;
	if (!np ||
		!np.parentNode ||
		skipCustom && srcFixed.indexOf('enablejsapi=1') > 0 ||
		node.matches('.instant-youtube-embed, .YTLT-embed') ||
		node.onload // skip some retarded loaders

	var id = srcFixed.match(/(?:embed\/|v[=\/]|youtu\.be\/)([^\s,.()\[\]?]+?)(?:[&?\/].*|$)/);
	if (!id)
	id = id[1];

	var autoplay = srcFixed.indexOf('autoplay=1') > 0;

	if (np.localName == 'object')
		n = np, np = n.parentElement;

	var eatparent = persite && persite.eatparent || 0;
	if (typeof eatparent == 'string')
		n = np.closest(eatparent) || n, np = n.parentElement;
		while (eatparent--)
			n = np, np = n.parentElement;

	var div = document.createElement('div');
	div.className = 'instant-youtube-container';
	div.FYTE = {
		state: 'querying',
		srcEmbed: srcFixed.replace(/&$/, ''),
		videoID: id,
		originalWidth: /%/.test(node.width) ? 320 : node.width|0 || n.clientWidth|0,
		originalHeight: /%/.test(node.height) ? 200 : node.height|0 || n.clientHeight|0,
	div.FYTE.srcEmbedFixed = div.FYTE.srcEmbed.replace(/^http:/, 'https:').replace(/&?wmode=\w+/, '').replace(/[?&]feature=oembed/, '');
	div.FYTE.srcWatchFixed = div.FYTE.srcEmbedFixed.replace(/\/embed\//, '/watch?v=');

	var divSize = calcContainerSize(div, n);
	var origStyle = getComputedStyle(n);
	div.style.cssText = important('background-color:transparent; transition:background-color 2s;' +
		(origStyle.hasOwnProperty('position') ? Object.keys(origStyle) : Object.keys(origStyle.__proto__) /*FF*/)
			.filter(function(k) { return !!k.match(/^(position|left|right|top|bottom)$/) })
			.map(function(k) { return k + ':' + origStyle[k] })
			.replace(/\b[^;:]+:\s*(auto|static|block)\s*(!\s*important)?;/g, '') +
		(origStyle.display == 'inline' ? ';display:inline-block;width:100%' : '') +
		';min-width:' + Math.min(divSize.w, div.FYTE.originalWidth) + 'px' +
		';min-height:' + Math.min(divSize.h, div.FYTE.originalHeight) + 'px' +
		(resizeMode == 'Fit to width' ? ';width:100%' : '') +
		';max-width:' + divSize.w + 'px; height:' + divSize.h + 'px;');
	if (!autoplay) {
		setTimeout(function() { div.style.backgroundColor = '' }, 0);
		setTimeout(function() { div.style.transition = '' }, 2000);

	// consume parents of retardedly positioned videos
	if (div.style.position.match('absolute|relative')) {
		if (np.children.length == 1 && floatPadding(np, getComputedStyle(np, ':after'), 'Top') >= div.FYTE.originalHeight)
			n = np, np = n.parentElement;
		div.style.cssText = div.style.cssText.replace(/\b(position|left|top|right|bottom):[^;]+/g, '');

	var wrapper = div.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
	wrapper.className = 'instant-youtube-wrapper';

	var img = wrapper.appendChild(document.createElement('img'));
	if (!autoplay) {
		img.className = 'instant-youtube-thumbnail';
		img.src = 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/' + id + '/maxresdefault.jpg';
		img.style.cssText = important('transition:opacity 0.1s ease-out; opacity:0; padding:0; margin:auto; position:absolute; left:0; right:0; top:0; bottom:0; max-width:none; max-height:none;');

		img.title = _('Shift-click to use alternative player');
		img.onload = function(e) {
			if (img.naturalWidth <= 120)
				return img.onerror(e);
			var fitToWidth = true;
			if (img.naturalHeight) {
				var ratio = img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight;
				if (ratio > 4.1/3 && ratio < divSize.w/divSize.h) {
					img.style.cssText += important('width:auto; height:100%;');
					fitToWidth = false;
			if (fitToWidth) {
				img.style.cssText += important('width:100%; height:auto;');
			if (div.FYTE.videoWidth)
			img.style.opacity = 1;
		img.onerror = function(e) {
			if (img.src.indexOf('maxresdefault') > 0)
				img.src = img.src.replace('maxresdefault','hqdefault');

		method: 'GET',
		url: 'https://www.youtube.com/get_video_info?video_id=' + div.FYTE.videoID + '&el=detailpage',
		headers: {'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'},
		context: div,
		onload: parseVideoInfo

