Greasy Fork is available in English.

mb. COLLECTION HIGHLIGHTER Highlights releases, release-groups, etc. that you have in your collections (anyone’s collection can be loaded) everywhere

Versão de: 24/08/2020. Veja: a última versão.

Estas são as versões deste script em que houve atualização do código. Mostar todas versões.

  • v2016.6.15 19/11/2023

    FIX. duplicated settings make it hard to understand

    CLN. drop useless highlightWhatWhere (#3)

    FIX. temporary release-tmp variable is displayed in summary (#4)

    I eventually took Hawke’s version pattern that suits Chromium’s bug (#1)

    remove dead code

    FIX. asking to confirm display of huge number of links too many times

    aligning metadata block keys

    decoding some more unicode

    FIX. returnto=… kind of URLs are blocking user scripts ☞ excluding* instead of just* (to allow

    MBS. Dynamic collection updater broken after MBS-3841 (#44)

    @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: // → //…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12

    MBS. collection page layout changed

    MBS. p.pageselector → ul.pagination following

    compatibility info. clean-up.

    FIX. “Assignment to unresolved reference in strict mode code: edit”

    better compatibility info

    @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: // → //…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12

    MBS. collection page layout changed

    MBS. p.pageselector → ul.pagination following

    compatibility info. clean-up.

    FIX. “Assignment to unresolved reference in strict mode code: edit”

    better compatibility info

    FIX #63. dynamic collection updater broken (since 3dc0c8e557190232903ab2eac13fd2eecbce7a71)

    MBS. dynamic collection updater is not checking more than first pages since

    some better texts

    FIX. dynamic collection updater is not working completely as it should in release sup‐pages ☞ removing dynamic collection updater from release sub‐pages until it uses Web Service (#64)

    Merge branch 'master' of

    FIX. dynamic collection updater does not see recordings marked as both and

    FIX. (regression) settings not displayed in “collections” page

    Merge branch 'master' of

    using .classList(.add/.remove/.toggle/.contains) instead of .className where opportunate. replacing clss() and cssClass(), I didn’t know I reinvented the weel.

    FIXED regression: Stuff not highlit since last update.

    CR + LF → LF

    Protection for some edge cases of new script using old script data (closes #87).

    readbility cleanup fo “Load/re‐load” buttons code. artists are no longer dynamically added/removed (closes #88)

    • link and follow SUPER.js library version 2015.8.7.1339 addAfter createTag disable → disableInputs enable → enableInputs getParent removeChildren removeElement → removeNode sendEvent stop

    link to fixed library

    (temporary) removed strict mode from that library version


    link SUPER.js lib Strict mode some (tons of) other clean‐up, frankly I don’t remember what but need to commit before making further changes

    Apparently no more width on MBS Actions column

    FIX: dynamic adder did not reload page when only release added (which only happens when having two similar editions etc.) FIX: “removing” dynamic action was not in bold text

    LF → CR+LF back to Windows (my OS) good old end of line characters. clipboard made it too prone to mistake for too few bytes gained.

    handle multiple tables of collections

    Merge pull request #102 from bricas/master

    handle multiple tables of collections

    Show tool only for release collections (closes #103)

    Apparently mixing strict mode and (temporary) non strict mode (library) lead to crap mode (50% non strict, 50% strict, 100% crap). Now that all SUPER.js based user scripts are strict, library is back to strict. Strict mode is now prerequisite to using the library.

    strict mode fix

    (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ 彡┻━┻ strict mode fix FIX

    (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ 彡┻━┻ RAAAH 2018 WTF ?!

    use a source for flags that supports https

    use author suggested repo for flags

    Merge pull request #145 from bricas/master

    Use a source for flags that supports HTTPS

    Merge branch 'master' of

    155 MBS regression fix.

    Revert "MBS relative paths" (#155) Keeping those changes in the beta branch (good @bricas advice in #156). This reverts commit 4c6166ffc284974e58adbc70873d295fbbc1a524. This reverts commit ba1b4406232bcc568ec24192682022fb972302ed. This reverts commit 8785f7f65498dec43dea2eb43a02bf5874c9d74a.

    Marking #155 MBS beta changes as “-beta” version in my beta branch.

    Warning: minify feature would break my metadata block parser. Remaining scripts (closes #158).

    Merge branch “beta” (#155)










    FIX #153: Inconsistent owned markers in edit list. Kept release and release-group (not recording any more) edits as box/own.


    Rethought simple, row and box highlighting modes (closes #153).

    cleanup + meta

    FIX: Tons of 503 “Service Unavailable” errors on v2 Web Service and ever growing request delays have lead to nightmarish loading times.

