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AutoLink UBA

Wandelt ISBNs in Links auf den Katalog der UBA um und ermittelt, ob die Bücher in der Bibliothek vorhanden sind.

Stan na 05-02-2018. Zobacz najnowsza wersja.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          AutoLink UBA
// @namespace
// @author     Bernhard Tempel
// @description   Wandelt ISBNs in Links auf den Katalog der UBA um und ermittelt, ob die Bücher in der Bibliothek vorhanden sind.
// @grant    GM_getValue
// @grant    GM_setValue
// @grant    GM_deleteValue
// @grant    GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant    GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant    GM_openInTab
// @include *
// @include file://*
// @include http://*
// @include https://*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*

// @version 0.25.201608290902
// ==/UserScript==

Compiled by Bernhard Tempel (bernhard.tempel//at//  adapted by UB Augsburg

2016-08-29 / 0.25beta

Inspired by and based on following scripts:

* Autolink by Jesse Ruderman (
* isbnjs - An ISBN JavaScript Library by (code completely included)
* Edward Vielmetti's Greasemonkey script for inserting library holdings information into Google Book Search ( and derived scripts

// Anzahl der ISBNs auf einer Seite, die ohne Rückfrage am Katalog geprüft werden
var maxisbns = 50;

/* Auswahl der Bibliothek per Menü ermöglichen
   Default ist: TIB.

if (GM_getValue("libraryName") == undefined){ GM_setValue("libraryName", "UBA"); }
if (GM_getValue("libraryName") == "TIB"){ GM_setValue("libraryName", "UBA"); }

/* Zur Anpassung des Skripts für Kataloge weiterer Bibliothek,
   ist der folgende Block anzupassen (Menüregistrierung und Variablen) */

function registerTIBUB() {
    GM_setValue("libraryName", "TIB");
    alert(GM_getValue("libraryName") + " ausgewählt");
GM_registerMenuCommand( "TIB", registerTIBUB);

function registerUBA() {
    GM_setValue("libraryName", "UBA");
    alert(GM_getValue("libraryName") + " ausgewählt");
GM_registerMenuCommand( "UBA", registerUBA);    

    case 'TIB':
//// Für Abfrage im Picaplus-Format (Parsing der Signatur einfacher)
	//libraryUrlPatternA = "";
// Für Einfügen des Links auf den Katalog
	//libraryUrlPatternB = "";
// Name der Bibliothek (möglichst kurz, wird u.a. hinter ISBNs in die Webseiten geschrieben
//	libraryName = GM_getValue("libraryName");
// String zum Erkennen einer Kurzliste als Ergebnis der Abfrage (in diesem Fall wird keine Signatur ausgelesen);
//	libraryAvailability = /\d+ von \d+/;
// String zum Parsen der Signatur
	//libraryShelfmark = /<TD>209A\/\d\d<\/TD><TD>.*?\$a([^$<]*)/i;
// String zum Parsen des Standorts
	//libraryLocation = /<TD>209A\/\d\d<\/TD><TD>.*?\$f([^$<]*)/i;
// String zum Erkennen eines Nulltreffer-Ergebnisses
//	notFound = /Es wurde nichts gefunden/;


case 'UBA':
    libraryUrlPatternA = "";
    libraryUrlPatternA2 = "%22%20IN%20[2]";
    libraryUrlPatternB = "";
    libraryUrlPatternB2 = "%22%20IN%20[2]";
    libraryName = GM_getValue("libraryName");
    libraryAvailability = /UB Augsburg \(\d+(\/\d+)?\)/;
    libraryShelfmark = /\/cgi-bin\/uba-cgi\/lageplan\/sto\?SIGN=(.*?)"/i;
    libraryLocation = /\/qrcode\/\?size=150x150&data=.*?\|(.*?)\|/i;
    notFound = /Ihre Suche erzielte keine Treffer/;

// Linkersetzung
// Da Autolink keine Links verarbeitet, muessen Links,
// die eine ISBN enthalten, zunaechst durch ihren Linktext
// ersetzt werden. Pruefung auf Validitaet der ISBN kann an
// dieser Stelle noch unterbleiben.

// Regexp zur Ermittlung moeglicher ISBN-Kandidaten
// (zuerst Prüfung auf ISBN13 anschließend auf ISBN10
var patternISBN = /(97[89][\- ]?[\d\- ]{9,11}[\- ]?[\dxX]|[\d][\- \d]{8,10}[\- ]?[\- ]?[\dxX])/;

var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
// alert(allLinks.length); // Fuer Debugging: Ausgabe Anzahl Links

var link = "";

for (var i = allLinks.length - 1; i >=0; i--)
	link = allLinks[i];
	if (patternISBN.exec(link.textContent)){
	    // Linkersetzung
	    link.parentNode.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(link.textContent), link);

	    // // Alternativ zur Linkersetzung: Einfügen eines zusätzlichen Links
	    // link.parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(link.textContent), link);
// Ende vorsorgliche Linkersetzung

var page = '';
var counter = 0;

const timeBefore = new Date();

 *             Filters             *

// This functions takes a string containing
// a candidate for ISBN (ISBN-10 or ISBN-13) and returns
// true if it's valid or false if it's invalid.

function validateISBN(isbn) {
    var isbnTest = ISBN.parse(isbn);
    if (isbnTest == null){
	return false;
    if (isbnTest.isIsbn10()){
	return true;
    else if (isbnTest.isIsbn13()){
	return true;
    return false;

