// ==UserScript==
// @name ChatGPT Infinity ∞
// @name:af ChatGPT Oneindig ∞
// @name:ar دردشةGPT إنفينيتي ∞
// @name:az ChatGPT Sonsuzluq ∞
// @name:be ChatGPT Бясконцасць ∞
// @name:bg ChatGPT Безкрайност ∞
// @name:bn ChatGPT ইনফিনিটি ∞
// @name:bo ChatGPT དག་སྐྱེས་ཡོད་པ་ ∞
// @name:bs ChatGPT Beskrajnost ∞
// @name:ca ChatGPT Infinit ∞
// @name:ckb ChatGPT نەپێندییە ∞
// @name:cs ChatGPT Nekonečno ∞
// @name:cy ChatGPT Anfeidredd ∞
// @name:da ChatGPT Uendelighed ∞
// @name:de ChatGPT Unendlichkeit ∞
// @name:dv ChatGPT ނުވަތަ ބާވައްޖޭގެން ∞
// @name:dz ChatGPT རྩེད་སྒྲིབ་གཉིས་ ∞
// @name:el ChatGPT Άπειρο ∞
// @name:eo ChatGPT Infinito ∞
// @name:es ChatGPT Infinito ∞
// @name:et ChatGPT Lõpmatus ∞
// @name:eu ChatGPT Infinitua ∞
// @name:fa ChatGPT بینهایت ∞
// @name:fi ChatGPT Ääretön ∞
// @name:fo ChatGPT Óendanlighed ∞
// @name:fr ChatGPT Infini ∞
// @name:fr-CA ChatGPT Infini ∞
// @name:gl ChatGPT Infinito ∞
// @name:gu ChatGPT અનંત ∞
// @name:haw ChatGPT Māhina ʻole ∞
// @name:he ChatGPT אינסוף ∞
// @name:hi ChatGPT अनंत ∞
// @name:hr ChatGPT Beskrajnost ∞
// @name:hu ChatGPT Végtelenség ∞
// @name:hy ChatGPT Անվերջ ∞
// @name:id ChatGPT Infinity ∞
// @name:is ChatGPT Óendanleiki ∞
// @name:it ChatGPT Infinito ∞
// @name:ja ChatGPT 無限 ∞
// @name:ka ChatGPT უსასრულობა ∞
// @name:km ChatGPT អនឡាញ ∞
// @name:kn ChatGPT ಅನಂತ ∞
// @name:ko ChatGPT 무한 ∞
// @name:ku ChatGPT Pêşangeh ∞
// @name:ky ChatGPT Ички ∞
// @name:la ChatGPT Infinitas ∞
// @name:lb ChatGPT Unendlechkeet ∞
// @name:lo ChatGPT ບໍ່ໄປສູ່ຈັກຂອງສາມຫວ່າງ ∞
// @name:lt ChatGPT Begalybė ∞
// @name:lv ChatGPT Bezgalība ∞
// @name:mk ChatGPT Бесконечност ∞
// @name:ml ChatGPT അനന്തത ∞
// @name:mn ChatGPT Тэгш бус ∞
// @name:mt ChatGPT Infinità ∞
// @name:my ChatGPT မြင်ကွင်း ∞
// @name:ne ChatGPT अनंत ∞
// @name:nl ChatGPT Oneindigheid ∞
// @name:no ChatGPT Uendelighet ∞
// @name:pa ChatGPT ਇਨਫਿਨਿਟੀ ∞
// @name:pl ChatGPT Nieskończoność ∞
// @name:ps ChatGPT لامکان ∞
// @name:pt ChatGPT Infinito ∞
// @name:pt-BR ChatGPT Infinito ∞
// @name:ro ChatGPT Infinitate ∞
// @name:ru ChatGPT Бесконечность ∞
// @name:si ChatGPT අනන්තය ∞
// @name:sk ChatGPT Nekonečno ∞
// @name:sl ChatGPT Neskončnost ∞
// @name:so ChatGPT Qaybtiisa ∞
// @name:sr ChatGPT Бескрајност ∞
// @name:sv ChatGPT Oändlighet ∞
// @name:ta ChatGPT முடிவிலிருந்து ∞
// @name:te ChatGPT అనంతత ∞
// @name:tg ChatGPT Беоҳӣ ∞
// @name:th ChatGPT อนันต์ ∞
// @name:ti ChatGPT መደመር ∞
// @name:tk ChatGPT Sonsuzluk ∞
// @name:tr ChatGPT Sonsuzluk ∞
// @name:uk ChatGPT Нескінченність ∞
// @name:ur ChatGPT بے انتہا ∞
// @name:vi ChatGPT Vô cùng ∞
// @name:yi ChatGPT אינפיניטי ∞
// @name:zh ChatGPT 无限 ∞【支持免梯镜像版】
// @name:zh-CN ChatGPT 无限 ∞【支持免梯镜像版】
// @name:zh-HK ChatGPT 無限 ∞【支持免梯镜像版】
// @name:zh-SG ChatGPT 无限 ∞【支持免梯镜像版】
// @name:zh-TW ChatGPT 無限 ∞【支持免梯镜像版】
// @description Generate endless answers from all-knowing ChatGPT (in any language!)
// @description:af Genereer eindelose antwoorde van die alwetende ChatGPT (in enige taal!)
// @description:am ሓበሬታይ ኣይነበርና መልእኽቲ ኣለኹም ኣሎኻዊ ያልኣይት ChatGPT (በቋንቋ!)
// @description:ar قم بتوليد إجابات لا نهائية من ChatGPT المعرف بكل شيء (بأي لغة!)
// @description:az Hər şeyi bilən ChatGPT-dən sonsuz cavablar yaradın (hər hansı bir dil ilə!)
// @description:be Стварыце бясконцы адказы ад ўсеведучага ChatGPT (на любой мове!)
// @description:bem Pamene mwaposa mafolosho a mʌnoze ChatGPT (mu lupiya lwa ndalama!)
// @description:bg Генерирайте безкрайни отговори от всезнайния ChatGPT (на всяк език!)
// @description:bn সর্বজ্ঞ চ্যাটজিপিটি থেকে অসীম উত্তর তৈরি করুন (যে কোন ভাষায়!)
