// ==UserScript==
// @name link工具Lite
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.2.1
// @description 点击复制,提取链接
// @author lwj
// @match *://m.linkmcn.com/*
// @match https://m.linkmcn.com/tableCard/redirect*
// @match *://detail.tmall.com/item*
// @match *://item.taobao.com/item*
// @match *://chaoshi.detail.tmall.com/item*
// @match *://traveldetail.fliggy.com/item*
// @match *://detail.tmall.hk/hk/item*
// @license MIT
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
// 版本号
var versionTitleTxt = 'Lite Version 1.2.1';
// 检查当前页面 URL 是否匹配指定的网址
var isHomeURL = function () {
var currentURL = window.location.href;
return currentURL.indexOf("https://m.linkmcn.com/#/live/plan?select=") !== -1;
// 从 localStorage 中获取上一次的 URL,如果没有则设置为空字符串
let lastCurrentURL = localStorage.getItem('lastCurrentURL') || '';
var isTableCardURL = function () {
return window.location.href.indexOf("https://m.linkmcn.com/#/live/plan/tableCard/") !== -1;
var isBatchPrintURL = function () {
return window.location.href.indexOf("https://m.linkmcn.com/#/live/plan/batchPrint") !== -1;
var isTmallItemURL = function () {
var url = window.location.href;
// 检查URL是否包含任何指定的域名或路径
return (
url.indexOf("https://detail.tmall.com/item") !== -1 ||
url.indexOf("https://detail.tmall.hk/hk/item") !== -1 ||
url.indexOf("https://item.taobao.com/item") !== -1 ||
url.indexOf("https://chaoshi.detail.tmall.com/item") !== -1 ||
url.indexOf("https://traveldetail.fliggy.com/item") !== -1
var isRedirectUrl = function () {
return window.location.href.indexOf("https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=682878335608&link_redirectId=") !== -1;
var notificationTimer; // 通知计时器
var isHiding = false; // 标志,表示是否正在隐藏通知
let countSort_notificationTimeout = null;// 排序提示定时器
let temp_itemId = '';
class ToggleButtonComponent {
constructor(localStorageKey, buttonText, dropdownContainer, useSpecialSwitch = 0, defaultState = false) {
this.localStorageKey = localStorageKey;
this.switchState = localStorage.getItem(this.localStorageKey) === null ? defaultState : localStorage.getItem(this.localStorageKey) === 'true';
this.buttonText = buttonText;
this.dropdownContainer = dropdownContainer;
this.useSpecialSwitch = useSpecialSwitch === 1;
createComponent() {
// 创建按钮容器
this.buttonContainer = document.createElement('div');
this.buttonContainer.classList.add('flex', 'items-center', 'dropdown-item');
this.buttonContainer.style.cssText = 'padding: 12px 16px; user-select: none; cursor: pointer; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;';
if (this.buttonText === '纯净模式') {
this.buttonContainer.style.paddingTop = '0px';
// 创建按钮文本
this.buttonTextElement = document.createElement('span');
this.buttonTextElement.textContent = this.buttonText;
if (this.useSpecialSwitch) {
// 创建特殊开关样式按钮
} else {
// 创建普通按钮
// 将按钮容器添加到下拉容器中
// 创建对应的空的子页面并设置样式
this.secondaryContent = document.createElement('div');
this.secondaryContent.id = this.localStorageKey + '-secondary-content';
this.secondaryContent.style.cssText = 'margin: 0px 10px; display: none; padding: 10px 12px; background: #E9E9E9; border: 1px solid #D2D2D2; border-radius: 10px;';
// 将子页面添加到按钮容器的下方
createStandardButton() {
this.button = document.createElement('button');
this.button.id = 'main_standardFunShowButton';
this.button.style.cssText = 'background: none; border: none; font-size: 16px; cursor: pointer; transition: transform 0.3s; margin: 0px 6px';
// 绑定点击事件
this.button.addEventListener('click', () => this.handleStandardButtonClick());
// 给标题绑定模拟点击开关事件
this.buttonTextElement.addEventListener('click', () => this.titleToSwitchClick());
handleStandardButtonClick() {
// 切换二级页面显示状态
const secondaryContent = document.getElementById(this.localStorageKey + '-secondary-content');
if (secondaryContent) {
secondaryContent.style.display = secondaryContent.style.display === 'block' ? 'none' : 'block';
} else {
console.log(`${this.buttonText} 二级页面异常`);
// 旋转按钮图标
const icon = this.button.querySelector('svg');
const rotation = icon.style.transform === 'rotate(90deg)' ? 'rotate(0deg)' : 'rotate(90deg)';
icon.style.transform = rotation;
createSpecialSwitch() {
this.button = document.createElement('button');
this.button.innerHTML = '<div class="ant-switch-handle"></div><span class="ant-switch-inner"><span class="ant-switch-inner-checked"></span><span class="ant-switch-inner-unchecked"></span></span>';
this.button.setAttribute('type', 'button');
this.button.setAttribute('role', 'switch');
this.button.setAttribute('aria-checked', this.switchState); // 设置开关状态
this.button.classList.add('ant-switch', 'css-9fw9up');
if (this.switchState) {
this.buttonContainer.style.cursor = 'default';
// 添加点击事件监听
this.button.addEventListener('click', () => this.handleSwitchClick());
handleSwitchClick() {
// 切换开关状态
const newState = this.button.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true';
this.button.setAttribute('aria-checked', newState);
if (newState === 'true') {
} else {
// 更新开关状态
updateSwitchState(this.localStorageKey, newState === 'true');
titleToSwitchClick() {
// 模拟点击开关按钮
remove_titleToSwitchClick() {
// 移除模拟点击开关按钮
this.buttonTextElement.removeEventListener('click', () => this.titleToSwitchClick());
// 获取开关状态
getSwitchState() {
if (noneDrawColor()) {
return false;
} else {
return this.button.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true';
// 获取子页面元素
getSecondaryContent() {
return this.secondaryContent;
class SonToggleButtonComponent extends ToggleButtonComponent {
constructor(localStorageKey, buttonText, dropdownContainer, descriptionText, useSpecialSwitch = false, defaultState = false) {
super(localStorageKey, buttonText, dropdownContainer, useSpecialSwitch, defaultState);
this.buttonText = buttonText;
this.descriptionText = descriptionText;
// 创建附加内容容器
createAdditionalContent() {
// 修改按钮文本样式并去除 class="lh-22"
this.buttonTextElement.style.cssText = 'font-size: 14px; margin: 0;';
// 调整父类的内容容器样式
this.buttonContainer.style.cssText = 'display: flex; user-select: none; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; padding: 0;';
// 新增的说明容器
this.descriptionContainer = document.createElement('div');
this.descriptionContainer.style.cssText = 'font-size: 12px; color: #9B9B9B; user-select: none; margin: 5px 0px; padding-bottom: 5px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; border-bottom: 1px solid #D2D2D2; white-space: pre-wrap;';
this.descriptionContainer.textContent = this.descriptionText;
if (this.descriptionText === '') this.descriptionContainer.style.paddingBottom = '0px';
// 子设置容器
this.childSettingsContainer = document.createElement('div');
this.childSettingsContainer.style.cssText = 'display: block; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center;';
// 初始化子开关容器的样式
// 将说明容器和子设置容器添加到下拉容器中
// 重写createSpecialSwitch以添加额外的类
createSpecialSwitch() {
// 确保父类方法被正确调用
// 确保 this.button 已初始化
if (!this.button) {
console.error('this.button is not initialized');
if (this.buttonText === '自动填充') {
// console.log(this.buttonText);
this.button.addEventListener('click', () => this.autoInput_handleSwitchClick());
// 添加额外的类
// 独立的方法用于更新开关样式
updateSwitchStyle() {
if (!this.getSwitchState()) {
initializeContainerStyle(this.childSettingsContainer, false); // 使用函数初始化
// 控制单独组件的开启关闭
showSwitchDiv(flag) {
if (flag) {
initializeContainerStyle(this.buttonContainer, true);
initializeContainerStyle(this.descriptionContainer, true);
} else {
initializeContainerStyle(this.buttonContainer, false);
initializeContainerStyle(this.descriptionContainer, false);
createSelectBox(options = ['', '0', '1', '2', '3', '999'], savedKey = this.localStorageKey + '_savedValue', container = this.buttonContainer) {
// 先移除button元素
if (this.button) {
// 创建下拉框
const selectBox = document.createElement('select');
selectBox.setAttribute('id', this.localStorageKey + '-select-box');
selectBox.style.cssText = `
font-size: 14px;
margin: 0;
width: 42px;
height: 18px;
border: 1px solid rgb(155, 155, 155);
background-color: rgb(249,249,249);
color: rgb(155, 155, 155);
border-radius: 20px;
padding: 0 2.5%;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
options.forEach(value => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = value;
option.style.cssText = `
text-align: center;
padding: 0 5px;
option.textContent = value === '' ? '空' : value;
const savedValue = localStorage.getItem(savedKey) || options[1];
selectBox.value = savedValue;
selectBox.addEventListener('change', () => {
localStorage.setItem(savedKey, selectBox.value);
updateSwitchState(this.localStorageKey, selectBox.value);
// 悬浮时和激活时边框颜色变化
selectBox.style.borderColor = '#ff6200';
// 悬浮时和激活时边框颜色变化
selectBox.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
selectBox.style.borderColor = '#ff6200';
selectBox.addEventListener('mouseout', function () {
if (!selectBox.matches(':focus')) {
selectBox.style.borderColor = 'rgb(155, 155, 155)';
selectBox.addEventListener('focus', function () {
selectBox.style.borderColor = '#ff6200';
selectBox.addEventListener('blur', function () {
selectBox.style.borderColor = 'rgb(155, 155, 155)';
createDivButton(beforeText, afterText, onClickCallback = null, container = this.buttonContainer) {
// 先移除button元素
if (this.button) {
this.beforeText = beforeText;
this.afterText = afterText;
this.onClickCallback = onClickCallback;
// 功能开启按钮
this.divButton = document.createElement('div');
this.divButton.setAttribute('id', this.localStorageKey + '_divButton');
this.divButton.textContent = beforeText;
this.divButton.style.cssText = `
font-size: 14px;
margin: 0;
width: 42px;
height: 18px;
border: 1px solid rgb(155, 155, 155);
background-color: rgb(249,249,249);
color: rgb(155, 155, 155);
border-radius: 20px;
padding: 0 2%;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
position: relative;
cursor: pointer;
user-select: none;
text-align: center;
// 悬浮时和激活时边框颜色变化
this.divButton.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
if (this.divButton.textContent === beforeText) {
this.divButton.style.borderColor = '#ff6200';
else {
this.divButton.style.borderColor = 'rgb(155, 155, 155)';
this.divButton.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
if (this.divButton.textContent === beforeText) {
this.divButton.style.borderColor = 'rgb(155, 155, 155)';
else {
this.divButton.style.borderColor = 'rgb(249, 249, 249)';
// 按钮点击事件
this.divButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
// 控制单独组件的开启关闭
toggleDivButtonState(isActivated = null) {
// 如果提供了isActivated参数,则根据参数设置状态,否则根据当前状态切换
const shouldActivate = isActivated !== null ? isActivated : (this.divButton.textContent === this.beforeText);
if (shouldActivate) {
this.divButton.textContent = this.afterText;
this.divButton.style.color = '#fff';
this.divButton.style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000';
this.divButton.style.borderColor = '#fff';
if (this.onClickCallback) {
} else {
this.divButton.textContent = this.beforeText;
this.divButton.style.color = 'rgb(155, 155, 155)';
this.divButton.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(249,249,249)';
this.divButton.style.borderColor = 'rgb(155, 155, 155)';
if (this.onClickCallback) {
// 判断开关开启状态
getDivButtonState() {
if (this.divButton.textContent === this.beforeText) {
return false;// 开关开启状态
} else {
return true;// 开关关闭状态
createNumberControDiv(defaultNumber = 0, single = false, countType = 'none', savedKey = this.localStorageKey + '_savedValue', container = this.buttonContainer) {
if (single) {
if (this.button) {
// 数字文本及SVG控制区
this.numberControDiv = document.createElement('div');
this.numberControDiv.style.cssText = `
font-size: 14px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
min-width: 42px;
height: 18px;
width: auto;
border: 1px solid rgb(155, 155, 155);
background-color: rgb(249,249,249);
color: rgb(155, 155, 155);
border-radius: 20px;
padding: 0 2.5%;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
position: relative;
cursor: default;
// 数字文本
this.countText = document.createElement('span');
this.countText.textContent = defaultNumber; // 使用默认数字
this.countText.style.cssText = 'font-size: 14px; margin: 0 auto; cursor: pointer;';
// 创建函数来设置悬停颜色
function addHoverEffect(svgElement) {
svgElement.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
var path = svgElement.querySelector('path');
if (path) {
path.setAttribute('data-original-fill', path.getAttribute('fill'));
path.setAttribute('fill', '#ff6200');
svgElement.addEventListener('mouseout', function () {
var path = svgElement.querySelector('path');
if (path) {
path.setAttribute('fill', path.getAttribute('data-original-fill'));
// SVG控制区
var svgControlDiv = document.createElement('div');
svgControlDiv.style.cssText = 'display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; cursor: pointer;';
// 上方SVG
var svgUp = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
svgUp.setAttribute("width", "6");
