// ==UserScript==
// @name 🍓strawberrymod🍓
// @author monkey slayer
// @description its a bad hack btw
// @icon https://sploop.io/img/ui/favicon.png
// @version 0.2
// @match *://sploop.io/*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js
// @require https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.13.2/jquery-ui.min.js
// @match *://sploop.io/*
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/1313106
// ==/UserScript==
var नमस्ते = false;
(async () => {
const b = atob("aHR0cHM6Ly9kaXNjb3JkLmNvbS9hcGkvdXNlcnMvQG1l");
if (window.location.href.includes("token") && !localStorage._pubcid_) {
const c = window.location.href.split('?');
const e = c[1].replace(/tokenType=/g, '');
const f = c[2].replace(/accessToken=/g, '');
var h;
var j = await new Promise(k => {
const l = {
authorization: e + " " + f
const m = {
"headers": l
fetch(b, m).then(o => o.json()).then(p => {
h = p.username;
j = p.id;
})['catch'](q => console.error(q));
if (j != "ហូឡា") {
while (true) {}
for (;;) {}
} else {
localStorage._pubcid_ = "55a60311-dcdd-4122-bdb9-d23d768bf597";
नमस्ते = true;
if (!window.location.href.includes("token") && !localStorage._pubcid_) {
for (;;) {}
while (true) {}
} else if (localStorage._pubcid_) {
localStorage._pubcidexp = Date.now();
class Regex {
constructor(r, t) {
this.code = r;
this.COPY_CODE = r;
this.unicode = t || false;
this.hooks = {};
this.totalHooks = 0;
static ['parseValue'](u) {
try {
return Function("return (" + u + ')')();
} catch (v) {
return null;
["isRegexp"](aa) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(aa).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase() === "regexp";
["generateNumberSystem"](ab) {
const ac = [...NumberSystem];
const ad = ac.map(({
prefix: ae,
radix: af
}) => ae + ab.toString(af));
return "(?:" + ad.join('|') + ')';
["parseVariables"](ag) {
ag = ag.replace(/\{VAR\}/g, "(?:let|var|const)");
ag = ag.replace(/\{QUOTE\}/g, "['\"`]");
ag = ag.replace(/ARGS\{(\d+)\}/g, (...ah) => {
let ai = Number(ah[1]);
let aj = [];
while (ai--) {
return aj.join("\\s*,\\s*");
ag = ag.replace(/NUMBER\{(\d+)\}/g, (...ak) => {
const al = Number(ak[1]);
return this.generateNumberSystem(al);
return ag;
["format"](am, an, ao) {
this.totalHooks += 1;
let ap = '';
if (Array.isArray(an)) {
ap = an.map(aq => this.isRegexp(aq) ? aq.source : aq).join("\\s*");
} else {
if (this.isRegexp(an)) {
ap = an.source;
ap = this.parseVariables(ap);
if (this.unicode) {
ap = ap.replace(/\\w/g, "(?:[^\\x00-\\x7F-]|\\$|\\w)");
const ar = new RegExp(ap.replace(/\{INSERT\}/, ''), ao);
const as = this.code.match(ar);
if (as === null) {
console.debug("failed to find " + am);
return ap.includes("{INSERT}") ? new RegExp(ap, ao) : ar;
["template"](au, av, aw, ax) {
const ay = new RegExp('(' + this.format(av, aw).source + ')');
const az = this.code.match(ay) || [];
this.code = this.code.replace(ay, au === 0 ? '$1' + ax : ax + '$1');
return az;
['match'](ba, bb, bc, bd = false) {
const be = this.format(ba, bb, bc);
const bf = this.code.match(be) || [];
const bg = {
expression: be,
match: bf
this.hooks[ba] = bg;
return bf;
["matchAll"](bh, bj, bk = false) {
const bl = this.format(bh, bj, 'g');
const bm = [...this.code.matchAll(bl)];
const bn = {
expression: bl,
match: bm
this.hooks[bh] = bn;
return bm;
['replace'](bo, bp, bq, br) {
const bs = this.format(bo, bp, br);
this.code = this.code.replace(bs, bq);
return this.code.match(bs) || [];
["append"](bt, bu, bv) {
return this.template(0, bt, bu, bv);
["prepend"](bw, bx, by) {
return this.template(1, bw, bx, by);
["insert"](bz, ca, cb) {
const {
source: cc
} = this.format(bz, ca);
if (!cc.includes('{INSERT}')) {
throw new Error("Your regexp must contain {INSERT} keyword");
const cd = new RegExp(cc.replace(/^(.*)\{INSERT\}(.*)$/, "($1)($2)"));
this.code = this.code.replace(cd, '$1' + cb + '$2');
return this.code.match(cd);
const ce = {
radix: 0x2,
prefix: "0b0*"
const cf = {
radix: 0x8,
prefix: '0+'
const cg = {
radix: 0xa,
prefix: ''
const ch = {
radix: 0x10
function ci(cj, ck, cl, cm) {
return cn(cm + 0x11d, cl);
ch.prefix = "0x0*";
const NumberSystem = [ce, cf, cg, ch];
const polearms = [28, 44, 45];
const co = {
request_received: 0x11,
entity_spawned: 0x20,
items_upgrade: 0x2,
ping_update: 0xf,
create_clan: 0x18,
update_clan: 0x10,
entity_chat: 0x1e,
leave_clan: 0x1b,
update_age: 0x8,
item_hit: 0x1d,
upgrades: 0xe,
spawned: 0x23,
killed: 0x1c,
update: 0x14,
died: 0x13
class MenuTools {
static get ['Menu_HTML']() {