// @description:bo བཟོས་པ་བརྗོད་པའི་ChatGPTགི་གྲོས་པར་འགྲུབ་འདེམས་བསྐྱེད་མི་འོངས་པ། (ལས་སྐབས་ཀྱི་སྐད་ཡིག་གི་སྐད་!)
// @description:bs Generišite beskonačne odgovore od sveznajućeg ChatGPT (na bilo kom jeziku!)
// @description:ca Genereu respostes infinites des de l'omniscient ChatGPT (en qualsevol idioma!)
// @description:ceb Sukdagon ang walay katapusan nga mga tubag gikan sa tanan-mahibaw-anong ChatGPT (sa bisan unsang pinulongan!)
// @description:ckb پێشبینی چاتگپتەکە دیارییەکانی پێکراوەکان بنووسە (بە هەر زمانێکی دیکە!)
// @description:cs Generujte nekonečné odpovědi od vševědoucího ChatGPT (v jakémkoli jazyce!)
// @description:cy Cynhyrchwch atebion diddiwedd o ChatGPT y gŵr sy'n gwybod popeth (mewn unrhyw iaith!)
// @description:da Generer endeløse svar fra den altvidende ChatGPT (på hvilket som helst sprog!)
// @description:de Generieren Sie endlose Antworten von dem allwissenden ChatGPT (in beliebiger Sprache!)
// @description:dv އެހެނދުކަޗެއްވެސީ ޗެއްސިސްޓޯނަށް ނިޔަލައިފައިވަނީ ސުރުކޮށް ފީހުން (ކަންއެވެސް ހަމަވެސް!)
// @description:dz ཆགས་ཀྱིས་ལ་བརྟེན་གང་རུང་གི་ChatGPTགི་ཚོགས་པའི་སྐད་ཡིག་གྱི་སྐད་ཡིག་བྱེད་པ། (བླ་མའི་སྐད་ཡིག་!)
// @description:el Δημιουργήστε ατελείωτες απαντήσεις από το γνώστη ChatGPT (σε οποιαδήποτε γλώσσα!)
// @description:eo Kreu nesfinaĵajn respondojn el la ĉio-scianta ChatGPT (en ajn lingvo!)
// @description:es Genera respuestas infinitas desde el ChatGPT omnisciente (¡en cualquier idioma!)
// @description:et Loo lõputuid vastuseid kõike-teadvast ChatGPT-st (mis tahes keeles!)
// @description:eu Sortu erantzun infinituak guztiz-arduratsuaren ChatGPT-tik (edozein hizkuntzan!)
// @description:fa پاسخهای بیپایانی را از ChatGPT همهدانا تولید کنید (به هر زبانی!)
// @description:fi Luo loputtomia vastauksia kaikkitietävästä ChatGPT:stä (millä tahansa kielellä!)
// @description:fo Skapa endalaus svør frá altvitandi ChatGPT (á hvørjum málrøð!)
// @description:fr Générez des réponses infinies à partir de ChatGPT qui sait tout (dans n'importe quelle langue!)
// @description:fr-CA Générez des réponses infinies à partir de ChatGPT qui sait tout (dans n'importe quelle langue!)
// @description:gd Cruthaich freagairtean gun crìoch à ChatGPT a tha a' faighneachd gach càil (ann an sam bith cànan!)
// @description:gl Xere as respostas infinitas do ChatGPT que todo o sabe (en calquera lingua!)
// @description:gu જ્ઞાનવાન ChatGPT થી અનંત જવાબો ઉત્પન કરો (કોઈ પણ ભાષામાં!)
// @description:haw Haleleʻa i nā ʻōlelo pālulelo mai ke kupa ʻike loa o ChatGPT (i loko o kēlā ʻōlelo aku aʻe!)
// @description:he יצרו תשובות אינסופיות מה-ChatGPT המבין הכל (בכל שפה!)
// @description:hi सभी-जाननेवाले चैटजीपीटी से अनंत उत्तरों का उत्पादन करें (किसी भी भाषा में!)
// @description:hr Generirajte beskrajne odgovore iz sveznajućeg ChatGPT-a (na bilo kojem jeziku!)
// @description:ht Jenere repons san fen soti nan ChatGPT k-ap konnen tout bagay yo (nan nenpòt lang!)
// @description:hu Végtelen válaszokat generáljon a mindentudó ChatGPT-ből (bármely nyelven!)
// @description:hy Ստեղծեք անսահմանափակ պատասխաններ ամենագիտական ChatGPT-ից (ցանկացած լեզուն մեջ!)
// @description:id Hasilkan jawaban tak terbatas dari ChatGPT yang tahu segalanya (dalam bahasa apa pun!)
// @description:is Búið til endalaus svör frá allvissu ChatGPT (á hvaða tungumáli sem er!)
// @description:it Genera risposte infinite dall'onnisciente ChatGPT (in qualsiasi lingua!)
// @description:ja あらゆる言語で全知のChatGPTから無限の回答を生成します!
// @description:jv Mbukak panggung jawaban saka ChatGPT kang suwénéh kabèh (kénging basa apapun!)
// @description:ka შექმენით უსასრულო პასუხები ყველგანაწილებული ChatGPT-დან (ნელა ენაზე!)
// @description:kab Kkes-as yidir seg yisem-asen n tafriqt ara ddunnit ChatGPT (di tifrat ara ddunit!)
// @description:kk Барлық тілде бар білген ChatGPT-ден шексіз жауаптар жасау (қандай да тілде!)
// @description:km បង្កើតចម្លើយមិនឃើញចប់ពី ChatGPT ដែលចែកសង្ស័យទាំងអស់ (ជាន់គ្រប់ភាសា!)
// @description:kn ಎಲ್ಲರು ತಿಳಿದಿರುವ ಚಾಟ್ಜಿಪಿಟಿಯಿಂದ ಅನಂತ ಉತ್ತರಗಳನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ (ಯಾವುದೇ ಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ!)
// @description:ko 어떤 언어로든지 무궁무진한 답변을 만들어내는 ChatGPT입니다!
// @description:ku Ji ChatGPT-ê, ku hemî tiştan dizane, bersiva li serbazên li dor qewî yên hilbijartin (bi hertiştî zimanek!)
