// ==UserScript==
// @name ヨドバシ検索結果で量あたり単価を表示
// @description Shift+A/Shift+B:量単価上限で絞り込み A:量単価昇順 .:価格上限入力フォームにフォーカス Shift+Alt+A:価格昇順 z:レビューの★多い順 ,:価格上限で絞り込み(Amazon,iHerb)
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// @match https://www.topvalu.net/search/*
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// @match *://akibaoo.co.jp/*
// @match *://www.google.tld/*
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// ==/UserScript==
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const ddg_google_ratio = 0.2; // 0:100%ddg 1:100%google
const enableBeta = 1; // 1でポイント還元後価格(想像)を表示
var gStaY = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------
// 上が優先
const SITEINFO = [{
urlRE: '//.*.yodobashi.com/',
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priceXPath: '//span[@class="productPrice"]|.//span[@id="js_scl_unitPrice"]|.//div[@class="price red"]/strong|.//li[@class="Special"]/em|.//span[@class="red js_ppSalesPrice"]',
pointrateXPath: '//span[@class="spNone"]|.//span[@id="js_scl_pointrate"]|.//div[@class="point orange"]|.//li[@class="Point"]|.//span[@class="orange js_ppPoint"]|.//div[@class="pInfo liMt05"]/ul/li/span[@class="orange ml10"]',
isorder: /https?:\/\/order\./,
issearch: /[\?\&]word\=/,
iscate: /category\/|\/maker\//,
isproduct: /\/product\//,
orderPL: 5,
listPL: 3,
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{ sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr2"]', sortElement: '.srcResultItem_block', },
{ sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr"]', sortElement: '.srcResultItem_block', },
sortUrl: /https:\/\/www.yodobashi.com\/category\/|https:\/\/www.yodobashi.com\/.*\?word=|https:\/\/www\.yodobashi\.com\/\?searchbtn=true\&word=|\/\/www\.yodobashi\.com\/.*\&word=|\/\/www.yodobashi.com\/maker\//, // todo: |https:\/\/www.yodobashi.com\/maker\/
onLoad: () => { //window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
// .キーで上限絞り込みにフォーカス、全選択状態
$(document).keypress((e) => {
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ele.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "center" });
$('input#js_upperPrice').css('ime-mode', 'inactive'); // 上限価格はIME offにする
// })
onEachItem: (node, titleEle, rndcolor) => {
if (issearch || isproduct) { // 「店頭でのみ販売しています|予定数の販売を終了しました|販売を終了しました」を非表示
for (let ele of elegeta('//div[@class="pInfo"]/ul/li', node)) {
if (ele.innerText.match(/店頭でのみ販売しています|販売を終了しました/)) { debugRemove(ele.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode); continue; }
for (let site of [
["UserBenchmark", "www.userbenchmark.com", "#609070", /内蔵SSD|内蔵ハードディスク|PCパーツ>CPU|PCパーツ>グラフィックボード|USBメモリ/],
["techpowerup", "www.techpowerup.com Energy Efficiency", "#801010", /PCパーツ>CPU/],
["Backblaze", "www.backblaze.com/blog/hard-drive-stats", "#C51E33", /内蔵SSD|内蔵ハードディスク/],
["kopfhoerer.com", "www.kopfhoerer.com", "#137db0", /用ヘッドセット|型ヘッドホン|Bluetooth対応ヘッドホン|ゲーミングヘッドセット|Bluetoothヘッドセット|イヤホンマイク>3.5mmミニプラグ|インナーイヤーヘッドホン|ヘッドセット・ヘッドホン|ヘッドホン>完全ワイヤレスイヤホン/],
["Kopfhoerer.de", "www.kopfhoerer.de", "#2b2a3a", /型ヘッドホン|Bluetooth対応ヘッドホン|インナーイヤーヘッドホン|ヘッドセット・ヘッドホン|ヘッドホン>完全ワイヤレスイヤホン/],
["RTINGS", "www.rtings.com", "#609070", /用ヘッドセット|型ヘッドホン|Bluetooth対応ヘッドホン|ゲーミングヘッドセット|Bluetoothヘッドセット|イヤホンマイク>3.5mmミニプラグ|インナーイヤーヘッドホン|ヘッドセット・ヘッドホン|ヘッドホン>完全ワイヤレスイヤホン/],
["TFT CENTRAL", "www.tftcentral.co.uk", "#2e2e2e", />ディスプレイ・モニター|ゲーミングモニター/]
]) {
if ((issearch || isproduct || iscate) && ((eleget0('//div[@class="breadcrumbs js_ctlg_ageconfirm_permit"]')?.innerText || "") + " " + ((titleEle.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.innerText))).match(site[3])) { // RTINGS/kopfhoererリンク
var ele = titleEle.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement("a"), titleEle.parentNode.parentNode.nextSibling);
var iflsite = (Math.random() > ddg_google_ratio) ? "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=!ducky+" : "https://www.google.co.jp/search?btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky&q=";
ele.innerHTML += '<a rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\" href="' + iflsite + (titleEle.innerText.replace(/[\/\?\+\[\]\(\)\u30a0-\u30ff\u3040-\u309f\u3005-\u3006\u30e0-\u9fcf]+/gmi, " ") + ' ').replace(/\s{2,9}/gm, " ") + 'site:' + site[1] + '" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:auto;display:inline-block;margin:1px 1px; padding:0.03em 0.5em 0.03em 0.5em; border-radius:99px; background-color:' + site[2] + '; color:white; white-space: nowrap; ">' + site[0] + '</a>';
pointFunc: (parentEle, price, priceEle, rndcolor) => {
var pointEle = eleget0(SITE.pointrateXPath, parentEle);
if (pointEle) {
var pointtext = pointEle.innerText.replace(/\,/g, "");
if (pointtext.match(/([0-9]+)(?:%)/)) {
debugEle(pointEle, rndcolor);
var pointPer = Number(pointtext.match(/([0-9,]+)(?:%)/)[1] / 100);
} else
if (pointtext.match(/([0-9]+)(?:ポイント)/)) {
debugEle(pointEle, rndcolor);
var pointPer = Number(pointtext.match(/([0-9]+)(?:ポイント)/)[1] / price);
/* if (debug) */
pointEle.innerHTML += "<span style='background-color:#fff8e8;'>(" + Math.round(pointPer * 100) + "%?)</span>";
if (pointPer || pointPer === 0) {
var point = Math.ceil(price - (price * (price / (price + price * pointPer))));
var pricef = Math.round(price - point).toLocaleString();
// if (enableBeta) priceEle.innerHTML += " <span class='kangengo' style='background-color:#fff0f0;'>" + (isorder ? "<br>還元後:" : "(還元後:") + "¥" + pricef + (isorder ? "" : ")") + "</span>";
if (enableBeta) after(priceEle, " <span class='kangengo' style='background-color:#fff0f0;color:#f00;font-weight:bold;'>" + (isorder ? "<br>還元後:" : "(還元後:") + "¥" + pricef + (isorder ? "" : ")") + "</span>");
} else { var point = -1; }
return point;
hide: (title, isorder, isproduct, issearch, parentEle, price, iscate, cppLimit, point, titleEle) => {
// type1
var pass1 = 0;
if (title.match(/ゴミ袋|ポリ袋/) || ((isproduct || issearch) && ((parentEle.innerText)).match(/ゴミ袋|ポリ袋/)))
var ryou = title.replace(/\,/g, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)(P)/);
if (title.match(/ラップ|クッキングシート/) || ((isproduct || issearch) && ((parentEle.innerText)).match(/ラップ/)))
var ryou = title.replace(/\,/g, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)(m)/);
if (title.match(/USBメモリ|(外付け|外付|ポータブル|内蔵|バルク|接続)(SSD|HDD|ハードディスク)|バルクドライブ|2\.5.?(inc|インチ)|7mm|9.5mm/) || ((isproduct || issearch) && ((parentEle.innerText)).match(/(内蔵|外付け|ポータブル)(SSD|HDD|ハードディスク)/)))
var ryou = title.replace(/\,/g, "").match(/\s([0-9\.]+)(mg|㎎|g|ml|mL|ml|GB)|(?:[^A-Z0-9\.\-])([0-9\.]+)(L(?!b)|kg|㎏|Kg|TB)/i);
var ryou = title.replace(/\,/g, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)(mg|㎎|g|ml|mL|ml)|(?:[^A-Z0-9\.\-])([0-9\.]+)(L(?!b)|kg|㎏|Kg)/i);
if (ryou && (ryou[1] > 0 || ryou[3] > 0)) {
if (ryou[4]) ryou[4] = ryou[4].replace(/kg|㎏|Kg/, "g").replace(/L/, "ml").replace(/TB/, "GB");
var ryout = Number(ryou[1]) || Number(ryou[3]) * 1000;
var mul = (title.match(/×[0-9\.\,]+/m) && !(title.match(/[\((\[].*×.*[\))\]]/m)) && !(title.match(/×[\d\s]*(cm|mm|m)/))) ? Number(title.match(/×([0-9\.\,]+)/)[1]) : 1;
if (point > -1) {
var ppr = Math.round(100 * (price - point) / Number(ryout * mul)) / 100;
var pprEmbed = (price - point) / Number(ryout * mul);
//var pprEmbed = (price) / Number(ryout * mul);
var pprEmbedAligned = pprEmbed
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price - point) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000)
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mcg|μg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price - point) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000 / 1000)
titleEle.style.display = "inline";
var ele = $('<span class="ignoreMe ppr" data-ppr="' + pprEmbedAligned + '" style=" display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; font-size:90%;margin:0.5px 0px 0.5px 3px; text-decoration:none !important; padding:0.03em 0.5em 0.03em 0.2em; border-radius:99px; background-color:#6080b0; color:white; white-space: nowrap; ">¥' + ppr + '/' + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + (ppr == undefined ? ryou + "," + ryout + "," + mul : "") + '</span>').insertAfter(titleEle);