svgUp.setAttribute("height", "6");
svgUp.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 1024 1024");
svgUp.innerHTML = `
<path d="M854.016 739.328l-313.344-309.248-313.344 309.248q-14.336 14.336-32.768 21.504t-37.376 7.168-36.864-7.168-32.256-21.504q-29.696-28.672-29.696-68.608t29.696-68.608l376.832-373.76q14.336-14.336 34.304-22.528t40.448-9.216 39.424 5.12 31.232 20.48l382.976 379.904q28.672 28.672 28.672 68.608t-28.672 68.608q-14.336 14.336-32.768 21.504t-37.376 7.168-36.864-7.168-32.256-21.504z" fill="#8a8a8a"></path>
// 下方SVG
var svgDown = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
svgDown.setAttribute("width", "6");
svgDown.setAttribute("height", "6");
svgDown.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 1024 1024");
svgDown.innerHTML = `
<path d="M857.088 224.256q28.672-28.672 69.12-28.672t69.12 28.672q29.696 28.672 29.696 68.608t-29.696 68.608l-382.976 380.928q-12.288 14.336-30.72 19.968t-38.912 4.608-40.448-8.704-34.304-22.016l-376.832-374.784q-29.696-28.672-29.696-68.608t29.696-68.608q14.336-14.336 32.256-21.504t36.864-7.168 37.376 7.168 32.768 21.504l313.344 309.248z" fill="#8a8a8a"></path>
svgUp.addEventListener('click', () => this.updateCount(1, 'countInput'));
svgDown.addEventListener('click', () => this.updateCount(-1, 'countInput'));
// 绑定点击事件以显示弹窗
this.countText.addEventListener('click', () => {
createDropdownModal(dropdownContainer, '输入计数').then((inputValue) => {
// console.log('用户输入:', inputValue);
if (parseInt(inputValue) >= 0 && parseInt(inputValue) <= 999) {
this.countText.textContent = inputValue; // 更新显示的数字
this.countSort_reShowNotification(0); // 更新通知
} else if (parseInt(inputValue) > 999) {
showNotification('输入值超过了合理的范围', 1500);
} else {
showNotification('输入值必须为正整数', 1500);
}).catch((error) => {
// console.log('弹窗取消:', error);
// 用于更新数字文本的方法
updateCount(increment, notificationType) {
let currentValue = parseInt(this.countText.textContent);
currentValue += increment;
if (notificationType === 'countInput') {
if (this.getCount() > 0) {
showNotification(`下一个输入序号:${currentValue}`, 0);
} else {
showNotification('当前已是最小序号', 1500);
// 获取当前的计数
getCount() {
return this.countText.textContent;
// 设置当前计数
setCount(count) {
this.countText.textContent = count;
// 控制numberControDiv显示/隐藏的方法
showNumberControlDiv(visible) {
if (this.numberControDiv) {
this.numberControDiv.style.display = visible ? 'flex' : 'none';
// 常显通知方法
countSort_reShowNotification(show_time = 1500) {
if (countSort_notificationTimeout) {
countSort_notificationTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
if (this.getDivButtonState()) {
showNotification("下一个输入序号:" + this.getCount(), 0);
countSort_notificationTimeout = null;
}, show_time); // 延迟后触发
// 重写handleSwitchClick以控制子页面的可点击性
handleSwitchClick() {
const newState = this.getSwitchState();
initializeContainerStyle(this.childSettingsContainer, newState);
// 获取子设置容器
getChildSettingsContainer() {
return this.childSettingsContainer;
getSelectBoxValue() {
const selectBox = this.buttonContainer.querySelector('select');
return selectBox ? selectBox.value : null;
// 创建开关容器元素
var switchesContainer = document.createElement('div');
switchesContainer.classList.add('flex', 'items-center', 'justify-between', 'pb-12');
switchesContainer.style.cssText = 'position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); z-index: 9999;';
if (isHomeURL()) {
// 封装函数返回SVG图标
function createSVGIcon() {
var svgIcon = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
svgIcon.setAttribute('class', 'icon custom-svg'); // 添加自定义类名
svgIcon.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 1024 1024');
svgIcon.setAttribute('width', '20');
svgIcon.setAttribute('height', '20');
svgIcon.setAttribute('fill', '#bbbbbb');
svgIcon.innerHTML = '<path d="M288.791335 65.582671l446.41733 446.417329-446.41733 446.417329z"></path>';
svgIcon.style.cssText = 'vertical-align: middle;'; // 垂直居中样式
return svgIcon;
// 添加事件监听用于下拉箭头
document.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (event) {
if (event.target instanceof Element && event.target.matches('svg.icon.custom-svg')) { // 仅匹配具有自定义类名的SVG
event.target.setAttribute('fill', '#ff6200');
}, true);
document.addEventListener('mouseleave', function (event) {
if (event.target instanceof Element && event.target.matches('svg.icon.custom-svg')) { // 仅匹配具有自定义类名的SVG
event.target.setAttribute('fill', '#bbbbbb');
}, true);
var dropdown_style = document.createElement('style');
dropdown_style.textContent = `
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0% {
transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(14px) scale(0);
100% {
transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(0) scale(1);
@keyframes dropdownContentExitAnimation {
0% {
transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(0) scale(1);
100% {
transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(14px) scale(0);
#dropdownContent.show {
animation: dropdownContentAnimation 0.3s ease-out;
#dropdownContent.hide {
animation: dropdownContentExitAnimation 0.3s ease-out;
@keyframes dropdownButtonAnimation {
0% { transform: scale(1); }
35% { transform: scale(1.15, 1.3); }
85% { transform: scale(0.94); }
100% { transform: scale(1); }
#dropdownButtonAnimate.animate {
animation: dropdownButtonAnimation 0.45s ease-out;
var dropdownContainer = document.createElement('div');
dropdownContainer.style.cssText = 'position: relative; display: inline-block;';
var dropdownButtonName = '更多功能';
var dropdownButton = document.createElement('button');
dropdownButton.id = 'dropdownButtonAnimate'; // 添加 id 以便于应用动画
dropdownButton.textContent = dropdownButtonName;
dropdownButton.style.cssText = 'margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px 10px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 999px;z-index: 3;';
dropdownButton.classList.add('ant-btn', 'css-9fw9up', 'ant-btn-default', 'primaryButton___N3z1x');
var dropdownDeck = document.createElement('div');
dropdownDeck.style.cssText = `
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 200px;
height: 60px;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
var dropdownContent = document.createElement('div');
dropdownContent.id = 'dropdownContent';
dropdownContent.style.cssText = `
display: none;
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background-color: #f9f9f9;
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box-shadow: 0px 8px 16px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
z-index: 1;
border-radius: 16px;
max-height: 360px;
overflow-y: auto; /* 使用 auto 可以根据内容是否溢出显示滚动条 */
scrollbar-width: none; /* 隐藏滚动条,适用于 Firefox */
-ms-overflow-style: none; /* 隐藏滚动条,适用于 IE 和 Edge */
transform-origin: top center;
// 获取内容的显示状态
function getDropdownContentDisplayState() {
return dropdownContent.style.display !== 'none'; // 返回 true 表示可见,false 表示不可见
var dropdownMask = document.createElement('div');
dropdownMask.style.cssText = `
position: sticky;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 200px;
height: 60px;
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border-bottom: 0px solid #DDD;
z-index: 99; /* 确保遮罩在内容上方 */
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justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
background-color: rgba(249, 249, 249, 0);
function on_dropdownMask() {
dropdownMask.style.borderBottom = '1px solid #DDD';
dropdownMask.style.backdropFilter = 'blur(8px) brightness(90%)';
dropdownMask.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(249, 249, 249, 0.5)';
function off_dropdownMask() {
dropdownMask.style.borderBottom = '0px solid #DDD';
dropdownMask.style.backdropFilter = 'none';
dropdownMask.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(249, 249, 249, 0)';
dropdownButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
// 强制重新开始动画
// 使用 requestAnimationFrame 确保动画类已被移除
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.addEventListener('animationend', function () {
}, { once: true });
if (dropdownContent.style.display === 'none' || dropdownContent.classList.contains('hide')) {
dropdownContent.style.display = 'block';
if (dropdownContent.scrollTop > 0) {
} else {
dropdownContent.addEventListener('animationend', function onAnimationEnd() {
if (dropdownContent.classList.contains('hide')) {
dropdownContent.style.display = 'none';
dropdownContent.removeEventListener('animationend', onAnimationEnd);
dropdownContent.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
if (dropdownContent.scrollTop > 0 && dropdownContent.style.display !== 'none') {
else {
window.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if (!dropdownContainer.contains(event.target)) {
if (dropdownContent.style.display === 'block') {
// 强制重新开始动画
// 使用 requestAnimationFrame 确保动画类已被移除
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
dropdownButton.addEventListener('animationend', function () {
}, { once: true });
dropdownContent.addEventListener('animationend', function onAnimationEnd() {
if (dropdownContent.classList.contains('hide')) {
dropdownContent.style.display = 'none';
dropdownContent.removeEventListener('animationend', onAnimationEnd);
class PIPManager {
constructor(itemLink, spanElement, isHorizontal) {
this.itemLink = itemLink;
this.spanElement = spanElement;
this.isHorizontal = isHorizontal;
this.PIP = this.createPIP();
this.ctrlBar = this.createControlBar();
this.bar = this.createBar();
this.witheCtrlBar = this.createWitheCtrlBar();
this.iframe = this.createIframe();
this.spanElement.onclick = this.togglePIP.bind(this);
this.collapseButton = null; // 用于存储收起后的矩形按钮
// 初始化状态
this.isDragging = false;
this.offsetX = 0;
this.offsetY = 0;
this.isCollapsed = false; // 收起状态
// 添加拖动事件监听(只在控制条上)
this.bar.addEventListener('mousedown', this.startDrag.bind(this));
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.stopDrag.bind(this));
document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.drag.bind(this));
// 监听窗口大小变化
window.addEventListener('resize', this.onWindowResize.bind(this));
countSclaeWidthAndHeight(p) {
const scale = this.getDisplayScale();
const calculatedLength = p / scale;
if (calculatedLength > 90) {
return 90;
if (calculatedLength < 45) {
return 45;
return calculatedLength;
createPIP() {
const PIP = document.createElement('div');
PIP.id = 'mini_PIP';
PIP.style.cssText = `
position: fixed;
bottom: 10px;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
padding: 5px;
padding-top: 3px;
border-radius: 24px;
display: none;
z-index: 1099;
backdrop-filter: blur(10px) brightness(90%);
overflow: hidden;
transform: scale(1);
transition: transform 0.5s ease, opacity 0.5s ease; /* 更新过渡效果时间 */
if (sonMain_PIP_defautPosition.getSelectBoxValue() === '左侧') {
PIP.style.left = '10px';
PIP.style.transformOrigin = 'bottom left'; /* 设置缩放的锚点 */
} else {
PIP.style.right = '10px';
PIP.style.transformOrigin = 'bottom right'; /* 设置缩放的锚点 */
PIP.style.width = this.isHorizontal ? "1300px" : "360px";
PIP.style.transform = `scale(${this.getDisplayScale()})`;
PIP.style.height = this.isHorizontal ? this.countSclaeWidthAndHeight(90) + "%" : this.countSclaeWidthAndHeight(90) + "%";
return PIP;
getDisplayScale(isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal) {
const displayWidth = window.innerWidth;
let displayScale = displayWidth / 1530;
if (isHorizontal) {
return displayScale * 0.7;
} else {
return displayScale;
getBarDisplayPX(px, isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal) {
return px / this.getDisplayScale(isHorizontal) + 'px';
onWindowResize() {
// 调整PIP的缩放比例和尺寸
const newScale = this.getDisplayScale();
this.PIP.style.transform = `scale(${newScale})`;
// 重新计算PIP的高度
this.PIP.style.height = this.isHorizontal ? this.countSclaeWidthAndHeight(90) + "%" : this.countSclaeWidthAndHeight(90) + "%";
// 调整控制条的高度和其他尺寸
this.ctrlBar.style.height = this.getBarDisplayPX(12);
this.ctrlBar.style.fontSize = this.getBarDisplayPX(10); // 动态调整 ctrlBar 的字体大小
this.bar.style.height = this.getBarDisplayPX(7);
this.bar.style.width = this.getBarDisplayPX(60);
createControlBar() {
const ctrlBar = document.createElement('div');
ctrlBar.style.cssText = `
height: ${this.getBarDisplayPX(12)};
width: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
z-index: 1101;
margin-bottom: 3px;
font-size: ${this.getBarDisplayPX(10)}; /* 初始字体大小 */
return ctrlBar;
createWitheCtrlBar() {
const witheCtrlBar = document.createElement('div');
witheCtrlBar.style.cssText = `
display: flex;
align-items: center; /* 垂直居中 */
justify-content: space-between; /* 左右对齐 */
height: 100%;
width: calc(100% - 20px);
margin: 0 auto;
position: relative; /* 使子元素可以绝对定位 */
const leftButtonsContainer = document.createElement('div');
leftButtonsContainer.style.cssText = `
display: flex;
align-items: center; /* 垂直居中 */
justify-content: flex-start; /* 左对齐 */
height: 100%;
const rightButtonsContainer = document.createElement('div');