	translateHTML(wrapper, 'beforeend', '\
		<a class="instant-youtube-title" target="_blank" href="' + div.FYTE.srcWatchFixed + '">&nbsp;</a>\
		<svg class="instant-youtube-play-button"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#1F1F1F" class="ytp-large-play-button-svg" d="M84.15,26.4v6.35c0,2.833-0.15,5.967-0.45,9.4c-0.133,1.7-0.267,3.117-0.4,4.25l-0.15,0.95c-0.167,0.767-0.367,1.517-0.6,2.25c-0.667,2.367-1.533,4.083-2.6,5.15c-1.367,1.4-2.967,2.383-4.8,2.95c-0.633,0.2-1.316,0.333-2.05,0.4c-0.767,0.1-1.3,0.167-1.6,0.2c-4.9,0.367-11.283,0.617-19.15,0.75c-2.434,0.034-4.883,0.067-7.35,0.1h-2.95C38.417,59.117,34.5,59.067,30.3,59c-8.433-0.167-14.05-0.383-16.85-0.65c-0.067-0.033-0.667-0.117-1.8-0.25c-0.9-0.133-1.683-0.283-2.35-0.45c-2.066-0.533-3.783-1.5-5.15-2.9c-1.033-1.067-1.9-2.783-2.6-5.15C1.317,48.867,1.133,48.117,1,47.35L0.8,46.4c-0.133-1.133-0.267-2.55-0.4-4.25C0.133,38.717,0,35.583,0,32.75V26.4c0-2.833,0.133-5.95,0.4-9.35l0.4-4.25c0.167-0.966,0.417-2.05,0.75-3.25c0.7-2.333,1.567-4.033,2.6-5.1c1.367-1.434,2.967-2.434,4.8-3c0.633-0.167,1.333-0.3,2.1-0.4c0.4-0.066,0.917-0.133,1.55-0.2c4.9-0.333,11.283-0.567,19.15-0.7C35.65,0.05,39.083,0,42.05,0L45,0.05c2.467,0,4.933,0.034,7.4,0.1c7.833,0.133,14.2,0.367,19.1,0.7c0.3,0.033,0.833,0.1,1.6,0.2c0.733,0.1,1.417,0.233,2.05,0.4c1.833,0.566,3.434,1.566,4.8,3c1.066,1.066,1.933,2.767,2.6,5.1c0.367,1.2,0.617,2.284,0.75,3.25l0.4,4.25C84,20.45,84.15,23.567,84.15,26.4z M33.3,41.4L56,29.6L33.3,17.75V41.4z"></path><polygon fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#FFFFFF" points="33.3,41.4 33.3,17.75 56,29.6"></polygon></svg>\
		<span tl class="instant-youtube-link">' + (playDirectly ? 'Play with Youtube player' : 'Play directly (up to 720p)') + '</span>\
		<div tl class="instant-youtube-options-button">Options</div>\

	np.insertBefore(div, n);

	if (autoplay)
		return startPlaying(div);

	div.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);

function adjustNodesIfNeeded(e) {
	if (adjustNodesIfNeeded.scheduled)
	adjustNodesIfNeeded.scheduled = setTimeout(function() {
		adjustNodesIfNeeded.scheduled = 0;
	}, 16);

function adjustNodes(e, clickedContainer) {
	var force = !!clickedContainer;
	var nearest = force ? clickedContainer : null;

	var vids = $$('div.instant-youtube-container:not([pinned])');

	if (!nearest && e.type != 'DOMContentLoaded') {
		var minDistance = window.innerHeight*3/4 |0;
		var nearTargetY = window.innerHeight/2;
		vids.forEach(function(n) {
			var bounds = n.getBoundingClientRect();
			var distance = Math.abs((bounds.bottom + bounds.top)/2 - nearTargetY);
			if (distance < minDistance) {
				minDistance = distance;
				nearest = n;

	if (nearest) {
		var bounds = nearest.getBoundingClientRect();
		var nearestCenterYpct = (bounds.top + bounds.bottom)/2 / window.innerHeight;

	var resized = false;

	vids.forEach(function(n) {
		var size = calcContainerSize(n);
		var w = size.w, h = size.h;

		// prevent parent clipping
		for (var e=n.parentElement, style; e; e=e.parentElement)
			if (e.style.overflow != 'visible' && (style=getComputedStyle(e)))
				if ((style.overflow+style.overflowX+style.overflowY).match(/hidden|scroll/))
					if (n.offsetTop < e.clientHeight / 2 && n.offsetTop + n.clientHeight > e.clientHeight)
						e.style.cssText = e.style.cssText.replace(/\boverflow(-[xy])?:[^;]+/g, '') +

		if (force && Math.abs(w - parseFloat(n.style.maxWidth)) <= 2)