if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder)) setClick(ele, ppr, "\\" + (Math.round(price - point)) + "/" + Number(ryout * mul) + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + "=" + pprEmbed + "\n") //$(ele).css("cursor", "pointer").attr("title", "クリックかShift+Aでこの量単価の上限で絞り込む").click(e => inputcpplimit(e, 1, ppr));
pass1 = ((iscate || issearch) && cppLimit[1] && ppr <= cppLimit[1]) ? 1 : 0;
// type2
var pass2 = 0;
var ryou1 = ryou;
var ryou = title.replace(/\,/g, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)(冊|袋|枚|粒|錠|包|杯|本|個|袋|組入|ポート|色|日分|ヶ入|食|回分|回用|巻(入|セット|缶|函))/);
if (ryou && (ryou[1] > 0 || ryou[3] > 0)) {
if (ryou[4]) ryou[4] = ryou[4].replace(/kg|㎏|Kg/, "g").replace(/L/, "ml").replace(/TB/, "GB");
var ryout = Number(ryou[1]) || Number(ryou[3]) * 1000;
var mul = 1; //(title.match(/×[0-9\.\,]+/m) && !(title.match(/[\((\[].*×.*[\))\]]/m)) && !(title.match(/×[\d\s]*(cm|mm)/)))?Number(title.match(/×([0-9\.\,]+)/)[1]):1;
if (point > -1) {
var ppr2 = Math.round(100 * (price - point) / Number(ryout * mul)) / 100;
var pprEmbed = (price - point) / Number(ryout * mul);
var pprEmbedAligned = pprEmbed
titleEle.style.display = "inline";
var ele = $('<span class="ignoreMe ppr2" data-ppr="' + pprEmbedAligned + '" style=" display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; font-size:90%;margin:0.5px 0px 0.5px 3px; text-decoration:none !important; padding:0.03em 0.5em 0.03em 0.2em; border-radius:99px; background-color:#6080b0; color:white; white-space: nowrap; ">¥' + ppr2 + '/' + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + '</span>').insertAfter(titleEle);
if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder)) $(ele).css("cursor", "pointer").attr("title", "クリックかShift+Bでこの量単価の上限で絞り込む").click(e => inputcpplimit(e, 2, ppr2));
pass2 = ((iscate || issearch) && cppLimit[2] && ppr2 <= cppLimit[2]) ? 1 : 0;
if ((cppLimit[1] > 0 && pass1 == 0) || (cppLimit[1] > 0 && (!ryou1))) debugRemove(parentEle);
if ((cppLimit[2] > 0 && pass2 == 0) || (cppLimit[2] > 0 && (!ryou))) debugRemove(parentEle);
}, {
// -----------------------------------------------------{
is: 'KOHNAN',
urlRE: '//www.kohnan-eshop.com/shop/goods/search.aspx|//www.kohnan-eshop.com/shop/', //|//www.kohnan-eshop.com/shop/g/',
titleXPath: '//a[@class="js-enhanced-ecommerce-goods-name"]|//h1[@class="block-goods-name js-enhanced-ecommerce-goods-name"]', //'|//div[@class="mainframe_"]/h1[@class="goods_name_"]',
priceXPath: '//div[@class="block-thumbnail-t--price-items"]/div|//div/div[@class="block-cartbox-section--price-price"]', //'|//table[@class="formdetail_ goodsspec_"]/tbody/tr[5]/td/span[@class="price_"]', orderPL: 3,
listPL: 3,
isorder: /$^/,
iscate: /shop\/c\//,
isproduct: /www.kohnan-eshop.com\/shop\/g\//,
issearch: /search/,
sortData: [{ url: /https:\/\/www.kohnan-eshop.com\/shop\/goods\/search.aspx|\/\/www\.kohnan-eshop\.com\/shop\//, sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr"]', sortElement: '.block-thumbnail-t li', }],
//sortUrl: /https:\/\/www.kohnan-eshop.com\/shop\/goods\/search.aspx/,
onLoad: () => {},
onEachItem: (node, titleEle, rndcolor) => {},
pointFunc: (parentEle, price, priceEle, rndcolor) => {},
hide: (title, isorder, isproduct, issearch, parentEle, price, iscate, cppLimit, point, titleEle) => {
// type1
var pass1 = 0;
title = title.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9,.]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 0xFEE0) })
var ryou = title.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9,.]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 0xFEE0) }).replace(/\,/g, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)(mg|㎎|g|ml|mL|枚|粒|錠|包|杯|本|個|袋|ml|組入|ポート|色)|(?:[^A-Z0-9\.\-])([0-9\.]+)(L(?!b)|kg|㎏|Kg)/);
// alert(ryou);
let discreteUnit = /×([0-9\.]+)\s?(セット|Pack|枚|タブレット|カプセル|個|錠|ベジタリアンカプセル|ベジタブルカプセル|植物性カプセル|Veggie Caps|Veg Capsules|ベジカプセル|べジカプセル|カプセル|粒|ベジキャップ|チュアブル錠|ソフトゼリー|ティーバック|ティーバッグ|袋|Softgels|ソフトジェル|Chewable Tablets|錠|Tablets|グミ|ロゼンジ|植物性液体フィトカプセル|Vegetarian Capsules)/m;
if (ryou && (ryou[1] > 0 || ryou[3] > 0)) {
if (ryou[4]) ryou[4] = ryou[4].replace(/kg|㎏|Kg/, "g").replace(/L/, "ml"); //.replace(/TB/, "GB");
var ryout = Number(ryou[1]) || Number(ryou[3]) * 1000;
var mul = (title.match(discreteUnit)) ? Number(title.match(discreteUnit)[1]) : 1;
var ppr = Math.round(100 * (price) / Number(ryout * mul)) / 100;
var pprEmbed = (price) / Number(ryout * mul);
var pprEmbedAligned = pprEmbed
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000)
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mcg|μg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000 / 1000)
titleEle.style.display = "inline";
var ele = $('<span class="ignoreMe ppr" data-ppr="' + pprEmbedAligned + '" style=" font-size:12px; ">¥' + ppr + '/' + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + (ppr == undefined ? ryou + "," + ryout + "," + mul : "") + '</span>').insertAfter(titleEle);
if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder)) setClick(ele, ppr, "\\" + (Math.round(price)) + "/" + Number(ryout * mul) + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + "=" + pprEmbed + "\n");
pass1 = ((iscate || issearch) && cppLimit[1] && ppr <= cppLimit[1] && ryou && ppr) ? 1 : 0;
// type2
var pass2 = 0;
var ryou1 = ryou;
var ryou = title.match(discreteUnit);
if (ryou && (ryou[1] > 0)) {
var ryout = Number(ryou[1]);
var mul = 1;
var ppr2 = Math.round(100 * (price) / Number(ryout * mul)) / 100;
titleEle.style.display = "inline";
var ele = $('<span class="ignoreMe ppr2" style=" font-size:12px; ">¥' + ppr2 + '/' + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + '</span>').insertAfter(titleEle.parentNode);
if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder)) $(ele).css("cursor", "pointer").attr("title", "クリックかShift+Bでこの量単価の上限で絞り込む").click(e => inputcpplimit(e, 2, ppr2));
pass2 = ((iscate || issearch) && cppLimit[2] && ppr2 <= cppLimit[2] && ryou && ppr) ? 1 : 0;
if ((cppLimit[1] > 0 && pass1 == 0) || (cppLimit[1] > 0 && (!ryou1))) debugRemove(parentEle);
// if ((cppLimit[2] > 0 && pass2 == 0) || (cppLimit[2] > 0 && (!ryou))) debugRemove(parentEle);
// -----------------------------------------------------
is: 'AMAZON', // amazon:: ama::
urlRE: 'amazon.co',
priceXPath: '//span/span[1]/span/a[@class="a-button-text" and @id="a-autoid-5-announce"]/span[contains(text(),"¥")]|.//span[@class="a-color-base"]/span[@class="a-size-base a-color-price a-color-price"]|.//a/span[@class="a-price"]/span[@aria-hidden="true"]/span[@class="a-price-whole" and contains(text(),"¥")]|.//span[@class="a-price a-text-price a-size-medium apexPriceToPay" and @data-a-size="b"]/span[2]|.//div[@class="a-section a-spacing-none aok-align-center"]/span[@data-a-color="base"]/span/span[@class="a-price-whole"]|.//span[@class="a-price-whole"]|.//td/span[@id="snsDetailPagePrice"]/span|//span[@id="priceblock_ourprice"]/span',
pointrateXPath: `span.a-size-base.a-color-price , div#ppd div[class*="a-row"] > div[class*="a-column"].a-span12[class*="a-spacing-top-micro"] > span.a-color-price , div#points_feature_div.celwidget:visible:text*=ポイント|pt`,
//'//div/span[@class="a-size-base a-color-price" and contains(text(),"ポイント(")]|.//span[@class="a-color-price" and contains(text(),"pt")]|.//div/div[@id="points_feature_div"]/span[contains(@class,"a-color-price")]|.//span[@class="a-size-base a-color-price" and contains(text(),"ポイント")]|.//span[@class="a-size-base a-color-base" and contains(text(),"%)")]:visible',
domNIDelay: 1500,
orderPL: 5,
listPL: 5,
isorder: /https?:\/\/order\./,
iscate: /category\//,
isproduct: /\/dp\//,
// issearch: /amazon.*?s\?k=|amazon.*?[\?\&]keywords\=|amazon.*?[\?\&]field-keywords\=/,
issearch: /amazon.*?s\?|amazon.*?[\?\&]keywords\=|amazon.*?[\?\&]field-keywords\=/,
sortData: [
{ url: /^(?=.*(^(?!.*(\&rh=)).*))(?=.*(https:\/\/www.amazon.co.jp\/s\?k=))/, sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr"]', sortElement: 'div.sg-col-4-of-12.s-result-item', },