// No change of Autolink algorithm although only one filter needed

const filters = [
	name: "ISBN --> TIB",
	regexp: /\b(97[89][\- ]?[\d\- ]{9,11}[\- ]?[\dxX]|[\d][\- \d]{8,10}[\- ]?[\- ]?[\dxX])/g,
	href: function(match) {
	    var isbx = alphanumerics(match[1]);
	    if (validateISBN(isbx) == true) {
		   if (libraryName == "ULB Muenster" || libraryName == "UBA") {
		      return libraryUrlPatternB + ISBN.asIsbn13(alphanumerics(match[1])) + libraryUrlPatternB2; }
		   else {
		      return libraryUrlPatternB + ISBN.asIsbn13(alphanumerics(match[1])) + "+or+" + ISBN.asIsbn10(alphanumerics(match[1])) + "&sourceid=autolink_tibub_tempelb"; }

 *  Helper function for filters   *

function alphanumerics(s)
    return s.replace(/[^0-9a-z]/ig, "");

 *           Link styling          *


  You can make links generated by AutoLink look different from normal links
  by editing styleLink below and/or by setting up user style sheet rules.

  Example: on, make autolinked plain text links orange. (Firefox trunk only.)

  @-moz-document domain( {
  .autolink-plain-text-link { color: orange ! important; }


function styleLink(a, filter, color)
{ = "1px solid " + color; ="1px"; = "_blank";

 *           Fix filters           *

function fixFilters()
    var i, r;
    for (i = 0; r = filters[i]; ++i) {
	// lowercase, and replace each run of non-alphanumerics with a single hyphen
	r.classNamePart =[^0-9a-z]+/ig, "-");
	    alert("AutoLink-Filter " + + " ist nicht als global definiert! Das gibt Probleme!!!");

 *      When and where to run      *

var moddingDOM = false;

window.addEventListener("load", init, false);
function init(rightaway)
    document.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", nodeInserted, false);
    if (rightaway)
	window.setTimeout(go, 100, document.body);

// This makes it work at Gmail.
// 20% performance penalty on a plain text file with a link on almost every line.
// Tiny performance penalty on pages with few automatically added links.
function nodeInserted(e)
    // our own modifications should not trigger this.
    // (we don't want our regular expression objects getting confused)
    // (we want better control over when we recurse)

    //GM_log("Inserted: " +;

    if (!moddingDOM && != 3)

 *          DOM traversal          *


  This script uses manual DOM traversal, in an iterative way without a stack!

  Advantages of snapshot XPath:
  * Much less code
  * 20-40% faster
  * May be possible to get another speed boost by including the regexp in the XPath expression -
  * All the cool people are using it

  Advantages of manual DOM traversal:
  * Lets us stop+continue (snapshot xpath doesn't let us)
  * Lets us modify DOM in strange ways without worrying.
  * Easier to control which elements we recurse into.


// Ignore all children of these elements.
const skippedElements = {
    a:        true, // keeps us from screwing with existing links. keeps us from recursing to death :)
    noscript: true, // noscript has uninterpreted, unshown text children; don't waste time+sanity there.
    head:     true,
    script:   true,
    style:    true,
    textarea: true,
    label:    true,
    select:   true,
    button:   true

const gmail = ( == "");

function skipChildren(node)
    if (node.tagName)  // !
	    if (skippedElements[node.tagName.toLowerCase()]) {
		return true;

	    if (gmail) {
		if (node.className == "ac") // gmail autocomplete (fake dropdown)
		    return true;
		if (node.className == "ilc sxs") // invite foo to gmail (fake link/button)
		    return true;

    return false;

function go(traversalRoot)
    /* some documents don't have document.body - such as XML documents */
    /*    if (traversalRoot == null)
    var m;

    // Ensure we're not already in a forbidden element.
    for (m = traversalRoot; m != undefined; m = m.parentNode) {
	if (!m || skipChildren(m)) {

    // work around bug, or in case previous user scripts did crazy stuff

    function cont(n, didChildren)
	var k = 0; // split work into chunks so Firefox doesn't freeze
	var q;

	while (n && k < 100)

		// Do stuff at this node
		if (!didChildren && n.nodeType == 3) {
		    if((q = runFiltersOnTextNode(n))) {
			n = q[0];

			// if there were changes, run filters again on the new text node that's here
			if (q[1])

		// Traverse to the "next" node in depth-first order

		if (!n.firstChild)
		    didChildren = true;

		if (didChildren && n == traversalRoot)
		else if (!didChildren && n.firstChild && !skipChildren(n)) {
		    n = n.firstChild;
		    // didChildren is already false and should stay false
		else {
		    if (n.nextSibling) {
			n = n.nextSibling;
			didChildren = false;
		    else {
			n = n.parentNode;
			didChildren = true;
	    } // end while

	if (!n) {
	    //GM_log("Odd. traversalRoot was " + traversalRoot);
	else if (n == traversalRoot) {
	    //alert("AutoLink time: " + (new Date() - timeBefore))
	else {
	    // Continue after 10ms.
	    //GM_log("will have to continue");
	    setTimeout(cont, 10, n, didChildren);

    } // end function cont

    cont(traversalRoot, false);

 *         Running filters         *

// runFiltersOnTextNode
// Return: node at which to continue traversal, or |null| to mean no changes were made.

function runFiltersOnTextNode(node)
    function genLink(filter, match)
	try {
	    return filter.href(match);
	catch(er) {
	    return "data:text/plain,Error running AutoLink function for filter: " + encodeURIComponent( + "%0A%0A" + encodeURIComponent(er);

