Gitlab, open file in phpstorm

add a link to phpstorm in gitlab ci merge requests files

To są wersje tego skryptu, gdzie kod został zaktualizowany. Pokaż wszystkie wersje.

  • v0.8 29-10-2021
  • v0.7 29-10-2021

    Fix close link to phpstorm opened window

    Fix dynamicaly added diff-file blocks

  • v0.6 06-10-2021

    - fix AutoOpen link popup close to quickly
    - fix addSettings in user menu

  • v0.5 30-01-2021 add a "referer" parameter to url containing "redirectFromReferer"
  • v0.4 25-04-2020 does not open link through phpstorm:// but through http://localhost:63342/api
  • v0.3 09-03-2020
  • v0.2 07-03-2020 preferences added
  • v0.1 06-03-2020