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Quality of Life changes for Diamond Hunt Online

Estas são as versões deste script em que houve atualização do código. Mostar todas versões.

  • v1.9 11/03/2017
  • v1.7 03/11/2016
  • v1.7 01/11/2016
  • v1.6 29/08/2016 Fixes, New features: Large boat timer, treasure map spoilers, market price tooltips, NPC shop selling failsafe
  • v1.5 22/02/2016 Removed chatbox darkmode to fix firefox/greasemonkey support due to conflicting features
  • v1.4 20/02/2016 Wealth evaluator, spam filter, pm viewer, chatbox darkmode, fixes, etc
  • v1.3 02/02/2016 - Fixed FireFox support by switching to @grant none, instead of unsafeWindow
  • v1.3 02/02/2016 Fixed Firefox/Greasemonkey match pattern
  • v1.3 02/02/2016 Improved coin swapping, craft multiple rocket fuel, can't bind lower tier furnaces and ovens, new market exclusions, magic and ancient crystal timer formatting, some code restructuring
  • v1.2a 14/01/2016 v1.1a: - Updated code structure a little (not done yet) - Added timer formatting for the new fishing boat - Made items in the brewing tab unsellable on left click (req:
  • v1.01 09/01/2016
  • v1.0 08/01/2016