    // Too many variables.  Good hint that I need to split this function up :P
    var source, j, regexp, match, lastLastIndex, k, filter, href, anyChanges; // things
    var used, unused, firstUnused, lastUnused, a, parent, nextSibling; // nodes

    source =;

    anyChanges = false;

    // runFiltersOnTextNode has its own do-too-much-at-once avoider thingie.
    // assumption: if there is one text node with a lot of matches,
    // it's more important to finish quickly than be transparent.
    // (e.g. plain text file FULL of links)
    // assumption: 40 * 100 = 140.

    for (j = 0; filter = filters[j]; ++j) {
	regexp = filter.regexp;

	if (regexp.test(source)) {

	    parent = node.parentNode;
	    nextSibling = node.nextSibling;

	    regexp.lastIndex = 0;
	    firstUnused = null;

	    // Optimization from the linkify that came with Greasemonkey(?):
	    // instead of splitting a text node multiple times, take advantage
	    // of global regexps and substring.

	    for (match = null, lastLastIndex = 0; k < 40 && (match = regexp.exec(source)); ) {

		href = genLink(filter, match);

		if (href != null && href != location.href) {
		    unused = document.createTextNode(source.substring(lastLastIndex, match.index));
		    if (!anyChanges) {
			anyChanges = true;
			firstUnused = unused;
			moddingDOM = true;
		    parent.insertBefore(unused, nextSibling);

		    // Abfrage am Katalog der TIB

		    var isbnx = alphanumerics(match[0]);
		    if (counter == maxisbns +1){
			var check = confirm("Die Seite scheint viele ISBNs zu enthalten.\nEs werden " + maxisbns + " ISBNs am Katalog geprüft.\nBestätigen Sie mit \"ok\", wenn das Skript\nohne Beschränkung weiterlaufen soll.");
			if (!check){

		    libraryUrlLookup = libraryUrlPatternA + "(" + ISBN.asIsbn10(isbnx) + "+OR+" + ISBN.asIsbn13(isbnx) + ")";
		    if (libraryName == "ULB Muenster" || libraryName == "UBA") {
			   libraryUrlLookup = libraryUrlPatternA + ISBN.asIsbn13(isbnx) + libraryUrlPatternA2;
			    url: libraryUrlLookup,
				    var page = results.responseText;
                    var location, signatur, sst;

				    if ( notFound.test(page) )
					used = document.createTextNode(isbnx + ' FEHLT ' + libraryName);
					a = document.createElement("a");
					a.href = href;
					a.title = "Link eingesetzt von Autolink_TIB/UB";
					a.className = "autolink autolink-" + filter.classNamePart;

					styleLink(a, filter, "red");

					parent.insertBefore(a, nextSibling);
				    else if ( libraryAvailability.test(page) ) {
					   if (libraryLocation == "") { }
 					else {
					   location = libraryLocation.exec(page);
					signatur = libraryShelfmark.exec(page);
					if (signatur) {
                       if (location) {
					      sst = location[1] + " ";
					   else {
                          sst = "";
					   shelfmark = libraryName + "+ " + sst + signatur[1];
					else {
					   shelfmark = libraryName + "+";
					used = document.createTextNode(isbnx + ' ' + shelfmark);
					a = document.createElement("a");
					a.href = href;
					a.title = "Link eingesetzt von Autolink_TIB/UB";
					a.className = "autolink autolink-" + filter.classNamePart;
					styleLink(a, filter, "blue");
					parent.insertBefore(a, nextSibling);
					alert(isbnx + "Sonstiger Fehler?!");
		    lastLastIndex = regexp.lastIndex;
		    if (anyChanges) {
			lastUnused = document.createTextNode(source.substring(lastLastIndex));
			parent.insertBefore(lastUnused, nextSibling);
			moddingDOM = false;
			return [firstUnused, true];
		    return [node, false];
    return null;

// isbn.js
// The MIT License
// Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 hetappi < (a)>

var ISBN;
(function () {
    ISBN  = {
	VERSION: '0.01',
	    '0': {
		'name': 'English speaking area',
		'ranges': [['00', '19'], ['200', '699'], ['7000', '8499'], ['85000', '89999'], ['900000', '949999'], ['9500000', '9999999']]
	    '1': {
		'name': 'English speaking area',
		'ranges': [['00', '09'], ['100', '399'], ['4000', '5499'], ['55000', '86979'], ['869800', '998999']]
	    '4': {
		'name': 'Japan',
		'ranges': [['00','19'], ['200','699'], ['7000','8499'], ['85000','89999'], ['900000','949999'], ['9500000','9999999']]

	isbn: function () {
	    this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

	parse: function(val, groups) {
	    var me = new ISBN.isbn(val, groups ? groups : ISBN.GROUPS);
	    return me.isValid() ? me : null;

	hyphenate: function(val) {
	    var me = ISBN.parse(val);
	    return me ? me.isIsbn13() ? me.asIsbn13(true) : me.asIsbn10(true) : null;

	asIsbn13: function(val, hyphen) {
	    var me = ISBN.parse(val);
	    return me ? me.asIsbn13(hyphen) : null;

	asIsbn10: function(val, hyphen) {
	    var me = ISBN.parse(val);
	    return me ? me.asIsbn10(hyphen) : null;