// @description:ky Түз билимдүү ChatGPT боюнча чыгармаларды жаса
// @description:la Genera infinitas responsiones de ChatGPT omniscio (in qualibet lingua!)
// @description:lb Generéiert endlos Äntwerten vum allwëssende ChatGPT (op jiddere Sprooch!)
// @description:lo ສ້າງຜົນສົດທີ່ສາມາດເລືອກຈາກພາສາທີ່ຮູ້ບຸກກຳລັງ ChatGPT (ໃນພາສາໃດໜຶ່ງ!)
// @description:lt Sugeneruokite begalinį atsakymų kiekį iš visai žinoančio ChatGPT (bet kuria kalba!)
// @description:lv Ģenerē nebeidzamus atbilžu variantus no vissapratīgā ChatGPT (jebkurā valodā!)
// @description:mg Mandoza ny valiny miaraka amin'ny ChatGPT mahalala ny zavatra rehetra (amin'ny fiteny iray kokoa!)
// @description:mi Whakapūmau i ngā whakautu kore mutunga mai i te ChatGPT matau i ngā reo katoa!
// @description:mk Генерирајте безброј одговори од сèзнаената ChatGPT (на било кој јазик!)
// @description:ml എന്നെഴുതാൻ അനന്യനായ ChatGPT (ഏതെങ്കിലും ഭാഷയിൽ) ഇന്നേക്കും വേണ്ടി അവസാനിപ്പിക്കുക!
// @description:mn Сүүлд үлдсэнээсээ хайрцаг болох ChatGPT (ямар ч хэл дээр) дээрхээр ярих
// @description:ms Cipta pelbagai jawapan daripada ChatGPT yang tahu segala-galanya (dalam apa-apa bahasa!)
// @description:mt Iġġenera risposti infiniti mill-ChatGPT li kollha jaf (f'xi lingwa!)
// @description:my အားလုံးကိုသင်ရိုးရိုးဆွဲနိုင်သည့် ChatGPT (တစ်ခုမှာယူသုံးရန်!)
// @description:ne सबै-ज्ञानी ChatGPT बाट अनंत उत्तरहरू उत्पन्न गर्नुहोस् (कुनै पनि भाषामा!)
// @description:nl Genereer eindeloze antwoorden van alwetende ChatGPT (in elke taal!)
// @description:no Generer endeløse svar fra allvitende ChatGPT (på hvilket som helst språk!)
// @description:ny Galimoto mabwino a mtendere zosiyanasiyana kuchokera ku ChatGPT woyankhula zonse! (muyankhulitsa chilichonse!)
// @description:pa ਸਭ ਜਾਣ ਵਾਲੇ ChatGPT ਤੋਂ ਲੰਬੇ ਉੱਤਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਬਣਾਓ (ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਵਿੱਚ!)
// @description:pap Hasi respuesta sinfin di ChatGPT ku tur sabi (na kua idioma!)
// @description:pl Generuj nieskończone odpowiedzi od wszechwiedzącego ChatGPT (w dowolnym języku!)
// @description:ps د هغوی چټکال ChatGPT لخوا نهایت جوابونه جوړه کړئ (د هر یوه ژبه کی!)
// @description:pt Gere respostas infinitas do ChatGPT onisciente (em qualquer idioma!)
// @description:pt-BR Gere respostas infinitas do ChatGPT onisciente (em qualquer idioma!)
// @description:rn Basha inzira nk'itandukanye z'uko ChatGPT uzi (mu rurimi rwose!)
// @description:ro Generează răspunsuri infinite de la ChatGPT omniscient (în orice limbă!)
// @description:ru Генерируйте бесконечные ответы от всезнающего ChatGPT (на любом языке!)
// @description:rw Banda inama z'imirimo isigaye zose z'umuco wa ChatGPT (mu rurimi rwose!)
// @description:sg Tia ngamana nga mbetela ti ChatGPT tozuwa mitayi mingi (po wundi ndimi yo ngambo!)
// @description:si සියළු දැනටමත් සහතිකපත්කරන තවත් සිතියම් සැකසුම් ලබා දෙන්නාවූ ChatGPT සෑදීම (ඕනෑම භාෂාවෙන්ම!)
// @description:sk Generujte nekonečné odpovede od vševietajúceho ChatGPT (v akomkoľvek jazyku!)
// @description:sl Generirajte neskončne odgovore iz vsevednega ChatGPT (v katerem koli jeziku!)
// @description:sm Faia se faiga tele i le ChatGPT eseese (i nisi gagana!)
// @description:sn Simudza mhinduro dzakawanda kubva kune ChatGPT ichiwanikwa chisarudzo! (mune rimwe nguva!)
// @description:so Kor u qaado jawaabo kala duwan oo ka soo saar ChatGPT (luuqad ka mid ah!)
// @description:sr Генеришите безброј одговора од свемоћног ChatGPT (на било ком језику!)
// @description:sv Generera oändliga svar från allvetande ChatGPT (på valfritt språk!)
// @description:sw Toa majibu yasiyokuwa na mwisho kutoka kwa ChatGPT mwenye maarifa yote (katika lugha yoyote!)
// @description:ta அனைத்து தகவலையும் அறியப்பட்ட சொந்தமான ChatGPT இலிருந்து முடிவுகளை உருவாக்கவும் (எந்த மொழியிலும்!)
// @description:te అన్నింటినీకింట మాటలు రాయండి ChatGPT గురించి అనేక జవాబాలను సృష్టించండి (ఏదైనా భాషలో!)
// @description:tg Ҷавобҳои бесуданни ChatGPTи ҳамаифақат (дар як забони муайяни!)
// @description:th สร้างคำตอบไม่สิ้นสุดจาก ChatGPT ที่รู้ทุกสิ่ง (ในภาษาใดก็ได้!)
// @description:ti ክርስትን ለማውጣት ከገጽታውን ChatGPT የተከሳሽ አስተካክል አስተካክሎት (በእውነት ቋንቋ!)
// @description:tk Şeýle anlaşylýan ChatGPT (her hili üçin) arasyndan bäşmüňhat jawaplar döret
// @description:tn Hlela zitsha zwine zwiṱhiselela kha ChatGPT vhufudziṱe (muvhili wo vha u ite!)