		if (n.style.maxWidth != w + 'px') n.style.maxWidth = w + 'px';
		if (n.style.height != h + 'px')   n.style.height = h + 'px';
		if (parseFloat(n.style.minWidth) > w) n.style.minWidth = n.style.maxWidth;
		if (parseFloat(n.style.minHeight) > h) n.style.minHeight = n.style.height;

		resized = true;

	if (resized && nearest)
		setTimeout(function() {
			var bounds = nearest.getBoundingClientRect();
			var h = bounds.bottom - bounds.top;
			var projectedCenterY = nearestCenterYpct * window.innerHeight;
			var projectedTop = projectedCenterY - h/2;
			var safeTop = Math.min(Math.max(0, projectedTop), window.innerHeight - h);
			window.scrollBy(0, bounds.top - safeTop);
		}, 16);

function calcContainerSize(div, origNode) {
	var w, h;
	origNode = origNode || div;
	switch (resizeMode) {
		case 'Original':
			w = div.FYTE.originalWidth;
			h = div.FYTE.originalHeight;
		case 'Custom':
			w = resizeWidth;
			h = resizeHeight;
		case '1080p':
		case '720p':
		case '480p':
		case '360p':
			h = parseInt(resizeMode);
			w = h / 9 * 16;
		default: // fit-to-width mode
			var n = origNode;
			do {
				n = n.parentElement;
				// find parent node with nonzero width (i.e. independent of our video element)
			} while (n && !(w = n.clientWidth));
			if (w)
				h = w / 16 * 9;
			else {
				w = origNode.clientWidth;
				h = origNode.clientHeight;
	var np = origNode.parentElement;
	var style = getComputedStyle(np);
	var parentWidth = parseFloat(style.width) - floatPadding(np, style, 'Left') - floatPadding(np, style, 'Right');
	if (parentWidth > 0 && parentWidth < w) {
		h = parentWidth / w * h;
		w = parentWidth;
	if (resizeMode == 'Fit to width' && h < div.FYTE.originalHeight*0.9)
		h = Math.min(div.FYTE.originalHeight, w / div.FYTE.originalWidth * div.FYTE.originalHeight);

	return {w: window.chrome ? w : Math.round(w), h:h};

function parseVideoInfo(response) {
	var div = response.context;
	var txt = response.responseText;
	var info = tryCatch(function() { return JSON.parse(txt.replace(/(\w+)=?(.*?)(&|$)/g, '"$1":"$2",').replace(/^(.+?),?$/, '{$1}')) }) || {};
	var videoSources = [];

	// parse width & height to adjust the thumbnail
	var m = decodeURIComponent(info.adaptive_fmts || '').match(/size=(\d+)x(\d+)\b/) ||
	if (m)
		fixThumbnailAR(div, m[1]|0, m[2]|0);

	// parse video sources
	if (info.url_encoded_fmt_stream_map && info.fmt_list) {
		var streams = {};
		decodeURIComponent(info.url_encoded_fmt_stream_map).split(',').forEach(function(stream) {
			var params = {};
			stream.split('&').forEach(function(kv) {
				params[kv.split('=')[0]] = decodeURIComponent(kv.split('=')[1]);
			streams[params.itag] = params;
		decodeURIComponent(info.fmt_list).split(',').forEach(function(fmt) {
			var itag = fmt.split('/')[0];
			var dimensions = fmt.split('/')[1];
			var stream = streams[itag];
			if (stream) {
					src: stream.url,
					title: stream.quality + ', ' + dimensions + ', ' + stream.type
	} else {
		var rx = /url=([^=]+?mime%3Dvideo%252F(?:mp4|webm)[^=]+?)(?:,quality|,itag|.u0026)/g;
		var text = decodeURIComponent(txt).split('url_encoded_fmt_stream_map')[1];
		while (m = rx.exec(text)) {
				src: decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(m[1]))

	var duration = div.FYTE.duration = info.length_seconds|0 || '';
	if (duration) {
		var d = new Date(null);
		duration = d.toISOString().replace(/^.+?T[0:]{0,4}(.+?)\..+$/, '<span>$1</span>');
	var title = decodeURIComponent(info.title || info.reason || '').replace(/\+/g, ' ');
	if (title || duration) {
		$(div, '.instant-youtube-title').innerHTML = (title ? '<strong>' + title + '</strong>' : '') + duration;
	if (info.reason)
		div.setAttribute('disabled', '');

	if (videoSources.length)
		div.FYTE.videoSources = videoSources;