    ISBN.isbn.prototype = {
	isValid: function() {
	    return &&;

	isIsbn13: function() {
	    return this.isValid() &&;

	isIsbn10: function() {
	    return this.isValid() &&;

	asIsbn10: function(hyphen) {
	    return this.isValid() ? hyphen ? : : null;

	asIsbn13: function(hyphen) {
	    return this.isValid() ? hyphen ? : : null;

	initialize: function(val, groups) {
	    this.groups = groups; = this.parse(val);

	merge: function(lobj, robj) {
	    var key;
	    if (!lobj || !robj) {
		return null;
	    for (key in robj) {
		if (robj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
		    lobj[key] = robj[key];
	    return lobj;

	parse: function(val) {
	    var ret;
	    // correct for misplaced hyphens
	    // val = val.replace(/ -/,'');
	    ret =
	    val.match(/^\d{9}[\dX]$/) ?
		      this.merge({source: val, isValid: true, isIsbn10: true, isIsbn13: false}, this.split(val))) :
	    val.length === 13 && val.match(/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)-([\dX])$/) ?
		    source: val, isValid: true, isIsbn10: true, isIsbn13: false, group: RegExp.$1, publisher: RegExp.$2,
		    article: RegExp.$3, check: RegExp.$4}) :
	    val.match(/^(978|979)(\d{9}[\dX]$)/) ?
		      this.merge({source: val, isValid: true, isIsbn10: false, isIsbn13: true, prefix: RegExp.$1},
				 this.split(RegExp.$2))) :
	    val.length === 17 && val.match(/^(978|979)-(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)-([\dX])$/) ?
		    source: val, isValid: true, isIsbn10: false, isIsbn13: true, prefix: RegExp.$1, group: RegExp.$2,
		    publisher: RegExp.$3, article: RegExp.$4, check: RegExp.$5}) :

	    if (!ret) {
		return {source: val, isValid: false};

	    return this.merge(ret, {isValid: ret.check === (ret.isIsbn13 ? ret.check13 : ret.check10)});

	split: function(isbn) {
	    return (
		    !isbn ?
		    null :
		    isbn.length === 13 ?
		    this.merge(this.split(isbn.substr(3)), {prefix: isbn.substr(0, 3)}) :
		    isbn.length === 10 ?
		    this.splitToObject(isbn) :

	splitToArray: function(isbn10) {
	    var rec, key, rest, i, m;
	    rec = this.getGroupRecord(isbn10);
	    if (!rec) {
		return null;

	    for (key, i = 0, m = rec.record.ranges.length; i < m; i += 1) {
		key =, rec.record.ranges[i][0].length);
		if (rec.record.ranges[i][0] <= key && rec.record.ranges[i][1] >= key) {
		    rest =;
		    return [, key, rest.substr(0, rest.length - 1), rest.charAt(rest.length - 1)];
	    return null;

	splitToObject: function(isbn10) {
	    var a = this.splitToArray(isbn10);
	    if (!a || a.length !== 4) {
		return null;
	    return {group: a[0], publisher: a[1], article: a[2], check: a[3]};

	fill: function(codes) {
	    var rec, prefix, ck10, ck13, parts13, parts10;

	    if (!codes) {
		return null;

	    rec = this.groups[];
	    if (!rec) {
		return null;

	    prefix = codes.prefix ? codes.prefix : '978';
	    ck10 = this.calcCheckDigit([, codes.publisher, codes.article].join(''));
	    if (!ck10) {
		return null;

	    ck13 = this.calcCheckDigit([prefix,, codes.publisher, codes.article].join(''));
	    if (!ck13) {
		return null;

	    parts13 = [prefix,, codes.publisher, codes.article, ck13];
	    this.merge(codes, {
		    isbn13: parts13.join(''),
			isbn13h: parts13.join('-'),
			check10: ck10,
			check13: ck13,

	    if (prefix === '978') {
		parts10 = [, codes.publisher, codes.article, ck10];
		this.merge(codes, {isbn10: parts10.join(''), isbn10h: parts10.join('-')});

	    return codes;

	getGroupRecord: function(isbn10) {
	    var key;
	    for (key in this.groups) {
		if (isbn10.match('^' + key + '(.+)')) {
		    return {group: key, record: this.groups[key], rest: RegExp.$1};
	    return null;

	calcCheckDigit: function(isbn) {
	    var c, n;
	    if (isbn.match(/^\d{9}[\dX]?$/)) {
		c = 0;
		for (n = 0; n < 9; n += 1) {
		    c += (10 - n) * isbn.charAt(n);
		c = (11 - c % 11) % 11;
		return c === 10 ? 'X' : String(c);

	    } else if (isbn.match(/(?:978|979)\d{9}[\dX]?/)) {
		c = 0;
		for (n = 0; n < 12; n += 2) {
		    c += Number(isbn.charAt(n)) + 3 * isbn.charAt(n + 1);
		return String((10 - c % 10) % 10);

	    return null;