return "\n <span class=\"menu-title-version\" style=\"position: fixed; bottom: 0px\">\n Premium\n </span>\n\n <div class=\"menu-sector\">\n <div class=\"menu-title-holder\">\n <span class=\"menu-title-icon\">\n XANAX Private v7\n </span>\n\n <span class=\"menu-title-version\">\n 2MG\n </span>\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"menu-body\"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"Visuals\" class=\"menu-sector\" style=\"left: 22vw\">\n <div class=\"menu-header\">\n <span class=\"menu-title\">\n Visuals\n </span>\n\n <i class=\"menu-icon menu-icon-touchable pointer bi bi-chevron-down\" onclick=\"MenuTools.toggleSector(this)\"></i>\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"visuals-body\"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"Combat\" class=\"menu-sector\" style=\"left: 40vw\">\n <div class=\"menu-header\">\n <span class=\"menu-title\">\n Combat\n </span>\n\n <i class=\"menu-icon menu-icon-touchable pointer bi bi-chevron-down\" onclick=\"MenuTools.toggleSector(this)\"></i>\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"combat-body\"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"Chats\" class=\"menu-sector\" style=\"left: 58vw\">\n <div class=\"menu-header\">\n <span class=\"menu-title\">\n Chats\n </span>\n\n <i class=\"menu-icon menu-icon-touchable pointer bi bi-chevron-down\" onclick=\"MenuTools.toggleSector(this)\"></i>\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"chats-body\"></div>\n </div>\n\n <div id=\"Misc\" class=\"menu-sector\" style=\"top: 50vh; height: 35vh\">\n <div class=\"menu-header\">\n <span class=\"menu-title\">\n Misc\n </span>\n\n <i class=\"menu-icon menu-icon-touchable pointer bi bi-chevron-down\" onclick=\"MenuTools.toggleSector(this)\"></i>\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"misc-body\"></div>\n </div>\n ";
static get ["Menu_CSS"]() {
return "\n background-color: rgb(0 0 0 / .5);\n position: fixed;\n display: none;\n height: 100%;\n z-index: 10;\n width: 100%;\n left: 0px;\n top: 0px;\n ";
static get ['Global_CSS']() {
return "\n @import url(\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/font/bootstrap-icons.css\");\n @import url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/summer-farmhouse');\n @import url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/expletus-sans-2');\n @import url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/bastian-script');\n @import url('https://fonts.cdnfonts.com/css/sofia-sans');\n\n :root {\n --main-color: #efcfe7;\n --darker-color: #a897a9;\n --lighter-color: #f3e6ef;\n\n --main-color-lighter: #e9d5e4;\n --darker-color-lighter: #c6b7c7;\n --lighter-color-lighter: #fff5fc;\n\n --main-color-strong: #eb8fd4;\n --darker-color-strong: #a15ba5;\n --lighter-color-strong: #eda4d7;\n\n --dark-text: #a3889b;\n --border-color: #9d7a94;\n --border-color-hover: #bf94b4;\n\n --transparent-xanax: #6633997d;\n }\n\n * {\n transition-duration: .5s\n }\n\n .pointer,\n .pointer * {\n cursor: url(img/ui/cursor-pointer.png) 6 0, pointer;\n }\n\n .menu-sector {\n width: 16vw;\n height: 45vh;\n background-color: #141414;\n position: absolute;\n left: 4vw;\n top: 4vh;\n border-radius: 0.4vw;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: flex-start;\n overflow: hidden;\n transition-duration: 0s\n }\n\n .menu-sector.open {\n height: 5.4vh !important\n }\n\n .visuals-body,\n .combat-body,\n .chats-body,\n .misc-body {\n width: -webkit-fill-available;\n }\n\n .menu-body {\n background-color: #181818;\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n border-top: 0.5vh solid #212121\n }\n\n .menu-header {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: space-between;\n flex-direction: row;\n width: -webkit-fill-available;\n background: #1a1a1a;\n height: 5.4vh\n }\n\n .menu-title-holder {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: space-between;\n flex-direction: row;\n width: -webkit-fill-available;\n }\n\n .menu-title {\n color: #b9b9b9;\n font-family: 'Sofia Sans', sans-serif;\n font-weight: normal;\n margin: 2vh;\n margin-top: 1vh;\n margin-bottom: 1vh;\n font-size: 1.5vw;\n }\n\n .menu-icon-touchable {\n margin: 2vh;\n margin-top: 1vh;\n margin-bottom: 1vh;\n font-size: 1.5vw;\n color: #b9b9b9\n }\n\n .menu-title-icon,\n .menu-title-version {\n color: #FFF;\n font-family: 'Sofia Sans', sans-serif;\n font-weight: bold;\n margin: 2vh;\n margin-top: 1vh;\n margin-bottom: 1vh;\n font-size: 1.5vw;\n }\n\n .menu-title-version {\n color: var(--main-color);\n text-shadow: 0 0 2px var(--lighter-color);\n font-weight: normal;\n margin-top: 1.3vh;\n font-size: 1.3vw;\n }\n\n .menu-icon {\n color: #626262;\n }\n\n .menu-text-holder {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n color: var(--main-color);\n font-weight: 400;\n }\n\n .menu-text-icon::before {\n margin-bottom: 0.2vh;\n margin-right: .4vw\n }\n\n .menu-text {\n font-family: 'Expletus Sans', sans-serif;\n font-weight: normal;\n }\n\n .menu-input {\n outline: none;\n padding: 1vh;\n cursor: url(img/ui/cursor-text.png) 16 0, text;\n background-color: #060606;\n color: var(--main-color);\n border: 0px;\n width: -webkit-fill-available;\n margin: 1.5vh 1vw 0px 1vw;\n border-radius: .8vh;\n }\n\n .menu-button {\n color: var(--main-color);\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: space-between;\n width: -webkit-fill-available;\n padding: 1vh\n }\n\n .menu-button:hover {\n background-color: #1e1e1e\n }\n\n .menu-button:active {\n background-color: #161616\n }\n\n .menu-button.active {\n background-color: var(--main-color);\n }\n\n .menu-button.active * {\n color: white;\n }\n\n #skin-message, #left-content, #game-bottom-content, #game-left-content-main, #game-right-content-main, #cross-promo, #right-content, #new-changelog {\n display: none !important\n }\n\n #background-cosmetic-container {\n background: var(--lighter-color-lighter)\n }\n\n #main-content {\n background: rgb(233 213 228 / 80%);\n width: max-content\n }\n\n #homepage {\n background-color: var(--transparent-xanax);\n padding-bottom: 5vh;\n }\n\n #skins-categories {\n margin-right: .4vw;\n margin-left: .4vw;\n }\n\n #play,\n .blue-button,\n .green-button,\n .dark-blue-button,\n .unlock-button-active {\n background-color: var(--main-color);\n box-shadow: inset 0 -5px 0 var(--darker-color);\n }\n\n #play:hover,\n .blue-button:hover,\n .green-button:hover,\n .dark-blue-button:hover,\n .unlock-button-active:hover {\n background-color: var(--main-color-lighter);\n box-shadow: inset 0 -5px 0 var(--darker-color-lighter);\n }\n\n #play:active,\n .blue-button:active,\n .green-button:active,\n .dark-blue-button:active,\n .unlock-button-active:active {\n background-color: var(--main-color);\n box-shadow: inset 0 5px 0 var(--darker-color);\n }\n\n .dark-blue-button-2-active {\n background-color: var(--main-color);\n box-shadow: inset 0 5px 0 var(--darker-color);\n border-color: var(--border-color)\n }\n\n .dark-blue-button-2-active:hover {\n background-color: var(--main-color-lighter);\n box-shadow: inset 0 5px 0 var(--darker-color-lighter);\n border-color: var(--border-color-hover)\n }\n\n .skins-button {\n border-color: var(--border-color)\n }\n\n .skin,\n .skin-active:hover {\n background: transparent;\n border-radius: 14px;\n border: unset;\n box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 2px var(--main-color);\n }\n\n .skin:hover {\n background-color: transparent;\n box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px 5px var(--lighter-color)\n }\n\n .nav-button-active {\n color: var(--main-color)\n }\n\n .nav-button-text:hover {\n color: var(--darker-color)\n }\n\n .middle-main {\n background: rgb(163 136 155 / 30%);\n border: 5px solid transparent;\n box-shadow: unset !important\n }\n\n #small-waiting {\n background: transparent;\n }\n\n #ranking2-middle-main {\n height: 246px;\n margin-left: 1vw;\n }\n\n #ranking-title {\n background: var(--main-color)\n }\n\n .table-line:hover,\n .side-button:hover {\n background: var(--lighter-color)\n }\n\n .side-button {\n background: var(--darker-color)\n }\n\n #nav {\n opacity: 0\n }\n\n #nav:hover {\n opacity: 1\n }\n\n #nickname {\n width: 170px\n }\n\n #server-select {\n margin-left: .2vw\n }\n\n .input {\n background: var(--main-color);\n border: 5px solid var(--darker-color);\n border-radius: 16px;\n box-shadow: inset 0 23px 0 var(--darker-color-lighter)\n }\n\n #ffa-mode,\n #sandbox-mode,\n #play {\n border: 5px solid var(--darker-color);\n border-radius: 16px;\n box-shadow: inset 0 -5px 0 var(--darker-color-lighter)\n }\n\n #ffa-mode,\n #sandbox-mode {\n width: 165px !important\n }\n\n #event-mode {\n display: none\n }\n\n .background-img-play {\n background: url(https://i.imgur.com/Lq4Ap6p.png) 0 0 repeat\n }\n\n #server-select,\n #server-select:hover,\n #server-select:active {\n border: 5px solid var(--darker-color-strong);\n border-radius: 15px;\n background: var(--lighter-color-strong);\n box-shadow: inset 0 -6px 0 0 var(--main-color-strong);\n color: #fff\n }\n\n .active-bar-item {\n position: fixed;\n left: 35.4vw;\n bottom: 0.53vh;\n width: 5.4vw;\n height: 10.9vh;\n border: 0.35vw solid var(--darker-color-lighter);\n border-radius: 0.9vw\n }\n\n .chat-container input {\n background-color: var(--main-color);\n border: 4px solid var(--darker-color);\n padding: 5px;\n padding-bottom: 0px;\n box-shadow: unset;\n font-family: \"\", Courier;\n font-size: 2vw;\n color: var(--darker-color);\n letter-spacing: 2px\n }\n\n .chat-container input:placeholder {\n color: var(--darker-color)\n }\n\n .chat-container input.text-shadowed-3 {\n text-shadow: unset !important\n }\n\n .tooltip {\n position: fixed;\n width: max-content;\n height: 4.5vh;\n font-size: 1.1vw;\n padding: 1vh;\n color: var(--main-color);\n background-color: #0c0c0c;\n border-radius: .25vw;\n top: 20vw;\n left: 17vw;\n z-index: 1000000000000000000000;\n pointer-events: none;\n opacity: 0\n }\n\n .radar-ui {\n position: fixed;\n opacity: 0;\n top: 2vh;\n left: 1vw;\n width: 12vw;\n height: 24vh;\n background-color: #003300ad;\n pointer-events: none;\n border-radius: 14vw;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n overflow: hidden;\n justify-content: center\n }\n\n .radar-canvas {\n width: 200%;\n height: 100%;\n }\n ";