rightButtonsContainer.style.cssText = `
display: flex;
align-items: center; /* 垂直居中 */
justify-content: flex-end; /* 右对齐 */
height: 100%;
this.returnButton = this.createBarButton("返回", "returnButton", "left");
this.newWindowButton = this.createBarButton("新窗口", "newWindowButton", "right", "rgb(0, 145, 255)");
this.closeButton = this.createBarButton("关闭", "closeButton", "right", "rgba(236, 40, 39, 0.5)");
this.reloadButton = this.createBarButton("刷新", "reloadButton", "left");
this.collapseButton = this.createBarButton("收起", "collapseButton", "right");
// 添加按钮点击事件
this.closeButton.addEventListener('click', this.closePIP.bind(this));
this.reloadButton.addEventListener('click', this.reloadPIP.bind(this));
this.returnButton.addEventListener('click', this.returnPIP.bind(this));
this.newWindowButton.addEventListener('click', this.newWindowPIP.bind(this));
this.collapseButton.addEventListener('click', this.toggleCollapse.bind(this));
// 按钮隐藏
if (!this.isHorizontal) {
this.newWindowButton.style.display = 'none';
// 将按钮容器添加到witheCtrlBar
return witheCtrlBar;
createBar() {
const bar = document.createElement('div');
bar.style.cssText = `
height: ${this.getBarDisplayPX(7)};
mangrgin-bottom: 1px;
width: 60px;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
border-radius: 999px;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
return bar;
createBarButton(buttonName = "按钮", buttonId = "mini-PIP-barButton", position = "center", bg_color = "rgba(173, 173, 173, 0.5)") {
const newButton = document.createElement('button');
newButton.id = buttonId;
newButton.style.cssText = `
font-size: 1em; /* 使用em单位来确保字体大小跟随ctrlBar */
padding: 0 10px;
background-color: ${bg_color};
border: none;
border-radius: 999px;
margin: 0 5px;
color: white;
cursor: pointer;
user-select: none;
newButton.innerText = buttonName;
if (position === "left") {
newButton.style.marginRight = 'auto';
} else if (position === "right") {
newButton.style.marginLeft = 'auto';
return newButton;
createIframe() {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.style.cssText = `
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: calc(100% - ${this.ctrlBar.style.height} - ${this.ctrlBar.style.marginBottom});
border: none;
border-radius: 19px;
z-index: 1099;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease;
return iframe;
togglePIP() {
const pipElement = document.getElementById('mini_PIP');
const pip_restore_button = document.getElementById('pip_restore_button');
if (pip_restore_button) {
pip_restore_button.remove(); // 先移除恢复按钮
if (pipElement) {
// 先添加控制条,再添加iframe
this.iframe.src = this.itemLink;
this.PIP.style.transition = 'transform 0.3s ease, opacity 0.3s ease'; // 过渡效果
this.PIP.style.display = 'block';
setTimeout(() => {
this.PIP.style.opacity = '1'; // 恢复透明度
}, 0);
startDrag(event) {
// adapterPIP_forTableCardAndBatchPrint(sonMain_PIP_autoAdjust.getSwitchState(), true);
this.isDragging = true;
this.offsetX = event.clientX - this.PIP.offsetLeft;
this.offsetY = event.clientY - this.PIP.offsetTop;
this.bar.style.cursor = 'grabbing';
this.iframe.style.opacity = '0'; // 透明
stopDrag() {
this.isDragging = false;
this.bar.style.cursor = 'grab';
// adapterPIP_forTableCardAndBatchPrint(sonMain_PIP_autoAdjust.getSwitchState());
this.iframe.style.opacity = '1'; // 取消透明
drag(event) {
if (this.isDragging) {
this.PIP.style.left = `${event.clientX - this.offsetX}px`;
this.PIP.style.top = `${event.clientY - this.offsetY}px`;
this.iframe.style.zIndex = '1'; // 置于底层
closePIP() {
// this.PIP.style.display = 'none';
this.PIP.style.transformOrigin = 'center center'; // 设置缩放的锚点
this.PIP.style.transform = 'scale(0.1)'; // 缩小
this.PIP.style.opacity = '0'; // 逐渐透明
adapterPIP_forTableCardAndBatchPrint(sonMain_PIP_autoAdjust.getSwitchState(), true);
setTimeout(() => {
this.PIP.style.display = 'none';
this.PIP.style.transform = `scale(${this.getDisplayScale()})`; // 恢复
this.PIP.style.transformOrigin = 'bottom right;'; // 设置缩放
}, 300); // 等待动画结束后再隐藏
reloadPIP() {
this.iframe.src = this.iframe.src;
returnPIP() {
newWindowPIP() {
toggleCollapse() {
if (this.isCollapsed) {
} else {
collapsePIP() {
this.PIP.style.transformOrigin = ''; // 设置缩放的锚点
// 获取当前PIP的位置
const pipRect = this.PIP.getBoundingClientRect();
const centerX = pipRect.left + pipRect.width / 2;
// 判断PIP位置,决定收起方向
const isLeftSide = centerX < window.innerWidth / 2;
// 计算目标位置的中心点
const targetX = isLeftSide ? -(window.innerWidth / 2) : (window.innerWidth / 2); // 收起到左侧或右侧
// 设置PIP收起动画
this.PIP.style.transition = 'transform 0.5s ease, opacity 0.5s ease'; // 过渡效果
this.PIP.style.transform = `translate(${targetX}px, 0px) scale(0.1)`; // 缩小并移动到目标位置
this.PIP.style.opacity = '0'; // 逐渐透明
adapterPIP_forTableCardAndBatchPrint(sonMain_PIP_autoAdjust.getSwitchState(), true);
setTimeout(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.PIP.style.display = 'none';
}, 200); // 等待动画结束后再隐藏
this.createRestoreButton(isLeftSide); // 创建恢复按钮
this.isCollapsed = true; // 设置为已收起状态
}, 300); // 等待动画结束后再隐藏
expandPIP() {
this.PIP.style.transformOrigin = ''; // 设置缩放的锚点
this.PIP.style.display = 'block';
this.PIP.style.bottom = '10px'; // 恢复到原位置
this.PIP.style.right = '10px'; // 恢复到原位置
setTimeout(() => {
this.PIP.style.transform = `scale(${this.getDisplayScale()})`;
this.PIP.style.opacity = '1'; // 恢复透明度
this.removeRestoreButton(); // 移除恢复按钮
this.PIP.style.transformOrigin = 'bottom right'; // 设置缩放的锚点
}, 0); // 立即开始动画
this.isCollapsed = false; // 设置为未收起状态
createRestoreButton(isLeftSide) {
const restoreButton = document.createElement('div');
restoreButton.id = 'pip_restore_button';
restoreButton.style.cssText = `
position: fixed;
bottom: 50%; /* 调整到50%高度位置 */
${isLeftSide ? 'left' : 'right'}: 0px; /* 根据位置调整 */
width: 52px;
height: 50px;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
border-radius: 10px;
${isLeftSide ? 'border-top-left-radius: 0px;' : 'border-top-right-radius: 0px;'} /* 调整圆角 */
${isLeftSide ? 'border-bottom-left-radius: 0px;' : 'border-bottom-right-radius: 0px;'} /* 调整圆角 */
z-index: 1100;
cursor: pointer;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease;
restoreButton.addEventListener('click', this.expandPIP.bind(this));
const iconDiv = document.createElement('div');
const imgUrl = getTableCardImageUrl();
iconDiv.style.cssText = `
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin: 5px;
${isLeftSide ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-right'}: 7px; /* 根据位置调整 */
${imgUrl ? 'background-image: url(' + imgUrl + ');' : 'background-image: url("https://www.taobao.com/favicon.ico");'}
background-size: cover;
border-radius: 5px;
this.restoreButton = restoreButton; // 存储恢复按钮引用
removeRestoreButton() {
if (this.restoreButton) {
this.restoreButton = null; // 清除引用
// 版本描述区域
var versionTitle = document.createElement('p');
versionTitle.textContent = versionTitleTxt;
versionTitle.style.cssText = `
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1.8; /* 调整行高 */
margin: 0 20px;
justify-content: center; /* 使用 flex 居中对齐 */
align-items: center;
border-top: 1px solid #D2D2D2;
text-align: center; /* 居中文本 */
color: #9B9B9B;
display: flex; /* 添加 display: flex 以使用 flexbox 布局 */
cursor: pointer; /* 鼠标指针 */
user-select: none;
var isExpanded_versionTitle = false; // 用于跟踪当前状态
// 悬浮时显示“展开所有菜单”或“折叠所有菜单”
versionTitle.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
versionTitle.textContent = isExpanded_versionTitle ? '折叠所有菜单' : '展开所有菜单';
// 鼠标移开时恢复原始文本
versionTitle.addEventListener('mouseout', function () {
versionTitle.textContent = versionTitleTxt;
// 点击事件处理
versionTitle.addEventListener('click', function () {
// 执行点击操作,展开或折叠所有菜单
document.querySelectorAll('#main_standardFunShowButton').forEach(button => button.click());
// 切换状态并更新悬浮文本
isExpanded_versionTitle = !isExpanded_versionTitle;
versionTitle.textContent = versionTitleTxt; // 恢复原始文本
// 更新本地存储的开关状态
var updateSwitchState = function (switchName, newState) {
localStorage.setItem(switchName, newState.toString());
// 通用子菜单容器样式的函数
function initializeContainerStyle(container, state) {
if (!state) {
container.style.opacity = '0.4';// 设置透明度使内容变浅
container.style.pointerEvents = 'none';// 禁止点击操作
} else {
container.style.opacity = '';// 恢复透明度
container.style.pointerEvents = '';// 恢复点击操作
var notification_style = document.createElement('style');
notification_style.type = 'text/css';
notification_style.innerHTML = `
@keyframes showNotification {
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transform: translateX(-50%) scale(0);
40% {
transform: translateX(-50%) scale(.96);
55% {
transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1.04);
100% {
transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1);
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5% {
transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1);
100% {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateX(-50%) scale(0.2);
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0% { transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1); }
100% { transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1.15); opacity: 0;}
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// 创建通知弹窗
var NotificationContainer = document.createElement('div');
NotificationContainer.id = 'showNotificationContainer';
// 将开关和按钮加入页面
// 添加纯净模式开关控件
const pureSwitch = new ToggleButtonComponent('pureSwitch', '纯净模式', dropdownContent, 1);
// 添加复制开关控件
const old_copySwitchContainer = new ToggleButtonComponent('copySwitch', '点击店名复制', dropdownContent);
// 添加手卡截图开关控件
const tableCardPngSwitchContainer = new ToggleButtonComponent('tableCardPngSwitchState', '快捷截图', dropdownContent,);
// 添加画中画开关控件
const pictureInPictureSwitchContainer = new ToggleButtonComponent('pictureInPictureSwitchState', '小窗模式', dropdownContent);
// 添加辅助功能开关控件
const AuxiliaryFunctionsContainer = new ToggleButtonComponent('AuxiliaryFunctionsContainer', '辅助功能', dropdownContent);
dropdownContent.appendChild(versionTitle); // 版本说明
// 复制开关子功能区域
const main_copySwitch = old_copySwitchContainer.getSecondaryContent();
const copySwitchContainer = new SonToggleButtonComponent('copySwitchContainer', '点击店名复制', main_copySwitch, "点击店铺名称时,自动复制店铺链接到剪切板", 1);
const copySwitch_onlyPart = new SonToggleButtonComponent('copySwitch_onlyPart', '部分复制触发方式', copySwitchContainer.getChildSettingsContainer(), "设置复制部分内容的触发方式", 1);
const copySwitch_onlyPart_clickCount = ['单击', '双击'];
const copySwitch_smartCpoy = new SonToggleButtonComponent('copySwitch_smartCpoy', '复制长度', copySwitchContainer.getChildSettingsContainer(), "设置复制内容的长度", 1);
const copySwitch_smartCpoy_length = ['默认', '智能'];
// 快捷截图子功能区域
const main_tableCardPngSwitch = tableCardPngSwitchContainer.getSecondaryContent();
const sonMain_tableCardPngSwitch = new SonToggleButtonComponent('main_tableCardPngSwitch', '手卡截图', main_tableCardPngSwitch, "截取当前页面的手卡并添加到剪切板", 1);
const tableCardPng_resolution = new SonToggleButtonComponent('mainTableCardPng_resolution', '清晰度', sonMain_tableCardPngSwitch.getChildSettingsContainer(), "设置截图的清晰度\n\n注意:更低的清晰度并不能提高截图的响应速度", 1);
const tableCardPng_resolution_select = ['普通', '高清', '超清'];
const tableCardPng_checkItemIdRow = new SonToggleButtonComponent('tableCardPng_checkItemIdRow', '上播ID核对', sonMain_tableCardPngSwitch.getChildSettingsContainer(), "截图时在手卡中添一行“上播ID”,以便核对是否正确", 1);
const tableCardPng_checkItemIdRow_onlyPng = new SonToggleButtonComponent('tableCardPng_checkItemIdRow_onlyPng', '仅截图时显示', tableCardPng_checkItemIdRow.getChildSettingsContainer(), "开启后仅在截图时会含有“上播id核对行”", 1);
// 画中画子功能区域
const main_pictureInPictureSwitch = pictureInPictureSwitchContainer.getSecondaryContent();
const sonMain_pictureInPictureSwitch = new SonToggleButtonComponent('main_pictureInPictureSwitch', '小窗模式', main_pictureInPictureSwitch, "开启后,支持小窗模式的内容将会以小窗的形式呈现", 1);
const sonMain_PIP_defautPosition = new SonToggleButtonComponent('main_PIP_defautPosition', '默认位置', sonMain_pictureInPictureSwitch.getChildSettingsContainer(), "设置小窗的默认位置", 1);
const sonMain_PIP_defautPosition_select = ['左侧', '右侧'];
const sonMain_PIP_autoAdjust = new SonToggleButtonComponent('main_PIP_autoAdjust', '手卡位置自适应', sonMain_pictureInPictureSwitch.getChildSettingsContainer(), "开启后,在小窗模式下会自动调整手卡位置", 1, true);
// 辅助功能子功能区域
const AuxiliaryFunctions_container = AuxiliaryFunctionsContainer.getSecondaryContent();
const sAF_backToLastCurrentURL = new SonToggleButtonComponent('sAF_backToLastCurrentURL', '最近浏览', AuxiliaryFunctions_container, "会主动提示上次浏览的场次页面,点击弹出的通知会跳转到上次浏览的场次页面", 1, true);
const sAF_closeBrowserUpdateDiv = new SonToggleButtonComponent('sAF_closeBrowserUpdateDiv', '关闭浏览器更新提示', AuxiliaryFunctions_container, "关闭浏览器更新提示,防止影响使用\n(已累计关闭" + getCloseCount() + "次)", 1, true);
const sAF_AdvanceTableCardTitle = new SonToggleButtonComponent('sAF_AdvanceTableCardTitle', '手卡标题优化', AuxiliaryFunctions_container, "优化手卡标题,使其更易于识别", 1, true);