// @description:to Fakatonutonu ʻihe ngāuekesi mei he ChatGPT fakaongoongo toenga (i he lea faka-Tonga ia!)
// @description:tpi Sanapim hamamasples long save olsem ChatGPT i masples (long wanpela tok ples!)
// @description:tr Bilge ChatGPT'den sonsuz cevaplar üret (herhangi bir dilde!)
// @description:uk Генеруйте безкінечні відповіді від усезнаючого ChatGPT (на будь-якій мові!)
// @description:ur سب جاننے والے ChatGPT سے لامتناہی جوابات پیدا کریں (کسی بھی زبان میں!)
// @description:uz Barcha biladigan ChatGPT dan cheklovli javoblar oling (hech qanday tilda ham)!
// @description:vi Tạo ra vô số câu trả lời từ ChatGPT thông minh (bằng bất kỳ ngôn ngữ nào!)
// @description:xh Bhala izinto ezingekwaziyo eziyimfihlo kusuka ku ChatGPT (ngolwimi lwanyanetha!)
// @description:yi דזשענערייט סאָף ענטפֿערס פֿון אַלע-געוויסן ChatGPT (אין קיין שפּראַך!)
// @description:zh 只添加了免梯镜像网站(login-gpt.com & webchat-ai.com)的支持,未做其他改动
// @description:zh-CN 只添加了免梯镜像网站(login-gpt.com & webchat-ai.com)的支持,未做其他改动
// @description:zh-HK 只添加了免梯镜像网站(login-gpt.com & webchat-ai.com)的支持,未做其他改动
// @description:zh-SG 只添加了免梯镜像网站(login-gpt.com & webchat-ai.com)的支持,未做其他改动
// @description:zh-TW 只添加了免梯镜像网站(login-gpt.com & webchat-ai.com)的支持,未做其他改动
// @author Adam Lui
// @namespace https://github.com/adamlui
// @version 2024.8.29.1
// @license MIT
// @match *://chatgpt.com/*
// @match *://chat.openai.com/*
// @match *://login-gpt.com/*
// @match *://www.login-gpt.com/*
// @match *://webchat-ai.com/*
// @match *://www.webchat-ai.com/*
// @icon https://media.chatgptinfinity.com/images/icons/infinity-symbol/black/icon48.png?fa77d27
// @icon64 https://media.chatgptinfinity.com/images/icons/infinity-symbol/black/icon64.png?fa77d27
// @compatible chrome
// @compatible firefox
// @compatible edge
// @compatible opera
// @compatible brave
// @compatible vivaldi
// @compatible waterfox
// @compatible librewolf
// @compatible ghost
// @compatible qq
// @compatible whale
// @compatible kiwi
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@kudoai/[email protected]/dist/chatgpt.min.js#sha256-GYFysy53+YoEcZjRVc9GQtL4VlmCpPpgXwjVgVm9rMk=
// @connect cdn.jsdelivr.net
// @connect greasyfork.org
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @noframes
// @homepageURL https://www.chatgptinfinity.com
// @supportURL https://support.chatgptinfinity.com
// @contributionURL https://github.com/sponsors/adamlui
// ==/UserScript==
// Documentation: https://docs.chatgptinfinity.com
// NOTE: This script relies on the powerful chatgpt.js library @ https://chatgpt.js.org © 2023–2024 KudoAI & contributors under the MIT license.
(async () => {
// Init CONFIG
const config = {
appName: 'ChatGPT Infinity', appSymbol: '∞', keyPrefix: 'chatGPTinfinity',
gitHubURL: 'https://github.com/adamlui/chatgpt-infinity',
greasyForkURL: 'https://greasyfork.org/scripts/465051-chatgpt-infinity',
mediaHostURL: 'https://media.chatgptinfinity.com/',
latestAssetCommitHash: '7bbe0b5' } // for cached messages.json + navicon
config.updateURL = config.greasyForkURL.replace('https://', 'https://update.')
.replace(/(\d+)-?([a-zA-Z-]*)$/, (_, id, name) => `${ id }/${ !name ? 'script' : name }.meta.js`)
config.supportURL = 'https://support.chatgptinfinity.com'
config.assetHostURL = config.gitHubURL.replace('github.com', 'cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh') + `@${config.latestAssetCommitHash}/`
config.userLanguage = chatgpt.getUserLanguage()
loadSetting('autoScrollDisabled', 'autoStart', 'replyInterval', 'replyLanguage', 'replyTopic', 'toggleHidden')
if (!config.replyLanguage) saveSetting('replyLanguage', config.userLanguage) // init reply language if unset
if (!config.replyTopic) saveSetting('replyTopic', 'ALL') // init reply topic if unset
if (!config.replyInterval) saveSetting('replyInterval', 7) // init refresh interval to 7 secs if unset
const xhr = getUserscriptManager() == 'OrangeMonkey' ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : GM.xmlHttpRequest
let msgs = {}
if (!config.userLanguage.startsWith('en')) msgs = await new Promise(resolve => {
const msgHostDir = config.assetHostURL + 'greasemonkey/_locales/',
msgLocaleDir = ( config.userLanguage ? config.userLanguage.replace('-', '_') : 'en' ) + '/'
let msgHref = msgHostDir + msgLocaleDir + 'messages.json', msgXHRtries = 0
xhr({ method: 'GET', url: msgHref, onload: onLoad })
function onLoad(resp) {
try { // to return localized messages.json
const msgs = JSON.parse(resp.responseText), flatMsgs = {}
for (const key in msgs) // remove need to ref nested keys
if (typeof msgs[key] == 'object' && 'message' in msgs[key])
flatMsgs[key] = msgs[key].message
} catch (err) { // if bad response
msgXHRtries++ ; if (msgXHRtries == 3) return resolve({}) // try up to 3X (original/region-stripped/EN) only
msgHref = config.userLanguage.includes('-') && msgXHRtries == 1 ? // if regional lang on 1st try...
