Greasy Fork is available in English.

Directory Checker

This will check all the major lawyer directories by searching google. It's pretty accurate and a lot quicker than doing it manually.

To są wszystkie wersje tego skryptu. Pokaż tylko te wersje, gdzie kod został zmieniony.

  • v1.5 17-12-2019 Sometimes Middle Initial in the query shows no results on google. It will search only first and last names now regardless of whether you put in a middle initial.
  • v1.4.2 04-12-2019
  • v1.4.1 04-12-2019
  • v1.4 04-12-2019
  • v1.3 02-12-2019 Added Exclude Rule for Google Maps.
  • v1.2 25-11-2019 Added @noframes into meta block, so the script doesn't run in iFrames
  • v1.1 22-11-2019 Added function so it doesn't appear on all websites only
  • v1.0 10-10-2019