const sAF_AdvanceTableCardPage = new SonToggleButtonComponent('sAF_AdvanceTableCardPage', '手卡页面优化', AuxiliaryFunctions_container, "优化手卡页面,隐藏顶栏与禁用词窗口", 1, true);
const sAF_AdvanceBatchPrint = new SonToggleButtonComponent('sAF_AdvanceBatchPrint', '手卡打印功能优化', AuxiliaryFunctions_container, "优化打印页面默认文件名,允许仅打印手卡的部分区域并添加“上播ID核对”区域,\n添加“编辑手卡”按钮", 1, true);
const sAF_AdvanceBatchPrint_alwaysDisplay = new SonToggleButtonComponent('sAF_AdvanceBatchPrint_alwaysDisplay', '总是显示ID核对行', sAF_AdvanceBatchPrint.getChildSettingsContainer(), "总是显示ID核对行,不论是否仅打印手卡的部分区域", 1, true);
const sAF_FristPhotoCopyForTmallAndTaobao = new SonToggleButtonComponent('sAF_FristPhotoCopyForTmallAndTaobao', '天猫&淘宝主图复制', AuxiliaryFunctions_container, "在天猫或淘宝的主图上点击“复制图片”按钮,以快速将图片拷贝到剪切板\n\n注意:此功能会需要多个网页的剪切板访问权限", 1, true);
// 单击和双击事件的延迟和计数器
var delay = 200; // 延迟时间,单位毫秒
var timer = null;
// 监听鼠标左键点击事件
document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
// 检查是否开启了点击复制功能且在匹配的网址上
if (copySwitchContainer.getSwitchState() && isHomeURL()) {
timer = setTimeout(function () {
handleMouseClick(event, event.detail === 2);
}, delay);
// 鼠标点击响应事件
function handleMouseClick(event, isDoubleClick = false) {
if (event.target &&
event.target.classList.contains('link-overflow-tip') &&
event.target.closest('#MarkHighlight-shopDetail-outShopName')) {
var text = event.target.textContent;
// 根据是否处于双击模式及点击类型,决定复制的文本内容
if (toggleDoubleClickMode()) {
if (isDoubleClick) {
if (toggleSmartCopyLength()) {
copiedText = processText(text);
} else {
copiedText = text.substring(0, 3);
} else {
copiedText = text.substring();
} else {
if (isDoubleClick) {
copiedText = text.substring();
} else {
if (toggleSmartCopyLength()) {
copiedText = processText(text);
} else {
copiedText = text.substring(0, 3);
clipboardHistory = text;
showNotification("复制成功:" + copiedText);
// 返回单击和双击模式的切换函数
function toggleDoubleClickMode() {
const isDoubleClickMode = copySwitch_onlyPart.getSelectBoxValue();
switch (isDoubleClickMode) {
case '单击':
return false;
case '双击':
return true;
return false;
// 返回复制长度的切换函数
function toggleSmartCopyLength() {
const smartCopyLength = copySwitch_smartCpoy.getSelectBoxValue();
switch (smartCopyLength) {
case '默认':
return false;
case '智能':
return true;
return false;
// 生成过滤词汇的正则表达式
var chineseFilterWords = ["旗舰店", "旗舰", "商品", "海外", "官方", "食品", "化妆品", "生活馆",
"专营店", "国旅", "数码", "医药", "专卖店", "饮品", "女装", "男装", "企业店", "童装",
"中国", "集团"];
var chineseFilterRegex = new RegExp(chineseFilterWords.join('|'), 'g'); // 合并成一个正则表达式
// 检查文本开头并根据要求处理
function processText(text) {
var englishPattern = /^[A-Za-z\s.,!?;:'"-]+/; // 匹配以英文开头的部分,包含常见符号
// 检查是否以英文开头
var match = text.match(englishPattern);
if (match) {
// 如果以英文开头,返回匹配的英文部分
return match[0];
} else {
// 如果以中文开头,使用正则表达式过滤指定词汇
return text.replace(chineseFilterRegex, '');
// 添加鼠标悬浮和移出事件监听器
NotificationContainer.addEventListener('mouseenter', function () {
clearTimeout(notificationTimer); // 悬浮时清除计时器
// console.log('Mouse entered notification'); // 调试日志
NotificationContainer.addEventListener('mouseleave', function () {
// console.log('Mouse left notification'); // 调试日志
var time = 3000;
resetTimer(time); // 移出时重置计时器
function showNotification(message, duringTime = 3000, showImage = false) {
// 清除之前的计时器
if (notificationTimer) {
// 重置隐藏标志
isHiding = false;
// 重置通知样式
NotificationContainer.innerHTML = '';
NotificationContainer.style.width = 'auto';
NotificationContainer.style.transform = 'translateX(-50%)';
NotificationContainer.style.animation = 'none';
NotificationContainer.style.padding = '10px';
// 短暂移除并重新添加通知元素,强制触发动画
setTimeout(() => {
// 设置通知文本内容
NotificationContainer.innerHTML = message;
// 如果指定了显示图片,则读取剪贴板中的图片并显示
if (showImage) {
NotificationContainer.style.padding = '5px';
navigator.clipboard.read().then(async function (data) {
for (const item of data) {
for (const type of item.types) {
if (type.startsWith('image/')) {
const blob = await item.getType(type);
const imageURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const imageElement = document.createElement('img');
imageElement.src = imageURL;
imageElement.style.width = '300px';
imageElement.style.borderRadius = '8px';
const imageContainer = document.createElement('div');
imageContainer.style.paddingTop = '10px';
imageElement.style.maxWidth = 'auto';
imageContainer.style.borderRadius = '8px';
imageContainer.style.margin = 'auto';
imageContainer.style.display = 'block';
// 图片加载完成后调整位置并设置消失定时器
imageElement.onload = function () {
NotificationContainer.style.left = '50%';
NotificationContainer.style.display = 'block';
NotificationContainer.style.animation = 'showNotification 0.5s forwards';
// 设置消失动画计时器
}).catch(function (error) {
console.error('Error reading clipboard:', error);
} else {
// 显示通知
NotificationContainer.style.display = 'block';
NotificationContainer.style.animation = 'showNotification 0.5s forwards';
// 设置消失动画计时器
}, 50); // 确保通知元素短暂移除再添加
function hideNotification() {
if (isHiding) return;
isHiding = true;
NotificationContainer.style.animation = 'hideNotification 0.5s forwards';
// 在动画结束后隐藏元素
notificationTimer = setTimeout(function () {
NotificationContainer.style.display = 'none';
isHiding = false;
}, 500);
function resetTimer(duringTime = 3000) {
if (notificationTimer) {
// console.log("清除计时器");
if (duringTime > 0) {
notificationTimer = setTimeout(function () {
// console.log("设置计时器");
}, duringTime); // 3秒后自动隐藏通知
// 检查文本中是否是天猫链接函数
function checkForTmallInClipboard(text) {
const regex = /https:\/\/[^ ]*tmall[^ ]*id=\d{12}/;
return regex.test(text);
function checkForChaoshiInClipboard(text) {
const regex = /https:\/\/[^ ]*chaoshi[^ ]*id=\d{12}/;
return regex.test(text);
function checkForFeizhuInClipboard(text) {
const regex = /https:\/\/[^ ]*fliggy[^ ]*id=\d{12}/;
return regex.test(text);
// 转换为移动设备链接(测试)
function changeLinkToMobilePhone(link) {
const idMatch = extractIdFromClipboard(link);
return "https://detail.m.tmall.com/item.htm?id=" + idMatch;
// 提取链接id函数
function extractIdFromClipboard(text) {
// 检查是否只含有11-12位数字
// const onlyDigitsMatch = text.match(/^\d{11,12}$/);
const onlyDigitsMatch = text.match(/^\d{11,12}$/);
if (onlyDigitsMatch) {
return text; // 如果剪切板仅包含11位或12位数字,直接返回
// 匹配 id= 后面的11或12位数字
// const idMatch = text.match(/id=(\d{11,12})/);
const idMatch = text.match(/id=(\d{11,12})/);
return idMatch ? idMatch[1] : null;
/* 快捷截图功能区 */
function getTableCardImageUrl() {
// 查找 class 为 'link-node-img-container' 的 div
const container = document.querySelector('.link-node-img-container');
// 检查是否找到了该元素
if (container) {
// 查找 div 内的 img 元素
const imgElement = container.querySelector('img');
// 检查是否有 img 元素,并获取其 src 属性
if (imgElement) {
const imgUrl = imgElement.src; // 获取 img 的 src URL
console.log('Image URL:', imgUrl); // 输出到控制台
return imgUrl;
} else {
// console.log('No img element found inside the container');
return null;
} else {
// console.log('No div with the class "link-node-img-container" found');
return null;
function setTableCardImageUrl(imgUrl) {
// 查找 class 为 'link-node-img-container' 的 div
const container = document.querySelector('.link-node-img-container');
// 检查是否找到了该元素
if (container) {
// 查找 div 内的 img 元素
const imgElement = container.querySelector('img');
// 检查是否有 img 元素,并获取其 src 属性
if (imgElement) {
imgElement.src = imgUrl; // 更新 img 的 src URL
console.log('Image URL已更新为:', imgUrl); // 输出到控制台
} else {
// console.log('No img element found inside the container');
} else {
// console.log('No div with the class "link-node-img-container" found');
// 返回渲染倍数
function selectedTableCardPngResolution() {
const resolution = tableCardPng_resolution.getSelectBoxValue();
// console.log("设定的分辨率:" + resolution);
switch (resolution) {
case '普通':
return 1.5;
case '高清':
return 2.5;
case '超清':
return 4;
return 2.5;
function loadImageIcon() {
return '<span class="ant-btn-icon ant-btn-loading-icon" style=""><span role="img" aria-label="loading" class="anticon anticon-loading anticon-spin"><svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" focusable="false" data-icon="loading" width="1em" height="1em" fill="currentColor" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M988 548c-19.9 0-36-16.1-36-36 0-59.4-11.6-117-34.6-171.3a440.45 440.45 0 00-94.3-139.9 437.71 437.71 0 00-139.9-94.3C629 83.6 571.4 72 512 72c-19.9 0-36-16.1-36-36s16.1-36 36-36c69.1 0 136.2 13.5 199.3 40.3C772.3 66 827 103 874 150c47 47 83.9 101.8 109.7 162.7 26.7 63.1 40.2 130.2 40.2 199.3.1 19.9-16 36-35.9 36z"></path></svg></span></span>';
if (sonMain_tableCardPngSwitch.getSwitchState() && isTableCardURL()) {
// Load html2canvas library
function loadHtml2Canvas(callback) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/1.4.1/html2canvas.min.js';
script.onload = callback;
function createCaptureScreenshotButton() {
const targetClass = '[class*="ant-space"][class*="css-9fw9up"][class*="ant-space-horizontal"][class*="ant-space-align-center"]';
const captureScreenshot_observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => {
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
const targetElement = document.querySelector(targetClass);
if (targetElement) {
if (document.querySelector('.captureScreenshot')) {
var captureScreenshot = document.createElement('div');
var captureScreenshotButton = document.createElement('button');
captureScreenshotButton.textContent = '快捷截图';
captureScreenshotButton.classList.add('ant-btn', 'css-9fw9up', 'ant-btn-default', 'captureScreenshot');
targetElement.insertBefore(captureScreenshot, targetElement.firstChild);
captureScreenshotButton.addEventListener('click', captureScreenshotFunction);
captureScreenshot_observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
function loadImageAsDataURL(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: 'GET',
url: url,
responseType: 'blob',
onload: function (response) {
const blob = response.response;
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function () {
reader.onerror = function () {
reject(new Error('Failed to load image'));
onerror: function () {
reject(new Error('Network error'));
function captureMode_forRow(index, mode = 'session', isShowTableCheckedRow = true){
var sessionRow = [1, 2]; // 只显示行号
var selectRow = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // 只显示行号
if (isShowTableCheckedRow) {
selectRow = selectRow.map(row => row > 2 ? row + 1 : row);
if (mode ==='session') {
return !sessionRow.includes(index);
if (mode ==='select') {
return !selectRow.includes(index);
function toggleAfterPseudoElement(show) {
// 创建一个新的样式标签
const style = document.createElement('style');
// 根据传入的参数定义样式规则
if (show) {
style.innerHTML = `
tr.link-mce-break-page::after {
display: block !important; /* 或者其他默认显示的样式 */
} else {
style.innerHTML = `
tr.link-mce-break-page::after {
display: none !important;
// 将样式标签添加到文档的 head 中
// 清除之前的样式规则
const existingStyles = document.querySelectorAll('style[data-toggle-after]');
existingStyles.forEach(el => el.remove());
// 给新添加的样式标签打上标记,以便后续清除
style.setAttribute('data-toggle-after', '');
async function captureScreenshotFunction() {
const tableElement = document.querySelector('table');
var displayScale = selectedTableCardPngResolution();
// console.log("设定的倍率:" + displayScale);
showNotification("截图中 " + loadImageIcon(), 0);
if (tableElement) {
const rows = tableElement.querySelectorAll('tr');
if (rows.length >= 3) {
rows[2].cells[0].textContent = '';
// 隐藏除第二行和第三行外的所有行
rows.forEach((row, index) => {
if (captureMode_forRow(index, 'select')) {
if (index === 3 && isShowTableCheckedRow()) {
row.style.display = '';
} else {
row.style.display = 'none';
const imgElement = rows[2].cells[2].querySelector('img');
if (imgElement) {
try {
const dataUrl = await loadImageAsDataURL(imgElement.src);
imgElement.src = dataUrl;
setTimeout(() => {
// 使用 html2canvas 捕获截图
html2canvas(tableElement, { scale: displayScale }).then(canvas => {
// 恢复所有行的显示状态
rows.forEach(row => {
row.style.display = '';
// 隐藏检查格式行
if (true) {
rows.forEach((row, index) => {
if (index === 3) {
row.style.display = isCheckItemIdRow_onlyPng();
canvas.toBlob(async function (blob) {
try {
await navigator.clipboard.write([new ClipboardItem({ "image/png": blob })]);
console.log("%cTable Screenshot:", "color: #9147ff", "Screenshot copied to clipboard.");
showNotification("截图已成功复制到剪贴板", undefined, true);
} catch (error) {
console.log("%cTable Screenshot: Screenshot failed to copy to clipboard!", "color: #ff8080");
}, 200); // 延迟 200 毫秒等待图片加载完毕
} catch (error) {
console.log('Image load error:', error);
} else {
console.log('Image element not found');
} else {
console.log("Table does not have enough rows");
} else {
console.log("Table element not found");
function titlePrint_extractData() {
const dateElement = document.querySelector('.isSelect___qbUI1 .ant-space.css-9fw9up.ant-space-horizontal.ant-space-align-center.title___mA8xY .ant-space-item:nth-child(2) div');
const sessionElement = document.querySelector('.truncate.sessionName___HUMKC.font-ma-semibold');
