Purple Shell Shocker Theme - Custom Scope CrossHair And HealthBar JS - A Purple Shell Shocker Theme
Shell Skybox (Sunset Skybox) JS - changes the skybox in shell to a sunset picture
Scope Theme - Moon JS - Same Scope That Moon Uses
Scope Theme - Bloolet JS - Same Scope That Bloolet Uses
Scope Theme - K4hhny JS - Same Scope K4hhny Uses
Scope Theme - Green JS - Scope - Green
Scope Theme - Purple JS - Scope - Purple
Scope Theme - Gamer JS - Scope - Gamer
Scope Theme - Circle JS - Scope - Circle
Bloolet's CrossHair/Scope JS - Boolet's Scope/CrossHair
Pink CrossHair JS - stuff
Light Blue CrossHair JS - stuff
Pink CrossHair/Health Bar JS - A Pink CrossHair/Health Bar
Simple Ringed Reticle JS - Simple Shell Shockers Theme only editing the Scope ADS and hipfire crosshair