Path of Exile Trade Tab Titles

Retitle Path of Exile trade search tabs according to what the search is for. Use with searches bookmarked in Better PathOfExile Trade for best results.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Path of Exile Trade Tab Titles
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Retitle Path of Exile trade search tabs according to what the search is for. Use with searches bookmarked in Better PathOfExile Trade for best results.
// @author       brosmike
// @license      Apache-2.0
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    setInterval(updateTitle, 1000);
    console.log('Path of Exile Trade Tab Titles initialized!')

    function updateTitle() {
        const slug = inferSlug();
        const prefix = isLiveSearch() ? '*' : '';
        document.title = prefix + slug;

    function isLiveSearch() {
        return document.URL.endsWith('/live');

    function inferSlug() {
        const betterTradingLinkHref = document.URL.replace(/\/live$/, '');
        const betterTradingLink = document.querySelector(`a[href="${betterTradingLinkHref}"]`);
        const betterTradingSlug = betterTradingLink?.innerText;

        const searchBarValue = document.querySelector('.search-left input').value;
        return betterTradingSlug ?? searchBarValue ?? 'Path of Exile Trade';