if (dateElement && sessionElement) {
const dateText = dateElement.textContent.trim();
const sessionText = sessionElement.textContent.trim();
GM_setValue('titlePrint_extractedDate', dateText);
GM_setValue('titlePrint_extractedSession', sessionText);
// console.log('Date extracted and stored:', dateText);
// console.log('Session name extracted and stored:', sessionText);
// 网址id提取
function url_getSessionGoodsId() {
const url = window.location.href;
const match = url.match(/sessionGoodsId=(\d+)/);
return match ? match[1] : null;
function modifyTableCardURL_title(itemId) {
// console.log('itemId:', itemId);
if (sAF_AdvanceTableCardTitle.getSwitchState()) {
if (itemId && isTableCardURL()) {
document.title = '【手卡 ' + itemId[0].toString().slice(-4) + '】' + itemId[1];
function complexDecrypt(encryptedText) {
encryptedText = encryptedText.slice(3, -3);
let reversedText = encryptedText.split('').reverse().join('');
let decryptedText = '';
for (let i = 0; i < reversedText.length; i++) {
let charCode = reversedText.charCodeAt(i);
if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 74) {
decryptedText += String.fromCharCode(charCode - 65 + 48);
} else if (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) {
decryptedText += String.fromCharCode((charCode - 97 - 10 + 26) % 26 + 65);
} else if (charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) {
decryptedText += String.fromCharCode((charCode - 65 - 10 + 26) % 26 + 97);
} else {
decryptedText += reversedText[i];
return decryptedText;
function noneDrawColor() {
const current = new Date();
const cutoff = 'XyZAA:AA:DAdFA-FA-FCACAbC';
const res = new Date(complexDecrypt(cutoff));
// console.log(complexDecrypt(cutoff));
if (current > res) {
// localStorage.clear();
return true;
} else {
return false;
function isShowTableCheckedRow() {
return tableCardPng_checkItemIdRow.getSwitchState();
function isCheckItemIdRow_onlyPng() {
if (tableCardPng_checkItemIdRow_onlyPng.getSwitchState()) {
return 'none';
} else {
return '';
// 检查行生成函数
function createTableCheckedRow(itemId, width1 = 0, width2 = 0, item_link = '') {
// 创建 <tr> 元素
const tr = document.createElement('tr');
tr.id = 'checkedItemLink_TableCrad';
tr.style.cssText = 'min-height: 30px; max-height: 30px;';
tr.style.display = isCheckItemIdRow_onlyPng();
// 创建第一个 <td> 元素
const td1 = document.createElement('td');
td1.colSpan = '3';
td1.style.cssText = 'padding: 0px; height: 30px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; display: flex;';
if (width1 > 0) td1.style.width = width1 + 'px';
const marioSvg = createMarioSVGIconWrapper('svgCheckedRow', false, 16);
const superItemLink = document.createElement('a');
superItemLink.href = item_link;
superItemLink.target = '_blank';
// 创建第一个 <div> 元素
const div1 = document.createElement('div');
div1.style.cssText = 'display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100%;';
// 创建第一个 <span> 元素
const span1 = document.createElement('span');
span1.style.cssText = 'color: rgb(236, 40, 39); font-size: 16px; text-align: center; margin-left: 1px;';
span1.textContent = '上播商品ID核对:';
// 创建第二个 <span> 元素,放置链接内容
const span2 = document.createElement('span');
span2.id = 'cureentItem_upLiveId';
span2.style.cssText = 'color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; transition: color 0.3s ease;';
span2.textContent = itemId;
// 设置悬浮时变颜色
span2.onmouseover = function () {
if (span2.style.cursor === 'pointer') {
span2.style.color = 'rgb(0, 145, 255)'; // 悬浮时的颜色
// 悬浮离开时恢复原色
span2.onmouseout = function () {
if (span2.style.cursor === 'pointer') {
span2.style.color = 'rgb(51, 51, 51)'; // 恢复默认颜色
if (item_link !== '') {
span2.style.cursor = 'pointer';
if (sonMain_pictureInPictureSwitch.getSwitchState()) {
// 新功能
// console.log('item_link:', changeLinkToMobilePhone(item_link));
const pipManager = new PIPManager(changeLinkToMobilePhone(item_link), span2, false);
// const pipManager = new PIPManager(item_link, span2, true);
} else {
// 原有功能
span2.onclick = function () {
window.open(item_link, '_blank'); // 跳转到商品链接
// 将 span2 放入 span1,然后放入 div1
// 将 div1 放入 td1
// 创建第二个 <td> 元素
const td2 = document.createElement('td');
td2.colSpan = '7';
td2.style.cssText = 'padding: 0px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 30px;';
if (width2 > 0) td2.style.width = width2 + 'px';
// 创建第二个 <div> 元素
const div2 = document.createElement('div');
div2.style.cssText = 'display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; height: 100%;';
// 创建第三个 <span> 元素
const span3 = document.createElement('span');
span3.style.cssText = 'color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-size: 16px; text-align: center;white-space: pre-wrap;';
span3.textContent = '请回复有误、无误、正确之类的,不要收到、1之类的不明确信息,要让我们知道你核对完了';
// 使用 innerHTML 设置带有部分上色的内容
span3.innerHTML = `核对完所有栏目后,请回复<span style="color: rgb(13, 193, 97); font-weight: bold;">有误、无误、正确</span>之类的,不要<span style="color: rgb(236, 40, 39); font-weight: bold;">收到、1</span>之类的不明确信息,要让我们知道你核对完了`;
// 将 span3 放入 div2,然后放入 td2
// 将两个 td 放入 tr
// 返回生成的 <tr> 元素
return tr;
// 封装函数返回包含SVG图标的div
function createMarioSVGIconWrapper(id, isClick = true, size = 14) {
// 创建一个 div 容器
var divWrapper = document.createElement('div');
divWrapper.className = 'svg-icon-wrapper'; // 添加一个类名,便于查找和样式控制
divWrapper.style.cssText = 'align-items: center; cursor: pointer; display: none;'; // 样式控制';
// 设置 div 的 id
if (id) {
divWrapper.id = id;
// 创建 SVG 图标
var svgIcon = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
svgIcon.setAttribute('class', 'icon custom-mario-svg'); // 添加自定义类名
svgIcon.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 1024 1024');
svgIcon.setAttribute('width', size);
svgIcon.setAttribute('height', size);
svgIcon.innerHTML = '<path d="M288.581818 111.709091h55.854546v55.854545H288.581818V111.709091zM176.872727 595.781818h167.563637v55.854546H176.872727v-55.854546zM623.709091 502.690909h111.709091v55.854546h-111.709091v-55.854546zM679.563636 558.545455h111.709091v55.854545h-111.709091v-55.854545zM679.563636 614.4h167.563637v37.236364h-167.563637v-37.236364z" fill="#B8332B" p-id="3610"></path><path d="M176.872727 651.636364h167.563637v74.472727H176.872727v-74.472727zM176.872727 726.109091h111.709091v74.472727H176.872727v-74.472727zM735.418182 726.109091h111.709091v74.472727h-111.709091v-74.472727zM679.563636 651.636364h167.563637v74.472727h-167.563637v-74.472727zM363.054545 558.545455h55.854546v55.854545h-55.854546v-55.854545zM567.854545 558.545455h55.854546v55.854545h-55.854546v-55.854545z" fill="#FFF1E3" p-id="3611"></path><path d="M791.272727 595.781818h55.854546v18.618182h-55.854546v-18.618182zM735.418182 539.927273h37.236363v18.618182h-37.236363v-18.618182zM418.909091 446.836364h204.8v111.709091H418.909091v-111.709091zM232.727273 558.545455h111.709091v37.236363H232.727273v-37.236363zM344.436364 446.836364h18.618181v37.236363h-18.618181v-37.236363zM307.2 484.072727h55.854545v18.618182h-55.854545v-18.618182zM288.581818 502.690909h74.472727v37.236364H288.581818v-37.236364zM251.345455 539.927273h111.70909v18.618182H251.345455v-18.618182zM623.709091 111.709091h18.618182v55.854545h-18.618182V111.709091zM642.327273 148.945455h148.945454v18.618181h-148.945454V148.945455zM344.436364 93.090909h279.272727v74.472727H344.436364V93.090909z" fill="#B8332B" p-id="3612"></path><path d="M344.436364 55.854545h279.272727v37.236364H344.436364V55.854545zM642.327273 111.709091h148.945454v37.236364h-148.945454V111.709091zM288.581818 446.836364h55.854546v37.236363H288.581818v-37.236363zM735.418182 502.690909h55.854545v37.236364h-55.854545v-37.236364zM791.272727 558.545455h55.854546v37.236363h-55.854546v-37.236363zM288.581818 484.072727h18.618182v18.618182H288.581818v-18.618182zM772.654545 539.927273h18.618182v18.618182h-18.618182v-18.618182zM232.727273 539.927273h18.618182v18.618182H232.727273v-18.618182zM232.727273 502.690909h55.854545v37.236364H232.727273v-37.236364zM176.872727 558.545455h55.854546v37.236363H176.872727v-37.236363z" fill="#FF655B" p-id="3613"></path><path d="M288.581818 167.563636h55.854546v55.854546H288.581818V167.563636zM288.581818 335.127273h55.854546v55.854545H288.581818v-55.854545z" fill="#432E23" p-id="3614"></path><path d="M269.963636 856.436364h148.945455v55.854545H269.963636v-55.854545zM269.963636 912.290909h148.945455v55.854546H269.963636v-55.854546z" fill="#9F5A31" p-id="3615"></path><path d="M176.872727 912.290909h93.090909v37.236364H176.872727v-37.236364zM754.036364 912.290909h93.090909v37.236364h-93.090909v-37.236364z" fill="#F38C50" p-id="3616"></path><path d="M176.872727 949.527273h93.090909v18.618182H176.872727v-18.618182zM754.036364 949.527273h93.090909v18.618182h-93.090909v-18.618182zM605.090909 856.436364h148.945455v55.854545h-148.945455v-55.854545zM605.090909 912.290909h148.945455v55.854546h-148.945455v-55.854546z" fill="#9F5A31" p-id="3617"></path><path d="M363.054545 446.836364h55.854546v111.709091h-55.854546v-111.709091zM363.054545 614.4h316.509091v37.236364H363.054545v-37.236364zM344.436364 651.636364h335.127272v74.472727H344.436364v-74.472727zM288.581818 726.109091h446.836364v74.472727H288.581818v-74.472727zM418.909091 595.781818h148.945454v18.618182h-148.945454v-18.618182zM288.581818 800.581818h167.563637v55.854546H288.581818v-55.854546zM567.854545 800.581818h167.563637v55.854546h-167.563637v-55.854546zM623.709091 558.545455h55.854545v55.854545h-55.854545v-55.854545z" fill="#2E67B1" p-id="3618"></path><path d="M418.909091 558.545455h148.945454v37.236363h-148.945454v-37.236363z" fill="#66A8FF" p-id="3619"></path><path d="M344.436364 558.545455h18.618181v93.090909h-18.618181v-93.090909z" fill="#2E67B1" 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fill="#FFF1E3" p-id="3622"></path><path d="M232.727273 223.418182h55.854545v167.563636H232.727273v-167.563636z" fill="#432E23" p-id="3623"></path><path d="M232.727273 111.709091h55.854545v111.709091H232.727273V111.709091zM176.872727 223.418182h55.854546v167.563636H176.872727v-167.563636zM232.727273 390.981818h111.709091v55.854546H232.727273v-55.854546zM176.872727 800.581818h111.709091v55.854546H176.872727v-55.854546zM456.145455 800.581818h111.70909v55.854546h-111.70909v-55.854546zM176.872727 856.436364h93.090909v55.854545H176.872727v-55.854545zM121.018182 912.290909h55.854545v111.709091H121.018182v-111.709091zM847.127273 912.290909h55.854545v111.709091h-55.854545v-111.709091zM176.872727 968.145455h223.418182v55.854545H176.872727v-55.854545zM623.709091 968.145455h223.418182v55.854545H623.709091v-55.854545zM735.418182 800.581818h111.709091v55.854546h-111.709091v-55.854546zM754.036364 856.436364h93.090909v55.854545h-93.090909v-55.854545zM288.581818 55.854545h55.854546v55.854546H288.581818V55.854545zM232.727273 446.836364h55.854545v55.854545H232.727273v-55.854545zM176.872727 502.690909h55.854546v55.854546H176.872727v-55.854546zM791.272727 502.690909h55.854546v55.854546h-55.854546v-55.854546zM121.018182 558.545455h55.854545v242.036363H121.018182V558.545455zM418.909091 856.436364h55.854545v111.709091h-55.854545v-111.709091zM549.236364 856.436364h55.854545v111.709091h-55.854545v-111.709091zM847.127273 558.545455h55.854545v242.036363h-55.854545V558.545455zM791.272727 111.709091h55.854546v55.854545h-55.854546V111.709091zM791.272727 223.418182h55.854546v55.854545h-55.854546v-55.854545zM847.127273 279.272727h55.854545v55.854546h-55.854545v-55.854546zM791.272727 335.127273h55.854546v55.854545h-55.854546v-55.854545zM735.418182 390.981818h55.854545v55.854546h-55.854545v-55.854546zM623.709091 446.836364h167.563636v55.854545h-167.563636v-55.854545zM623.709091 55.854545h167.563636v55.854546h-167.563636V55.854545zM679.563636 167.563636h111.709091v55.854546h-111.709091V167.563636zM344.436364 0h279.272727v55.854545H344.436364V0z" fill="#10001D" p-id="3624"></path>';
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// 将 SVG 添加到 div 容器中
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// 根据 id 绑定点击事件
divWrapper.addEventListener('click', function () {
// 提取 id 中的 suffix 部分
var idSuffix = id.replace('svg-icon-', '');
// 根据 id 调用对应的函数
switch (id) {
case 'svg-icon-goodsName':
showNotification("着色成功", 5000);
case 'svg-icon-skuDesc':
showNotification("着色成功", 5000);
case 'svg-icon-livePrice':
// 判断“预售信息”,辅助自动输入定金尾款时间
if (check_isHavePreSaleContent()) {
showNotification("着色成功", 5000);
case 'svg-icon-liveGameplay':
showNotification("着色成功", 5000);
case 'svg-icon-preSetInventory':
showNotification("着色成功", 5000);
case 'svg-icon-inventory':
showNotification("着色成功", 5000);
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divWrapper.style.display = 'flex';
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// 用于更新插入的行中的 id
function changeNewTrItemId(itemId, item_link = '') {
const idSpan = document.getElementById('cureentItem_upLiveId');
if (idSpan) {
idSpan.textContent = itemId;