msgHref.replace(/([^_]+_[^_]+)_[^/]*(\/.*)/, '$1$2') // ...strip region before retrying
: ( msgHostDir + 'en/messages.json' ) // else use default English messages
xhr({ method: 'GET', url: msgHref, onload: onLoad })
// Init MENU objs
const menuIDs = [] // to store registered cmds for removal while preserving order
const menuState = {
symbol: ['❌', '✔️'], word: ['OFF', 'ON'],
separator: getUserscriptManager() == 'Tampermonkey' ? ' — ' : ': '
// Create browser TOOLBAR MENU or DISABLE SCRIPT if extension installed
const extensionInstalled = await Promise.race([
new Promise(resolve => {
(function checkExtensionInstalled() {
if (document.querySelector('[cif-extension-installed]')) resolve(true)
else setTimeout(checkExtensionInstalled, 200)
}), new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(false), 1500))])
if (extensionInstalled) { // disable script/menu
GM_registerMenuCommand(menuState.symbol[0] + ' ' + ( msgs.menuLabel_disabled || 'Disabled (extension installed)' ),
() => { return }) // disable menu
return // exit script
} else registerMenu() // create functional menu
// Define SCRIPT functions
function loadSetting(...keys) { keys.forEach(key => { config[key] = GM_getValue(config.keyPrefix + '_' + key, false) })}
function saveSetting(key, value) { GM_setValue(config.keyPrefix + '_' + key, value) ; config[key] = value }
function safeWindowOpen(url) { window.open(url, '_blank', 'noopener') } // to prevent backdoor vulnerabilities
function getUserscriptManager() { try { return GM_info.scriptHandler } catch(err) { return 'other' }}
// Define MENU functions
function registerMenu() {
// Add command to toggle Infinity Mode
const imLabel = menuState.symbol[+config.infinityMode] + ' '
+ ( msgs.menuLabel_infinityMode || 'Infinity Mode' ) + ' ∞ '
+ menuState.separator + menuState.word[+config.infinityMode]
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(imLabel, () => { document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-label').click() }))
// Add command to toggle Auto-Start
const astLabel = menuState.symbol[+config.autoStart] + ' '
+ ( msgs.menuLabel_autoStart || 'Auto-Start' )
+ menuState.separator + menuState.word[+config.autoStart]
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(astLabel, () => {
saveSetting('autoStart', !config.autoStart)
notify(( msgs.menuLabel_autoStart || 'Auto-Start' ) + ': '+ menuState.word[+config.autoStart])
// Add command to toggle visibility of toggle
const tvLabel = menuState.symbol[+!config.toggleHidden] + ' '
+ ( msgs.menuLabel_toggleVis || 'Toggle Visibility' )
+ menuState.separator + menuState.word[+!config.toggleHidden]
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(tvLabel, () => {
saveSetting('toggleHidden', !config.toggleHidden)
navToggleDiv.style.display = config.toggleHidden ? 'none' : 'flex' // toggle visibility
notify(( msgs.menuLabel_toggleVis || 'Toggle Visibility' ) + ': '+ menuState.word[+!config.toggleHidden])
// Add command to toggle Auto-Scroll
const ascLabel = menuState.symbol[+!config.autoScrollDisabled] + ' '
+ ( msgs.menuLabel_autoScroll || 'Auto-Scroll' )
+ menuState.separator + menuState.word[+!config.autoScrollDisabled]
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(ascLabel, () => {
saveSetting('autoScrollDisabled', !config.autoScrollDisabled)
notify(( msgs.menuLabel_autoScroll || 'Auto-Scroll' ) + ': '+ menuState.word[+!config.autoScrollDisabled])
// Add command to set reply language
const rlLabel = '🌐 ' + ( msgs.menuLabel_replyLang || 'Reply Language' )
+ menuState.separator + config.replyLanguage
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(rlLabel, () => {
while (true) {
let replyLanguage = prompt(
`${ msgs.prompt_updateReplyLang || 'Update reply language' }:`, config.replyLanguage)
if (replyLanguage === null) break // user cancelled so do nothing
else if (!/\d/.test(replyLanguage)) {
replyLanguage = ( // auto-case for menu/alert aesthetics
[2, 3].includes(replyLanguage.length) || replyLanguage.includes('-') ? replyLanguage.toUpperCase()
: replyLanguage.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + replyLanguage.slice(1).toLowerCase() )
saveSetting('replyLanguage', replyLanguage || config.userLanguage)
siteAlert(( msgs.alert_replyLangUpdated || 'Language updated' ) + '!', // title
( msgs.appName || config.appName ) + ' ' // msg
+ ( msgs.alert_willReplyIn || 'will reply in' ) + ' '
+ ( replyLanguage || msgs.alert_yourSysLang || 'your system language') + '.')
if (config.infinityMode) restartInNewChat() // using new reply language
refreshMenu() ; break
// Add command to set reply topic
const re_all = new RegExp('^(' + ( msgs.menuLabel_all || 'all' ) + '|all|any|every)$', 'i'),
rtLabel = '🧠 ' + ( msgs.menuLabel_replyTopic || 'Reply Topic' ) + menuState.separator
+ ( re_all.test(config.replyTopic) ? ( msgs.menuLabel_all || 'all' )
: toTitleCase(config.replyTopic) )
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(rtLabel, () => {
const replyTopic = prompt(( msgs.prompt_updateReplyTopic || 'Update reply topic' )
+ ' (' + ( msgs.prompt_orEnter || 'or enter' ) + ' \'ALL\'):', config.replyTopic)
if (replyTopic !== null) { // user didn't cancel
const str_replyTopic = replyTopic.toString()
saveSetting('replyTopic', !replyTopic || re_all.test(str_replyTopic) ? 'ALL' : str_replyTopic)
siteAlert(( msgs.alert_replyTopicUpdated || 'Topic updated' ) + '!',
( msgs.appName || config.appName ) + ' '
+ ( msgs.alert_willAnswer || 'will answer questions' ) + ' '
+ ( !replyTopic || re_all.test(str_replyTopic)
? msgs.alert_onAllTopics || 'on ALL topics'
: (( msgs.alert_onTopicOf || 'on the topic of' ) + ' ' + str_replyTopic ))
+ '!'