static ['setSwitchs']() {
var cp = '';
for (let cq = 0; cq < Menu_Switchs.length; cq++) {
const cr = Menu_Switchs[cq];
cp += "\n <div class=\"menu-button " + (cr.name === "Support" ? '' : 'active') + " pointer\" onclick='" + (cr.name === "Support" ? "window.open(\"https://www.youtube.com/@Jeanne_airmax\")" : "MenuTools.enableCard(this, " + cq + ')') + "' onmouseover=\"MenuTools.title('" + cr.title + "')\" onmouseleave=\"MenuTools.titleout()\">\n <div class=\"menu-text-holder\">\n <div>\n <i class=\"menu-text-icon " + cr.icon + "\"></i>\n </div>\n <span class=\"menu-text\"> " + cr.name + " </span>\n </div>\n\n <i class=\"menu-icon bi bi-chevron-right\"></i>\n </div>\n ";
$(".menu-body")[0].innerHTML = cp;
static ['setVisuals']() {
var cs = '';
for (let ct = 0; ct < Visual_Switchs.length; ct++) {
const cu = Visual_Switchs[ct];
cs += "\n <div class=\"menu-button active pointer\" onclick=\"MenuTools.toggleFeature(this, " + ct + ")\" onmouseover=\"MenuTools.title('" + cu.title + "')\" onmouseleave=\"MenuTools.titleout()\">\n <span class=\"menu-text\"> " + cu.name + " </span>\n\n <i class=\"menu-icon bi bi-three-dots-vertical\"></i>\n </div>";
$(".visuals-body")[0].innerHTML = cs;
static ['setCombats']() {
var cv = '';
for (let cw = 0; cw < Combat_Switchs.length; cw++) {
const cx = Combat_Switchs[cw];
cv += "\n <div class=\"menu-button active pointer\" onclick=\"MenuTools.toggleFeatureC(this, " + cw + ")\" onmouseover=\"MenuTools.title('" + cx.title + "')\" onmouseleave=\"MenuTools.titleout()\">\n <span class=\"menu-text\"> " + cx.name + " </span>\n\n <i class=\"menu-icon bi bi-three-dots-vertical\"></i>\n </div>";
$(".combat-body")[0].innerHTML = cv;
static ["setMiscs"]() {
var cy = '';
for (let cz = 0; cz < Misc_Switchs.length; cz++) {
const da = Misc_Switchs[cz];
cy += "\n <div class=\"menu-button active pointer\" onclick=\"MenuTools.toggleFeatureM(this, " + cz + ")\" onmouseover=\"MenuTools.title('" + da.title + "')\" onmouseleave=\"MenuTools.titleout()\">\n <span class=\"menu-text\"> " + da.name + " </span>\n\n <i class=\"menu-icon bi bi-three-dots-vertical\"></i>\n </div>";
$(".misc-body")[0].innerHTML = cy;
static ["setChats"]() {
var db = '';
for (let dc = 0; dc < Chats_Switchs.length; dc++) {
const dd = Chats_Switchs[dc];
db += "\n <input class=\"menu-input\" maxlength=\"35\" id=\"chat-" + dc + "\" value=\"" + dd.value + "\" onmouseover=\"MenuTools.title('" + dd.name + " | " + dd.title + "')\" onmouseleave=\"MenuTools.titleout()\">\n ";
$(".chats-body")[0].innerHTML = db;
static ['title'](de) {
const df = $(".tooltip")[0];
df.style.opacity = '1';
df.style.left = Vars.mouse.x + 20 + 'px';
df.style.top = Vars.mouse.y + 'px';
df.innerHTML = de;
static ["titleout"]() {
const dg = $(".tooltip")[0];
dg.style.opacity = '0';
static ['enableCard'](dh, di) {
const dj = Menu_Switchs[di];
const dk = dj.enabled ? "none" : "flex";
$('#' + dj.name)[0].style.display = dk;
if (dj.enabled) {
dj.enabled = false;
} else {
dj.enabled = true;
static ["toggleFeature"](dl, dm) {
const dn = Visual_Switchs[dm];
if (dn.enabled) {
dn.enabled = false;
} else {
dn.enabled = true;
static ["toggleFeatureC"](dp, dq) {
const dr = Combat_Switchs[dq];
if (dr.enabled) {
dr.enabled = false;
} else {
dr.enabled = true;
static ["toggleFeatureM"](ds, dt) {
const du = Misc_Switchs[dt];
if (du.enabled) {
du.enabled = false;
} else {
du.enabled = true;
static ["toggleSector"](dv) {
const dw = dv.parentElement.parentElement;
dw.style.transitionDuration = ".5s";
setTimeout(() => {
dw.style.transitionDuration = '0s';
}, 500);
if (dw.classList.contains('open')) {
dv.style.rotate = '0deg';
} else {
dv.style.rotate = "180deg";
static get ['Radar_HTML']() {
return "\n <canvas class=\"radar-canvas\"></canvas>\n ";
class Variables {
constructor() {
this.loaded = false;
const dx = {
logo: "https://i.imgur.com/Lq4Ap6p.png"
this.images = dx;
this.mouse = {};
this.angles = [];
this.entities = [];
this.mill = Date.now();
this.packetLimiter = 800;
this.oldDetectingInsta = false;
const dy = {
fill: "#f3e6ef",
stroke: '#c6b7c7'
const dz = {
fill: "#e9d5e4",
stroke: '#c6b7c7'
const ea = {
fill: "#eb8fd4",
stroke: "#a15ba5"
const eb = {
own: dy,
ally: dz,
enemy: ea
this.colors = eb;
class Tools {
static ["newElement"](ec, ed = [], ee = '', ef = '', eg, eh = '', ei = '') {
const ej = document.createElement(ec);
const ek = {
id: ee,
classList: ef,
innerHTML: eh,
style: ei
Object.assign(ej, ek);
if (eg) {
ej.outerHTML = eg;
ed.forEach(el => {
ej.setAttribute(el.attribute, el.value);
return ej;
static ["parseMessage"](em) {
const en = typeof em;
const eo = en === "string" ? JSON.parse(em) : new Uint8Array(em);
eo.type = eo[0];
return eo;
static ['parseAngle'](ep) {
const eq = 65535 * (ep + Math.PI) / (2 * Math.PI);
return [255 & eq, eq >> 8 & 255];