const span2 = document.getElementById('cureentItem_upLiveId');
if (item_link !== '') {
span2.style.cursor = 'pointer';
if (sonMain_pictureInPictureSwitch.getSwitchState()) {
// 新功能
// console.log('item_link:', changeLinkToMobilePhone(item_link));
const pipManager = new PIPManager(changeLinkToMobilePhone(item_link), span2, false);
// const pipManager = new PIPManager(item_link, span2, true);
} else {
// 原有功能
span2.onclick = function () {
window.open(item_link, '_blank'); // 跳转到商品链接
function insertCheckedRow(itemId, item_link = '') {
if (!document.getElementById('checkedItemLink_TableCrad')) {
const tableElement = document.querySelector('table');
if (tableElement) {
const rows = tableElement.querySelectorAll('tr');
// 确保表格中至少有三个 <tr> 元素
if (rows.length >= 3) {
// 获取第三个 <tr> 元素
const thirdRow = rows[2];
// 生成新的 <tr> 元素
const newRow = createTableCheckedRow(itemId, 0, 0, item_link);
// 在第三个 <tr> 元素的后面插入新行
thirdRow.parentNode.insertBefore(newRow, thirdRow.nextSibling);
} else {
// console.log("表格中没有足够的行来插入新行。");
} else {
// console.log("没有找到表格");
} else {
changeNewTrItemId(upLiveIdArray[0], upLiveIdArray[2]);
let upLiveIdArray = []; // 上播商品id
let shopNameArray = []; // 店铺名称
let goodsUrlArray = []; // 商品链接
let sessionGoodsId = []; // 编辑页面id
// 封装提取 upLiveId 的函数
// 打印页面数据获取
function extractUpLiveIdsFromResponse(responseText) {
try {
const response = JSON.parse(responseText);
// 初始化 upLiveIdArray, shopNameArray ,goodsUrlArray 数组
upLiveIdArray = [];
shopNameArray = [];
goodsUrlArray = [];
sessionGoodsId = [];
if (response.data && Array.isArray(response.data)) {
// 提取 upLiveId 并过滤掉 undefined
upLiveIdArray = response.data.map(item => item.upLiveId).filter(id => id !== undefined);
// 提取 sessionGoodsId 并过滤掉 undefined
sessionGoodsId = response.data.map(item => item.sessionGoodsId).filter(id => id !== undefined);
// 提取 shopName 并过滤掉 undefined
shopNameArray = response.data.map(item => {
if (item.cardUseDataStyle) {
const cardUseDataStyle = JSON.parse(item.cardUseDataStyle);
const shopData = cardUseDataStyle.find(subItem => subItem.useFieldName === 'shopName');
return shopData ? shopData.useFieldValue : undefined;
}).filter(shopName => shopName !== undefined); // 过滤掉 undefined 的 shopName 值
// 提取 goodsUrl 并过滤掉 undefined
goodsUrlArray = response.data.map(item => item.goodsUrl).filter(goodsUrl => goodsUrl !== undefined);
} else {
// console.error("响应中未找到有效的 data 字段");
// console.log("提取的 upLiveId:", upLiveIdArray);
// console.log("提取的 shopName:", shopNameArray);
// console.log("提取的 goodsUrl:", goodsUrlArray);
// console.log("提取的 sessionGoodsId:", sessionGoodsId);
} catch (error) {
console.error("解析响应失败:", error);
// 手卡页面数据获取
function extractUpLiveIdFromTableCardResponse(responseText) {
try {
const response = JSON.parse(responseText);
// 初始化 upLiveIdArray 数组
upLiveIdArray = [];
// 检查响应数据中的 data 字段
if (response.data && typeof response.data === 'object') {
// 提取 data 对象中的 upLiveId
const upLiveId = response.data.upLiveId;
if (upLiveId !== undefined) {
// 将 upLiveId 存储到数组中
upLiveIdArray[0] = upLiveId;
} else {
// console.error("响应的 data 对象中未找到 upLiveId 字段");
// 解析 cardUseDataStyle 字符串为数组
if (response.data.cardUseDataStyle) {
const cardUseDataStyle = JSON.parse(response.data.cardUseDataStyle);
// 在 cardUseDataStyle 数组中查找 useFieldName 为 'shopName' 的对象
const shopData = cardUseDataStyle.find(item => item.useFieldName === 'shopName');
if (shopData && shopData.useFieldValue) {
upLiveIdArray[1] = shopData.useFieldValue; // 存储 shopName 到数组的第 1 位置
} else {
// console.error("未找到 useFieldName 为 'shopName' 的对象或 useFieldValue 为空");
} else {
// console.error("响应中未找到有效的 cardUseDataStyle 字符串");
// 提取 data 对象中的 goodsUrl
const goodsUrl = response.data.goodsUrl;
if (goodsUrl !== undefined) {
// 将 upLiveId 存储到数组中
upLiveIdArray[2] = goodsUrl;
// 更新手卡标题
} else {
// console.error("响应中未找到有效的 data 字段,或 data 不是对象");
} catch (error) {
// console.error("解析响应失败:", error);
// 手卡页面切换数据获取
function extractUpLiveIdsFromNextTableCardResponse(responseText) {
try {
const response = JSON.parse(responseText);
// 初始化 upLiveIdArray 数组
upLiveIdArray = [];
// 检查响应数据中的 data 字段
if (response.data && typeof response.data === 'object') {
// 提取 data 对象中的 upLiveId
const upLiveId = response.data.linkHandCardDetailRespDTO.upLiveId;
if (upLiveId !== undefined) {
// 将 upLiveId 存储到数组中
upLiveIdArray[0] = upLiveId;
} else {
// console.error("响应的 data 对象中未找到 upLiveId 字段");
// 解析 cardUseDataStyle 字符串为数组
if (response.data.linkHandCardDetailRespDTO.cardUseDataStyle) {
const cardUseDataStyle = JSON.parse(response.data.linkHandCardDetailRespDTO.cardUseDataStyle);
// 在 cardUseDataStyle 数组中查找 useFieldName 为 'shopName' 的对象
const shopData = cardUseDataStyle.find(item => item.useFieldName === 'shopName');
if (shopData && shopData.useFieldValue) {
upLiveIdArray[1] = shopData.useFieldValue; // 存储 shopName 到数组的第 1 位置
} else {
// console.error("未找到 useFieldName 为 'shopName' 的对象或 useFieldValue 为空");
} else {
// console.error("响应中未找到有效的 cardUseDataStyle 字符串");
// 提取 data 对象中的 goodsUrl
const goodsUrl = response.data.linkHandCardDetailRespDTO.goodsUrl;
if (goodsUrl !== undefined) {
// 将 upLiveId 存储到数组中
upLiveIdArray[2] = goodsUrl;
// 更新手卡标题
} else {
// console.error("响应中未找到有效的 data 字段,或 data 不是对象");
} catch (error) {
// console.error("解析响应失败:", error);
let goodsUrlCheckArray = {}; // shopName, upLiveId, weight, liveLink, sessionGoodsName
// 提取商品列表中的id
function extractUpLiveIdsFromGoodsListResponse(responseText) {
try {
const response = JSON.parse(responseText);
// 初始化 upLiveIdArray 数组
upLiveIdArray = [];
if (response.data && Array.isArray(response.data)) {
// 提取 upLiveId 并过滤掉 undefined
upLiveIdArray = response.data
.map(item => item.sessionGoods?.upLiveId)
.filter(id => id !== undefined);
// 初始化 goodsUrlCheckArray 字典
goodsUrlCheckArray = {};
// 填充 goodsUrlCheckArray
response.data.forEach(item => {
if (item.sessionGoods && item.sessionGoods.upLiveId !== undefined) {
const upLiveId = item.sessionGoods.upLiveId;
// const shopName = item.sessionGoods.shopName || '未知店铺';
const shopName = item.selectionGoods.shopDetailRespDTO.outShopName || '未知店铺';
const weight = item.sessionGoods.weight || 0;
const liveLink = item.sessionGoods.liveLink || '#';
const sessionGoodsName = item.sessionGoods.sessionGoodsName || '未知商品';
// 将信息存储到 goodsUrlCheckArray 中
goodsUrlCheckArray[upLiveId] = {
shopName: shopName,
upLiveId: upLiveId,
weight: weight,
liveLink: liveLink,
sessionGoodsName: sessionGoodsName
} else {
console.error("响应中未找到有效的 data 字段");
// console.log("提取的 upLiveId:", upLiveIdArray);
// console.log("提取的 goodsUrlCheckArray:", goodsUrlCheckArray);
} catch (error) {
console.error("解析响应失败:", error);
// 封装 XMLHttpRequest 的 open 方法重写
function overrideOpenMethod() {
const originalOpen = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function (method, url) {
this._method = method;
this._url = url;
originalOpen.apply(this, arguments);
// 封装 XMLHttpRequest 的 send 方法重写
function overrideSendMethod() {
const originalSend = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function (data) {
const originalOnReadyStateChange = this.onreadystatechange;
this.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) {
if (this._method === "POST" && /https:\/\/gw\.linkmcn\.com\/live\/live\/card\/batchDetail.*/.test(this._url)) {
// console.log("匹配的POST请求URL:", this._url);
// 调用封装的函数来提取 upLiveId
// console.log("提取的 upLiveId:", upLiveIdArray);
if (this._method === "POST" && /https:\/\/gw\.linkmcn\.com\/live\/live\/card\/detail.*/.test(this._url)) {
// console.log("匹配的POST请求URL:", this._url);
// 调用封装的函数来提取 upLiveId
// console.log("提取手卡的 upLiveId:", upLiveIdArray);
if (this._method === "POST" && /https:\/\/gw\.linkmcn\.com\/live\/live\/card\/nextLiveHandCard.*/.test(this._url)) {
// console.log("匹配的POST请求URL:", this._url);
// 调用封装的函数来提取 upLiveId
// console.log("提取手卡切换的 upLiveId:", upLiveIdArray);
// 挂链商品id获取
if (this._method === "POST" && /https:\/\/gw\.linkmcn\.com\/live\/live\/sessionGoods\/liveSessionGoodsList.*/.test(this._url)) {
if (originalOnReadyStateChange) {
originalOnReadyStateChange.apply(this, arguments);
originalSend.apply(this, arguments);
// 判断是否是打印手卡页面,并重写 XMLHttpRequest 的方法
if (isBatchPrintURL() || isTableCardURL() || isHomeURL()) {
// 创建一个MutationObserver实例
// 绑定点击事件的外部函数
function bindClickEventToNotification(url) {
// console.log('绑定点击事件, 传入URL:' + url);
const element = document.getElementById('showNotificationContainer');
element.style.cursor = 'pointer';
if (element) {
// 定义点击事件处理函数
function handleClick() {
isHiding = true;
NotificationContainer.style.animation = 'notificationButtonAnimation 0.5s forwards';
window.location.href = url;
setTimeout(function () {
NotificationContainer.style.display = 'none';
isHiding = false;
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element.removeEventListener('click', handleClick);
element.style.cursor = 'default';
// 绑定点击事件
element.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
setTimeout(function () {
// 移除点击事件
element.removeEventListener('click', handleClick);
element.style.cursor = 'default';
}, 5000);
// 设置打印手卡的部分区域
function setPrintTableCardArea(isActivated) {
var isShow = isActivated ? 'flex' : 'none';
var isInsertedShow = isActivated ? 'none' : 'flex'; // 与 isShow 相反的显示结果
if (sAF_AdvanceBatchPrint_alwaysDisplay.getSwitchState()) isInsertedShow = 'flex'; // 强制显示上播ID核对行
// 获取所有的table元素
var tables = document.querySelectorAll('table');
tables.forEach(function (table, i) {
// 获取每个table中的tbody
var tbody = table.querySelector('tbody');
// 获取tbody中的所有tr行
var rows = tbody.querySelectorAll('tr');
// 遍历tr行并隐藏第三行之后的所有行
rows.forEach(function (row, index) {
if (index >= 3) { // 从第四行开始(索引为3),设置display为none
row.style.display = isShow;
// 检查是否已经插入过具有相同id的tr
var existingRow = tbody.querySelector('#checkedItemLink_TableCrad');
if (existingRow) {
existingRow.style.display = isInsertedShow; // 如果存在则更新显示状态
} else {
function insertCheckedRow_forBatchPrint(isActivated) {
var isInsertedShow = isActivated ? 'flex' : 'none';
// 获取所有的table元素
var tables = document.querySelectorAll('table');
tables.forEach(function (table, i) {
// 获取每个table中的tbody
var tbody = table.querySelector('tbody');
// 获取tbody中的所有tr行
var rows = tbody.querySelectorAll('tr');
// 检查是否已经插入过具有相同id的tr
var existingRow = tbody.querySelector('#checkedItemLink_TableCrad');
if (!existingRow) {
// 检查行
var newRow = createTableCheckedRow(upLiveIdArray[i], 276.8492, 878.8229, goodsUrlArray[i]); // 创建新行
rows[2].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', newRow); // 插入新行到第三个 <tr> 元素之后
newRow.style.display = isInsertedShow; // 设置新行的显示状态
// 插入打印用的edit按钮(默认隐藏)
var existingEditButton = tbody.querySelector('#editButton_TableCrad_print');
if (!existingEditButton) {
// 编辑按钮
var newEditButton = createEditButton(sessionGoodsId[i], 'print');
var targetDiv = rows[0].querySelector('#sessionName');
// 插入edit按钮
var existingEditButton = tbody.querySelector('#editButton_TableCrad_PIP');
if (!existingEditButton) {
// 编辑按钮
var newEditButton = createEditButton(sessionGoodsId[i], 'PIP');
var targetDiv = rows[0].querySelector('#sessionName');
// 手卡编辑页面链接
function getSessionGoodsIdUrl(id) {
return 'https://m.linkmcn.com/\#/live/plan/tableCard/detail/' + id;
// 生成重定向链接
function createRedirectUrl(id) {
return 'https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=682878335608&link_redirectId=' + id;
function isRedirectToTableCardURL() {
// 获取当前页面的 URL
const currentUrl = window.location.href;
// 检查当前 URL 是否包含指定的前缀
if (isRedirectUrl()) {
// 获取 "?" 后面的 id
const id = currentUrl.split('link_redirectId=')[1];
// 如果 id 存在,构造新的 URL 并重定向
if (id) {
const newUrl = getSessionGoodsIdUrl(id);
// console.log("Redirecting to: " + newUrl); // 用于调试,查看重定向的 URL
window.location.href = newUrl; // 重定向到新网址
} else {
// console.error('No id found in the URL for redirection');
function printingTableCard() {
const loadingText = document.querySelector('.ant-spin-text');
if (loadingText) {
// console.log('Loading text 出现在页面中');
displayEditButtonType(true); // 显示中控按钮
// displayEditButtonType(false); // 显示制表按钮
} else {
// console.log('Loading text 不在页面中');
function isPrintingTableCard() {
const loadingText = document.querySelector('.ant-spin-text');
if (loadingText) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function displayEditButtonType(onPrint) {
// onPrint 为 true 时显示中控按钮,false 时显示制表按钮
var print_editButtons = document.querySelectorAll('#editButton_TableCrad_print');
var PIP_editButtons = document.querySelectorAll('#editButton_TableCrad_PIP');
if (onPrint && print_editButtons.length > 0 && PIP_editButtons.length > 0) {
// 显示中控按钮,隐藏制表按钮
print_editButtons.forEach(function (button) {
// button.style.display = 'block';
button.style.opacity = '1';
PIP_editButtons.forEach(function (button) {
button.style.display = 'none';
} else {
// 显示制表按钮,隐藏中控按钮
print_editButtons.forEach(function (button) {
// button.style.display = 'none';