	if (info.storyboard_spec) {
		m = decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(info.storyboard_spec)).split('|');
		div.FYTE.storyboard = JSON.parse(m[m.length-1].replace(/^(\d+)#(\d+)#(\d+)#(\d+)#(\d+)#.+$/, '{"w":$1, "h":$2, "len":$3, "rows":$4, "cols":$5}'));
		div.FYTE.storyboard.url = m[0].replace('$L/$N.jpg', (m.length-2) + '/M0.jpg?sigh=' + m[m.length-1].replace(/^.+?#([^#]+)$/, '$1'));
		$(div, '.instant-youtube-options-button').insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin',
			'<div class="instant-youtube-storyboard"' + (showStoryboard ? '' : ' disabled') + '>' +
				important('<div style="width:' + (div.FYTE.storyboard.w-1) + 'px; height:' + div.FYTE.storyboard.h + 'px;') +
				'">&nbsp;</div>' +
		if (showStoryboard)


	if (div.FYTE.state == 'scheduled play')
		setTimeout(function() { startPlayingDirectly(div) }, 0);

	div.FYTE.state = '';

function fixThumbnailAR(div, w, h) {
	var img = $(div, 'img');
	var thw = img.naturalWidth, thh = img.naturalHeight;
	if (w && h) { // means thumbnail is still loading
		div.FYTE.videoWidth = w;
		div.FYTE.videoHeight = h;
	} else {
		w = div.FYTE.videoWidth;
		h = div.FYTE.videoHeight;
		if (!w || !h)
	var divw = div.clientWidth, divh = div.clientHeight;
	// if both video and thumbnail are 4:3, fit the image to height
	//console.log(div, divw, divh, thw, thh, w, h, h/w*divw / divh - 1, thh/thw*divw / divh - 1);
	if (Math.abs(h/w*divw / divh - 1) > 0.05 && Math.abs(thh/thw*divw / divh - 1) > 0.05) {
		img.style.maxHeight = img.clientHeight + 'px';
		if (!div.FYTE.videoWidth) // skip animation if thumbnail is already loaded
			img.style.transition = 'height 1s ease, margin-top 1s ease';
		setTimeout(function() {
			img.style.maxHeight = 'none';
			img.style.cssText += important(h/w >= divh/divw ? 'width:auto; height:100%;' : 'width:100%; height:auto;');
			setTimeout(function() {
				img.style.transition = '';
			}, 1000);
		}, 0);

function updateHoverHandler(div) {
	var sb = $(div, '.instant-youtube-storyboard');
	if (!showStoryboard) {
		if (!sb.getAttribute('disabled'))
			sb.setAttribute('disabled', '');
	if (sb.hasAttribute('disabled'))

	sb.addEventListener('click', storyboardClickHandler);

	var oldIndex = null;
	var style = sb.firstElementChild.style;
	sb.addEventListener('mousemove', storyboardHoverHandler);
	sb.addEventListener('mouseout', storyboardHoverHandler);

	div.addEventListener('mouseover', storyboardPreloader);
	div.addEventListener('mouseout', storyboardPreloader);

	var spinner = document.createElement('span');
	spinner.className = 'instant-youtube-loading-button';

	function storyboardClickHandler(e) {
		sb.removeEventListener('click', storyboardClickHandler);
		var offsetX = e.offsetX || e.clientX - this.getBoundingClientRect().left;
		div.FYTE.startAt = offsetX / this.clientWidth * div.FYTE.duration |0;
		div.FYTE.srcEmbedFixed = setUrlParams(div.FYTE.srcEmbedFixed, {start: div.FYTE.startAt});
		startPlaying(div, e.shiftKey);

	function storyboardPreloader(e) {
		if (e.type == 'mouseout') {
			imageLoader.onload = null; imageLoader.src = '';
		if (!div.FYTE.storyboard || div.FYTE.storyboard.preloaded)
		var lastpart = (div.FYTE.storyboard.len-1)/(div.FYTE.storyboard.rows * div.FYTE.storyboard.cols) |0;
		if (lastpart <= 0)
		var part = 0;
		imageLoader.src = setStoryboardUrl(part++);
		imageLoader.onload = function() {
			if (part > lastpart) {
				div.FYTE.storyboard.preloaded = true;
				div.removeEventListener('mouseover', storyboardPreloader);
				div.removeEventListener('mouseout', storyboardPreloader);
				imageLoader.onload = null;
				imageLoader.src = '';
			imageLoader.src = setStoryboardUrl(part++);

	function setStoryboardUrl(part) {
		return div.FYTE.storyboard.url.replace(/M\d+\.jpg\?/, 'M' + part + '.jpg?');

	function storyboardHoverHandler(e) {
		if (!showStoryboard || !div.FYTE.storyboard)
		if (e.type == 'mouseout')
			return imageLoader2.onload && imageLoader2.onload();
		var w = div.FYTE.storyboard.w;
		var h = div.FYTE.storyboard.h;
		var cols = div.FYTE.storyboard.cols;
		var rows = div.FYTE.storyboard.rows;
		var len = div.FYTE.storyboard.len;
		var partlen = rows * cols;

