You can now chose between Flash, SuperNova, Ruffle and AwayFL to play Flash games on Kongregate!
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Increased Ruffle's maxExecutionDuration configuration option from fifteen to one hundred seconds in order to fix loading for some games on slower computers (like mine...).
Improved handling of timeouts when fetching external scripts.
Replaced the URL of supernovalauncher.js, as timeouts on are not being handled as I thought and, instead, prevent the script from working.
Games for which the main file is missing CORS headers will now be automatically detected and will be taken from their associated subdomain instead of the normal one.
Removed CORS workaround in the AwayFL part for games that no longer need it.A few games are somehow still lacking CORS headers so I added a list of games to which the previous workaround should still apply. This list has to be updated manually, and contains for now The Space Game, The Space Game: Missions and Dibbles 4: A Christmas Crisis.Updated AwayFL's javascript URL.
Kongregate fixed the cross-origin ressurce-sharing issues on their end, so I removed the workarounds related to them in the Ruffle part.
Modified how AVM1 games were loaded in Ruffle, in order to make them compatible with high scores submission, thanks to the latest Ruffle update.If, for any Flash game, you want high scores to be submitted when using Ruffle, combine my user script with the following one:
Fixed the buttons not showing up on localized game pages.
The script is now working on "localized" game pages (like That bug had gone unnoticed until now (why did not anybody warn me?!).Fixed loading issues in some very old browsers such as Mozilla Firefox 52.9.0esr.Prevented potential loading issues to arise in the future.
Replaced the URL which AwayFL was loaded from to the official one (the latter did not previously work on Kongregate).Enabled blend modes and filters in AwayFL.
Added AwayFL as a fourth swf player.
Corrected the bug fix released in the previous version: it was accidentally breaking the cinematic mode (oups!).
Fixed an old Kongregate bug that sometimes makes games not load (or look like they did not load).
swf hosted on and can now be played in Ruffle from their original URL instead of thanks to Kongregate finally adding the appropriate CORS headers.Added scroll bars to the SuperNova interface.Minor changes to the Ruffle configuration.
Ruffle stopped polyfilling (in other words, automatically converting as Ruffle content) Flash content on browsers with Flash supported (and installed?). I updated the script accordingly, which fixed the bug that I could not fix completely in version 5.9.
Fixed the Flash embedding in certain browsers (like Pale Moon), which had been broken by a Ruffle update. It was not fixed for every browsers.
Files loaded in Ruffle will now always load over the protocol of the game page, as the "download" option is affected by CORS.
Modified flashvars passed to Ruffle, fixing various problems (for example, making hitBox playable).Flashvars' initialization will now occur in a separate function than the game loading. This will have no impact on users' end, but may have testing interests.
Removed useless lines of code.
Fixed Kongai's match chat images not loading under certain circumstances.Fixed buttons not loading under certain circumstances.
Changed the source of the SuperNova javascript to an archived version (on, as the script apparently break when the original is unaccessible (oups, sorry!).Changed the source of the SuperNova logo to an archived version (on
Minor code changes.
The script is now able to tell the difference between AVM1 games and AVM2 games when Kongregate sets all of them to load with Ruffle.
Changed the execution time of each part of the script, improving various loading times.Fixed some execution issues on the game pages.Minor changes and bug fixes.
Set the wmode Flash parameter to "direct" for every games, because its value can no longer be found when it is needed. It might or might not break something... Time will tell.
Flash games set by Kongregate to load with Ruffle can now be played again with Flash in any browser supporting Flash (sorry for taking so long!).Added the option to play AVM1 games inside their game shell to the unofficial SuperNova interface.Changed the Ruffle logo's source to an one to fix a random loading error for it.Fixed a random loading error for my fix to Kongai's match chat in some browsers (I think).Revamped a good portion of the code (141 less lines!). Users will not be impacted, besides seeing previously local variables becoming global, and seeing the iframes URL being modified differently when switching swf player.
Divided the "play" button of the unofficial SuperNova interface into two buttons: one that opens the http version of the game file and another one that opens the https version.
On Windows, games that Kongregate set to load with Ruffle will now load again by default in SuperNova (instead of Ruffle) if Flash is not installed.
Added missing Flashvars when playing in SuperNova, which fixed a loading issue with Bloons TD 5 (and maybe other games).
Fixed a mistake I made in the previous release.
Fixed a loading issue with Bloons TD 5 (and maybe other games) when using Flash.Fixed a loading issue with Enigmata: Stellar War in SuperNova.May have fixed other loading issues in SuperNova.
Fixed a loading issue with Kingdom Rush Frontiers in SuperNova.
The download button of the unofficial SuperNova interface will no longer open a new tab.
Disabled the automatic game opening for the unofficial SuperNova interface because it prevented this interface from loading when people did not already have SuperNova installed.Changed the download link for the unofficial SuperNova interface to so that the software could be downloaded even when is done.Reduced the activation of the unofficial SuperNova interface.
Fixed some color glitches.
Fixed almost every problems that were caused by the changes made by Kongregate on August 24th.Only one issue remains: in browsers that are compatible with Ruffle, games that Kongregate set to load with Ruffle will does not load with Flash, but with Ruffle.
Set the buttons' position to match the one of the normal buttons.
Added the option to play games with Ruffle, even though only a third of Kongregate games may currently be playable.Changed the default swf player to Ruffle for non-Windows users without Flash.Most important feature ever: added icons to the buttons!
When playing Kongai, private conversations will now occur in both the "chat" and "match chat" tabs, so that players no longer miss messages.Last update related to Kongai's match chat (and Kongai in general): added the error notice for too long messages, added the "characters remaining" count and visually improved the tab to make it look neater (and normal).
Added the missing wmode Flash parameter to the cases where it is needed.Kongai's match chat is now working!When viewing someone else's Kongai card album, users can now switch card sets without being redirected to their own card album.
Fixed my previous fix of the images in Kongai's match chat... They were only loading if Flash was allowed to run after the page loaded.
Fixed images in Kongai's match chat.Kongai's in-game "view card album" has been opening the wrong link for ages, so*/card_album* will now be redirected to*/card_albums*.
If your browser does is not fully compatible with the SuperNova code (which would lead to the SuperNova interface not loading), then instead of a white/black/whatever screen, you will see a replacement to the interface which allows to download the SuperNova player and launch the game (in other words, it is a simplified but maybe better version of the official one!). It may also appear if the loading of a game page is too slow, but I guess it is not a big problem.Changed how certain values were obtained, which might prevent some bugs in the future.
Changed how certain values were obtained. This fixed a few bugs and may prevent some future bugs.
Fixed a bug that appeared with last update, which made the games load twice instead of once with SuperNova in some browsers.
Partially fixed SuperNova in most (if not all) browsers that are incompatible with it: the interface will not load (thus, you will see a blank screen, a black screen or something like that in the game area), but as long as the SuperNova is already installed on you computer, the games should load. (Successfully tested on Pale Moon and Basilisk.)
Trying to play with Flash in a browser that does not support it should now always bring some kind of "this plugin is not supported" message.
It seems that the API and other things were not loading on certain browsers (like Pale Moon) because the game was loading too early for them. Oups! Fixed.
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