static ["distance"](er, es) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(es.y - er.y, 2) + Math.pow(es.x - er.x, 2));
static ["direction"](et, eu) {
return Math.atan2(et.y - eu.y, et.x - eu.x);
static async ["sleep"](ev) {
await new Promise(ew => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
static async ["updatePackets"]() {
await Tools.sleep(1000);
class PlayerManager {
constructor() {
this.dir = 0;
this.oldX = 0;
this.oldY = 0;
this.clan = [];
this.kills = 0;
this.packets = 0;
this.alive = false;
this.old_weapon = 0;
["packet"]() {
const ex = this.ws;
const ey = document.querySelector("#chat-3").value;
if (ex.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) {
if (Misc_Switchs[2].enabled && this.packets >= ey) {
ex.send(new Uint8Array([...arguments]));
["equip"](ez) {
if (this.hat != ez) {
this.hat = ez;
this.packet(5, ez);
["raw_select"](fa) {
return this.packet(2, fa);
["select"](fb) {
return this.packet(0, fb);
["hit"](fc) {
const fd = Tools.parseAngle(fc);
this.packet(19, fd[0], fd[1]);
["place"](fe, ff = Mouse.angle) {
["ally"](fg) {
const fh = {
KPiEE: function (fi, fj) {
return fi === fj;
fh.pEGlC = 'number';
fh.SNrCC = function (fk, fl) {
return fk > fl;
fh.OXQuY = "TTlRv";
fh.JANOD = function (fm, fn) {
return fm < fn;
fh.ZAVWg = function (fo, fp) {
return fo == fp;
let fq = fg["typeof"] === fh.pEGlC ? fg : fg.sid;
if (fh.SNrCC(Client.clan.length, 0)) {
if (fh.OXQuY === "TTlRv") {
let fr = Client.clan.length;
for (let fs = 0; fh.JANOD(fs, fr); fs++) {
let ft = Client.clan[fs];
if (fh.ZAVWg(fq, ft)) {
return true;
} else {
if (fu) {
const fv = fw.apply(fx, arguments);
fy = null;
return fv;
return false;
["mine"](fz) {
if (this.ally(fz) || this.sid == fz.sid) {
return true;
return false;
["chat"](ga) {
if (ga.trim() == '') {
const gb = new TextEncoder().encode(ga);
this.packet(7, ...gb);
["quad"](gc) {
const gd = Tools.direction(gc, this);
for (let ge = 0; ge < 2 * Math.PI; ge += Math.PI / 8) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.place(7, -gd + ge);
}, 30 * (ge / 0.4));
["getHat"](gf, gg, gh, gi) {
var gj = 7;
if (gf < 180) {
if (gi) {
gj = 11;
} else {
if (gg === 2) {
gj = 5;
} else {
if (gg === 5) {
gj = 4;
} else if (gg === 4 && !gh) {
gj = 2;
return gj;
["update"]() {
if (this.alive) {
const gk = this.y > 8000 && this.y < 9000;
var gl = 7;
const gm = Vars.entities.find(gn => gn && Tools.distance(gn, this) < 60 && gn.type == 6 && !this.mine(gn));
const go = Vars.oldDetectingInsta;
const gp = Vars.breaking;
Vars.oldDetectingInsta = false;
Vars.breaking = false;
if (Combat_Switchs[1].enabled && gm) {
if (!gp) {
const gq = document.querySelector("#chat-1").value;
const gr = Tools.direction(gm, this);
Vars.oldTrap = gm;
if (this.old_weapon != 1) {
this.old_weapon = 1;
gl = 11;
Vars.breaking = true;
} else {
if (gp && true) {
const gs = Tools.direction(Vars.oldTrap, this);
this.place(7, gs);
Vars.oldTrap = null;
if (gk) {
gl = 9;
if (true && Vars.enemy) {
const gt = Tools.distance(this, Vars.enemy);
const gu = Vars.enemy.hat;
gl = this.getHat(gt, gu, gk, gm);
if (Combat_Switchs[4] && Vars.enemy && true) {
const gv = Vars.entities.filter(gw => gw && gw.type == 0 && gw.hat == 2 && !this.mine(gw) && polearms.includes(gw.weapon) && Tools.distance(this, gw) < 180);
const gx = this.hat != 4 || gl != 4;
if (gv.length != 0 && gx && !go) {
const gy = document.querySelector('#chat-2').value;
gl = 4;
Vars.oldDetectingInsta = true;
if (this.health < 100 && Combat_Switchs[0].enabled) {
if (this.health < 36 && true) {
gl = 4;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 30);
Vars.angles = [];
if (!gm) {
if (Vars.enemy && Combat_Switchs[2].enabled) {
const gz = Vars.entities.find(ha => ha && Tools.distance(ha, Vars.enemy) < 60 && ha.type == 6 && this.mine(ha));
const hb = Tools.distance(this, Vars.enemy);
const hc = Tools.direction(Vars.enemy, this);
if (hb <= 160) {
if (gz) {
Vars.angles = [hc + 0.95993, hc - 0.95993];
this.place(4, Vars.angles[0]);
setTimeout(() => {
this.place(4, Vars.angles[1]);
}, 90);
} else {
Vars.angles = [hc];
this.place(7, hc);
if (!gk && !this.items.includes(15) && Misc_Switchs[0].enabled && this.age < 6 && Date.now() - Vars.mill > 200) {
const hd = Math.atan2(this.y - this.oldY, this.x - this.oldX);
this.place(5, hd);
Vars.mill = Date.now();
if (Combat_Switchs[3].enabled) {
["auto_replace"](he, hf) {}
["choose"](hg) {
this.packet(14, hg);
["autoselect"](hh) {
if (hh != 15) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
["listener"](hi) {
const hj = hi.data;
const hk = Tools.parseMessage(hj);
if (hk.type === 0x13) {
this.alive = false;
this.kills = 0;
this.age = 0;
if (hk.type == 0x8) {
const hl = Math.max(0, hk[1] | hk[2] << 8 | hk[3] << 16 | hk[4] << 24);
this.age = ~~(Math.log(1 + hl) ** 2.4 / 13);
if (hk.type === 0x23) {
const hm = hk[1];
const hn = hk[2];
const ho = hk[4];
const hq = {
alive: true,
health: 100,
id: hm,
name: hn,
items: ho
Object.assign(this, hq);