{ url: /https:\/\/www.amazon.co.jp\/s\?k=.*\&rh=/, sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr"]', sortElement: 'div.sg-col-4-of-12.s-result-item', },
{ url: /https:\/\/www.amazon.co.jp\/s\?k=.*\&rh=/, sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr"]', sortElement: '.s-result-item.s-asin.sg-col-0-of-12.sg-col-16-of-20.sg-col.s-widget-spacing-small.sg-col-12-of-16', }
onLoad: () => {},
onEachItem: (node, titleEle, rndcolor) => {},
pointFunc: (parentEle, price, priceEle, rndcolor, tp, shipping = 0) => {
var point = 0;
var pointEle = elegeta(SITE.pointrateXPath, parentEle).filter(e => e.offsetHeight && !(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs && e.closest(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs)))[0]
//var coupon=Number(eleget0('span.s-coupon-unclipped > span.s-highlighted-text-padding',parentEle)?.textContent?.replace(/[^0-9]/gm,"")||0)
//var couponEle=eleget0('span.s-coupon-unclipped > span.s-highlighted-text-padding , label[id*="couponTextpctch"]',parentEle)?.textContent
var couponEle = eleget0('span.s-coupon-unclipped > span.s-highlighted-text-padding , label[id*="couponTextpctch"]:visible', parentEle)
var couponTC = couponEle?.textContent // %オフ
var couponPercent = 0
var couponYen = 0;
couponPercent = couponTC?.match(/\d+% OFF/) && Number(couponTC?.match0(/\-?[0-9\,\.]+/)?.replace(/\,/g, "") || 0) || 0;
couponYen = !couponTC?.match(/\d+% OFF/) && Number(couponTC?.match0(/\-?[0-9\,\.]+/)?.replace(/\,/g, "") || 0) || 0;
if (couponPercent || couponYen) debugEle(couponEle, rndcolor);
var pointPer = 0;
if (pointEle || couponYen || couponPercent || shipping) {
var pointtext = pointEle?.textContent?.replace(/\d+ポイント|\,/g, "") || "0";
if (pointtext?.match(/([0-9]+)\%/)) {
debugEle(pointEle, rndcolor);
var pointPer = Number(pointtext?.match(/([0-9,]+)%/)[1] / 100);
if (pointPer || couponYen || couponPercent || shipping) {
//dt(pointPer , couponYen , couponPercent , shipping)
var point = USE_YODOBASHI_METHOD_IN_AMAZON ? Math.floor(price - (price * (price / (price + price * pointPer)))) : Number(price * pointPer);
//point += (price * couponPercent / 100)
var pricef = Math.round(price + shipping - point - couponYen - (price * couponPercent / 100)).toLocaleString();
// if (enableBeta) { $(`<span class='ignoreMe' style='background-color:#fff0f0;${USE_YODOBASHI_METHOD_IN_AMAZON?"color:#f00;font-weight:blod;":"color:#000;"}font-size:min(75%,15px);' title='ポイント率:${pointPer}\nポイント:${point}'>` + "(還元後:" + "¥" + pricef.toLocaleString() + ")</span>").appendTo(priceEle) }
if (enableBeta && !parentEle?.dataset?.kangengo) {
$(`<span class='ignoreMe kangengo' style='background-color:#fff0f0;${USE_YODOBASHI_METHOD_IN_AMAZON?"color:#f00;font-weight:bold;":"color:#000;"}font-size:min(75%,15px);' title='ポイント率:${pointPer*100}%\nポイント:${point}\nクーポン率:${couponPercent}%\nクーポン:¥${couponYen}\n送料:¥${shipping}'>` + "(還元後:" + "¥" + pricef?.toLocaleString() + ")</span>").appendTo(priceEle);
parentEle.dataset.kangengo = 1
} //else { var point = -1; }
return point;
onRun: (node, cppLimit) => {
//if(Math.random()>0.5) $('.s-line-clamp-4').css({ '-webkit-line-clamp': '8' }); // 商品名の最大行数を拡大
var titleParentlevelXpathSet = [ // todo:titleとpriceのセットにする
{ b: '.a-section.a-spacing-base', t: 'a.a-link-normal.a-text-normal > h2.a-size-base-plus.a-spacing-none > span' }, // 4列検索結果
// { b: '.a-section.a-spacing-base', t: '//a[@class="a-link-normal s-underline-text s-underline-link-text s-link-style a-text-normal"]/span[@class="a-size-medium a-color-base a-text-normal"]' }, // 4列検索結果
{ b: '.a-section.a-spacing-base', t: 'a.a-link-normal.s-underline-text.s-underline-link-text.s-link-style.a-text-normal>span.a-size-medium.a-color-base.a-text-normal' }, // 4列検索結果
// { b: '.a-section.a-spacing-base', t: '//a/span[@class="a-size-base a-color-base a-text-normal"]' }, // 4列検索結果
{ b: '.a-section.a-spacing-base', t: 'a>span.a-size-base.a-color-base.a-text-normal' }, // 4列検索結果
{ b: '.s-result-item.s-asin.sg-col-0-of-12.sg-col-16-of-20.sg-col.s-widget-spacing-small.sg-col-12-of-16', t: 'a.a-link-normal.s-line-clamp-2.s-link-style > h2.a-size-medium.a-spacing-none[class*="a-color-base"] > span' }, // 1列検索結果
// { b: '.s-result-item.s-asin.sg-col-0-of-12.sg-col-16-of-20.sg-col.s-widget-spacing-small.sg-col-12-of-16', t: '//a[@class="a-link-normal s-underline-text s-underline-link-text s-link-style a-text-normal"]/span[@class="a-size-medium a-color-base a-text-normal"]' }, // 1列検索結果
{ b: '.s-result-item.s-asin.sg-col-0-of-12.sg-col-16-of-20.sg-col.s-widget-spacing-small.sg-col-12-of-16', t: 'a.a-link-normal.s-underline-text.s-underline-link-text.s-link-style.a-text-normal>span.a-size-medium.a-color-base.a-text-normal' }, // 1列検索結果
// { b: '.s-result-item.s-asin.sg-col-0-of-12.sg-col-16-of-20.sg-col.s-widget-spacing-small.sg-col-12-of-16', t: '//a/span[@class="a-size-base a-color-base a-text-normal"]' }, // 1列検索結果
{ b: '.s-result-item.s-asin.sg-col-0-of-12.sg-col-16-of-20.sg-col.s-widget-spacing-small.sg-col-12-of-16', t: 'a>span.a-size-base.a-color-base.a-text-normal' }, // 1列検索結果
// { b: '#dp-container:not(.a-carousel-col *)', t: '//span[@id="productTitle"]', excludeWhenClosestIs: '.a-carousel-col' }, // /dp/詳細画面のタイトル
{ b: '#dp-container:not(.a-carousel-col *)', t: 'span#productTitle', excludeWhenClosestIs: '.a-carousel-col' }, // /dp/詳細画面のタイトル
//let boxe=titleParentlevelXpathSet.map(v=>elegeta(v.b).filter(e=>!tpDone.has(e)))
titleParentlevelXpathSet.forEach(tp => elegeta(tp.t).forEach(e => { e.title = e?.innerText; })) // 商品名にホバーで全行表示する
//Math.random() > 0.5 && addstyle.add('.s-line-clamp-2 { -webkit-line-clamp: none; max-height: 9em; text-align: initial; display: inline !important; } .s-line-clamp-1, .s-line-clamp-2, .s-line-clamp-3, .s-line-clamp-4, .s-line-clamp-5 { -webkit-box-orient: initial; }') // タイトルを…で省略させない
let isbookDesc = eleget0('//div/div[@data-category="books"]|//span[@class="nav-a-content" and contains(text(),"Kindle本")]|//a/span[@class="nav-a-content" and @text="本"]')
let titleEleA = [];
for (let tp of titleParentlevelXpathSet) { //for (let tp of titleParentlevelXpathSet) {
//for (let box of elegeta(tp.b, document).filter(e=>!tpDone.has(e))) { tpDone.add(box);console.log(1)
for (let box of elegeta(tp.b, document)) { // tpDone.add(box);console.log(1)
for (let titleEle of elegeta(tp.t, box)) {
let seido = 100;
if (titleEle.dataset.appm == "c") { continue; } else { titleEle.dataset.appm = "c"; }
var rndcolor = makeRndColor(); // var rndcolor = '#' + (0x1000000 + (Math.random()) * 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(1, 6);
debugEle(titleEle, rndcolor, tp.t);
var title = num(titleEle.textContent);
if (isbookDesc) {
let qu = eleget0('//ul[@class="a-unordered-list a-nostyle a-vertical a-spacing-none detail-bullet-list"]/li/span/span[contains(text(),"ページ")]')?.textContent || ""
if (qu) {
title = qu;
var parentEle = box //titleEle.closest('#dp-container>#ppd') || eleget0('./ancestor::div[contains(@class,"sg-col-4-of-12 s-result-item")]', titleEle);
debugEle(parentEle, rndcolor);
var pointEle = elegeta(SITE.pointrateXPath, parentEle).filter(e => e.offsetHeight && !(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs && e.closest(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs)))[0]
debugEle(pointEle, rndcolor);
var pass1 = 0;
var ryou = title.replace(/\,/gm, "").match(/\D?([0-9\.]+)\s?(mAh|ルーメン|lm|LM|ページ|mg|mcg|g|G|ml|ミリリットル|mL|ml|GB)|(?:[^A-Z0-9\.\-])([0-9\.]+)\s?(L(?![bmM])|kg|㎏|Kg|kg|キロ|TB)/); // 1,200 gのように数字と単位の間に1つのスペースを許容
// var ryou = title.replace(/\,/g, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)(枚|粒|錠|包|杯|本|回分|回用|個|袋|冊|袋|枚|粒|錠|包|杯|本|個|袋|組入|ポート|色|日分|ヶ入|食|回分|回用|巻(入|セット|缶|函|ペア|組|P|日分|ヶ入|組入|ポート|色|日分|ヶ入|食|巻|入|セット|缶|函))/);