		var offsetX = e.offsetX || e.clientX - this.getBoundingClientRect().left;
		var left = Math.min(this.clientWidth - w, Math.max(0, offsetX - w)) |0;
		if (!style.left || parseInt(style.left) != left) {
			style.left = left + 'px';
			if (spinner.parentElement)
				spinner.style.cssText = important('left:' + (left + w/2 - 10) + 'px; right:auto;');

		var index = Math.min(offsetX / this.clientWidth * (len+1) |0, len - 1);
		if (index == oldIndex)

		var part = index/partlen|0;
		if (!oldIndex || part != (oldIndex/partlen|0)) {
			style.cssText = style.cssText.replace(/$|background-image[^;]+;/,
												  'background-image: url(' + setStoryboardUrl(part) + ')!important;');
			if (!div.FYTE.storyboard.preloaded) {
				if (spinner.timer)
				spinner.timer = setTimeout(function() {
					spinner.timer = 0;
					if (!imageLoader2.src)
					spinner.style.cssText = important('left:' + (left + w/2 - 10) + 'px; right:auto;');
				}.bind(this), 50);
				imageLoader2.onload = function() {
					spinner.timer = 0;
					imageLoader2.onload = null;
					imageLoader2.src = '';
				imageLoader2.src = setStoryboardUrl(part);

		oldIndex = index;
		index = index % partlen;
		style.backgroundPosition = '-' + (index % cols) * w + 'px -' + (index / cols |0) * h + 'px';

function clickHandler(e) {
	if (e.target.href)
	if (e.target.matches('.instant-youtube-options-button')) {
	if (e.target.matches('.instant-youtube-options, .instant-youtube-options *'))


	var alternateMode = e.shiftKey || e.target.className == 'instant-youtube-link';
	startPlaying(e.target.closest('.instant-youtube-container'), alternateMode);

function startPlaying(div, alternateMode) {
	div.removeEventListener('click', clickHandler);

	$$(div, '.instant-youtube-wrapper > *:not(img):not(a)').forEach(function(e) { e.style.cssText = 'display:none!important' });
	$(div, 'svg').outerHTML = '<span class="instant-youtube-loading-button"></span>';

		'<div pin="top-left"></div><div pin="top-right"></div><div pin="bottom-right"></div><div pin="bottom-left"></div>');
	$$(div, '[pin]').forEach(function(pin) {
		pin.onclick = function(e) {
			var pinIt = !div.hasAttribute('pinned') || !pin.hasAttribute('active');
			var corner = pin.getAttribute('pin');
			if (pinIt) {
				$$(div, '[pin][active]').forEach(function(p) { p.removeAttribute('active') });
				pin.setAttribute('active', '');
				if (!div.FYTE.unpinnedStyle) {
					div.FYTE.unpinnedStyle = div.style.cssText;
					var stub = div.cloneNode();
					var img = $(div, 'img').cloneNode();
					img.style.opacity = 1;
					img.style.display = 'block';
					img.title = '';
					stub.onclick = function(e) { $(div, '[pin][active]').onclick(e) };
					stub.style.cssText += 'opacity:0.3!important;';
					div.parentNode.insertBefore(stub, div);
				div.setAttribute('pinned', '');
				div.style.cssText = important(
					'position: fixed;' +
					'contain: inherit;' +
					'width: 400px;' +
					'z-index: 999999999;' +
					'height:' + (400 / div.FYTE.videoWidth * div.FYTE.videoHeight) + 'px;' +
					'top:' + (corner.indexOf('top') >= 0 ? '0' : 'auto') + ';' +
					'bottom:' + (corner.indexOf('bottom') >= 0 ? '0' : 'auto') + ';' +
					'left:' + (corner.indexOf('left') >= 0 ? '0' : 'auto') + ';' +
					'right:' + (corner.indexOf('right') >= 0 ? '0' : 'auto') + ';'
			} else {
				div.style.cssText = div.FYTE.unpinnedStyle;
				div.FYTE.unpinnedStyle = '';
				if (div.previousElementSibling)

	if (window != window.top)
		window.parent.postMessage('iframe-allowfs', '*');

	if ((!!playDirectly + !!alternateMode == 1) && (div.FYTE.videoSources || div.FYTE.state == 'querying')) {
		if (div.FYTE.videoSources)
		else {
			// playback will start in parseVideoInfo
			div.FYTE.state = 'scheduled play';
			// fallback to iframe in 5s
			setTimeout(function() {
				if (div.FYTE.state) {
					div.FYTE.state = '';
			}, 5000);

function startPlayingDirectly(div) {
	var video = document.createElement('video');
	video.controls = true;
	video.autoplay = true;
	video.style.cssText = important(
		'position:absolute; left:0; top:0; right:0; padding:0; margin:auto; opacity:0; transition:opacity 2s;' +
		'width:100%; height:100%;');
	video.className = 'instant-youtube-embed';
	video.volume = GM_getValue('volume', 0.5);