    1. Slow down (no effect).
    2. Stop expanding delay on error (no more 4h+ loadings).
    3. Display more error details.

    Related to #173.

    Slow mode is affected by MBS new relative paths (#155) as well

    MBS #159: Manage new track entity (my code is becoming slightly clumsy).

    Global search replace “self” → “window”. It seems Opera v12.18.1272 no longer finds self. Might be a better fix to than only self.getComputedStyle (fbbb86978292865a00bec860d709aef1c20dedd6). Initially spotted in #209, #210, #211, and #212.

    Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert:

    • Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window”
    • Explicit “self” on location
    • No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.

    FIX #213: meta.supportURL broken usage

    Merge master up to #238 into all-shook-up-links

    Manually resolve conflicts in mb_ALL-LINKS.user.js

    Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //* support where it was missing.

    Report #253 regression fix

    Merge branch 'master' into #244y-van-zall-shook-up-links



  • v2022.8.8 17/08/2022 No need to grant GM_info #572 Indeed it worked OK for MASS MERGE RECORDINGS fbb33a85d56d1fcb1fd8fdabfb4473a1d58e5838 Thanks @Martii:
  • v2022.8.8 07/08/2022 List RG recordings #673 (work in progress) Prevent WARN_NEW_WIND wrap to next line, Warn user when more than 100 recordings #673 Due to MBS-12154 bug:, Merge branch '673-list-rg-recordings' #673 List RG recordings feature is blocked by MBS-12154 But I left it in a nice state with warning so I can merge Before too many diverging commits pile up on master
  • v2022.6.5 05/06/2022 Optimise parsing of works for Raspberry Pi 3B+ #665 For loop querying this.response seems to slow down a lot on this machine. By just saving array in a variable, for a for loop, script run went from 3:48 down to 0:16.
  • v2022.6.3 03/06/2022 Preserve performances on low memory machines #666 On my Raspberry Pi 3B+ (1 GB) Collection of 1177 releases loaded in 11 min 13 s And made the browser pge freeze during the last 1%. Not displaying releases as they are loaded (link, title, comment, flag, etc.) removes those extra slowdowns to keep a steady 1 min 58 s loading time. I made the low memory mode trigger only for 1 GB or less memory machines, as my Android 9 Xiaomi Redmi 7 (2 GB) is as fast as a PC.
  • v2022.2.4 04/02/2022 minor eslint stuff
  • v2022.1.31 31/01/2022 Fix Dynamic Loader estimated time NaN (nyan)
  • v2022.1.31 31/01/2022 Fix #665 for real? Dynamic loader fails when optional entities are not checked, Fix Dynamic Loader estimated time NaN (nyan)
  • v2022.1.29 29/01/2022 Debug #665, Highlight all entities, whatever the settings #665 Temporary work-around
  • v2022.1.27 27/01/2022 Fix #665: Dynamic loader fails when optional entities are not checked
  • v2022.1.23 23/01/2022 Code layout Trying to understand the script before #64 #133 #174 changes, Super fast collection load web service #174 Still lacks new: - loadMissingRecordingWorks - Dynamic Updater #64 #133, Handle data-tracks #174 (not only [audio] tracks), Add track artists #174 Better recording-level-rels messages Debug at debug level We are now in 2022 etc., Fix blinking percentage in title #174, Fix wrong total #174, Highlight included release groups #310, Fetch works from releases with more than 500 tracks #174, MBS-12154 work-around: avoid /ws/2/work pagination #174, Display total loading time at the end Display script name and version at the start Fix an apparently broken <a> tag, Handle pregap tracks #174, Fix CPU saturation / performance issue #174, Fix batch size reduction display (temporary MBS-12154) #174 And minor comments and error display improvements, Make log height fit all available vertical space #174 for easier follow up of loading releases Use localised number format Display bold batch size reduction, Stop duplicating track arrays (memory optimisation) #174 Use browseTrack() function Display amount of recordings queued for deferred work fetching for each release, Fix estimated remaining times #174 loadCollection and loadMissingRecordingWorks need separate and reset times Since version 2021.12.31 (WS mode #174) ------------------------ loadCollection is moderately long loadMissingRecordingWorks is quite short and seldom happens Until version 2021.12.28 ------------------------ loadCollection (web page browse, 100 by page) was very short fetchReleasesStuff (1 WS request per release) was ultra long, Handle “Escape” key press to