var sFree = [elegeta('span[data-csa-c-mir-type="DELIVERY"][data-csa-c-mir-sub-type="CONDITIONALLY_FREE"] > a:nth-of-type(1):visible', parentEle), elegeta('//div[@class="a-spacing-base"]/a[@target="AmazonHelp" and contains(text(),"無料配送")]|.//span[@data-csa-c-type="element" and @data-csa-c-delivery-price="無料"]|.//div/div[@class="a-section"]/div/div/span/a[@rel="noopener" and text()="無料配送"]:visible', parentEle)].flat().filter(e => !(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs && e.closest(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs)))[0]
//var sCharge = [elegeta('span[data-csa-c-delivery-price][data-csa-c-mir-type="DELIVERY"][data-csa-c-id]', parentEle), elegeta('div.udm-primary-delivery-message > div:visible:text*=配送料', parentEle)].flat().filter(e => !(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs && e.closest(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs)))[0]
var sCharge = [elegeta('span[data-csa-c-delivery-benefit-program-id="paid_shipping"]', parentEle), elegeta('span.a-color-base , div > div.a-row:nth-child(2) > div:text*=配送料 ¥', parentEle)].flat().filter(e => !(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs && e.closest(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs)))[0]
var shippingEle = !sFree && sCharge
debugEle(sFree || sCharge, rndcolor)
var priceEle = elegeta(SITE.priceXPath + ":visible", parentEle).filter(e => !(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs && e.closest(tp.excludeWhenClosestIs)))[0]
debugEle(priceEle, rndcolor);
if (priceEle) {
var shipping = shippingEle ? Number(shippingEle.innerText.match0(/[0-9,]+/)?.replace(/\\|¥|\,/g, "")) || 0 : 0
var price = priceEle ? Number(priceEle.innerText.match0(/[0-9,]+/)?.replace(/\\|¥|\,/g, "")) || 0 : 0 //Number(priceEle.textContent.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""));
var point = SITE.pointFunc(parentEle, price, priceEle, rndcolor, tp, shipping);
if (title.match(/クッキングシート/)) var ryou = title.replace(/\,/gm, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)(m|g|G|枚|粒|錠|包|杯|本|個|袋|GB|ペア|組|P|日分|ヶ入|組入|ポート|色|日分|ヶ入|食|巻|入|セット|缶|函)|(?:[^A-Z0-9\.\-])([0-9\.]+)(L(?!b)|kg|㎏|Kg|KG|kg|キロ|TB)/);
if (title.match(/ケーブル/)) var ryou = title.replace(/\,/gm, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)(枚|粒|錠|包|杯|本|個|袋|ペア|組|P|日分|ヶ入|組入|ポート|色|日分|ヶ入|食|巻|入|セット|缶|函)/);
if (ryou) {
if (ryou[4]) { ryou[4] = ryou[4].replace(/kg|㎏|Kg|KG|kg|キロ/, "g").replace(/L(?![BM])/, "ml").replace(/TB/, "GB"); }
//if (ryou[4]) { ryou[4] = ryou[4].replace(/kg|㎏|Kg|KG|kg|キロ/, "g").replace(/L/, "ml").replace(/TB/, "GB"); }
var ryout = Number(ryou[1]) || Number(ryou[3]) * 1000;
if (title.match(/×[0-9\.\,]+/m) && !(title.match(/[\((\[【].*×.*[\))\]】]/m)) && !(title.match(/×[\d\s]*(cm|mm|g)/))) { ryout *= Number(title.match(/×([0-9\.\,]+)/)[1]); }
if (title.match(/mg.+[0-9\.\,]+(粒|錠)/m)) {
ryout *= Number(title.match(/([0-9\.\,]+)(粒|錠)/)[1]);
seido = 10000;
var mul = 1;
if (point) { var priceEle = eleget0(SITE.priceXPath, parentEle); if (priceEle) { priceEle.dataset["ppr"] = Number(price + shipping - (point || 0)); } }
var ppr = Math.round(seido * (price + shipping - point) / Number(ryout * mul)) / seido;
var pprEmbed = (price + shipping - point) / Number(ryout * mul);
var pprEmbedAligned = pprEmbed
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price + shipping - point) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000)
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mcg|μg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price + shipping - point) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000 / 1000)
var ele = $(`<span class="ignoreMe ppr" data-ppr="${ pprEmbedAligned }" style="background-color:#${shipping?"60a090":"6080b0"};">¥${ ppr}/${(ryou[2] || ryou[4]) }</span>`).insertAfter(titleEle.parentNode.parentNode);
if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder)) {
setClick(ele, ppr, "(\\" + (Math.round(price - point)) + "+\\" + shipping + ")/" + Number(ryout * mul) + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + "=" + pprEmbed + "\n");
} else {
$(ele).attr("title", "(\\" + (Math.round(price - point)) + "+\\" + shipping + ")/" + Number(ryout * mul) + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + "=" + pprEmbed + "\n");
//if (cppLimit[1] > 0 && (!priceEle || !ryou || (ppr && cppLimit[1] < ppr))) debugRemove(parentEle); // ancest
if (cppLimit[1] > 0 && (!priceEle || !ryou || (ppr && cppLimit[1] < ppr))) debugRemove(parentEle?.closest('div.s-asin[data-asin]') || parentEle); // ancest
// if (price && priceLimit && price>priceLimit) debugRemove(parentEle?.closest('div.s-asin[data-asin]') || parentEle); // ancest
//if (price && priceLimit && price > priceLimit) debugRemove(parentEle?.closest('div.s-asin[data-asin]') || parentEle); // ancest
// type2
var pass2 = 0;
var ryou1 = ryou;
var ryou = title.replace(/\,/g, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)(枚|粒|錠|包|杯|本|回分|回用|個|袋|冊|袋|枚|粒|錠|包|杯|本|個|袋|組入|ポート|色|日分|ヶ入|食|回分|回用|巻(入|セット|缶|函|ペア|組|P|日分|ヶ入|組入|ポート|色|日分|ヶ入|食|巻|入|セット|缶|函))/);
if (ryou && (ryou[1] > 0 || ryou[3] > 0)) {
if (ryou[4]) ryou[4] = ryou[4].replace(/kg|㎏|Kg/, "g").replace(/L/, "ml").replace(/TB/, "GB");
var ryout = Number(ryou[1]) || Number(ryou[3]) * 1000;
var mul = 1; //(title.match(/×[0-9\.\,]+/m) && !(title.match(/[\((\[].*×.*[\))\]]/m)) && !(title.match(/×[\d\s]*(cm|mm)/)))?Number(title.match(/×([0-9\.\,]+)/)[1]):1;
if (point > -1) {
var ppr2 = Math.round(100 * (price - point) / Number(ryout * mul)) / 100;
var pprEmbed = (price + shipping - point) / Number(ryout * mul);
var pprEmbedAligned = pprEmbed
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price + shipping - point) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000)
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mcg|μg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price + shipping - point) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000 / 1000)
//titleEle.style.display = "inline";
var ele = $(`<span class="ignoreMe ppr2" data-ppr="${ pprEmbedAligned }" style="background-color:#${shipping?"60a090":"6080b0"};">¥${ ppr2}/${(ryou[2] || ryou[4]) }</span>`).insertAfter(titleEle.parentNode.parentNode);
//var ele = $('<span class="ignoreMe ppr2" style=" display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; font-size:90%;margin:0.5px 0px 0.5px 3px; text-decoration:none !important; padding:0.03em 0.5em 0.03em 0.2em; border-radius:99px; background-color:#6080b0; color:white; white-space: nowrap; ">¥' + ppr2 + '/' + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + '</span>').insertAfter(titleEle);
// var ele = $(`<span class="ignoreMe ppr" data-ppr="${ pprEmbedAligned }" style="background-color:#${shipping?"60a090":"6080b0"};">¥${ ppr}/${(ryou[2] || ryou[4]) }</span>`).insertAfter(titleEle.parentNode.parentNode);
//if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder)) { setClick(ele, ppr2, "(\\" + (Math.round(price - point)) + "+\\" + shipping + ")/" + Number(ryout * mul) + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + "=" + pprEmbed + "\n"); } else { $(ele).attr("title", "(\\" + (Math.round(price - point)) + "+\\" + shipping + ")/" + Number(ryout * mul) + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + "=" + pprEmbed + "\n"); }
if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder)) {
$(ele).css("cursor", "pointer").attr("title", "(\\" + (Math.round(price - point)) + "+\\" + shipping + ")/" + Number(ryout * mul) + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + "=" + pprEmbed + "\n");
} else {
$(ele).attr("title", "(\\" + (Math.round(price - point)) + "+\\" + shipping + ")/" + Number(ryout * mul) + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + "=" + pprEmbed + "\n" + "クリックかShift+Bでこの量単価の上限で絞り込む").click(e => inputcpplimit(e, 2, ppr2));
// setClick(ele, ppr2, ); }
//if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder))
// if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder)) $(ele).css("cursor", "pointer").attr("title", "クリックかShift+Bでこの量単価の上限で絞り込む").click(e => inputcpplimit(e, 2, ppr2));
if (cppLimit[2] > 0 && (!priceEle || !ryou || (ppr2 && cppLimit[2] < ppr2))) debugRemove(parentEle?.closest('div.s-asin[data-asin]') || parentEle); // ancest