	div.FYTE.videoSources.forEach(function(src) {
		var srcdom = video.appendChild(document.createElement('source'));
		Object.keys(src).forEach(function(k) { srcdom[k] = src[k] });
		srcdom.onerror = switchToIFrame.bind(div);

	if (window.chrome) {
		video.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
			this.paused ? this.play() : this.pause();
	video.interval = (function() {
		return setInterval(function() {
			if (video.volume != GM_getValue('volume', 0.5))
				GM_setValue('volume', video.volume);
		}, 1000);
	var title = $(div, '.instant-youtube-title');
	if (title) {
		video.onpause = function() { title.removeAttribute('hidden') };
		video.onplay = function() { title.setAttribute('hidden', true) };
	video.onloadedmetadata = div.FYTE.startAt && function(e) {
		video.currentTime = div.FYTE.startAt;
	video.onloadeddata = function(e) {
		div.style.cssText += 'contain:inherit!important'; // allow fullscreen
		div.setAttribute('playing', '');
		this.style.opacity = 1;
		var img = $(div, 'img');
		img.style.transition = 'opacity 1s';
		img.style.opacity = 0;

function switchToIFrame(e) {
	var div = this;
	var wrapper = div.firstElementChild;
	if (e) {
		console.log('[FYTE] Direct linking canceled on %s, switching to IFRAME player', div.FYTE.srcEmbed);
		var video = e.target ? e.target.closest('video') : e.path && e.path[e.path.length-1];
		while (video.lastElementChild)

	$(div, '[pin]').insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin',
		'<iframe class="instant-youtube-embed" allowtransparency="true" src="' +
		setUrlParams(div.FYTE.srcEmbedFixed, {
			html5: 1,
			autoplay: 1,
			autohide: 2,
			border: 0,
			controls: 1,
			fs: 1,
			showinfo: 1,
			ssl: 1,
			theme: 'dark',
			enablejsapi: 1,
		}) + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>');

	$(div, 'iframe').onload = function() {
		this.style.cssText = important(
			'position:absolute; left:0; top:0; right:0; padding:0; margin:auto; opacity:1; transition:opacity 2s;');

		div.setAttribute('iframe', '');
		div.setAttribute('playing', '');
		div.style.cssText += 'contain:none!important'; // allow fullscreen
		setTimeout(function() {
			$(div, 'img').style.display = 'none';
			var title = $(div, '.instant-youtube-title');
			if (title)
		}, 2000);

function setUrlParams(url, params) {
	var names = Object.keys(params);
	url = url.replace(new RegExp('[?&](' + names.join('|') + ')(=[^?&]*)?', 'gi'), '');
	return url +
		(url.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?') +
		names.map(function(n) { return n + '=' + params[n] }).join('&');

function pauseOtherVideos(activePlayer) {
	$$(activePlayer.ownerDocument, '.instant-youtube-embed').forEach(function(v) {
		if (v == activePlayer)
		switch (v.localName) {
			case 'video':
				if (!v.paused)
			case 'iframe':
				try { v.contentWindow.postMessage('{"event":"command", "func":"pauseVideo", "args":""}', '*') } catch(e) {}

function showOptions(e) {
	var optionsButton = e.target;
	translateHTML(optionsButton, 'afterend', '\
		<div class="instant-youtube-options">\
			<label tl style="width: 100% !important;">Size:<br>\
				<select data-action="size-mode">\
					<option tl value="Original">Original\
					<option tl value="Fit to width">Fit to width\
					<option tl value="Custom">Custom...\
			<label data-action="size-custom" ' + (resizeMode != 'Custom' ? 'disabled' : '') + '>\
				<input type="number" min="320" max="9999" tl-placeholder="width" data-action="width" step="1" value="' + (resizeWidth||'') + '">\
				<input type="number" min="240" max="9999" tl-placeholder="height" data-action="height" step="1" value="' + (resizeHeight||'') + '">\
			<label tl="content,title" title="Show storyboard preview on mouse hover at the bottom">\
				<input data-action="storyboard" type="checkbox" ' + (showStoryboard ? 'checked' : '') + '>\
				Storyboard thumbs\
			<label tl="content,title" title="Tip: shift-clicking thumbnails will use alternative player">\
				<input data-action="direct" type="checkbox" ' + (playDirectly ? 'checked' : '') + '>\
				Play directly\
			<label tl="content,title" title="Do not process customized videos with enablejsapi=1 parameter (requires page reload)">\
				<input data-action="safe" type="checkbox" ' + (skipCustom ? 'checked' : '') + '>\
			<label tl="content,title" title="Enable corner pinning controls when a video is playing">\
				<input data-action="pinnable" type="checkbox" ' + (pinnable ? 'checked' : '') + '>\
				Corner pins\
			<span data-action="buttons">\
				<button tl data-action="ok">OK</button>\
				<button tl data-action="cancel">Cancel</button>\
	var options = optionsButton.nextElementSibling;

	options.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
		if (e.target.localName == 'input' &&
			!e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.key.match(/[.,]/))
			return false;

