Endless Google Search Enhancer

Shows up to 100 search results at once on all pages! *Optional= Open (or not) search results on a new tab.

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Você também pode gostar de Precise Time Converter on Google.

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By default google shows about 7-9 results on each result page, but with this script you can set the amount of results you want on every single page!
With this script you can automatically load up to about 11-14 search result pages at once, and have all these results displayed as a single page!

This script uses a native Google setting that WAS given to any user, but now it's hidden! By default, Google used to allow customization of the number of search results per page, with options ranging from 10 to 100.
In the past this script used to allow you to show/see 200 search results in one page, but they removed and decreased that feature to a max of 100 search results. Google also used to show 19 search results per page by default, but they decreased it to about 7-9 results per page.

This script auto enables that native Google setting for you, and allows you to see up to 100 results on every result page.

*By default the script shows 100 results on all search result pages, and the script is set to not open search results on new tabs.

To choose the number of search results you want on every page, and if the results should or not be opened on a new tab
STRICTLY follow these steps: (Click here)

1 On tampermonkey go to dashboard -> settings -> general section -> config mode and enable advanced mode.
2 Install the script.
3 Open Google
4 Open the tampermonkey dashboard
5 Click on the script name
6 Click on "Storage"
7 Replace 100 with the number of search results you want on every page
8 To open the results on a new tab change the second line number from 0 to 1
9 Click on "Save"!