pass2 = ((iscate || issearch) && cppLimit[2] && ppr2 <= cppLimit[2]) ? 1 : 0;
//if ((cppLimit[1] > 0 && pass1 == 0) || (cppLimit[1] > 0 && (!ryou1))) debugRemove(parentEle);
//if ((cppLimit[2] > 0 && pass2 == 0) || (cppLimit[2] > 0 && (!ryou))) debugRemove(parentEle);
// if (cppLimit[1] > 0 && (!priceEle || !ryou || (ppr && cppLimit[1] < ppr))) debugRemove(parentEle); // ancest
// 出荷元:Amazonか? 9::
if ((GF.shukkaamazon || GUESS_SHIPPING_AMAZON) && !box?.dataset?.amaship) {
box.dataset.amaship = 1;
var e = box;
let ah = 0;
if (eleget0('div.a-color-base:nth-child(3) > div.a-column.a-span12:text*=最も早い', e)) ah += 0.1;
if (eleget0('div.a-row > span:text*=定期おトク便', e)) ah += 0.2;
//if (setAH.has(eleget0('div > div[class*="a-row"].udm-primary-delivery-message > div:text*=にお届け', e)?.textContent)) ah = +0.1;
if (eleget0('div.udm-delivery-block > div[class*="a-row"].udm-primary-delivery-message > div:text*=配送.*初回のご注文の場合|Amazonが発送する商品を', e)) ah += 0.5;
if (eleget0('span:text*=Prime Try Before You Buy', e)) ah += 1;
if (eleget0('div[class*="a-row"].a-size-base > div:nth-child(2) > span:text*=【まとめトク】', e)) ah += 0.5;
if (eleget0('div.aok-block:text*=の中小企業', e)) ah -= 0.1;
if (eleget0('span.a-color-base , span.a-color-base:text*=通常配送料無料', e)) ah += 0.5;
//if (eleget0('i.a-icon.a-icon-prime.a-icon-medium', e)) ah += 0.1;
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// -----------------------------------------------------
is: 'IHERB',
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issearch: /search/,
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{ url: /https:\/\/jp.iherb.com\/search\?kw\=|https:\/\/jp.iherb.com\/c\//, sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr2"]', sortElement: '.product-cell-container', },
{ url: /https:\/\/jp.iherb.com\/search\?kw\=|https:\/\/jp.iherb.com\/c\//, sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr"]', sortElement: '.product-cell-container' }
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// type1
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var pass1 = 0;
var ryou = title.replace(/\,/g, "").match(/\D([0-9\.]+)\s?(mg|g|ml|mL|mcg|μg)|\D([0-9\.]+)(L(?!b)|kg)/);
let discreteUnit = /\D([0-9\.]+)\s*(Pack|枚|タブレット|カプセル|個|錠|ベジタリアンカプセル|ベジタブルカプセル|植物性カプセル|Vegan.*Caps|Softgel.*Capsule|ベジ.*キャップ|ジェルキャップ|液.*ジェル|ソフトゲル|ビーガンタブレット|ゼラチンカプセル|ベジソフトジェル|カプセル|粒|チュアブル錠|ソフトゼリー|ティーバック|ティーバッグ|袋|Softgels|ソフトジェル|Chewable Tablets|錠|Tablets|グミ|Vegan Gummies|ロゼンジ|植物性液体フィトカプセル|Vegetarian Food-Based Tablets|Caples|Capsules|Mini Soft Gels|Tri-Layered Tablets|Gummies|Wipes|Tea Bags|Fish Gelatin Softgel|Chewables|Animal-Shaped Tablets|VegCaps|Vegetarian Gummies|Rapid Release Liquid Softgels|Bears|Wafers|Liquid Soft-Gels|Caplets|Organic Gummies|Penguin Chewables|Coated Caplets|Vegetarian Softgels|Mini-Tablets|Lozenges|Vegetarian Lozenges|Micro Tablets|Lozenge|(?:ベジ|Vegetarian|Vegan|Vegetable|Veggie|Vegi|Veg)[\s\-]*(?:カプセル|キャップ|Capsules|Caps|Tablets|Softgels)|(?:Quick(?: Release| Dissolve)?)[\s\-]*(?:Melts|Tablets|Softgels|Capsules))/m;
//let discreteUnit = /\D([0-9\.]+)\s*(Pack|枚|タブレット|カプセル|個|錠|ベジタリアンカプセル|ベジタブルカプセル|植物性カプセル|Vegan.*Caps|Softgel.*Capsule|ベジ.*キャップ|ジェルキャップ|Veggie Caps|液.*ジェル|ソフトゲル|ビーガンタブレット|ゼラチンカプセル|ベジソフトジェル|Veg Capsules|ベジカプセル|べジカプセル|カプセル|粒|ベジキャップ|チュアブル錠|ソフトゼリー|ティーバック|ティーバッグ|袋|Softgels|ソフトジェル|Chewable Tablets|錠|Tablets|グミ|Vegan Gummies|ロゼンジ|植物性液体フィトカプセル|Vegetarian Capsules|Vegetarian Food-Based Tablets|Caples|Vegi-Caps|Capsules|Mini Soft Gels|Tri-Layered Tablets|Gummies|Vegetarian Tablets|Wipes|Tea Bags|Fish Gelatin Softgel|Chewables|Animal-Shaped Tablets|VegCaps|Vegetarian Gummies|Rapid Release Liquid Softgels|Bears|Vegan Tablets|Wafers|Liquid Soft-Gels|Vegetable Caps|Caplets|Organic Gummies|Penguin Chewables|Coated Caplets|Vegetarian Softgels|Mini-Tablets|Lozenges|Vegetarian Lozenges|Micro Tablets|Lozenge)/m;
if (ryou && (ryou[1] > 0 || ryou[3] > 0)) {
if (ryou[4]) ryou[4] = ryou[4].replace(/kg|㎏|Kg/, "g").replace(/L/, "ml"); //.replace(/TB/, "GB");
var ryout = Number(ryou[1]) || Number(ryou[3]) * 1000;
var mul = (title.match(discreteUnit)) ? Number(title.match(discreteUnit)[1]) : 1;
if (title.match(discreteUnit)) seido = 10000;
var ppr = Math.round(seido * (price) / Number(ryout * mul)) / seido;
var pprEmbed = (price) / Number(ryout * mul);
var pprEmbedAligned = pprEmbed
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000)
if (ryou[2]?.match(/mcg|μg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (price) / Number(ryout * mul / 1000 / 1000)
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if ((!isproduct) && (!isorder)) setClick(ele, ppr, "\\" + (Math.round(price)) + "/" + Number(ryout * mul) + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + "=" + pprEmbed + "\n");
pass1 = ((iscate || issearch) && cppLimit[1] && ppr <= cppLimit[1]) ? 1 : 0;
// type2
var pass2 = 0;
var ryou1 = ryou;
var ryou = title.match(discreteUnit);
if (ryou && (ryou[1] > 0)) {
var ryout = Number(ryou[1]);
var mul = 1;
var ppr2 = Math.round(100 * (price) / Number(ryout * mul)) / 100;
titleEle.style.display = "inline";
var ele = $('<span class="ignoreMe ppr2" style=" position:relative;z-index:999; display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; font-size:15px;margin:0.5px 0px 0.5px 3px; text-decoration:none !important; padding:0.03em 0.5em 0.03em 0.2em; border-radius:99px; background-color:#6080b0; color:white; white-space: nowrap; ">¥' + ppr2 + '/' + (ryou[2] || ryou[4]) + '</span>').insertAfter(titleEle.parentNode);
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// -----------------------------------------------------
var siteinfo = SITEINFO;
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sta(`,:価格上限で絞り込み(¥${priceLimit})`, 4)*/
var cppLimit = [0, 0];
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var issearch = location.href.match(SITE.issearch);
var iscate = location.href.match(SITE.iscate);
var isproduct = location.href.match(SITE.isproduct);
var parentLimit = isorder ? SITE?.orderPL : SITE?.listPL;
function inputcpplimit(e, type, autonumber = null) {
var ret = proInput("量あたり価格上限を入力してください", autonumber || cppLimit[type]);
if (ret === null || ret == cppLimit[type]) return false;
cppLimit[type] = ret;
sessionStorage.setItem("cppLimit" + type, cppLimit[type] || "") || 0;
return false;
if (issearch || iscate) {
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cppLimit[2] = sessionStorage.getItem("cppLimit2") || 0;
if (cppLimit[2]) $(sta("limit2(Shift+B): " + cppLimit[2], 1, 4)).appendTo(document.body).attr("title", "クリックかShift+Bでこの量単価の上限で絞り込む").click(e => inputcpplimit(e, 2));
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if (key == "Shift+B") inputcpplimit(e, 2); // shift+b 量価格上限b
if (key == "z") { //z::レビューの★多い順
if (lh(/iherb/) && lh(/\/c\/|\/search\?/)) {
GF.zkey = (GF.zkey || 0) + 1
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let wer = +num(eleget0('a.scroll-to[rel="noopener"] > span', v)?.textContent?.trim()?.replaceAll(/[^\d\.]/gm, "") || 0)
if (GF.zkey % 2) return +star * 1000000000 + +wer || 0; // 単純に★でソート(同点なら評価人数が多い方が上)
// 評価人数が少ないほど2に近づけて評価 ★+((2-★)/人数)
let res = (star && wer) ? +star + ((2 - star) / wer) : 0;
return res || 0;
}, 1)
popup3(`z:レビューの★多い順に並べ替え(${GF.zkey%2?"シンプル":"人数考慮"})`, 8, 5000, "bottom")
// popup3(`z:レビューの★多い順に並べ替え\n`, 8, 5000, "bottom")
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GF.zkey = (GF.zkey || 0) + 1
lh(/amazon/) && elegeta('//div[@class="s-result-item sg-col-0-of-12 sg-col-16-of-20 s-widget sg-col s-flex-geom sg-col-12-of-16 s-widget-spacing-large"]|//div[@class="a-section a-spacing-none s-shopping-adviser s-shopping-adviser-line-clamp-ie"]').forEach(e => e.remove()) // おすすめ記事
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let star = +num(eleget0('//span[contains(text(),"5つ星のうち")]', v)?.textContent?.trim()?.match(/5つ星のうち([0-9\.]+)/)?.[1]) || 0;
let wer = +num(eleget0('a[class*="s-underline-text"][aria-label*="レーティング"] > span[class*="s-underline-text"][aria-hidden="true"]', v)?.textContent?.trim())?.replaceAll(/[^\d\.]/gm, "") || 0;