close modal, Start stopwatch only when loading starts #174 Reassure user with friendlier messages Thanks to @kellnerd comments:, Remove stackoverflow awkward for loops pattern They were supposed to be more performant but I tested them in a hundreds of loops, neither of these techniques were faster, they were even slower (peobably thanks to some optimisations by browser JavaScript engine): - pre-increment (++i) - store length in variable I do some clean-up and some comments at the same time, Dynamic loader action add in WS mode #64 #133 #612 #659 Dynamic loader action remove, still in web page mode, Merge pull request #659 from jesus2099/collection-highlighter_full-ws-mode_64-133-174 Collection highlighter (almost*) full WS mode * Dynamic Loader remove action, still in web page mode, but it has no bugs
  • v2021.12.28 28/12/2021 Use MBS flags #654
  • v2021.12.15 15/12/2021 Fix #622 MusicBrainz React problem fix brought a regression on AcoustID normal handling.
  • v2021.8.14 14/08/2021 "Highlight stuff as they appear" broke tag pages 463183e3565fccb3aeffb8cac7f0647aa21e0f74
  • v2021.7.31 31/07/2021 Highlight stuff that appears at any time! #133 #598 #606
  • v2021.7.28 28/07/2021 Fix: Dynamic loader no longer finds works at bottom (#598)
  • v2021.3.26 26/03/2021 Fix collections page loader options bad layout Easier debug, Allow script to run without user css in restricted pages SUPER TURBO Pages like /account/* and /admin/* prohibit user css Content-Security-Policy: style-src 'self'; Missing 'unsafe-inline' That crashed the script when trying to add the <style> to the <head> try {} is not appropriate (not working) for CSP. Fixes #531: SERVER_SWITCH not displayed in Profile edit page OTHER SCRIPTS Simply exclude CSP restricted pages from matches, Bump version, align metadata (#510) and drop
  • v2021.2.2 03/02/2021 Metadata block clean-up (#510) - Use Web Archive for userscripts(-mirror).org for safety - Use same namespace and namespace everywhere, Replace manual metadata block parsing by GM_info (#510)
  • v2021.1.20.2099 01/02/2021 eslint recommended: first pass, eslint recommended: last pass, CRLF→LF Redoing this whole replace now that I use Linux, First wave of custom eslint rules, Bump versions post ESLint clean-up, Merge branch 'eslint'
  • v2020.11.29.2 30/11/2020 Fix variable scope issue following last change caec1d67b437cb8c091efa3dbf1d49c2d08361a7
  • v2020.11.29 29/11/2020 Repair scripts with new React redraw on recording merge page AcoustID have been added on recording merge page as dynamic React redraw. So I patched my scripts to wait for React redraws finish (all p.loading-message disappear). - mb. MERGE HELPOR 2 (regressions may appear) - mb. COLLECTION HIGHLIGHTER Fixes #517 and #518.
  • v2020.10.18.3 25/11/2020 Use // (allowed by GF) … for require(d) libraries instead of // One dependency less towards #396 (abandon mirrors). Also give less emphasis on mirrors and update compatibilities in README files.
  • v2020.10.18.2 18/11/2020 Remove * support Freso said: Sandboxes have been discontinued and are not coming back
  • v2020.10.18 18/10/2020 Normalise annotation links to allow matching Annotation links can include protocol and host. Reset them to relative path, like the rest of MBS. Annotation links can include spaces, trim them. [ url | text ] generates <a href=" url "> text </a> [url|text] generates <a href="url">text</a> I didn't find where is annotation rendering code to fix it in @metabrainz/musicbrainz-server. Fixes #430 but blocks annotation COOL-ENTITY-LINKS.
  • v2020.9.28 28/09/2020 Carriage return cleanup Replace my \r\n with just \n, that seems to work everywhere. See #490: My compatibility \r\n now causes small visual glitch in Windows Vivaldi.
  • v2020.8.25.2117 25/08/2020 Align useful popup display to the left on mobile
  • v2020.8.25 24/08/2020 Display collection loader within screen size, Wrap collection loader popup text And fix slight nested logical issue introduced with my mobile code edit.
  • v2020.8.4 04/08/2020 Highlight works (also) by default Highlighting releases and release groups is mandatory. Now pre-selects works in addition to that and to artists and recordings.
  • v2020.6.23 23/06/2020 Skip new CAA icons in release group pages Fixes #506 "Release row left mark no longer shown in release group page"
  • v2019.11.13 13/11/2019 Missing semicolons Thanks to
  • v2019.11.13 13/11/2019 FIX #472: Only owned release row should have a mark in recording page, Shorten if condition row Bump version