	$(options, '[data-action="size-mode"]').value = resizeMode;
	$(options, '[data-action="size-mode"]').addEventListener('change', function() {
		var v = this.value != 'Custom';
		var e = $(options, '[data-action="size-custom"]');
		e.children[0].disabled = e.children[1].disabled = v;
		v ? e.setAttribute('disabled', '') : e.removeAttribute('disabled');

	$(options, '[data-action="buttons"]').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
		if (e.target.dataset.action != 'ok') {
		var v, shouldAdjust;
		if (resizeMode != (v = $(options, '[data-action="size-mode"]').value)) {
			GM_setValue('resize', resizeMode = v);
			shouldAdjust = true;
		if (resizeMode == 'Custom') {
			var w = $(options, '[data-action="width"]').value |0;
			var h = $(options, '[data-action="height"]').value |0;
			if (resizeWidth != w || resizeHeight != h) {
				updateCustomSize(w, h);
				GM_setValue('width', resizeWidth);
				GM_setValue('height', resizeHeight);
				shouldAdjust = true;
		if (showStoryboard != (v = $(options, '[data-action="storyboard"]').checked)) {
			GM_setValue('showStoryboard', showStoryboard = v);
		if (playDirectly != (v = $(options, '[data-action="direct"]').checked)) {
			GM_setValue('playHTML5', playDirectly = v);
			$$('.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-link').forEach(function(e) {
				e.textContent = playDirectly ? 'Play with Youtube player' : 'Play directly (up to 720p)';
		if (skipCustom != (v = $(options, '[data-action="safe"]').checked)) {
			GM_setValue('skipCustom', skipCustom = v);
		if (pinnable != (v = $(options, '[data-action="pinnable"]').checked)) {
			GM_setValue('pinnable', pinnable = v);


		if (shouldAdjust)
			adjustNodes(e, e.target.closest('.instant-youtube-container'));

function updateCustomSize(w, h) {
	resizeWidth = Math.min(9999, Math.max(320, w|0 || resizeWidth|0));
	resizeHeight = Math.min(9999, Math.max(240, h|0 || resizeHeight|0));

function important(cssText) {
	return cssText.replace(/;/g, '!important;');

function tryCatch(func) {
	try {
		return func();
	} catch(e) {

function getFunctionComment(fn) {
	return fn.toString().match(/\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/\s*\}$/)[1];

function $(selORnode, sel) {
	return sel ? selORnode.querySelector(sel)
	           : document.querySelector(selORnode);

function $$(selORnode, sel) {
	return Array.prototype.slice.call(
		sel ? selORnode.querySelectorAll(sel)
		    : document.querySelectorAll(selORnode));

function overrideCSS(e, params) {
	var names = Object.keys(params);
	var style = e.style.cssText.replace(new RegExp('(^|\s|;)(' + names.join('|') + ')(:[^;]+)', 'gi'), '$1');
	e.style.cssText = style.replace(/[^;]\s*$/, '$&;').replace(/^\s*;\s*/, '') +
		names.map(function(n) { return n + ':' + params[n] + '!important' }).join(';') + ';';

// fix dumb Firefox bug
function floatPadding(node, style, dir) {
	var padding = style['padding' + dir];
	if (padding.indexOf('%') < 0)
		return parseFloat(padding);
	return parseFloat(padding) * (parseFloat(style.width) || node.clientWidth) / 100;

function translateHTML(baseElement, place, html) {
	var tmp = document.createElement('div');
	tmp.innerHTML = html;
	$$(tmp, '[tl]').forEach(function(node) {
		(node.getAttribute('tl') || 'content').split(',').forEach(function(what) {
			var child, src, tl;
			if (what == 'content') {
				for (var i = node.childNodes.length-1, n; (i>=0) && (n=node.childNodes[i]); i--) {
					if (n.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && n.textContent.trim()) {
						child = n;
			} else
				child = node.getAttributeNode(what);
			if (!child)
			src = child.textContent;
			srcTrimmed = src.trim();
			tl = src.replace(srcTrimmed, _(srcTrimmed));
			if (src != tl)
				child.textContent = tl;
	baseElement.insertAdjacentHTML(place, tmp.innerHTML);