if (GF.zkey % 2) return +star * 1000000000 + +wer || 0; // 単純に★でソート(同点なら評価人数が多い方が上)
// 評価人数が少ないほど2に近づけて評価 ★+((2-★)/人数)
let res = (star && wer) ? +star + ((2 - star) / wer) : 0;
return res || 0;
}, 1)
popup3(`z:レビューの★多い順に並べ替え(${GF.zkey%2?"シンプル":"人数考慮"})\nこのバルーンをクリックするとさらに価格のない商品を隠します`, 8, 5000, "bottom", () => {
elegeta('div.s-asin[data-asin]').filter(e => !eleget0('.a-price-whole', e)).forEach(e => {
gmDataList_add(e, "gmHideBypriceless")
if (lh(/yodobashi/)) {
GF.zkey = (GF.zkey || 0) + 1;
sortdom(elegeta('div.js_productBox'), v => {
let star = +((parseFloat(eleget0('div.valueAvg>a', v)?.className?.match0(/rate(\d+_\d+)/)?.replace(/_/, ".")))) || 0
let wer = +num(eleget0('//div[@class="valueAvg"]/span[@class="fs11 alignM"]/a', v)?.textContent?.trim())?.replaceAll(",", "") || 0;
if (GF.zkey % 2) return +star * 1000000000 + +wer || 0; // 単純に★でソート(同点なら評価人数が多い方が上)
// 評価人数が少ないほど2に近づけて評価 ★+((2-★)/人数)
let res = (star && wer) ? +star + ((2 - star) / wer) : 0;
return res || 0;
}, 1)
popup3(`z:レビューの★多い順に並べ替え(${GF.zkey%2?"シンプル":"人数考慮"})`, 8, 5000, "bottom", () => {
elegeta('div.s-asin[data-asin]').filter(e => !eleget0('.a-price-whole', e)).forEach(e => {
gmDataList_add(e, "gmHideBypriceless");
if (key == "a") { //a::
if (lh(/amazon/)) {
elegeta('//div[@class="s-result-item sg-col-0-of-12 sg-col-16-of-20 s-widget sg-col s-flex-geom sg-col-12-of-16 s-widget-spacing-large"]|//div[@class="a-section a-spacing-none s-shopping-adviser s-shopping-adviser-line-clamp-ie"]').forEach(e => e.remove()) // おすすめ記事
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SITE.sortData.forEach(e => {
sortdom(elegeta('div.s-asin[data-asin]'), v => { return (((eleget0(GF.sortTime % 2 ? '.ppr2' : '.ppr', v)?.dataset?.ppr))) || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }, 0)
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popup3(`a:量単価が安い順に並べ替え(優先グループ:${GF?.sortTime%2?"個":"SI"})\nこのバルーンをクリックするとさらに価格のない商品を隠します`, 8, 5000, "bottom", () => {
elegeta('div.s-asin[data-asin]').filter(e => !eleget0('.a-price-whole', e)).forEach(e => {
gmhbHide(e, "priceless")
//gmDataList_add(e, "gmHideBypriceless");
} else if (lh(/yodobashi/)) {
GF.sortTime = (GF?.sortTime || 1) + 1;
//if (SITE.sortData && location.href.match(SITE.sortUrl))
SITE.sortData.forEach(e => {
/* { sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr2"]', sortElement: '.srcResultItem_block', },
{ sortPpr: '//span[@class="ignoreMe ppr"]', sortElement: '.srcResultItem_block', },
sortdom(elegeta('.srcResultItem_block'), v => { return (((eleget0(GF.sortTime % 2 ? '.ppr2' : '.ppr', v)?.dataset?.ppr))) || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }, 0)
// sortEle(e.sortPpr, e.sortElement, "useppr")
popup3(`a:量単価が安い順に並べ替え(優先グループ:${GF?.sortTime%2?"個":"SI"})`, 8, 5000, "bottom")
} else {
// popup3(`a:量単価が安い順に並べ替え`, 8, 5000, "bottom")
} // 量単価小さい順で並べ替え
if (key == "Shift+Alt+A") { // Shift+Alt+A::
if (lh(/\/\/www\.amazon\.co\.jp\//)) {
GF.sortSmall = 1 - (GF?.sortSmall || 0)
elegeta('//div[@class="s-result-item sg-col-0-of-12 sg-col-16-of-20 s-widget sg-col s-flex-geom sg-col-12-of-16 s-widget-spacing-large"]').forEach(e => e.remove()) // おすすめ記事
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} else {
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sortdom(elegeta('div.s-asin[data-asin]'), e => [eleget0n('div.a-size-base.a-color-secondary > span:nth-child(2 of span):text*=¥', e), eleget0n('.kangengo', e), eleget0n('.a-price-whole', e)].reduce((a, v) => v && v < a ? v : a, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), 0)
// sortEle(elegeta('div.s-asin[data-asin]').map(e => eleget0('div.a-size-base.a-color-secondary > span:nth-child(2 of span):text*=¥', e) ?? eleget0('.a-price-whole', e)).filter(c => c), '.s-result-item', /https:\/\/www.amazon.co.jp\/s\?k=/);
popup3(`Shift+Alt+A:安い順に並べ替え をしました(${GF.sortSmall?"新品":"全対象"})\nこのバルーンをクリックするとさらに価格のない商品を隠します`, 8, 5000, "bottom", () => {
elegeta('div.s-asin[data-asin]').filter(e => !/\\|¥/gm.test(e?.textContent)).forEach(e => {
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gmhbHide(e, "priceless")
//gmDataList_add(e, "gmHideBypriceless")
if (lh(/\/\/jp\.iherb\.com\//)) {
domsort("", elegeta('.product-cell-container'), (v) => { return parseInt(eleget0('//span[@class="price "]/bdi|.//div[1]/span[@class="price discount-red"]/bdi|.//div[@id="price"]|.//div[1]/span[@class="price discount-green"]/bdi|//div[@id="price"]', v)?.innerText?.replace(/\D/g, "") || 0) }, 1)
popup3(`Shift+Alt+A:安い順に並べ替え`, 8)
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popup3(`Shift+Alt+A:安い順に並べ替え`, 8)
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popup3(`Shift+Alt+A:安い順に並べ替え`, 8)
if (key == "," && ld(/iherb/)) { // ,::価格上限で絞り込み
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return false
if (key == "," && ld(/yodobashi/)) { // ,::価格上限で絞り込み
priceLimit = proInput(`,:上限価格を入力してください`, priceLimit || 0) || 0; // , 価格上限
sessionStorage.setItem("priceLimit", priceLimit || "") || 0;
sta(priceLimit > 0 ? `,:価格上限で絞り込み(¥${priceLimit})` : "", 0, 5, "comma")
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gmDataList_add(v, "gmHideByyodoComma");
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sortEle(e.sortPpr, e.sortElement, "useppr")
popup3(`a:量単価が安い順に並べ替え(優先グループ:${GF?.sortTime%2?"個":"SI"})`, 8)
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function sortEle(xpath, close, opt = null) {
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pele.forEach((e, i) => { e.outerHTML = pele2[i].outerHTML })
function setClick(ele, ppr, shiki = "") {
$(ele).css("cursor", "pointer").attr("title", shiki + "クリックかShift+Aでこの量単価の上限で絞り込む\n右クリックかAキーで量単価で並べ替え").click(e => inputcpplimit(e, 1, ppr)).on("contextmenu", e => {
return false;
function run(node) {
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//if (debug) console.log(node);
if (SITE.onRun) {
SITE.onRun(node, cppLimit);
if ((lh('https://www.kohnan-eshop.com/shop/g/') || lh('https://www.komeri.com/disp/') || lh(/^https:\/\/www\.amazon\.co\.jp\/.*dp\//) || lh("https://jp.iherb.com/pr/"))) {
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if (lh("https://www.yodobashi.com/product/")) {
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// onRunがなかったら
for (let titleEle of elegeta(SITE.titleXPath, node)) {
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var parentEle = titleEle.closest(SITE.close())
debugEle(parentEle, rndcolor);
} else {
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parentEle = parentEle.parentNode;
let found = elegeta(SITE.priceXPath, parentEle).length;
if (found == 1) break;
if (found > 1) i = parentLimit + 1;
if (i > parentLimit) continue;
debugEle(parentEle, rndcolor);
if (i == parentLimit) continue;
var priceEle = eleget0(SITE.priceXPath, parentEle);
if (!priceEle) continue;
debugEle(priceEle, rndcolor);
var price0 = (priceEle.textContent.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 0xFEE0) }))
var price = Number(price0.match(/\D?([0-9\,]+)/)[1].replace(/\,/g, ""));
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SITE.hide(title, isorder, isproduct, issearch, parentEle, price, iscate, cppLimit, point, titleEle);
if ((lh('https://www.kohnan-eshop.com/shop/g/') || lh('https://www.komeri.com/disp/') || lh(/^https:\/\/www\.amazon\.co\.jp\/.*dp\//) || lh("https://jp.iherb.com/pr/"))) {
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function elegeta(xpath, node = document) {
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array = [...node.querySelectorAll(xpath2)]
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var snap = document.evaluate("." + xpath2, node, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null)
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} catch (e) { return []; }
return array
function eleget0(xpath, node = document) {
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if (typeof xpath === "function") return xpath(node) // !!!