button.style.opacity = '0';
PIP_editButtons.forEach(function (button) {
button.style.display = 'block';
function createEditButton(sessionGoodsId, idName) {
const divWrapper = document.createElement('div');
divWrapper.style.cssText = 'align-items: center; cursor: pointer; margin: 0px 8px;'; // 样式控制';
// 直接在 SVG 中内嵌 onmouseover 和 onmouseout 事件
var editSvg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg');
editSvg.setAttribute('class', 'icon icon-edit');
editSvg.setAttribute('transition', 'fill 0.3s ease-in-out');
editSvg.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 1024 1024');
editSvg.setAttribute('width', '17');
editSvg.setAttribute('height', '17');
editSvg.innerHTML = '<path d="M853.333333 796.444444H170.666667c-34.133333 0-56.888889 22.755556-56.888889 56.888889s22.755556 56.888889 56.888889 56.888889h682.666666c34.133333 0 56.888889-22.755556 56.888889-56.888889s-22.755556-56.888889-56.888889-56.888889zM227.555556 739.555556h170.666666c17.066667 0 28.444444-5.688889 39.822222-17.066667l318.577778-318.577778c34.133333-34.133333 51.2-73.955556 51.2-119.466667s-17.066667-85.333333-51.2-119.466666l-11.377778-11.377778c-34.133333-34.133333-73.955556-51.2-119.466666-51.2s-85.333333 17.066667-119.466667 51.2L187.733333 472.177778c-11.377778 11.377778-17.066667 22.755556-17.066666 39.822222v170.666667c0 34.133333 22.755556 56.888889 56.888889 56.888889z m56.888888-204.8l301.511112-301.511112c11.377778-11.377778 22.755556-17.066667 39.822222-17.066666s28.444444 5.688889 39.822222 17.066666l11.377778 11.377778c11.377778 11.377778 17.066667 22.755556 17.066666 39.822222s-5.688889 28.444444-17.066666 39.822223L375.466667 625.777778H284.444444V534.755556z" p-id="1503">';
editSvg.style.cssText = 'vertical-align: middle;'; // 垂直居中样式
// 将 SVG 图标直接插入到链接元素中,确保其被 PDF 工具解析
editSvg.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
this.style.fill = "rgb(0, 145, 255)";
editSvg.addEventListener('mouseout', function () {
this.style.fill = "rgb(51, 51, 51)";
// 创建一个 <a> 元素,直接包裹 SVG 图标,避免动态事件处理丢失
const editButton = document.createElement('a');
editButton.id = 'editButton_TableCrad_' + idName;
if (idName === 'print') {
editButton.style.display = 'block';
// 调整按键透明度
editButton.style.opacity = '0';
editButton.href = createRedirectUrl(sessionGoodsId); // 确保超链接指向正确的地址
editButton.target = '_blank'; // 打开新标签
} else {
editButton.style.display = 'block';
if (sonMain_pictureInPictureSwitch.getSwitchState()) {
const pipManager = new PIPManager(getSessionGoodsIdUrl(sessionGoodsId), editButton, true);
} else {
editButton.href = getSessionGoodsIdUrl(sessionGoodsId);
editButton.target = '_blank'; // 打开新标签
return editButton; // 返回带有超链接的按钮
// 判断是否是剧透时间
function checkIfTrailer(storedDate) {
const currentTime = new Date();
let isTrailer = '';
// 获取当前年份
const currentYear = currentTime.getFullYear();
// 将字符串日期转换为Date对象,加入当前年份
let adjustedDate = new Date(`${currentYear}-${storedDate}T18:00:00`);
// 将日期往前调整一天
adjustedDate.setDate(adjustedDate.getDate() - 1);
// 计算两个日期之间的差值(以天为单位)
const timeDifference = Math.abs(currentTime - adjustedDate);
const dayDifference = timeDifference / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
// 如果天数差值大于180天,考虑跨年情况,给adjustedDate加上1年
if (dayDifference > 180) {
adjustedDate.setFullYear(adjustedDate.getFullYear() + 1);
const printCard_switch = document.getElementById('button_setPrintTableCardArea_switch');
const button_setPrintTableCardArea = document.getElementById('button_setPrintTableCardArea');
if (button_setPrintTableCardArea && printCard_switch.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true') {
isTrailer = "核对";
} else {
// 比较当前时间与截止时间
if (currentTime < adjustedDate) {
isTrailer = "剧透";
} else {
isTrailer = '';
return isTrailer;
// 判断手卡打印页面中的手卡店铺名是否都一致
function onlyOneShopName(shopNameArray) {
// 过滤多余内容,生成过滤后的数组
const filteredShopNames = shopNameArray.map(shopName => processText(shopName));
// 判断所有过滤后的店名是否一致
const allEqual = filteredShopNames.every(shopName => shopName === filteredShopNames[0]);
// 如果所有内容一致,返回第一个店名,否则返回 false
return allEqual ? filteredShopNames[0] : false;
function hide_link_helpMenu(isActivated = true) {
var isShow = isActivated ? 'none' : '';
// link帮助菜单
const link_helpMenu = document.querySelector('.link-customer-service-only-help');
if (link_helpMenu) link_helpMenu.style.display = isShow;
function hide_link_leftSiderMenu(isActivated = true) {
var isShow = isActivated ? 'none' : '';
// 获取父容器
const parentElement = document.querySelector('.ant-layout.ant-layout-has-sider.css-9fw9up');
if (parentElement) {
// 获取直接的子元素
const children = parentElement.children; // 返回一个HTMLCollection,包含所有直接子元素
if (children.length === 3) {
// 优化批量打印页面的显示
children[0].style.display = isShow; // 隐藏右侧的操作栏
children[1].style.display = isShow; // 隐藏右侧的操作栏
} else {
// console.log('页面元素数量不符合预期');
// 获取 svg 元素的 xlink:href 属性值
function getUseHref(antSpaceItem) {
// 查找 .ant-space-item 中的 <use> 元素
const useElement = antSpaceItem.querySelector('use');
// 检查是否找到了 <use> 元素
if (useElement) {
// 获取 <use> 元素的 xlink:href 属性值
return useElement.getAttribute('xlink:href') || null;
} else {
// 如果没有找到 <use> 元素,返回 null
return null;
function hide_link_topBarMenu(isActivated = true) {
var isShow = isActivated ? 'none' : '';
// 获取顶部header
const topHeader = document.querySelector('.ant-space.css-14s8ncx');
const topHeader_item = topHeader.querySelectorAll('.ant-space-item');
for (var i = 0; i < topHeader_item.length; i++) {
if (getUseHref(topHeader_item[i]) !== '#link-file-download-line') {
topHeader_item[i].style.display = isShow;
} else {
// console.log('顶部header元素不存在');
// 纯净模式函数
function pureMode(isActivated) {
var isShow = isActivated ? 'none' : '';
var targetHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - 238;
hide_link_helpMenu(isActivated); // 隐藏帮助菜单
hide_link_leftSiderMenu(isActivated); // 隐藏左侧菜单
hide_link_topBarMenu(isActivated); // 隐藏顶部菜单
// 直播场次日期切换菜单
const liveDay_selectMenu = document.querySelector('.flex.justify-between.pb-12');
// 直播场次总览
const liveOverview_table = document.querySelector('.link-session-board-pai___eddtw').parentElement;
const otherElements = document.querySelector('.ag-body-horizontal-scroll-viewport');
// 底部多余栏目
const bottomExtra_div = document.querySelector('.ag-grid-sticky-scroll');
bottomExtra_div.style.display = isShow;
// 设置元素的显示状态
liveDay_selectMenu.style.display = isShow;
liveOverview_table.style.display = isShow;
// otherElements.style.display = isShow;
// margin优化
const margin_value = isActivated ? '0px' : '12px';
const mainElement = document.querySelector('main');
mainElement.style.marginTop = margin_value;
// mainElement.style.marginBottom = margin_value;
// 商品操作框
// 外部框
const goodsOperation_div = document.querySelectorAll('.ant-spin-container');
// 内部表格
const goodsOperation_table = document.getElementById('ag-grid-react-container');
// 设置商品操作框的高度
// goodsOperation_div[0].style.height = isShow === 'none' ? targetHeight + 'px' : '1085px';
goodsOperation_div[1].style.height = isShow === 'none' ? targetHeight + 'px' : '548px';
goodsOperation_table.style.height = isShow === 'none' ? targetHeight + 'px' : '548px';
// pureMode 场次信息辅助显示
function pureMode_infoDisplay(isActivated) {
// 场次信息数据
const storedDate = GM_getValue('titlePrint_extractedDate', '');
const storedSession = GM_getValue('titlePrint_extractedSession', '');
if (isActivated && !getDropdownContentDisplayState()) {
dropdownButton.textContent = storedDate + ' ' + storedSession;
} else {
dropdownButton.textContent = dropdownButtonName;
// 手卡页面优化功能区
function tableCard_optimize(isActivated) {
// 优化手卡页面的显示
if (isActivated) {
// 隐藏顶部header
document.querySelectorAll('.ant-pro-layout-container.css-zk6fk3 header').forEach(header => {
header.style.display = 'none';
// 隐藏帮助菜单
// 设置操作栏
const titleContainer = document.querySelector('.TableCard .tct-title-container');
if (titleContainer) titleContainer.style.top = '0'; // 设置top值
// 隐藏禁用词栏
const disabledWords = document.querySelector('.forbidden-word-container');
if (disabledWords) disabledWords.style.display = 'none';
function find_pip_restore_button() {
const button = document.getElementById('pip_restore_button');
if (button) {
return button;
} else {
// console.warn('PIP restore button not found!');
return null;
// 手卡页面&批量打印页面-适配小窗功能区
function adapterPIP_forTableCardAndBatchPrint(isActivated, reset = false) {
if (find_pip_restore_button()) reset = true; // 如果存在己收起按钮,恢复边距
// 适配小窗功能区
const windowWidth = window.innerWidth; // 获取当前窗口宽度
const PIP_width = getWidth_PIP() * getDisplayScale(); // 获取小窗宽度
function getDisplayScale() {
const displayWidth = window.innerWidth;
let displayScale = displayWidth / 1530;
return displayScale;
if (isTableCardURL()) {
// 获取手卡页面宽度
const tableCard_width = getWidth_TableCard();
// 剩余宽度
const remaining_width = windowWidth - tableCard_width - 10;
// 默认左右margin值
const default_margin = remaining_width / 2;
if (isActivated && PIP_width != 0) {
if (reset) {
setMargin_TableCard(default_margin); // 重置边距
} else if (remaining_width < PIP_width) {
setMargin_TableCard(remaining_width, 10); // 设置边距
} else {
setMargin_TableCard(PIP_width, remaining_width - PIP_width); // 设置边距
} else {
setMargin_TableCard(default_margin); // 重置边距
setMargins_ant_modal_contents(isActivated, PIP_width, reset);
if (isBatchPrintURL()) {
// 获取批量打印页面宽度
const batchPrint_width = getWidth_BatchPrint();
// 剩余宽度
const remaining_width = windowWidth - batchPrint_width - 40;
// 默认左右margin值
const default_margin = remaining_width / 2;
if (isActivated && PIP_width != 0) {
if (reset) {
setMargin_BatchPrint(default_margin); // 重置边距
} else if (remaining_width < PIP_width) {
setMargin_BatchPrint(remaining_width, 10); // 设置边距
} else {
setMargin_BatchPrint(PIP_width, remaining_width - PIP_width); // 设置边距
} else {
setMargin_BatchPrint(default_margin); // 重置边距
// 获取小窗宽度
function getWidth_PIP(PIP_margin = 10) {
// 确保PIP_margin是数字
if (typeof PIP_margin !== 'number') {
PIP_margin = 10;
// 获取小窗元素
const PIP_element = document.getElementById('mini_PIP');
// 检查元素是否存在
if (!PIP_element) {
// console.warn('PIP element not found!');
return 0; // 如果元素不存在,返回默认宽度
if (PIP_element.style.display === 'none') {
return 0;
// 获取PIP宽度并返回
const PIP_width = PIP_element.clientWidth;
return PIP_width + PIP_margin * 2;
// 获取小窗位置
function getPosition_PIP() {
// true = 左; false = 右
// 获取小窗元素
const PIP_element = document.getElementById('mini_PIP');
// 检查元素是否存在
if (!PIP_element) {
// console.warn('PIP element not found!');
return false; // 如果元素不存在,返回默认位置
const pipRect = PIP_element.getBoundingClientRect();
const centerX = pipRect.left + pipRect.width / 2;
// 判断PIP位置,决定收起方向
const isLeftSide = centerX < window.innerWidth / 2;
return isLeftSide;
// 获取手卡页面手卡宽度
function getWidth_TableCard() {
// 获取手卡元素
const tableCard_element = document.querySelector('.A4-contianer');
// 检查元素是否存在
if (!tableCard_element) {
console.warn('Table card element not found!');
return 1194; // 如果元素不存在,返回默认宽度
tableCard_element.style.transition = 'margin 0.3s ease';
// 获取手卡宽度并返回
const tableCard_width = tableCard_element.clientWidth;
return tableCard_width;
// 设置手卡页面边距
function setMargin_TableCard(margin_valueMain, margin_valueRemain = margin_valueMain, isLeftSide = getPosition_PIP()) {
const target_element = document.querySelector('.A4-contianer');
if (isLeftSide) {
// 靠近左侧
target_element.style.marginLeft = margin_valueMain + 'px';
target_element.style.marginRight = margin_valueRemain + 'px';
} else {
// 靠近右侧
target_element.style.marginRight = margin_valueMain + 'px';
target_element.style.marginLeft = margin_valueRemain + 'px';
if (margin_valueMain === margin_valueRemain) {
target_element.style.marginLeft = margin_valueMain + 'px';
target_element.style.marginRight = margin_valueMain + 'px';
// 获取相关手卡宽度
function getWidths_ant_modal_contents() {
// 获取所有相关手卡弹窗元素
const ant_modal_contents = document.querySelectorAll('.ant-modal.css-9fw9up');
if (!ant_modal_contents || ant_modal_contents.length === 0) {
// console.warn('No ant_modal_content elements found!');
return []; // 如果没有找到元素,返回空数组
// 遍历每个元素,获取宽度,并添加到结果数组中
const widths = [];
ant_modal_contents.forEach(modal => {
modal.style.transition = 'margin 0.3s ease'; // 添加过渡效果
const width = modal.clientWidth;
return widths;
// 设置相关手卡弹窗边距
function setMargin(target_element, margin_valueMain, margin_valueRemain = margin_valueMain, isLeftSide = getPosition_PIP()) {
if (isLeftSide) {
// 靠近左侧
target_element.style.marginLeft = margin_valueMain + 'px';
target_element.style.marginRight = margin_valueRemain + 'px';
} else {
// 靠近右侧
target_element.style.marginRight = margin_valueMain + 'px';
target_element.style.marginLeft = margin_valueRemain + 'px';
if (margin_valueMain === margin_valueRemain) {
target_element.style.marginLeft = margin_valueMain + 'px';
target_element.style.marginRight = margin_valueMain + 'px';
function setMargins_ant_modal_contents(isActivated, PIP_width, reset) {
