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It solves practice lessons automatically or manually, to increase xp at different speed use DuoSolverGrinder tool (

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We are offering two tools to solve lessons in duolingo's. DuoSolver and DuoSolverGrinder

  • DuoSolver helps you, by solving practice lessons in an auto mode. It has the option to change the speed at any time easly. It has four options for speed: slow, medium, fast, and fastest.It's compatible to use in mobile and in dark mode too.
  • DuoSolverGrinder is a tool that gets you 15xp for each lesson, with the purpose to increase your XP, no need to use a desktop computer and have the tab opened for it to work. You could set DuoSolverGinder from your phone and close the tab if you want to. DuoSolverGrinder try to be as safe as possible for not calling attention and avoid account banned, that's why it could take a minute and little to solve lessons and increase the points. Anyway we're not responsible for any account banned, even if it try to be safe, the way you use the tool is your responsability.
    If you're more interested on speed, you can click on "More options" button, you can get options for more than 100xp!

Watch the next video to see how both tools work. We hope you enjoy it! If you liked it and want to show us, you can buy us a coffee, by following instructions at the end of the video. Thank you!

We leave you the link here if you like to test DuoSolverGrinder
DuoSolver could be installed in your phone too, it's not limited to a desktop computer. Follow next instructions to see how it is:

  1. Install firefox in your device, it could be KiwiBrowser too.
  2. Search in google for violentmonkey addon to firefox and installed it.
  3. Browse to DuoSolver script in and click in install.
  4. Open duolingo in the browser or if you have it already opened refresh the page and you could find DuoSolver panel options on you right bottom.

If you have any doubts watch the next video about its installation