if (/:inscreen|:visible|:text\*=/.test(xpath)) return elegeta(xpath, node)?.shift();
if (!/^\.?\//.test(xpath)) return node.querySelector(xpath);
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var ele = document.evaluate("." + xpath, node, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
return ele.snapshotLength > 0 ? ele.snapshotItem(0) : null;
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function dc(str, force = 0) {
if (debug >= 1 || force) popup3(str, 0, 31000, "top");
return str;
function proInput(prom, defaultval, min = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
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function makeRndColor() {
return '#' + (0x1000000 + (Math.random()) * 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(1, 6);
//return '#' + ([0,0,0].map(c=>"789abcdef"[Math.floor(Math.random()*9)])).join("");
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ele.style.boxShadow = ""
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ele.style.opacity = "0.5";
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function num(str) {
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return (str || "").replace(/[A-Za-z0-9.]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248); });
function dc(str, force = 0) {
if (debug >= 1 || force) popup3(str, 0, 5000, "top");
return str;
function popup3(text, i = 0, timer = 15000, alignY = "bottom", clickcb = () => {}) {
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return function() {
var e = eleget0('//span[@id="amaqpu3' + id + '"]');
e && e?.remove();
})(id), timer);
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function lh(re) { let tmp = location.href.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
function lo(re) { let tmp = location.origin.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
function domsort(containerEle, domEles, func, prepend = 0) { // container:domsの入っている大枠、省略時はdomsの1つ親 doms:並べ替える要素たち prepend:0:containerの最後に付ける昇順 1:containerの最後に付ける降順
if (containerEle === "") containerEle = domEles[0]?.parentNode
if (!containerEle || !domEles.length) return
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let col = new Intl.Collator("ja", { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }) //.compare
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(domEles.map(function(v, i) { return { dom: v, value: func(v, i) } }).sort(function(a, b) { return (!isNaN(b.value) && !isNaN(a.value) ? (a.value - b.value) : b.value == a.value ? 0 : (col.compare(a.value, b.value))) })) :
(domEles.map(function(v, i) { return { dom: v, value: func(v, i) } }).sort(function(a, b) { return (!isNaN(b.value) && !isNaN(a.value) ? (b.value - a.value) : b.value == a.value ? 0 : (col.compare(a.value, b.value) * -1)) }))
doms2.forEach(function(v) { containerEle.appendChild(v.dom); })
function sortdom(doms, func, prepend = 0) { // doms:並べ替える要素たち prepend:0:昇順 1:降順
let position = doms[0]?.previousElementSibling
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let container = ((e) => { while (e && /none/.test(getComputedStyle(e).display)) e = e.parentElement; return e; })(doms[0]?.parentNode); // 可視の最も近い先祖要素
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doms.map((v, i) => { return { dom: v, value: func(v, i) } }).sort((a, b) => (prepend == 0 ?
(!isNaN(b.value) && !isNaN(b.value) ? a.value == b.value ? 0 : (a.value - b.value) : a.value == b.value ? 0 : (col.compare(a.value, b.value))) :
(!isNaN(a.value) && !isNaN(b.value) ? a.value == b.value ? 0 : (b.value - a.value) : a.value == b.value ? 0 : (col.compare(b.value, a.value)))
)).forEach(v => fragment?.append(v.dom))
position ? position.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, position.nextSibling) : container.prepend(fragment)
function en(v, no = 0) {
return parseFloat(v?.textContent?.replace(/\,/gm, "")?.match(/[0-9,]+/gm)?.[no]?.toNum());
function engine2() { // e2::
// 上が優先
const SITEINFO = [{
is: () => lh('//page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/'),
title: n => eleget0('h1.ProductTitle__text', n),
box: n => elegeta('div.l-containerInner'),
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price: n => (en(eleget0('span.Price__tax', n), 0) || en(eleget0('dd.Price__value', n), 0)) + (en(eleget0('span.Price__postageValue', n), 0) || 0),
pprTagOption: `style="font-size:90%;" `,
cccopy: () => 1,
}, {
is: () => lh('//auctions.yahoo.co.jp/search/search'),
title: n => eleget0('a.Product__titleLink', n),
box: n => elegeta('li.Product'),
//price2: n => en(eleget0('span.Product__priceValue.u-textRed', n), 0) + (en(eleget0('p.Product__postage', n), 0) || 0),
price: n => en(eleget0('span.Product__priceValue.u-textRed', n), 0) + (en(eleget0('p.Product__postage', n), 0) || 0),
//price: n => eleget0('span.Product__priceValue.u-textRed', n),
pprPlace: n => n,
pprTagOption: `style="font-size:90%;" `,
}, {
is: () => lh("https://www.kohnan-eshop.com/shop/g/"),
box: n => elegeta(`div.pane-contents`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`h1.block-goods-name.js-enhanced-ecommerce-goods-name`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`//div[@class="block-cartbox-section--price-price"]`, n),
pprPlace: n => n,
pprTagOption: `style="font-size:80%;" `,
delay: 2222,
cccopy: () => 1,
}, {
is: () => lh("https://www.kohnan-eshop.com/shop/goods/"),
box: n => elegeta(`.block-thumbnail-t li`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`.block-thumbnail-t--goods-name a`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`.block-thumbnail-t--price-items div`, n),
pprPlace: n => n,
pprTagOption: `style="font-size:80%;" `,
dni: 555,
func: () => addstyle.add(`div.block-thumbnail-t--goods-name{height:auto !important;}`),
}, {
is: () => lh("https://www.topvalu.net/items/list/|https://www.topvalu.net/search/"),
box: n => elegeta(`article.product__item`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`div.product__item__spec`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`div.product__item__taxin`, n),
pprPlace: n => n,
pprTagOption: `style="font-size:95%;" `,
dni: 555,
func: () => setInterval(() => eleget0('div.product__button[data-products-role="refill"]:inscreen:visible')?.click(), 2000),
}, {
is: () => lh("https://www.topvalu.net/items/detail/"),
box: n => elegeta(`div.main__inner.item-detail`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`dd.item-detail__specs__value`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`dd.item-detail__specs__value.item-detail__specs__value--price`, n),
pprTagOption: `style="font-size:110%;" `,
cccopy: () => 1,
}, {
is: () => lh("https://www1.pcdepot.co.jp/products/detail/"),
box: n => elegeta(`div.m-detail_inner`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`//div[@class="m-detail_title_inner"]/h1/span`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`span.leading`, n),
cccopy: () => 1,
}, {
is: () => lh("https://www1.pcdepot.co.jp/products/list"),
box: n => elegeta(`//div[@class="m-commodity_inner"]/ul/li`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`div.m-commodity_title`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`div.m-commodity_price.text-nowrap`, n),
cccopy: () => 1,
}, {
is: () => lh("https://sundrug-online.com/products/"),
box: n => elegeta(`//div[@class="card__section"]`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`h1.product-meta__title.heading.h1`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`//div/div[@class="price-list"]/span[@class="price"]`, n),
cccopy: () => 1,
}, {
is: () => lh("https://sundrug-online.com/search"),
box: n => elegeta(`//div[@class="product-item product-item--vertical 1/3--tablet-and-up 1/4--desk"]`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`a.product-item__title.text--strong.link`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`span.price`, n),
func: () => setInterval(run, 999, SITE),
cccopy: () => 1,
}, {
is: () => lh("https://sundrug-online.com/collections/"),
box: n => elegeta(`//div[@class="product-item product-item--vertical 1/3--tablet 1/4--lap-and-up"]|//div[@class="product-item product-item--vertical 1/3--tablet-and-up 1/4--desk"]`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`a.product-item__title.text--strong.link`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`span.price`, n),
func: () => setInterval(run, 999, SITE),
cccopy: () => 1,
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is: () => lh("https://nttxstore.jp/_II_"),
box: n => elegeta(`//div[@id="incontents"]`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`div#incontents>h1`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`dd.price>span`, n),
cccopy: () => 1,
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is: () => lo("https://nttxstore.jp"),
box: n => elegeta(`div#schphoto>ul>li`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`//div[@class="name"]/a`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`//div[@class="price"]`, n),