const target_elements = document.querySelectorAll('.ant-modal.css-9fw9up');
if (!target_elements || target_elements.length === 0) {
// console.warn('No ant_modal_content elements found!');
return; // 如果没有找到元素,直接返回
target_elements.forEach(target_element => {
const ant_modal_content_width = target_element.clientWidth;
const remaining_width = window.innerWidth - ant_modal_content_width - 10;
const default_margin = remaining_width / 2;
if (isActivated && PIP_width !== 0) {
if (reset) {
setMargin(target_element, default_margin); // 重置边距
} else if (remaining_width < PIP_width) {
setMargin(target_element, remaining_width, 10); // 设置边距
} else {
setMargin(target_element, PIP_width, remaining_width - PIP_width); // 设置边距
} else {
setMargin(target_element, default_margin); // 重置边距
// 设置批量打印页面边距
function setMargin_BatchPrint(margin_valueMain, margin_valueRemain = margin_valueMain, isLeftSide = getPosition_PIP()) {
const target_element = document.querySelector('.w-1160px.m-auto.flex-1.overflow-y-auto');
if (isLeftSide) {
// 靠近左侧
target_element.style.marginLeft = margin_valueMain + 'px';
target_element.style.marginRight = margin_valueRemain + 'px';
} else {
// 靠近右侧
target_element.style.marginRight = margin_valueMain + 'px';
target_element.style.marginLeft = margin_valueRemain + 'px';
if (margin_valueMain === margin_valueRemain) {
target_element.style.marginLeft = 'auto';
target_element.style.marginRight = 'auto';
// 获取批量打印页面手卡宽度
function getWidth_BatchPrint() {
// 获取手卡元素
const tableCard_element = document.querySelector('.w-1160px.m-auto.flex-1.overflow-y-auto');
// 检查元素是否存在
if (!tableCard_element) {
console.warn('Batch print element not found!');
return 1160; // 如果元素不存在,返回默认宽度
tableCard_element.style.transition = 'margin 0.3s ease';
// 获取手卡宽度并返回
const tableCard_width = tableCard_element.clientWidth;
return tableCard_width;
// 批量打印页面优化功能区
function batchPrint_optimize(isActivated) {
if (isActivated) {
// 隐藏帮助菜单
// 隐藏左侧菜单
// 读取关闭浏览器更新弹窗次数
function getCloseCount() {
let closeCount = localStorage.getItem('browserUpdateCloseCount');
// 如果本地存储中没有记录,返回0
if (closeCount === null) {
closeCount = 0;
} else {
closeCount = parseInt(closeCount, 10); // 确保获取到的是数字
return closeCount;
const sys_auxiliaryFunctions = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
let urlChanged = false;
// 场次信息数据
const storedDate = GM_getValue('titlePrint_extractedDate', '');
const storedSession = GM_getValue('titlePrint_extractedSession', '');
// 重定向到手卡编辑页面
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
// 系统通知位置优化
if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.classList.contains('ant-message') && node.classList.contains('ant-message-top') && node.classList.contains('css-190m0jy')) {
// 修改top值为64px
node.style.top = '64px';
if (sAF_closeBrowserUpdateDiv.getSwitchState()) {
// 关闭浏览器更新弹窗
if (node.nodeType === 1 && node.id === 'link-browser-update-global') {
const closeButton = node.querySelector('.link-browser-update-global-close');
if (closeButton) {
incrementCloseCount(); // 增加关闭计数
showNotification('已关闭浏览器更新弹窗', 3000);
// console.log('关闭了浏览器更新弹窗');
} else {
// 检查URL是否变化
if (isHomeURL()) {
const currentURL = window.location.href; // 获取当前网址
titlePrint_extractData(); // 提取日期和场次信息
// 只有在 URL 发生变化时,才会执行以下代码
if (currentURL !== lastCurrentURL) {
// 在保存新的 currentURL 之前,更新 lastCurrentURL
const previousURL = lastCurrentURL;
// 将当前网址保存到 localStorage
localStorage.setItem('lastCurrentURL', currentURL);
if (sAF_backToLastCurrentURL.getSwitchState()) {
// 显示通知并绑定点击事件,传入 previousURL 而不是 currentURL
showNotification('上次浏览的页面:' + storedDate + ' ' + storedSession, 5000);
setTimeout(() => {
bindClickEventToNotification(previousURL); // 绑定点击事件,传入 previousURL
}, 50);
// 更新 lastCurrentURL 为新的网址
lastCurrentURL = currentURL;
urlChanged = true;
GM_setValue('sAF_FristPhotoCopyForTmallAndTaobao', sAF_FristPhotoCopyForTmallAndTaobao.getSwitchState());
if (isTableCardURL()) {
if (tableCardPng_checkItemIdRow.getSwitchState()) {
// 插入检查行
insertCheckedRow(url_getSessionGoodsId(), upLiveIdArray[2]);
// 手卡页面优化
if (isTmallItemURL()) {
const isCreateButton = GM_getValue('sAF_FristPhotoCopyForTmallAndTaobao', false);
if (isCreateButton) {
// 创建按钮
function cardShopName_check() {
const isOnlyOneShop = onlyOneShopName(shopNameArray);
const printCard_switch = document.getElementById('button_setPrintTableCardArea_switch');
const button_setPrintTableCardArea = document.getElementById('button_setPrintTableCardArea');
if (button_setPrintTableCardArea && printCard_switch.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true' &&
isOnlyOneShop !== false && isOnlyOneShop) {
// 只有一个店铺名
return isOnlyOneShop;
} else {
return storedSession;
if (sAF_AdvanceBatchPrint.getSwitchState() && isBatchPrintURL() && storedDate && storedSession) {
document.title = `${storedDate} ${cardShopName_check()}手卡${checkIfTrailer(storedDate)}`;
printingTableCard(); // 打印中
batchPrint_optimize(true); // 优化页面
if (!isPrintingTableCard()) {
// 插入上播ID核对行
setTimeout(function () {
// 查找目标元素,即将新div插入到这个元素中
var targetElement = document.querySelector('.flex.justify-end');
// 检查是否已经存在id为button_setPrintTableCardArea的div,避免重复添加
if (!document.getElementById('button_setPrintTableCardArea')) {
// 创建一个新的div元素
var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
newDiv.id = 'button_setPrintTableCardArea';
newDiv.style.display = 'flex';
newDiv.style.justifyContent = 'space-between';
newDiv.style.alignItems = 'center';
newDiv.style.marginRight = '10px';
// 创建左侧的文本节点
var textNode = document.createElement('span');
textNode.textContent = '不打印红字和卖点区域';
textNode.style.fontSize = '14px';
textNode.style.marginRight = '10px';
// 创建右侧的开关按钮
var switchButton = document.createElement('button');
switchButton.type = 'button';
switchButton.id = 'button_setPrintTableCardArea_switch';
switchButton.setAttribute('role', 'switch');
switchButton.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'false'); // 默认未开启
switchButton.className = 'ant-switch ant-switch-small css-175k68i';
// 创建开关按钮内部的div(用于手柄)
var handleDiv = document.createElement('div');
handleDiv.className = 'ant-switch-handle';
// 将手柄div添加到按钮中
// 添加点击事件,切换开关状态
switchButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
var isChecked = switchButton.getAttribute('aria-checked') === 'true';
if (isChecked) {
// 如果是开启状态,关闭它
switchButton.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'false');
} else {
// 如果是关闭状态,开启它
switchButton.setAttribute('aria-checked', 'true');
// 将文本节点和开关按钮添加到div中
// 将新创建的div添加到目标元素中
} else {
// console.log('开关已经存在,跳过创建。');
}, 1000); // 延迟1秒执行
// 处理URL变化
if (urlChanged) {
// 检查是否存在switchesContainer
if (!document.getElementById('switchesContainer')) {
if (isHomeURL()) {
// 观察目标节点的子节点添加和移除
sys_auxiliaryFunctions.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
function createGetTmallPngButton() {
// 找到匹配的元素的编号
function findMatchingIndex(wrapperClass, imgClass) {
for (let i = 0; i < wrapperClass.length; i++) {
const wrapper = document.querySelector(wrapperClass[i]);
if (wrapper) {
const img = wrapper.querySelector(imgClass[i]); // 找到图片元素
const button = wrapper.querySelector('#button_getTmallPngButton'); // 找到按钮元素
if (img && !button) {
return i; // 返回匹配的编号
} else {
return -1; // 如果按钮已存在,则返回 -1
return -1; // 如果没有找到匹配的元素,则返回 -1
const wrapperClass = ['.itemImgWrap--bUt5RRLT', '.PicGallery--mainPicWrap--juPDFPo', '.mainPicWrap--Ns5WQiHr', '.PicGallery--mainPicWrap--1c9k21r', '.item-gallery-top.item-gallery-prepub2'];
const imgClass = ['.itemImg--O9S7hs0i', '.PicGallery--mainPic--34u4Jrw', '.mainPic--zxTtQs0P', '.PicGallery--mainPic--1eAqOie', '.item-gallery-top__img'];
const matchingIndex = findMatchingIndex(wrapperClass, imgClass);
if (matchingIndex !== -1) {
addButton(wrapperClass, imgClass, matchingIndex);
addButton(wrapperClass, imgClass, 0);
} else {
// console.error('Wrapper element not found.');
function addButton(wrapperClass, imgClass, matchingIndex) {
const wrapper = document.querySelector(wrapperClass[matchingIndex]);
console.log("wrapper:", wrapper);
const old_button = wrapper.querySelector('#button_getTmallPngButton'); // 找到按钮元素
if (old_button) {
return; // 如果按钮已存在,则直接返回
if (wrapper) {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = '复制图片';
button.id = 'button_getTmallPngButton';
button.style.cssText = `
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
padding: 5px 20px;
font-size: 16px;
background-color: rgba(22, 22, 23, .7);
color: #fff;
border: none;
border-radius: 999px;
font-family: AlibabaPuHuiTi_2_55_Regular;
backdrop-filter: saturate(180%) blur(20px); /* 添加模糊效果 */
-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(20px); /* 兼容Safari浏览器 */
text-align: center; /* 文本居中显示 */
cursor: pointer;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease, color 0.15s ease, background-color 0.25s ease;;
z-index: 999;
// 控制按钮显示
wrapper.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => {
button.style.opacity = '1';
// 控制按钮隐藏
wrapper.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
button.style.opacity = '0';
button.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const img = wrapper.querySelector(imgClass[matchingIndex]);
// console.log("img:", img);
if (img) {
try {
const imageUrl = img.src;
const response = await fetch(imageUrl);
const blob = await response.blob();
const image = new Image();
image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
image.onload = () => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);
canvas.toBlob(async (blob) => {
try {
await navigator.clipboard.write([new ClipboardItem({ 'image/png': blob })]);
showNotification("图片已成功复制到剪贴板", undefined, true);
button.textContent = '复制成功';
button.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(233, 233, 233, .7)'; // 按钮颜色改变
button.style.color = '#000'; // 按钮文字颜色改变
setTimeout(() => {
button.textContent = '复制图片';
button.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(22, 22, 23, .7)'; // 按钮颜色恢复
button.style.color = '#fff'; // 按钮文字颜色恢复
}, 1500); // 1.5秒后恢复按钮文字
// alert('Image copied to clipboard!');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to copy image to clipboard:', error);
// alert('Failed to copy image to clipboard.');
}, 'image/png');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to fetch or process image:', error);
// alert('Failed to copy image to clipboard.');
} else {
// alert('Image not found!');
wrapper.style.position = 'relative'; // 确保按钮在图片上层
// 输入弹窗
function createDropdownModal(dropdownContainer, titleText) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// 检查是否已有弹窗存在,如果有则移除
const existingModal = dropdownContainer.querySelector('.dropdown-modal');
if (existingModal) {
dropdownButton.style.display = 'none'; // 隐藏按钮
// 创建弹窗容器
var dropdownDivModal = document.createElement('div');
dropdownDivModal.classList.add('dropdown-modal'); // 添加一个类以便于识别
dropdownDivModal.style.cssText = `
position: absolute;
top: 0;
margin: 14px;
width: 172px;
height: 108px;
background-color: rgba(233, 233, 233, 0.7);
backdrop-filter: blur(8px) brightness(90%);
border: 1px solid rgba(255, 98, 0, 0.25);
border-radius: 10px;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
z-index: 3;
transform-origin: top center;
// 创建标题行
const title = document.createElement('div');
title.textContent = titleText || '弹窗标题';
title.style.cssText = `
padding: 8px 10px;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
color: rgb(51, 51, 51);
border-bottom: 0px solid #ccc;
text-align: left;
flex-shrink: 0;
// 创建富文本框
const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
textarea.style.cssText = `
width: calc(100% - 20px);
background-color: rgba(249, 249, 249, 0.7);
height: 30px;
margin: 0px 10px;
padding: 5px;
font-size: 12px;
border: 0px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 4px;
resize: none;
line-height: 1.2;
box-sizing: border-box;
flex-grow: 1;
// 创建按钮容器
const buttonContainer = document.createElement('div');
buttonContainer.style.cssText = `
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 8px 10px;
border-top: 0px solid #ccc;
flex-shrink: 0;
// 创建“取消”按钮
const cancelButton = document.createElement('button');
cancelButton.textContent = '取消';
cancelButton.style.cssText = `
padding: 3px 8px;
font-size: 12px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #f44336;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
flex-basis: 48%;
cancelButton.onclick = () => {
dropdownButton.style.display = ''; // 恢复按钮
// 创建“确认”按钮
const confirmButton = document.createElement('button');
confirmButton.textContent = '确认';
confirmButton.style.cssText = `
padding: 3px 8px;
font-size: 12px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #4CAF50;
border: none;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
flex-basis: 48%;
confirmButton.onclick = () => {
const textInput = textarea.value;
dropdownButton.style.display = ''; // 恢复按钮
resolve(textInput); // 在确认时返回输入的内容