  • v2018.4.4 27/09/2018 FIX #358: has still been blocking my licences for months… I didn’t notice. Continuing ☞ I’m really wondering again: Abandon or continue to adapt to GF and OUJS (#396). Previous fix (GPL-3.0+) 3161796570372feb4f48a4f71f4b2d8848d7e8dc did work but no more. Now GPL-3.0-or-later deb8c4b2081ac328d7403df2b401746a32b21b56 seems to be accepted.
  • v2018.4.4 04/04/2018 FIX #396: GF and OUJS: Abandon or continue to adapt GF mirror should now update back again as I’ve reverted to GF hosted libraries. OUJS mirror support was already fixed by new licences (#358).
  • v2018.1.4 04/01/2018 Greasemonkey v4: no longer accept path without protocol and host (#372)
  • v2017.12.2 04/12/2017 Merge branch 'master' of, update browser support
  • v2017.12.2 02/12/2017 NEW: event pages support
  • v2017.10.12.2301 12/10/2017 Trying GM_setValue for #333 ( support) and #354 (huge collection support) - localStorage.setItem → GM_setValue - localStorage.getItem → GM_getValue - localStorage.removeItem → GM_deleteValue, NEW #333: Highlight recordings in AcoustID pages, GM_setValue migration one‐time localStorage cleanup (#354), - remove now unnecessary prefixes (GM_setValue is per script.db) - remove references to local storage, Remove legacy userjs prefix from CSS class names, Fix LEGACY CLEANUP bugs
  • v2017.6.16 16/06/2017 cleanup, FIX #322: DOMException: NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Problem spotted on mb_COOL-ENTITY-LINKS, mb_INLINE-STUFF, mb_REVIVE-DELETED-EDITORS and mb_SUPER-MIND-CONTROL-II-X-TURBO Problem fixed by #331’s 578183b06ef3c359125f9db4785dee35805bd970 Now a deterministic code retrieves the newly added style sheet instead of crossing fingers. cdj_TURBO-DASH was not affected by the problem but I applied same global code.
  • v2016.12.9 09/12/2016 Synced from GitHub - NEW: Synchronise collection (closes #173) “Append” button will now load stuff only for new releases (super fast).
  • v2016.10.31 31/10/2016 Synced from GitHub - FIX: Cannot load collection (a “#173-synchronise-collection” merge regression)
  • v2016.10.1 29/10/2016 Synced from GitHub - Make some stuff more understandable. Including: - Load → Append - Re‐load → Load - Synchronise button (no effect) Preparing #173: Synchronise collection - - Removed “skip” feature - Added more code comments - Synchronisation is available when highlighting only one collection - All set for syncMode (#173) but syncMode not yet coded - Won’t fix #173: reverting synchronisation mode related prelimin...
  • v2016.6.15 16/06/2016 Synced from GitHub - Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //* support where it was missing.
  • v2016.6.6 06/06/2016 Synced from GitHub - FIX #213: meta.supportURL broken usage
  • v2016.5.17 17/05/2016 Synced from GitHub - Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert: - Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window” - Explicit “self” on location - No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.
  • v2016.5.11 11/05/2016 Synced from GitHub - Global search replace “self” → “window”. It seems Opera v12.**18**.1272 no longer finds **self**. Might be a better fix to than only self.getComputedStyle (fbbb86978292865a00bec860d709aef1c20dedd6). Initially spotted in #209, #210, #211, and #212.
  • v2016.4.11 14/04/2016 Synced from GitHub - MBS #159: Manage new track entity (my code is becoming slightly clumsy).
  • v2016.3.29 04/04/2016 Synced from GitHub - Slow mode is affected by MBS new relative paths (#155) as well
  • v2016.3.3 03/03/2016 Synced from GitHub - FIX: Tons of 503 “Service Unavailable” errors on v2 Web Service and ever growing request delays have lead to nightmarish loading times. 1. Slow down (no effect). 1. Stop expanding delay on error (no more 4h+ loadings). 3. Display more error details. Related to #173.
  • v2016.2.23 23/02/2016 Synced from GitHub - Marking #155 MBS beta changes as “-beta” version in my beta branch. - Merge branch “beta” (#155) # Conflicts: # mb_COLLECTION-HIGHLIGHTER.user.js # mb_FUNKEY-ILLUSTRATED-RECORDS.user.js # mb_INLINE-STUFF.user.js # mb_MASS-MERGE-RECORDINGS.user.js # mb_PENDING-EDITS.user.js # mb_PLAIN-TEXT-TRACKLIST.user.js # mb_REVIVE-DELETED-EDITORS.user.js # mb_SUPER-MIND-CONTROL-II-X-TURBO.user.js - FIX #153: Inconsistent owned markers in edit list. Kept release and release-group (not...
  • v2016.2.22 22/02/2016 Synced from GitHub - Warning: minify feature would break my metadata block parser. Remaining scripts (closes #158).

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