function initTL(src) {
	var tlSource = {
		'watch on Youtube': {
			'ru': 'открыть на Youtube',
		'Play with Youtube player': {
			'ru': 'Включить плеер Youtube',
		'Play directly (up to 720p)': {
			'ru': 'Включить напрямую (макс. 720p)',
		'Shift-click to use alternative player': {
			'ru': 'Shift-клик для смены типа плеера',
		'Options': {
			'ru': 'Опции',
		'Size:': {
			'ru': 'Размер:',
		'Original': {
			'ru': 'Исходный',
		'Fit to width': {
			'ru': 'На всю ширину',
		'Custom...': {
			'ru': 'Настроить...',
		'width': {
			'ru': 'ширина',
		'height': {
			'ru': 'высота',
		'Storyboard thumbs': {
			'ru': 'Раскадровка',
		'Show storyboard preview on mouse hover at the bottom': {
			'ru': 'Показывать миникадры при наведении мыши на низ кавер-картинки',
		'Play directly': {
			'ru': 'Плеер браузера',
		'Tip: shift-clicking thumbnails will use alternative player': {
			'ru': 'Удерживайте клавишу Shift при щелчке на картинке для альтернативного плеера',
		'Safe': {
			'ru': 'Консервативный режим',
		'Corner pins': {
			'ru': 'Угловые шпильки',
		'Enable corner pinning controls when a video is playing': {
			'ru': 'Включить угловые шпильки для закрепления видео во время просмотра',
		'Do not process customized videos with enablejsapi=1 parameter (requires page reload)': {
			'ru': 'Не обрабатывать нестандартные видео с параметром enablejsapi=1 (подействует после обновления страницы)',
		'OK': {
			'ru': 'ОК',
		'Cancel': {
			'ru': 'Оменить',
	var browserLang = navigator.language || navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || '';
	var browserLangMajor = browserLang.replace(/-.+/, '');
	var tl = {};
	Object.keys(tlSource).forEach(function(k) {
		var langs = tlSource[k];
		var text = langs[browserLang] || langs[browserLangMajor];
		if (text)
			tl[k] = text;
	return function(src) { return tl[src] || src };

function injectStylesIfNeeded() {
	var styledom = $('style#instant-youtube-styles');
	if (styledom) {
		// move our rules to the end of HEAD to increase CSS specificity
		if (styledom.nextElementSibling && document.head)
			document.head.insertBefore(styledom, null);
	styledom = (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(document.createElement('style'));
	styledom.id = 'instant-youtube-styles';
	styledom.textContent = important(getFunctionComment(function() { /*
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		    font: normal 14px/1.0 sans-serif, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana;
		    text-align: center;
		    background: black;
		.instant-youtube-container[disabled] {
		    background: #888;
		.instant-youtube-container[disabled] .instant-youtube-storyboard {
		    display: none;
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-wrapper {
		    width: 100%;
		    height: 100%;
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		    display: block;
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		    width: 85px;
		    height: 60px;
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		    right: 0;
		    top: 0;
		    bottom: 0;
		    margin: auto;
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		    display: block;
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		    width: 20px;
		    height: 20px;
		    left: 0;
		    right: 0;
		    top: 0;
		    bottom: 0;
		    padding: 0;
		    margin: auto;
			pointer-events: none;
		.instant-youtube-container:hover .ytp-large-play-button-svg {
		    fill: #CC181E;
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		    display: block;
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		    height: 20px;
		    top: 50%;
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		    text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px black;
		    font-weight: bold;
		    color: white;
		.instant-youtube-container span.instant-youtube-link {
		    z-index: 8;
		    font-weight: normal;
		    font-size: 12px;
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-link:hover {
		    text-decoration: underline;
		    color: white;
		    background: transparent;
		.instant-youtube-container iframe {
		    z-index: 10;
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-title {
		    z-index: 9;
		    display: block;
		    position: absolute;
		    width: auto;
		    top: 0;
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		    right: 0;
		    margin: 0;
		    padding: 7px;
		    border: none;
		    text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px black;
		    text-align: center;
		    text-decoration: none;
		    color: white;
		    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-title strong {
		    font: bold 14px/1.0 sans-serif, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana;
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-title strong:after {
		    content: " - $tl:'watch on Youtube'";
		    font-weight: normal;
		    margin-right: 1ex;
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-title span {
		    color: inherit;
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-title span:before {
		    content: "(";
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-title span:after {
		    content: ")";
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		    from { opacity: 0 }
		    to { opacity: 1 }
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		    from { opacity: 0 }
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		    from { opacity: 0 }
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		    padding: .5ex .5ex .4ex;
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		    margin-top: 1em;
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		    margin: 0 1ex 0 0;
		    padding: .5ex 2ex;
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		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-options button:hover {
		    border-color: white;
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-options > [disabled] {
		    opacity: 0.25;
		.instant-youtube-container .instant-youtube-storyboard {
		    height: 33%;
			max-height: 90px;
		    display: block;
		    position: absolute;
		    left: 0;
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			overflow: visible;
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