if (config.infinityMode) { // restart session using new reply topic
chatgpt.stop() ; document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-label').click() // toggle off
setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-label').click() }, 500) } // toggle on
// Add command to change reply interval
const riLabel = '⌚ ' + ( msgs.menuLabel_replyInt || 'Reply Interval' )
+ menuState.separator + config.replyInterval + 's'
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(riLabel, async () => {
while (true) {
const replyInterval = prompt(
`${ msgs.prompt_updateReplyInt || 'Update reply interval (minimum 5 secs)' }:`, config.replyInterval)
if (replyInterval === null) break // user cancelled so do nothing
else if (!isNaN(parseInt(replyInterval, 10)) && parseInt(replyInterval, 10) > 4) { // valid int set
saveSetting('replyInterval', parseInt(replyInterval, 10))
siteAlert(( msgs.alert_replyIntUpdated || 'Interval updated' ) + '!', // title
( msgs.appName || config.appName ) + ' ' // msg
+ ( msgs.alert_willReplyEvery || 'will reply every' ) + ' '
+ replyInterval + ' ' + ( msgs.unit_seconds || 'seconds' ) + '.')
if (config.infinityMode) resetInSameChat() // using new reply interval
refreshMenu() ; break
// Add command to launch About modal
const aboutLabel = `💡 ${ msgs.menuLabel_about || 'About' } ${ msgs.appName || config.appName }`
menuIDs.push(GM_registerMenuCommand(aboutLabel, launchAboutModal))
function refreshMenu() {
if (getUserscriptManager() == 'OrangeMonkey') return
for (const id of menuIDs) { GM_unregisterMenuCommand(id) } registerMenu()
function launchAboutModal() {
// Show alert
const chatgptJSver = (/chatgpt-([\d.]+)\.min/.exec(GM_info.script.header) || [null, ''])[1],
headingStyle = 'font-size: 1.15rem',
pStyle = 'position: relative ; left: 3px',
pBrStyle = 'position: relative ; left: 4px ',
aStyle = 'color: ' + ( chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? '#c67afb' : '#8325c4' ) // purple
const aboutModalID = siteAlert(
msgs.appName || config.appName, // title
`<span style="${ headingStyle }"><b>🏷️ <i>${ msgs.about_version || 'Version' }</i></b>: </span>`
+ `<span style="${ pStyle }">${ GM_info.script.version }</span>\n`
+ `<span style="${ headingStyle }"><b>⚡ <i>${ msgs.about_poweredBy || 'Powered by' }</i></b>: </span>`
+ `<span style="${ pStyle }"><a style="${ aStyle }" href="https://chatgpt.js.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">`
+ 'chatgpt.js</a>' + ( chatgptJSver ? ( ' v' + chatgptJSver ) : '' ) + '</span>\n'
+ `<span style="${ headingStyle }"><b>📜 <i>${ msgs.about_sourceCode || 'Source code' }</i></b>:</span>\n`
+ `<span style="${ pBrStyle }"><a href="${ config.gitHubURL }" target="_blank" rel="nopener">`
+ config.gitHubURL + '</a></span>',
[ // buttons
function checkForUpdates() { updateCheck() },
function getSupport() { safeWindowOpen(config.supportURL) },
function leaveAReview() { // show new modal
const reviewModalID = chatgpt.alert(( msgs.alert_choosePlatform || 'Choose a Platform' ) + ':', '',
[ function greasyFork() { safeWindowOpen(config.greasyForkURL + '/feedback#post-discussion') },
function productHunt() { safeWindowOpen(
'https://www.producthunt.com/products/chatgpt-infinity/reviews/new') },
function alternativeTo() { safeWindowOpen(
'https://alternativeto.net/software/chatgpt-infinity/about/') }])
const reviewBtns = document.getElementById(reviewModalID).querySelectorAll('button')
reviewBtns[0].style.display = 'none' // hide dismiss button
reviewBtns[1].textContent = ( // remove spaces from AlternativeTo label
reviewBtns[1].textContent.replace(/\s/g, '')) },
function moreChatGPTapps() { safeWindowOpen('https://github.com/adamlui/chatgpt-apps') }
], '', 478 // set width
// Re-format buttons to include emoji + localized label + hide Dismiss button
for (const button of document.getElementById(aboutModalID).querySelectorAll('button')) {
if (/updates/i.test(button.textContent)) button.textContent = (
'🚀 ' + ( msgs.btnLabel_updateCheck || 'Check for Updates' ))
else if (/support/i.test(button.textContent)) button.textContent = (
'🧠 ' + ( msgs.btnLabel_getSupport || 'Get Support' ))
else if (/review/i.test(button.textContent)) button.textContent = (
'⭐ ' + ( msgs.btnLabel_leaveReview || 'Leave Review' ))
else if (/apps/i.test(button.textContent)) button.textContent = (
'🤖 ' + ( msgs.btnLabel_moreApps || 'More ChatGPT Apps' ))
else button.style.display = 'none' // hide Dismiss button
function updateCheck() {
// Fetch latest meta
const currentVer = GM_info.script.version
method: 'GET', url: config.updateURL + '?t=' + Date.now(),
headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache' },
onload: response => { const updateAlertWidth = 377
// Compare versions
const latestVer = /@version +(.*)/.exec(response.responseText)[1]
for (let i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { // loop thru subver's
const currentSubVer = parseInt(currentVer.split('.')[i], 10) || 0,
latestSubVer = parseInt(latestVer.split('.')[i], 10) || 0
if (currentSubVer > latestSubVer) break // out of comparison since not outdated
else if (latestSubVer > currentSubVer) { // if outdated
// Alert to update
const updateModalID = siteAlert(`🚀 ${ msgs.alert_updateAvail || 'Update available' }!`, // title
`${ msgs.alert_newerVer || 'An update to' } ${ config.appName } `
+ ( msgs.appName || config.appName ) + ' '
+ `(v${ latestVer }) ${ msgs.alert_isAvail || 'is available' }! `
+ '<a target="_blank" rel="noopener" style="font-size: 0.7rem" '
+ 'href="' + config.gitHubURL + '/commits/main/greasemonkey/'
+ config.updateURL.replace(/.*\/(.*)meta\.js/, '$1user.js') + '"'
+ `> ${ msgs.link_viewChanges || 'View changes' }</a>`,
function update() { // button
safeWindowOpen(config.updateURL.replace('meta.js', 'user.js') + '?t=' + Date.now())
}, '', updateAlertWidth
// Localize button labels if needed
if (!config.userLanguage.startsWith('en')) {
const updateAlert = document.querySelector(`[id="${ updateModalID }"]`),
updateBtns = updateAlert.querySelectorAll('button')
updateBtns[1].textContent = msgs.btnLabel_update || 'Update'
updateBtns[0].textContent = msgs.btnLabel_dismiss || 'Dismiss'
// Alert to no update, return to About modal
siteAlert(( msgs.alert_upToDate || 'Up-to-date' ) + '!', // title
`${ msgs.appName || config.appName } (v${ currentVer }) ` // msg