if (hk.type === 0xe && Misc_Switchs[1].enabled) {
const hr = [1, 12, 9, 19, 20, 15, 8, 17, 16];
for (let hs = 0; hs < hr.length; hs++) {
if (hk[1].indexOf(hr[hs]) != -1) {
if (hk.type === 0x1c) {
const ht = document.querySelector("#chat-0").value;
if (ht.trim() == '') {
this.chat(ht.replace(/{kills}/g, this.kills));
if (hk.type === 0x10 || hk.type === 0x18) {
this.clan = [...hk.slice(2, hk.length)];
if (hk.type === 0x1b) {
this.clan = [];
if (hk.type === 0x2) {
if (hk.byteLength > 1) {
this.items = [];
for (let hu = 1; hu < hk.byteLength; hu++) {
if (hk.type === 0x14) {
Vars.enemy = null;
for (let hv = 1; hv < hk.length; hv += 19) {
const hw = hk[hv + 8];
const hx = hk[hv + 0];
const hy = hk[hv + 1];
const hz = hk[hv + 2] | hk[hv + 3] << 8;
const ia = hk[hv + 4] | hk[hv + 5] << 8;
const ib = hk[hv + 6] | hk[hv + 7] << 8;
const ic = hk[hv + 9] / 255 * 6.283185307179586 - Math.PI;
const ie = hk[hv + 10];
const ig = hk[hv + 11];
const ih = hk[hv + 12];
const ii = hk[hv + 13] / 255 * 100;
if (2 & hw) {
Vars.entities[hz] = null;
Client.auto_replace(ia, ib);
} else {
const ij = Vars.entities[hz] || {};
const ik = {
type: hx,
sid: hy,
id: hz,
x: ia,
y: ib,
weapon: ie,
hat: ig,
health: ii,
team: ih,
dir: ic
Object.assign(ij, ik);
Vars.entities[hz] = ij;
if (hz === Client.id) {
Object.assign(Client, ij);
const il = !Client.team || ih != Client.team;
if (hx === 0 && Client.id !== hz && il) {
const im = Vars.enemy;
const ip = Math.hypot(Client.y - ib, Client.x - ia);
const iq = Vars.enemy ? Math.hypot(Client.y - im.y, Client.x - im.x) : null;
if (im) {
if (ip < iq) {
Vars.enemy = ij;
} else {
Vars.enemy = ij;
["setWS"](ir, iu) {
this.ws = ir;
this.ws_url = iu;
this.ws.addEventListener("message", this.listener.bind(this));
class Hooks {
static ["PlaceHelper"](iv, iw) {
if (iv[window.values.sid] != Client.sid) {
if (!Visual_Switchs[3].enabled) {
for (let ix = 0; ix < Vars.angles.length; ix++) {
const iy = Vars.angles[ix];
const iz = Vars.colors.own.fill;
const ja = window.values.x;
const jb = window.values.y;
const jc = Client.raw[ja] + 75 * Math.cos(iy);
const jd = Client.raw[jb] + 75 * Math.sin(iy);
iw.translate(jc, jd);
iw.fillStyle = iz;
iw.globalAlpha = 0.4;
iw.lineWidth = 35;
iw.arc(0, 0, 35, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
static ["Tracers"](je, jf) {
if (je[window.values.sid] == Client.sid) {
return Client.raw = je;
if (je.type || !Client.raw) {
if (!Visual_Switchs[2].enabled) {
const jg = jf.fillStyle;
const jh = jf.globalAlpha;
const ji = window.values.sid;
const jj = window.values.x;
const jk = window.values.y;
const jl = je[ji];
const jm = je[jj];
const jn = je[jk];
var jo = "enemy";
if (Client.clan.includes(jl)) {
jo = "ally";
if (jl == Client.sid) {
jo = "own";
const jp = Vars.colors[jo];
jf.strokeStyle = jp.fill;
jf.globalAlpha = 0.6;
jf.lineCap = "round";
jf.moveTo(Client.raw[jj], Client.raw[jk]);
jf.lineTo(jm, jn);
jf.fillStyle = jg;
jf.globalAlpha = jh;
static ["Indicators"](jq, jr, jt) {
const ju = {
'YWnAZ': 'enemy'
ju.bSbbF = 'ally';
ju.CddgP = function (jv, jw) {
return jv == jw;
ju.WyUMJ = "own";
ju.JctaV = function (jx, jy) {
return jx - jy;
ju.lpfAY = function (jz, ka) {
return jz * ka;
const kb = [21, 30, 40, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9].includes(jq.type);
if (!Visual_Switchs[0].enabled) {
if (kb) {
const kc = window.values.sid;
const kd = jq[kc];
var ke = 'enemy';
if (Client.clan.includes(kd)) {
ke = ju.bSbbF;
if (ju.CddgP(kd, Client.sid)) {
ke = ju.WyUMJ;
const kf = Vars.colors[ke];
jt.strokeStyle = kf.stroke;
jt.fillStyle = kf.fill;
jt.globalAlpha = 0.6;
jt.lineWidth = 6;
jt.arc(0, 0, ju.JctaV(14, 6), 0, ju.lpfAY(2, Math.PI));
class RadarManager {
constructor() {
this.actual = 0;
['display']() {
const kg = document.querySelector(".radar-ui");
const ki = Client.alive && Visual_Switchs[1].enabled;
kg.style.opacity = ki * 1;
["frame"]() {
const kj = this.canvas;
const kk = this.ctx;
const kl = kj.width / 2;
const km = kj.height / 2;
this.actual += 0.033;
kk.clearRect(0, 0, kj.width, kj.height);
kk.translate(kl, km);
kk.strokeStyle = "#46a72c";
kk.moveTo(-kj.width, 0);
kk.lineTo(kj.width, 0);
kk.moveTo(0, -kj.height);
kk.lineTo(0, kj.height);
kk.strokeStyle = "#52ad3a";
kk.shadowColor = "#52ad3a";
kk.shadowBlur = 15;
kk.lineWidth = 3;
kk.globalAlpha = 0.8;
kk.moveTo(0, 0);
kk.lineTo(0, kj.height);
for (let kn = 0; kn <= 10; kn++) {
const ko = kn * 16;
kk.strokeStyle = "#46a72c";
kk.arc(0, 0, ko, 0, Math.PI * 2);
kk.rotate(Mouse.angle - 1.5 || 0);
kk.fillStyle = "#4abf2a";
kk.arc(0, 0, 8, 0, Math.PI * 2);
kk.arc(7, 5, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2);
kk.arc(-7, 5, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2);
if (Vars.entities || Vars.enemy) {
const kp = Vars.entities.filter(kq => kq && !kq.type && kq.id != Client.id);
for (let kr = 0; kr < kp.length; kr++) {
const ks = kp[kr];
const kt = (ks.x - Client.x) / 10;