// referred:
// frequently, you need to update the following table. what a nice specification!
// isbn-groups.js
// generated by

var ISBN = ISBN || {};
(function () {

// referred:
// frequently, you need to update the following table. what a nice specification!
    ISBN.GROUPS_VERSION = '20090504';
	"0": {
	    "name": "English speaking area",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["900000", "949999"], ["9500000", "9999999"]]
	"1": {
	    "name": "English speaking area",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["100", "399"], ["4000", "5499"], ["55000", "86979"], ["869800", "998999"]]
	"2": {
	    "name": "French speaking area",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "349"], ["35000", "39999"], ["400", "699"], ["7000", "8399"], ["84000", "89999"], ["900000", "949999"], ["9500000", "9999999"]]
	"3": {
	    "name": "German speaking area",
	    "ranges": [["00", "02"], ["030", "033"], ["0340", "0369"], ["03700", "03999"], ["04", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["900000", "949999"], ["9500000", "9539999"], ["95400", "96999"], ["9700000", "9899999"], ["99000", "99499"], ["99500", "99999"]]
	"4": {
	    "name": "Japan",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["900000", "949999"], ["9500000", "9999999"]]
	"5": {
	    "name": "Russian Federation",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "420"], ["4210", "4299"], ["430", "430"], ["4310", "4399"], ["440", "440"], ["4410", "4499"], ["450", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["900000", "909999"], ["91000", "91999"], ["9200", "9299"], ["93000", "94999"], ["9500", "9799"], ["98000", "98999"], ["9900000", "9909999"], ["9910", "9999"]]
	"600": {
	    "name": "Iran",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["100", "499"], ["5000", "8999"], ["90000", "99999"]]
	"601": {
	    "name": "Kazakhstan",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "7999"], ["80000", "84999"], ["85", "99"]]
	"602": {
	    "name": "Indonesia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "799"], ["8000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"603": {
	    "name": "Saudi Arabia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "04"], ["500", "799"], ["8000", "8999"], ["90000", "99999"]]
	"604": {
	    "name": "Vietnam",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "89"], ["900", "979"], ["9800", "9999"]]
	"605": {
	    "name": "Turkey",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["100", "399"], ["4000", "5999"], ["60000", "89999"]]
	"606": {
	    "name": "Romania",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "49"], ["500", "799"], ["8000", "9199"], ["92000", "99999"]]
	"607": {
	    "name": "Mexico",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "749"], ["7500", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"608": {
	    "name": "Macedonia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "19"], ["200", "449"], ["4500", "6499"], ["65000", "69999"], ["7", "9"]]
	"609": {
	    "name": "Lithuania",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "799"], ["8000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"610": {
	    "name": "Thailand",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8999"], ["90000", "99999"]]
	"611": {
	    "name": "Ukraine",
	    "ranges": [["00", "49"], ["500", "699"], ["7000", "8999"], ["90000", "99999"]]
	"612": {
	    "name": "Peru",
	    "ranges": [["00", "29"], ["300", "399"], ["4000", "4499"], ["45000", "49999"], ["50", "99"]]
	"613": {
	    "name": "Mauritius",
	    "ranges": [["0", "9"]]
	"614": {
	    "name": "Lebanon",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "799"], ["8000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"615": {
	    "name": "Hungary",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["100", "499"], ["5000", "7999"], ["80000", "89999"]]
	"7": {
	    "name": "China, People's Republic",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["100", "499"], ["5000", "7999"], ["80000", "89999"], ["900000", "999999"]]
	"80": {
	    "name": "Czech Republic; Slovakia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["900000", "999999"]]
	"81": {
	    "name": "India",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["900000", "999999"]]
	"82": {
	    "name": "Norway",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8999"], ["90000", "98999"], ["990000", "999999"]]
	"83": {
	    "name": "Poland",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "599"], ["60000", "69999"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["900000", "999999"]]
	"84": {
	    "name": "Spain",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["9000", "9199"], ["920000", "923999"], ["92400", "92999"], ["930000", "949999"], ["95000", "96999"], ["9700", "9999"]]
	"85": {
	    "name": "Brazil",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "599"], ["60000", "69999"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["900000", "979999"], ["98000", "99999"]]
	"86": {
	    "name": "Serbia and Montenegro",
	    "ranges": [["00", "29"], ["300", "599"], ["6000", "7999"], ["80000", "89999"], ["900000", "999999"]]
	"87": {
	    "name": "Denmark",
	    "ranges": [["00", "29"], ["400", "649"], ["7000", "7999"], ["85000", "94999"], ["970000", "999999"]]
	"88": {
	    "name": "Italian speaking area",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "599"], ["6000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["900000", "949999"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"89": {
	    "name": "Korea",
	    "ranges": [["00", "24"], ["250", "549"], ["5500", "8499"], ["85000", "94999"], ["950000", "999999"]]
	"90": {
	    "name": "Netherlands, Belgium (Flemish)",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "499"], ["5000", "6999"], ["70000", "79999"], ["800000", "849999"], ["8500", "8999"], ["900000", "909999"], ["940000", "949999"]]
	"91": {
	    "name": "Sweden",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "49"], ["500", "649"], ["7000", "7999"], ["85000", "94999"], ["970000", "999999"]]
	"92": {
	    "name": "International Publishers (Unesco, EU), European Community Organizations",
	    "ranges": [["0", "5"], ["60", "79"], ["800", "899"], ["9000", "9499"], ["95000", "98999"], ["990000", "999999"]]
	"93": {
	    "name": "India",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["100", "499"], ["5000", "7999"], ["80000", "94999"], ["950000", "999999"]]
	"94": {
	    "name": "Netherlands",
	    "ranges": [["000", "599"], ["6000", "8999"], ["90000", "99999"]]