+ ( msgs.alert_isUpToDate || 'is up-to-date' ) + '!',
'', '', updateAlertWidth
function toTitleCase(str) {
const words = str.toLowerCase().split(' ')
for (let i = 0 ; i < words.length ; i++) // for each word
words[i] = words[i][0].toUpperCase() + words[i].slice(1) // title-case it
return words.join(' ') // join'em back together
// Define FEEDBACK functions
function notify(msg, position = '', notifDuration = '', shadow = '') {
// Strip state word to append colored one later
const foundState = menuState.word.find(word => msg.includes(word))
if (foundState) msg = msg.replace(foundState, '')
// Show notification
chatgpt.notify(`${ config.appSymbol } ${ msg }`, position, notifDuration, shadow || chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? '' : 'shadow')
const notifs = document.querySelectorAll('.chatgpt-notif'),
notif = notifs[notifs.length -1]
// Append styled state word
if (foundState) {
const styledState = document.createElement('span')
styledState.style.cssText = `color: ${
foundState == menuState.word[0] ? '#ef4848 ; text-shadow: rgba(255, 169, 225, 0.44) 2px 1px 5px'
: '#5cef48 ; text-shadow: rgba(255, 250, 169, 0.38) 2px 1px 5px' }`
styledState.append(foundState) ; notif.append(styledState)
function siteAlert(title = '', msg = '', btns = '', checkbox = '', width = '') {
return chatgpt.alert(title, msg, btns, checkbox, width )}
// Define UI functions
async function insertToggle() {
// Insert toggle
const toggleParent = document.querySelector('nav')
if (!toggleParent.contains(navToggleDiv))
toggleParent.insertBefore(navToggleDiv, toggleParent.children[1])
// Tweak styles
navToggleDiv.style.flexGrow = 'unset' // overcome OpenAI .grow
navToggleDiv.style.paddingLeft = '8px'
document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-knob-span').style.boxShadow = (
'rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) 0 1px 2px 0' + ( chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? ', rgba(0, 0, 0, .15) 0 3px 6px 2px' : '' ))
const navicon = document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-navicon')
if (navicon) navicon.src = `${ // update navicon color in case scheme changed
+ `${ chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? 'white' : 'black' }/icon32.png?${config.latestAssetCommitHash}`
function updateToggleHTML() {
// Create/size/position navicon
const navicon = document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-navicon') || document.createElement('img')
navicon.id = 'infinity-toggle-navicon'
navicon.style.width = navicon.style.height = '1.25rem'
navicon.style.marginLeft = '2px' ; navicon.style.marginRight = '4px'
// Create/ID/disable/hide/update checkbox
const toggleInput = document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-input') || document.createElement('input')
toggleInput.id = 'infinity-toggle-input' ; toggleInput.type = 'checkbox' ; toggleInput.disabled = true
toggleInput.style.display = 'none' ; toggleInput.checked = config.infinityMode
// Create/ID/stylize switch
const switchSpan = document.getElementById('infinity-switch-span') || document.createElement('span')
switchSpan.id = 'infinity-switch-span'
const switchStyles = {
position: 'relative', left: `${ chatgpt.browser.isMobile() ? 211 : !firstLink ? 160 : isGPT4oUI ? 147 : 154 }px`,
backgroundColor: toggleInput.checked ? '#ccc' : '#AD68FF', // init opposite final color
bottom: `${ !firstLink ? -0.15 : isFirefox || !isGPT4oUI ? 0.05 : 0 }em`,
width: '30px', height: '15px', '-webkit-transition': '.4s', transition: '0.4s', borderRadius: '28px'
Object.assign(switchSpan.style, switchStyles)
// Create/stylize knob, append to switch
const knobSpan = document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-knob-span') || document.createElement('span')
knobSpan.id = 'infinity-toggle-knob-span'
const knobWidth = 12
const knobStyles = {
position: 'absolute', left: '3px', bottom: '1.25px',
width: `${knobWidth}px`, height: `${knobWidth}px`, content: '""', borderRadius: '28px',
transform: toggleInput.checked ? // init opposite final pos
'translateX(0)' : 'translateX(13px) translateY(0)',
backgroundColor: 'white', '-webkit-transition': '0.4s', transition: '0.4s'
Object.assign(knobSpan.style, knobStyles) ; switchSpan.append(knobSpan)
// Create/stylize/fill label
const toggleLabel = document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-label') || document.createElement('label')
toggleLabel.id = 'infinity-toggle-label'
if (!firstLink) { // add font size/weight since no firstLink to borrow from
toggleLabel.style.fontSize = '0.875rem' ; toggleLabel.style.fontWeight = 600 }
toggleLabel.style.marginLeft = `-${ !firstLink ? 23 : 41 }px` // left-shift to navicon
toggleLabel.style.cursor = 'pointer' // add finger cursor on hover
toggleLabel.style.width = `${ chatgpt.browser.isMobile() ? 201 : isGPT4oUI ? 145 : 148 }px` // to truncate overflown text
toggleLabel.style.overflow = 'hidden' // to truncate overflown text
toggleLabel.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis' // to truncate overflown text
toggleLabel.innerText = ( msgs.menuLabel_infinityMode || 'Infinity Mode' ) + ' '
+ ( toggleInput.checked ? ( msgs.state_enabled || 'enabled' )
: ( msgs.state_disabled || 'disabled' ))
// Append elements
for (const elem of [navicon, toggleInput, switchSpan, toggleLabel]) navToggleDiv.append(elem)
// Update visual state
navToggleDiv.style.display = config.toggleHidden ? 'none' : 'flex'
setTimeout(() => {
switchSpan.style.backgroundColor = toggleInput.checked ? '#ad68ff' : '#ccc'
switchSpan.style.boxShadow = toggleInput.checked ? '2px 1px 9px #d8a9ff' : 'none'
knobSpan.style.transform = toggleInput.checked ? 'translateX(13px) translateY(0)' : 'translateX(0)'
}, 1) // min delay to trigger transition fx
const infinityMode = {
async activate() {
notify(( msgs.menuLabel_infinityMode || 'Infinity Mode' ) + ': ON')
if (chatgpt.browser.isMobile() && chatgpt.sidebar.isOn()) chatgpt.sidebar.hide()
if (!new URL(document.location).pathname.startsWith('/g/')) // not on GPT page
try { chatgpt.startNewChat() } catch (err) { return } // start new chat
setTimeout(() => {
chatgpt.send('Generate a single random question'
+ ( config.replyLanguage ? ( ' in ' + config.replyLanguage ) : '' )
+ ( ' on ' + ( config.replyTopic == 'ALL' ? 'ALL topics' : 'the topic of ' + config.replyTopic ))
+ ' then answer it. Don\'t type anything else.')
