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Image Downloader

You can extract and download pictures in batches on most websites(e.g.instagram).Right Click-tampermonkey-Image Downloader(or alt+w),use in this order.(currently only suitable for tampermonkey and chrome,others have not tried it)

Versão de: 23/01/2022. Veja: a última versão.

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How to use

Basic usage

There are three ways to open the script page,
1. Shortcut keys, alt+w, it is best to use this method to open websites such as Yaoqi, Tencent Comics, B station, etc.
Second, right click - tampermonkey option - image downloader - open script
3. Expand the display area in the upper right corner of the page, click the oil monkey icon - click "picture downloader - open picture"

Extended Features

zip download

Using zip download, you can compress and package all pictures into a zip file for download, so when you download multiple pictures, you only need to download a zip package, and you do not need to open a download link for each picture.
Now a zip download option has been added, which is disabled by default. If you do not use zip download, you do not need to open this option.
Turning on the zip option will require a cross-domain request. Most images cannot be packaged into a zip package without cross-domain.

Auto-enlarge image

When there are multiple specifications of pictures in the website, the large picture/original picture is automatically obtained. When obtaining, the original picture displayed on the website will be retained, and the corresponding large picture will also be automatically obtained.
Manual configuration
Write a txt file, then write the rules in the following format, and then use "Import Custom Rules" to import
{originReg:/(?<=(.+sinaimg\.(?:cn|com)\/))([\w\.]+)(?=(\/.+))/i,replacement:" large",tip:"for Sina Weibo"},
The outside is an array, the inside is an object, originReg corresponds to a parameter of the replace function, replacement corresponds to the second parameter of the replace function, and tip is a prompt description
List of websites that support automatic large images by default
I wrote it in the script, the default list of websites that support automatic large pictures, you are also welcome to leave a message in the feedback area to add more automatic large picture websites
Taobao website (,,,

Additional Notes

First, it is currently only suitable for the combination of chrome+tampermonkey, the chromium kernel used by the edge browser, I have tried several websites, and most of them should be fine. There is a good chance that other combinations are problematic. Because the adaptation is too troublesome, there is no plan to make other combinations of adaptations for the time being.
Second, the script can run on all websites, but each website has different strategies and the results of running are also different. Therefore, for feedback, you need to bring a specific website, preferably a specific webpage
Three, comics download, I have tried B station and Tencent comics, and they are demonic.
You can already download the comics from station b. There are two reading modes for station b comics:
One is to load many words at one time, because too many pictures are loaded at one time, and the pictures need to be obtained asynchronously after opening the script. But the download is very cool, as long as you drag it to the end and load all the pictures, you can download dozens of words at one time. (When it is not dragged to the end, there will be many blank large pictures, so if you want to download it, you must manually drag it yourself. After dragging it to the end, open the script page to download). The slow loading is also because the B station adds a layer of canvas to the picture. You need to crack his canvas restrictions before downloading. Even if there are many pictures on a normal website, it will not cause the opening of the script page to be very slow.
The second is that the current reading will be displayed, the previous reading will be destroyed, and the subsequent ones will not be preloaded. In this reading mode, opening scripts is as fast as any other website, but only one or two pages of comics can be downloaded at a time.

Version History

1.02--Add select all, after checking select all, press the download button, you can download all the currently extracted pictures with one click
1.11--Add a direct download button and view button
1.20--Modify the big picture button to select pictures, and add the function of selecting multiple pictures to download together on demand
1.22--Fixed the problem that the website cannot extract pictures. Now you can extract book pictures from the text page. The other pages have not been changed, and it is estimated that they are not needed. I will talk about it next time.
1.28--Add the function of filtering by width and height
1.29--The default image of petal webp format is modified to png format
1.50--Fix the problem that only a dozen pictures can be downloaded when downloading, but not all pictures can be downloaded
1.58--The right-click menu selection path is changed to tampermonkey-picture selector-open script, and a keyboard shortcut is added to open the script, Alt+w
1.59--Fix the problem that some pictures cannot be extracted from instagram
1.60--Added zip download, you can pack the pictures into a zip file to download all the pictures at one time, without the need for multiple pop-ups. (Currently only select all can be downloaded by zip, it is more troublesome to select any one, please add it in the next version)
1.62--Modify the function of compressing and downloading any picture that was not completed in 1.60. Now the method of compressing and downloading can be exactly the same as that of ordinary downloading.
1.65--Add cracked picture download limit on comic reading page of station B