	"950": {
	    "name": "Argentina",
	    "ranges": [["00", "49"], ["500", "899"], ["9000", "9899"], ["99000", "99999"]]
	"951": {
	    "name": "Finland",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "54"], ["550", "889"], ["8900", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"952": {
	    "name": "Finland",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "499"], ["5000", "5999"], ["60", "65"], ["6600", "6699"], ["67000", "69999"], ["7000", "7999"], ["80", "94"], ["9500", "9899"], ["99000", "99999"]]
	"953": {
	    "name": "Croatia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "14"], ["150", "549"], ["55000", "59999"], ["6000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"954": {
	    "name": "Bulgaria",
	    "ranges": [["00", "29"], ["300", "799"], ["8000", "8999"], ["90000", "92999"], ["9300", "9999"]]
	"955": {
	    "name": "Sri Lanka",
	    "ranges": [["0000", "0999"], ["1000", "1999"], ["20", "54"], ["550", "799"], ["8000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"956": {
	    "name": "Chile",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "9999"]]
	"957": {
	    "name": "Taiwan, China",
	    "ranges": [["00", "02"], ["0300", "0499"], ["05", "19"], ["2000", "2099"], ["21", "27"], ["28000", "30999"], ["31", "43"], ["440", "819"], ["8200", "9699"], ["97000", "99999"]]
	"958": {
	    "name": "Colombia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "56"], ["57000", "59999"], ["600", "799"], ["8000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"959": {
	    "name": "Cuba",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"]]
	"960": {
	    "name": "Greece",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "659"], ["6600", "6899"], ["690", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "99999"]]
	"961": {
	    "name": "Slovenia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "599"], ["6000", "8999"], ["90000", "94999"]]
	"962": {
	    "name": "Hong Kong",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "86999"], ["8700", "8999"], ["900", "999"]]
	"963": {
	    "name": "Hungary",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"964": {
	    "name": "Iran",
	    "ranges": [["00", "14"], ["150", "249"], ["2500", "2999"], ["300", "549"], ["5500", "8999"], ["90000", "96999"], ["970", "989"], ["9900", "9999"]]
	"965": {
	    "name": "Israel",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "599"], ["7000", "7999"], ["90000", "99999"]]
	"966": {
    "name": "Ukraine",
    "ranges": [["00", "14"], ["1500", "1699"], ["170", "199"], ["2000", "2999"], ["300", "699"], ["7000", "8999"], ["90000", "99999"]]
	"967": {
	    "name": "Malaysia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "29"], ["300", "499"], ["5000", "5999"], ["60", "89"], ["900", "989"], ["9900", "9989"], ["99900", "99999"]]
	"968": {
	    "name": "Mexico",
	    "ranges": [["01", "39"], ["400", "499"], ["5000", "7999"], ["800", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"969": {
	    "name": "Pakistan",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "39"], ["400", "799"], ["8000", "9999"]]
	"970": {
	    "name": "Mexico",
	    "ranges": [["01", "59"], ["600", "899"], ["9000", "9099"], ["91000", "96999"], ["9700", "9999"]]
	"971": {
	    "name": "Philippines",
	    "ranges": [["000", "019"], ["02", "02"], ["0300", "0599"], ["06", "09"], ["10", "49"], ["500", "849"], ["8500", "9099"], ["91000", "99999"]]
	"972": {
	    "name": "Portugal",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "54"], ["550", "799"], ["8000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"973": { "name": "Romania", "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["100", "169"], ["1700", "1999"], ["20", "54"], ["550", "759"], ["7600", "8499"], ["85000", "88999"], ["8900", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"974": { "name": "Thailand",
		 "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "699"], ["7000", "8499"], ["85000", "89999"], ["90000", "94999"], ["9500", "9999"]] }, "975": { "name": "Turkey", "ranges": [["00000", "00999"], ["01", "24"], ["250", "599"], ["6000", "9199"], ["92000", "98999"], ["990", "999"]]
	"976": {
	    "name": "Caribbean Community",
	    "ranges": [["0", "3"], ["40", "59"], ["600", "799"], ["8000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"977": {
	    "name": "Egypr",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "499"], ["5000", "6999"], ["700", "999"]]
	"978": {
	    "name": "Nigeria",
	    "ranges": [["000", "199"], ["2000", "2999"], ["30000", "79999"], ["8000", "8999"], ["900", "999"]]
	"979": {
	    "name": "Indonesia",
	    "ranges": [["000", "099"], ["1000", "1499"], ["15000", "19999"], ["20", "29"], ["3000", "3999"], ["400", "799"], ["8000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"980": {
	    "name": "Venezuela",
	    "ranges": [["00", "19"], ["200", "599"], ["6000", "9999"]]
	"981": {
	    "name": "Singapore",
	    "ranges": [["00", "11"], ["1200", "1999"], ["200", "289"], ["2900", "9999"]]
	"982": {
	    "name": "South Pacific",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["100", "699"], ["70", "89"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"983": {
	    "name": "Malaysia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "01"], ["020", "199"], ["2000", "3999"], ["40000", "44999"], ["45", "49"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "899"], ["9000", "9899"], ["99000", "99999"]]
  "984": {
      "name": "Bangladesh",
      "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "799"], ["8000", "8999"], ["90000", "99999"]]
	"985": {
	    "name": "Belarus",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "599"], ["6000", "8999"], ["90000", "99999"]]
	"986": {
	    "name": "Taiwan, China",
	    "ranges": [["00", "11"], ["120", "559"], ["5600", "7999"], ["80000", "99999"]]
	"987": {
	    "name": "Argentina",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["1000", "1999"], ["20000", "29999"], ["30", "49"], ["500", "899"], ["9000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"988": {
	    "name": "Hongkong",
	    "ranges": [["00", "16"], ["17000", "19999"], ["200", "799"], ["8000", "9699"], ["97000", "99999"]]
	"989": {
	    "name": "Portugal",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "54"], ["550", "799"], ["8000", "9499"], ["95000", "99999"]]
	"9933": {
	    "name": "Syria",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9934": {
	    "name": "Latvia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "49"], ["500", "799"], ["8000", "9999"]]
	"9935": {