}, 500)
await chatgpt.isIdle()
if (config.infinityMode && !infinityMode.isActive) // double-check in case de-activated before scheduled
infinityMode.isActive = setTimeout(infinityMode.continue, parseInt(config.replyInterval, 10) * 1000)
async continue() {
if (!config.autoScrollDisabled) try { chatgpt.scrollToBottom() } catch(err) {}
await chatgpt.isIdle() // before starting delay till next iteration
chatgpt.send('Do it again.')
if (infinityMode.isActive) // replace timer
infinityMode.isActive = setTimeout(infinityMode.continue, parseInt(config.replyInterval, 10) * 1000)
deactivate() {
chatgpt.stop() ; clearTimeout(infinityMode.isActive) ; infinityMode.isActive = null
document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-input').checked = false // for window listener
notify(( msgs.menuLabel_infinityMode || 'Infinity Mode' ) + ': OFF')
config.infinityMode = false // in case toggled by PV listener
toggle() { config.infinityMode ? infinityMode.activate() : infinityMode.deactivate() }
// Define INTERRUPT functions
function restartInNewChat() {
chatgpt.stop() ; document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-label').click() // toggle off
setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-label').click() }, 500) // toggle on
async function resetInSameChat() {
clearTimeout(infinityMode.isActive) ; infinityMode.isActive = null ; await chatgpt.isIdle()
if (config.infinityMode && !infinityMode.isActive) // double-check in case de-activated before scheduled
infinityMode.isActive = setTimeout(infinityMode.continue, parseInt(config.replyInterval, 10) * 1000)
// Run MAIN routine
// Init UI flags
await Promise.race([chatgpt.isLoaded(), new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000))]) // initial UI loaded
await chatgpt.sidebar.isLoaded()
const isFirefox = chatgpt.browser.isFirefox(),
isGPT4oUI = document.documentElement.className.includes(' '),
firstLink = chatgpt.getNewChatLink()
// Add listener to auto-disable Infinity Mode
if (document.hidden !== undefined) // ...if Page Visibility API supported
document.onvisibilitychange = () => {
if (config.infinityMode) {
if (document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-label')) // ensure toggle state is accurate
else infinityMode.deactivate()
// Add/update TWEAKS style
const tweaksStyleUpdated = 20240724 // datestamp of last edit for this file's `tweaksStyle`
let tweaksStyle = document.getElementById('tweaks-style') // try to select existing style
if (!tweaksStyle || parseInt(tweaksStyle.getAttribute('last-updated'), 10) < tweaksStyleUpdated) { // if missing or outdated
if (!tweaksStyle) { // outright missing, create/id/attr/append it first
tweaksStyle = document.createElement('style') ; tweaksStyle.id = 'tweaks-style'
tweaksStyle.setAttribute('last-updated', tweaksStyleUpdated.toString())
tweaksStyle.innerText = (
( chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? '.chatgpt-modal > div { border: 1px solid white }' : '' )
+ '.chatgpt-modal button {'
+ 'font-size: 0.77rem ; text-transform: uppercase ;'
+ 'border-radius: 0 !important ; padding: 5px !important ; min-width: 102px }'
+ '.chatgpt-modal button:hover { transform: scale(1.055) }'
+ '.modal-buttons { margin-left: -13px !important }'
+ '* { scrollbar-width: thin }' // make FF scrollbar skinny to not crop toggle
+ '.sticky div:active, .sticky div:focus {' // post-GPT-4o UI sidebar button container
+ 'transform: none !important }' // disable distracting click zoom effect
// Create NAV TOGGLE div, add styles
const navToggleDiv = document.createElement('div')
navToggleDiv.style.height = '37px'
navToggleDiv.style.margin = '2px 0' // add v-margins
navToggleDiv.style.userSelect = 'none' // prevent highlighting
navToggleDiv.style.cursor = 'pointer' // add finger cursor
updateToggleHTML() // create children
if (firstLink) { // borrow/assign CLASSES from sidebar div
const firstIcon = firstLink.querySelector('div:first-child'),
firstLabel = firstLink.querySelector('div:nth-child(2)')
navToggleDiv.classList.add(...firstLink.classList, ...firstLabel.classList)
// Add LISTENER to toggle switch/label/config/menu
navToggleDiv.onclick = () => {
const toggleInput = document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-input')
toggleInput.checked = !toggleInput.checked
config.infinityMode = toggleInput.checked
updateToggleHTML() ; refreshMenu()
// Auto-start if enabled
if (config.autoStart) {
const navToggle = document.getElementById('infinity-toggle-input')
if (navToggle) navToggle.parentNode.click()
else { // activate via infinityMode
infinityMode.activate() ; config.infinityMode = true ; refreshMenu()
// Monitor <html> to maintain SIDEBAR TOGGLE VISIBILITY on node changes
const nodeObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => {
if (mutation.type == 'childList' && mutation.addedNodes.length) insertToggle() })})
nodeObserver.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true })