Tetris (N3TWORK) Theme was reported 2021-08-18 as an unauthorized copy of TF Theme.

TF Theme uses the MIT License license. Visit tldrlegal.com for help understanding what this license means.

Script Author License Created Updated
Reported Tetris (N3TWORK) Theme Jstris Customization Database MIT 2020-09-18 10:28:00 UTC 2022-07-04 12:22:38 UTC
Original TF Theme Jstris Customization Database MIT 2019-06-14 11:35:44 UTC 2022-07-04 11:42:13 UTC

This script has been updated since the report was filed.

This script has had 1 previous upheld or fixed report.

Jstris Customization Database (the reported user) has made:

This report has been upheld by a moderator.

You can't use parts of a script that doesn't have a license in your *public* script. You'll have to remove or rewrite these parts. You can also try contacting the original author and suggest adding a license to the original script that allows modifications (MIT, GPLv3, BSD, CC-BY-4.0 and many others) provided that you use the same (or a compatible) license and mention the original's URL, author's rights, describe the differences you added.