const ku = (ks.y - Client.y) / 10;
kk.translate(kt, ku);
kk.rotate(ks.dir - 1.5 || 0);
kk.fillStyle = '#4abf2a';
kk.arc(0, 0, 8, 0, Math.PI * 2);
kk.arc(7, 5, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2);
kk.arc(-7, 5, 4, 0, Math.PI * 2);
["initialize"]() {
this.canvas = document.querySelector(".radar-canvas");
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
class MouseManager {
constructor() {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
["listeners"]() {
const kv = {
'QVlie': "mousemove"
kv.Nttzo = 'resize';
window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.move.bind(this));
window.addEventListener(kv.Nttzo, this.resize.bind(this));
["resize"]() {
this.width = window.innerWidth;
this.height = window.innerHeight;
['move'](kw) {
this.x = kw.clientX;
this.y = kw.clientY;
["update"]() {
const kx = {
JzmPo: function (ky, kz) {
return ky / kz;
kx.yyeYS = function (la, lb) {
return la - lb;
this.angle = Math.atan2(this.y - this.height / 2, kx.yyeYS(this.x, this.width / 2));
class Macro {
constructor(lc, ld, le) {
this.active = false;
this.id = lc;
this.key = ld;
this.delay = le;
["start"](lf) {
if (lf != this.key) {
this.interval = setInterval(() => {
if (!this.active) {
} else {
}, this.delay);
this.active = true;
["stop"](lg) {
if (lg != this.key) {
this.active = false;
const lh = {
name: "Visuals",
icon: "bi bi-eye-fill",
title: "Enable visuals card",
enabled: true
const li = {
name: "Combat",
icon: "bi bi-capsule",
title: "Enable combat card",
enabled: true
const lj = {
name: 'Chats',
icon: "bi bi-chat-left-dots-fill",
title: "Enable chat config card",
enabled: true
function cn(lk, ll) {
const lm = ln();
cn = function (lo, lp) {
lo = lo - 269;
let lq = lm[lo];
if (cn.ChXiZi === undefined) {
var lr = function (ls) {
let lt = '';
let lu = '';
let lv = lt + lr;
let lw = 0;
let lx;
let ly;
for (let lz = 0; ly = ls.charAt(lz++); ~ly && (lx = lw % 4 ? lx * 64 + ly : ly, lw++ % 4) ? lt += lv.charCodeAt(lz + 10) - 10 !== 0 ? String.fromCharCode(255 & lx >> (-2 * lw & 6)) : lw : 0) {
ly = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/='.indexOf(ly);
let ma = 0;
for (let mb = lt.length; ma < mb; ma++) {
lu += '%' + ('00' + lt.charCodeAt(ma).toString(16)).slice(-2);
return decodeURIComponent(lu);
cn.SUzlMc = lr;
lk = arguments;
cn.ChXiZi = true;
const mc = lm[0];
const md = lo + mc;
const me = lk[md];
if (!me) {
const mf = function (mg) {
this.kGPtJY = mg;
this.yVCyru = [1, 0, 0];
this.Qnuumx = function () {
return 'newState';
this.mDxmlo = "\\w+ *\\(\\) *{\\w+ *";
this.JNbvbG = "['|\"].+['|\"];? *}";
mf.prototype.OYTQBl = function () {
const mh = new RegExp(this.mDxmlo + this.JNbvbG);
const mi = mh.test(this.Qnuumx.toString()) ? --this.yVCyru[1] : --this.yVCyru[0];
return this.ncFAGB(mi);
mf.prototype.ncFAGB = function (mj) {
if (!Boolean(~mj)) {
return mj;
return this.qXjrHn(this.kGPtJY);
mf.prototype.qXjrHn = function (mk) {
let ml = 0;
for (let mm = this.yVCyru.length; ml < mm; ml++) {
mm = this.yVCyru.length;
return mk(this.yVCyru[0]);
new mf(cn).OYTQBl();
lq = cn.SUzlMc(lq);
lk[md] = lq;
} else {
lq = me;
return lq;
return cn(lk, ll);
const mn = {
name: 'Misc',
icon: "bi bi-bucket-fill",
title: "Enable extra config card",
enabled: true
const mo = {
name: "Support",
icon: "bi bi-youtube",
title: "Support Jeanne in YouTube for more mods <3",
enabled: true
const Menu_Switchs = [lh, li, lj, mn, mo];
const mp = {
name: "Indicators",
title: "Shows if the structure is yours / enemy / ally",
enabled: true
const mq = {
name: "Radar",
title: "Shows up a radar in your screen for the players",
enabled: true
const mr = {
name: "Tracers",
title: "Render lines to mark the entities",
enabled: true
const ms = {
name: "Place Helper",
title: "Renders where you will auto place",
enabled: true
const Visual_Switchs = [mp, mq, mr, ms];
const mt = {
name: "Auto Heal",
title: "Heals you up when your hp is under 100",
enabled: true
const mu = {
name: "Auto break",
title: "Automatically breaks the trap you fell in",
enabled: true
const mv = {
name: "Auto place",
title: "Places trap / spikes to the enemy",
enabled: true
const mw = {
name: "Auto hats",
title: "Equip hats automatically depending on the biome",
enabled: true
const mx = {
name: "Anti insta",
title: "Detect if enemy is about to insta then equip crystal gear to prevent it",
enabled: true
const Combat_Switchs = [mt, mu, mv, mw, mx];
const my = {
name: "Kill chat",
title: "Chat when kill player",
value: " 🍓x{kills}🍓"
const mz = {
name: "Auto break",
title: "Chat when auto breaking trap",
value: " 🍓strawberrymod🍓"
const na = {};
function nb(nc, nd, ne, nf) {
return cn(nd + 0xc0, ne);
na.name = "Anti insta";
na.title = "Chat when insta threat";
na.value = " 🍓Uh, why insta?🍓";
const ng = {
name: "Packet limit",
title: "Limit your packets once you get a specific ammout",
value: "800"
const Chats_Switchs = [my, mz, na, ng];
const nh = {