	    "name": "Iceland",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9936": {
	    "name": "Afghanistan",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "39"], ["400", "799"], ["8000", "9999"]]
	"9937": {
	    "name": "Nepal",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "49"], ["500", "799"], ["8000", "9999"]]
	"9938": {
	    "name": "Tunisia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "79"], ["800", "949"], ["9500", "9999"]]
	"9939": {
	    "name": "Armenia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9940": {
	    "name": "Montenegro",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "49"], ["500", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9941": {
	    "name": "Georgia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9942": {
	    "name": "Ecuador",
	    "ranges": [["00", "89"], ["900", "994"], ["9950", "9999"]]
	"9943": {
	    "name": "Uzbekistan",
	    "ranges": [["00", "29"], ["300", "399"], ["4000", "9999"]]
	"9944": {
	    "name": "Turkey",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["300", "499"], ["5000", "5999"], ["60", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"9945": {
	    "name": "Dominican Republic",
	    "ranges": [["00", "00"], ["010", "079"], ["08", "39"], ["400", "569"], ["57", "57"], ["580", "849"], ["8500", "9999"]]
	"9946": {
	    "name": "Korea, P.D.R.",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9947": {
	    "name": "Algeria",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"9948": {
	    "name": "United Arab Emirates",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "849"], ["8500", "9999"]]
	"9949": {
	    "name": "Estonia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9950": {
	    "name": "Palestine",
	    "ranges": [["00", "29"], ["300", "840"], ["8500", "9999"]]
	"9951": {
	    "name": "Kosova",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "849"], ["8500", "9999"]]
	"9952": {
	    "name": "Azerbaijan",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "39"], ["400", "799"], ["8000", "9999"]]
	"9953": {
	    "name": "Lebanon",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "39"], ["400", "599"], ["60", "89"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9954": {
	    "name": "Morocco",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "39"], ["400", "799"], ["8000", "9999"]]
	"9955": {
	    "name": "Lithuania",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "929"], ["9300", "9999"]]
	"9956": {
	    "name": "Cameroon",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9957": {
	    "name": "Jordan",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "699"], ["70", "84"], ["8500", "9999"]]
	"9958": {
	    "name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "49"], ["500", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9959": {
	    "name": "Libya",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "79"], ["800", "949"], ["9500", "9999"]]
	"9960": {
	    "name": "Saudi Arabia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "59"], ["600", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9961": {
	    "name": "Algeria",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "69"], ["700", "949"], ["9500", "9999"]]
	"9962": {
	    "name": "Panama",
	    "ranges": [["00", "54"], ["5500", "5599"], ["56", "59"], ["600", "849"], ["8500", "9999"]]
	"9963": {
	    "name": "Cyprus",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "54"], ["550", "749"], ["7500", "9999"]]
	"9964": {
	    "name": "Ghana",
	    "ranges": [["0", "6"], ["70", "94"], ["950", "999"]]
	"9965": {
	    "name": "Kazakhstan",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9966": {
	    "name": "Kenya",
	    "ranges": [["000", "199"], ["20", "69"], ["7000", "7499"], ["750", "959"], ["9600", "9999"]]
	"9967": {
	    "name": "Kyrgyzstan",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9968": {
	    "name": "Costa Rica",
	    "ranges": [["00", "49"], ["500", "939"], ["9400", "9999"]]
	"9970": {
	    "name": "Uganda",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9971": {
	    "name": "Singapore",
	    "ranges": [["0", "5"], ["60", "89"], ["900", "989"], ["9900", "9999"]]
	"9972": {
	    "name": "Peru",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["1"], ["200", "249"], ["2500", "2999"], ["30", "59"], ["600", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9973": {
	    "name": "Tunisia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "05"], ["060", "089"], ["0900", "0999"], ["10", "69"], ["700", "969"], ["9700", "9999"]]
	"9974": {
	    "name": "Uruguay",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "54"], ["550", "749"], ["7500", "9499"], ["95", "99"]]
	"9975": {
	    "name": "Moldova",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["100", "399"], ["4000", "4499"], ["45", "89"], ["900", "949"], ["9500", "9999"]]
	"9976": { "name": "Tanzania", "ranges": [["0", "5"], ["60", "89"],
						 ["900", "989"], ["9990", "9999"]] },
	"9977": {
	    "name": "Costa Rica",
	    "ranges": [["00", "89"], ["900", "989"], ["9900", "9999"]]
	"9978": {
	    "name": "Ecuador",
	    "ranges": [["00", "29"], ["300", "399"], ["40", "94"], ["950", "989"], ["9900", "9999"]]
	"9979": {
	    "name": "Iceland",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "64"], ["650", "659"], ["66", "75"], ["760", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9980": {
	    "name": "Papua New Guinea",
	    "ranges": [["0", "3"], ["40", "89"], ["900", "989"], ["9900", "9999"]]
	"9981": {
	    "name": "Morocco",
	    "ranges": [["00", "09"], ["100", "159"], ["1600", "1999"], ["20", "79"], ["800", "949"], ["9500", "9999"]]
	"9982": {
	    "name": "Zambia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "79"], ["800", "989"], ["9900", "9999"]]
	"9983": {
	    "name": "Gambia",
	    "ranges": [["80", "94"], ["950", "989"], ["9900", "9999"]]
	"9984": {
	    "name": "Latvia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "49"], ["500", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9985": {
	    "name": "Estonia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "899"], ["9000", "9999"]]
	"9986": {
	    "name": "Lithuania",
	    "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "899"], ["9000", "9399"], ["940", "969"], ["97", "99"]]
  "9987": {
      "name": "Tanzania",
      "ranges": [["00", "39"], ["400", "879"], ["8800", "9999"]]
	"9988": {
	    "name": "Ghana",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "54"], ["550", "749"], ["7500", "9999"]]
	"9989": {