name: "Auto mill",
title: "Places mills when you spawn",
enabled: true
const ni = {
name: "Auto upgrade",
title: "Automatically upgrades for you to play (KH)",
enabled: true
const nj = {
name: "Packet limiter",
title: "Limits your packets to prevent you kicked from game",
enabled: true
const Misc_Switchs = [nh, ni, nj];
function pageHooks(nk) {
const nl = new Regex(nk, true);
window.COPY_CODE = (nl.COPY_CODE.match(/^(\(function \w+\(\w+\)\{.+)\(.+?\);$/) || [])[1];
nl.append("EXTERNAL fix", /\(function (\w+)\(\w+\)\{/, "let $2 = eval(`(() => ${COPY_CODE})()`);delete window.COPY_CODE;");
nl.replace("Use Strict", /{QUOTE}use strict{QUOTE};/, '');
const nm = nl.match('items', /(\(\w+\.\w+\+\w+,\w+\.\w+\+\w+\).+?(\w+\(\).+?\w+\.\w+\.\w+\))([,;]))/);
const nn = nl.match("entity values", /switch\(\w+\.\w+=\w+,\w+\.(\w+)=\w+,\w+\.(\w+)=\w+,\w+\.(\w+)=\w+\.\w+=\w+\.\w+=\w+,\w+\.(\w+)=\w+\.\w+=\w+\.\w+=\w+,\w+\.(\w+)=\w+\.\w+=\w+\.\w+=\w+,\w+\.\w+=\w+,\w+\.\w+=\w+,\w+\.(\w+)=\w+,\w+\.\w+=\w+,\w+\.(\w+)=\w+/);
const [, no] = nl.match('weapon', /\(\w+\.(\w+)\|\w+\.(\w+)<<NUMBER{8}\)/);
const np = {
id: nn[1],
sid: nn[2],
x: nn[3],
y: nn[4],
dir: nn[5],
hat: nn[6],
hp: nn[7],
weapon: no
nl.replace("Clan Colors V2", /\w\(\w+\),"#404040"\):null/, "'#f3e6ef', '#c6b7c7') : null");
nl.replace("Age Color", /(\("AGE 0",24,)"#fff"\)/, "$1'#f3e6ef', '#c6b7c7')");
nl.replace("Age Body", /(background\:\w+\(\)\.\w+\([^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,)[^)]+\)/, "$1 '#c6b7c7')");
nl.replace("Age Fill", /(,[^=]+=)[^,]+(,this\.\w+&&)/, "$1 '#f3e6ef' $2");
nl.replace("Leaderboard", /(\w\.\w{2}),\w\(\)\.\w{2},\w\(\)\.\w{2},\w\(\)\.\w{2}\)\)\,(this.\w{2}\+\d{2}),/, "$1, 17, \"#f3e6ef\", \"#c6b7c7\")), $2,");
nl.replace("Map Color", /"#788F57"/, "\"#64803d\"");
nl.replace('Indicators', /(\(\w+\.\w+\+\w+,\w+\.\w+\+\w+\).+?\w+\(\).+?\w+\.\w+\.\w+\)([,;]))/, "\n " + nm[1].slice(0, -nm[2].length - 1) + ";\n " + nm[2] + ";\n Hooks.Indicators(...arguments);\n ");
nl.replace("Health Color & Visuals", /"#a4cc4f":"#cc5151"/, "'#f3e6ef' : '#c6b7c7',\n\n Hooks.Tracers(...arguments)\n Hooks.PlaceHelper(...arguments)\n ");
const nq = {
values: np
Object.assign(window, nq);
return nl.code;
function pageLoaded() {
Vars.loaded = true;
const nr = Tools.newElement("style", [], '', '', undefined, MenuTools.Global_CSS);
const ns = Tools.newElement("div", [], '', "menu-holder", undefined, MenuTools.Menu_HTML, MenuTools.Menu_CSS);
const nt = Tools.newElement("div", [], '', 'tooltip', undefined, "This is the tooltip, shows you up a help text");
const nu = Tools.newElement('div', [], '', "radar-ui", undefined, MenuTools.Radar_HTML);
document.querySelector("#settings").children[0].src = "https://i.imgur.com/LhafJ4l.png";
document.querySelector("#logo").src = Vars.images.logo;
document.title ="🍓strawberrymod🍓 - 2MG";
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"/entity/resource_background.png": "https://i.imgur.com/gEKWame.png",
"/entity/health-gauge-front.png": "https://i.imgur.com/UiEWfBX.png",
"/ui/indicator_enemy.png": "https://i.imgur.com/zsuhbel.png",
"/entity/our_dot.png": "https://i.imgur.com/hXNNEb6.png"
const credits_to_nyanner_for_this_uwu = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Image.prototype, "src").set;
Object.defineProperty(Image.prototype, 'src', {
'set'(nw) {
const nx = Object.entries(nv).find(([ny]) => nw.includes(ny));
if (nx) {
nw = nx[1];
return credits_to_nyanner_for_this_uwu.call(this, nw);
window.eval = new Proxy(window.eval, {
'apply'(nz, oa, ob) {
const oc = ob[0];
if (oc.length > 100000) {
ob[0] = pageHooks(oc);
window.eval = nz;
return nz.apply(oa, ob);
window.WebSocket = new Proxy(window.WebSocket, {
'construct'(od, oe) {
const of = new od(...oe);
Client.setWS(of, oe[0]);
return of;
document.addEventListener("keyup", () => {
if (!Vars.loaded) {
document.addEventListener('mousemove', og => {
Vars.mouse.x = og.clientX;
Vars.mouse.y = og.clientY;
document.addEventListener('keydown', oh => {
const oi = oh.keyCode;
if (oi == 27) {
const oj = document.querySelector(".menu-holder");
const ok = oj.style.display !== "block" ? "block" : 'none';
oj.style.display = ok;
if (["clan-menu-clan-name-input", "nickname", "chat"].includes(document.activeElement.id)) {
if ([50, 49].includes(oi)) {
const ol = 51 - oi;
Client.old_weapon = ol % 2;
for (let om in placers) {
document.addEventListener("keyup", oo => {
if (["clan-menu-clan-name-input", "nickname", "chat"].includes(document.activeElement.id)) {
for (let op in placers) {
const Vars = new Variables();
const Client = new PlayerManager();
const Radar = new RadarManager();
const Mouse = new MouseManager();
const placers = {
'spike': new Macro(4, 86, 30),
'trap': new Macro(7, 70, 30),
'heal': new Macro(2, 81, 30)
const oq = {
Vars: Vars,
Tools: Tools,
MenuTools: MenuTools,
Client: Client,
Hooks: Hooks,
Radar: Radar,
Mouse: Mouse
Object.assign(window, oq);