	    "name": "Macedonia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["100", "199"], ["2000", "2999"], ["30", "59"], ["600", "949"], ["9500", "9999"]]
	"99901": {
	    "name": "Bahrain",
	    "ranges": [["00", "49"], ["500", "799"], ["80", "99"]]
	"99902": {
	    "name": "Gabon - no ranges fixed yet",
	    "ranges": []
	"99903": {
	    "name": "Mauritius",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99904": {
	    "name": "Netherlands Antilles; Aruba, Neth. Ant",
	    "ranges": [["0", "5"], ["60", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99905": {
	    "name": "Bolivia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "3"], ["40", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99906": {
	    "name": "Kuwait",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "59"], ["600", "699"], ["70", "89"], ["9", "9"]]
	"99908": {
	    "name": "Malawi",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99909": {
	    "name": "Malta",
	    "ranges": [["0", "3"], ["40", "94"], ["950", "999"]]
	"99910": {
	    "name": "Sierra Leone",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99911": {
	    "name": "Lesotho",
	    "ranges": [["00", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99912": {
	    "name": "Botswana",
	    "ranges": [["0", "3"], ["400", "599"], ["60", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99913": {
	    "name": "Andorra",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "35"], ["600", "604"]]
	"99914": {
	    "name": "Suriname",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "89"], ["900", "949"]]
	"99915": {
	    "name": "Maldives",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99916": {
	    "name": "Namibia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "69"], ["700", "999"]]
	"99917": {
	    "name": "Brunei Darussalam",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99918": {
	    "name": "Faroe Islands",
	    "ranges": [["0", "3"], ["40", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99919": {
	    "name": "Benin",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["300", "399"], ["40", "69"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99920": {
	    "name": "Andorra",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99921": {
	    "name": "Qatar",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "69"], ["700", "799"], ["8", "8"], ["90", "99"]]
	"99922": {
	    "name": "Guatemala",
	    "ranges": [["0", "3"], ["40", "69"], ["700", "999"]]
	"99923": {
	    "name": "El Salvador",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99924": {
	    "name": "Nicaragua",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99925": {
	    "name": "Paraguay",
	    "ranges": [["0", "3"], ["40", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99926": {
	    "name": "Honduras",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99927": {
	    "name": "Albania",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99928": {
	    "name": "Georgia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99929": {
	    "name": "Mongolia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99930": {
	    "name": "Armenia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99931": {
	    "name": "Seychelles",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
  "99932": {
      "name": "Malta",
      "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "59"], ["600", "699"], ["7", "7"], ["80", "99"]]
	"99933": {
	    "name": "Nepal",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99934": {
	    "name": "Dominican Republic",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99935": {
	    "name": "Haiti",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["7", "8"], ["30", "59"], ["600", "699"], ["90", "99"]]
	"99936": {
	    "name": "Bhutan",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99937": {
	    "name": "Macau",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99938": {
	    "name": "Srpska",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "59"], ["600", "899"], ["90", "99"]]
	"99939": {
	    "name": "Guatemala",
	    "ranges": [["0", "5"], ["60", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99940": {
	    "name": "Georgia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "69"], ["700", "999"]]
	"99941": {
	    "name": "Armenia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99942": {
	    "name": "Sudan",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99943": {
	    "name": "Alsbania",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99944": {
	    "name": "Ethiopia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99945": {
	    "name": "Namibia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "5"], ["60", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99946": {
	    "name": "Nepal",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99947": {
	    "name": "Tajikistan",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "69"], ["700", "999"]]
	"99948": {
	    "name": "Eritrea",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99949": {
	    "name": "Mauritius",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99950": {
	    "name": "Cambodia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99951": {
	    "name": "Congo - no ranges fixed yet",
	    "ranges": []
	"99952": {
	    "name": "Mali",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99953": {
	    "name": "Paraguay",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99954": {
	    "name": "Bolivia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "69"], ["700", "999"]]
	"99955": {
	    "name": "Srpska",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "59"], ["600", "899"], ["90", "99"]]
	"99956": {
	    "name": "Albania",
	    "ranges": [["00", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99957": {
	    "name": "Malta",
	    "ranges": [["0", "1"], ["20", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99958": {
	    "name": "Bahrain",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "94"], ["950", "999"]]
  "99959": {
      "name": "Luxembourg",
      "ranges": [["0", "2"], ["30", "59"], ["600", "999"]]
	"99960": {
	    "name": "Malawi",
	    "ranges": [["0", "0"], ["10", "94"], ["950", "999"]]
	"99961": {
	    "name": "El Salvador",
	    "ranges": [["0", "3"], ["40", "89"], ["900", "999"]]
	"99962": {
	    "name": "Mongolia",
	    "ranges": [["0", "4"], ["50", "79"], ["800", "999"]]
	"99963": {
	    "name": "Cambodia",
	    "ranges": [["00", "49"], ["500", "999"]]

// Ende importiertes isbn.js