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is: () => lo("search.rakuten.co.jp"),
box: n => elegeta(`div.dui-card.searchresultitem`, n),
title: n => eleget0(`a[class*="title-link--"]`, n),
price: n => eleget0n(`div[class*="price--"]`, n),
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is: () => lo('akibaoo.co.jp'),
box: n => elegeta('//div[contains(@class,"resultsRow img goodsItem cf")]', n),
title: n => eleget0('//a[@class="goodsName" and @target=""]', n),
price: n => eleget0n(`//div[2]/div[contains(@class,"userOperateArea")]/span[4]`, n),
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is: () => lo('www.xprice.co.jp'),
box: n => elegeta('li.search-item', n),
title: n => eleget0('a.txt-link', n),
price: n => eleget0n(`p.txt-price`, n),
func: () => setInterval(run, 999, SITE),
retry: 1,
}, {
is: () => lh(/https:\/\/www\.google\.[^\/]+\/search\?q=.*\&(tbm=shop|udm=28)/),
box: n => elegeta('div.sh-dgr__gr-auto.sh-dgr__grid-result , div.Ez5pwe , li[role="listitem"]', n),
title: n => eleget0('a.translate-content h3 , div.SsM98d', n),
price: n => eleget0n(`span.a8Pemb , span.lmQWe`, n),
func: () => setInterval(run, 999, SITE),
retry: 1,
}, {
is: () => lh("https://shopping.yahoo.co.jp/"),
box: n => elegeta('li.LoopList__item', n),
title: n => eleget0('p[class*="SearchResultItemTitle_SearchResultItemTitle__itemNameRow__"]', n),
price: n => eleget0n(`span[class*="SearchResultItemPrice_SearchResultItemPrice__value__"]`, n) + eleget0n('span[class*="SearchResultItemPrice_SearchResultItemPrice__postageText__"]', n),
func: () => setInterval(run, 999, SITE),
retry: 1,
}, {
is: () => lh('//jp.daisonet.com/'),
title: n => eleget0('a.product-item__title.link , h1.product-meta__title.heading', n),
price: n => eleget0n('div.product-item__price-list , div[role="region"] > div.price-list > span > span.tax:last-child', n),
box: n => elegeta('div.product-item , div.product-item--vertical , div.product-block-list.product-block-list--small', n),
cccopy: () => lh('/products/'),
}, {
is: () => lh('kakaku.com'),
title: n => eleget0(`p.p-item_name.s-biggerlinkHover_underline > a`, n),
box: n => elegeta(`div.c-list1_cell.p-resultItem`, n),
price: n => eleget0n('em.p-item_priceNum', n),
}, {
is: () => lh('www.komeri.com'), // 2024.12
title: n => eleget0(`div.goods-nm > p:nth-child(2) , h1#goodsname.heading--top.webfont`, n),
box: n => elegeta(`div.item , div.goods-main`, n),
price: n => eleget0n('div.price-area.webfont > div.textRight , p.price--area2 > span.amt', n),
}, {
is: () => lh('workman.jp'), // 2024.12
title: n => eleget0(`div._title>a`, n),
box: n => elegeta(`div._item`, n),
price: n => eleget0n('div._price', n),
}, ];
function eleget0n(xpath, node) {
return Number(eleget0(xpath, node)?.textContent?.replace(/\,/gm, "")?.match0(/[0-9\.]+/gm) || 0);
price2:node=>number, // nodeから価格(数値)を返す
let SITE = SITEINFO.find(v => v.is())
if (!SITE) return "not target";
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added: [],
add: function(str) {
if (this.added.some(v => v[1] === str)) return;
var S = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" // var S="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_"
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end(document.head, `<style id="${uid}">${str}</style>`);
this.added.push([uid, str]);
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remove: function(str) { // str:登録したCSSでもaddでreturnしたuidでも良い
let uid = this.added.find(v => v[1] === str || v[0] === str)?.[0]
if (uid) {
this.added = this.added.filter(v => v[0] !== uid)
String.prototype.match0 = function(re) { let tmp = this.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
String.prototype.toNum = function() { return this.replace(/\,/gm, "").match0(/[0-9\.]+/gm) }
GM_addStyle(`.ppr,.ppr2 {all:initial;position:relative;z-index:999; cursor:pointer; display:inline-block; font-weight:bold; margin:0.5px 0px 0.5px 3px; text-decoration:none !important; padding:0px 0.5em 0 0.2em; border-radius:99px; background-color:#6080b0; color:white; white-space: nowrap;}`)
if (typeof $ === "undefined") { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { run0(); return; }) } else { run0(); }
function run0() {
setTimeout(() => run(SITE, document.body), SITE?.delay || 0)
document.body.addEventListener('AutoPagerize_DOMNodeInserted', function(evt) { run(SITE, evt.target); }, false);
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clearTimeout(GF.dniId) //}
GF.dniId = setTimeout(() => run(SITE), SITE?.dni || 999)
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key: "a", // a::
func: ele => {
if (!GF?.use) return;
sortdom(SITE.box(), e => eleget0('.ppr', e)?.dataset?.tankafull?.toNum() || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0);
//sortdom(SITE.box().filter(e => eleget0('.ppr', e)), e => eleget0('.ppr', e)?.dataset?.tankafull?.toNum(), 0);
popup3(`a:量単価が安い順に並べ替え`, 8, 5000, "bottom");
}, {
key: "Shift+Alt+A", // Shift+Alt+A::
func: ele => {
// sortdom(SITE.box(), e => SITE.price(e)?.textContent?.match0(/([0-9,\.]+)/)?.replace(/[^0-9]/gmi, ""), 0)
sortdom(SITE.box(), e => SITE?.price(e), 0)
//SITE.box().forEach(e=>debugEle(e,"random forced","",1500))
popup3(`Shift+Alt+A:安い順に並べ替え をしました`, 8, 5000, "bottom") //, () => { elegeta('div.s-asin[data-asin]').filter(e => !eleget0('.a-price-whole', e)).forEach(e => $(e).hide(666)) })
}, {
key: ",", // ,::価格上限で絞り込み
func: ele => {
let priceLimit = sessionStorage.getItem("priceLimit") || null;
priceLimit = proInput(`,:上限価格を入力してください`, priceLimit || 0) || 0; // , 価格上限
sessionStorage.setItem("priceLimit", priceLimit || "") || 0;
popup3(""), popup3(priceLimit > 0 ? `,:価格上限で絞り込み(¥${priceLimit})` : "", 0, 5, "bottom")
moq("*", ev => {
GF.commaTO = setTimeout(() => {
let eles = SITE?.box()
eles.filter(v => priceLimit != 0 && ((SITE?.price(v)) > priceLimit) && !gmDataList_includesPartial(v, `gmHideByyodoComma`)).forEach(v => {
gmDataList_add(v, "gmHideByyodoComma");
eles.filter(v => !(priceLimit != 0 && ((SITE?.price(v)) > priceLimit))).forEach(v => {
gmDataList_remove(v, "gmHideByyodoComma");
if (!gmDataList_includesPartial(v, 'gmHideBy')) $(v).show(999)
}, 1111, document, "e2comma")
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function run(SITE, node = document.body) {
SITE.box(node).filter(e => !e.dataset.pprdone).forEach(boxele => {
if (!SITE?.retry) boxele.dataset.pprdone = 1
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// let price = SITE?.price2?.(boxele) || priceele?.textContent?.toNum()
let price = SITE?.price(boxele)
let titleele = SITE.title(boxele)
if (price && titleele) {
//let rc=makeRndColor();
//[priceele,titleele,boxele].forEach(e=>debugEle(e,rc)) //
var ryoua = titleele?.textContent?.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9.,]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248) })?.replace(/\,/gm, "").match(/\D?([0-9\.]+)\s?(ページ|mg|mcg|μm|g|ml|mL|枚|粒|錠|包|杯|本|回分|回用|個|袋|ml|GB|ペア|組|日分|ヶ入|組入|ポート|色|日分|ヶ入|食|巻|入|セット|缶|函)|([0-9\.]+)\s?(L|kg|㎏|Kg|kg|キロ|TB)/); // ntt-x
let tankaa = []
if (ryoua?.[1] && ryoua?.[2]) tankaa.push({ value: ryoua[1].toNum(), unitname: ryoua[2] })
// if (ryoua?.[3] && ryoua?.[4]) tankaa.push({ value: ryoua[3], valueActual: ryoua[3]?.toNum()*1000, unitname: ryoua[4] })
if (ryoua?.[3] && ryoua?.[4]) tankaa.push({ value: ryoua[3].toNum() * (ryoua[4] == "TB" ? 1024 : 1000), unitname: ryoua[4].replace(/^L$/, "ml").replace(/^kg$|^キロ$/i, "g").replace(/^TB$/, "GB") }) // 1000倍の単位だったら1/1000の単位に変換
tankaa.forEach(i => {
// let tanka = Math.round((priceele.textContent.toNum() / i.value.toNum()) * 100) / 100
let tanka = Math.round((price / i.value) * 100) / 100
// let tankaFull = (priceele.textContent.toNum() / i.value.toNum())
// let tankaFull = (priceele.textContent.toNum() / (i?.valueActual||i.value.toNum() ) )
let tankaFull = (price / (i?.valueActual || i.value))
// after(SITE?.pprPlace?.(titleele) || titleele.parentNode, ` <span class="pprcover"><span class="ppr${SITE?.cccopy?" pprcccopy":""}" ${SITE?.pprTagOption||""} data-tankafull="${tankaFull}" title="¥${priceele?.textContent?.toNum()}/${i.value.toNum()}${i.unitname}=¥${tankaFull}/${i.unitname}">¥${tanka}/${i.unitname}</span></span>`)
var pprEmbed = (price) / (i?.valueActual || i.value);
var pprEmbedAligned = pprEmbed;
if (i.unitname?.match(/mg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (pprEmbed / 1000);
if (i.unitname?.match(/mcg|μg/i)) pprEmbedAligned = (pprEmbed / 1000 / 1000);
tankaFull = pprEmbedAligned;
after(SITE?.pprPlace?.(titleele) || titleele.parentNode, ` <span class="pprcover"><span class="ppr${SITE?.cccopy&&SITE?.cccopy()?" pprcccopy":""}" ${SITE?.pprTagOption||""} data-tankafull="${tankaFull}" title="¥${price}/${i.value}${i.unitname}=¥${tankaFull}/${i.unitname}">¥${tanka}/${i.unitname}</span></span>`)
GF.use = 1
boxele.dataset.pprdone = 1
function elegeta(xpath, node = document) {
if (!xpath || !node) return [];
let xpath2 = xpath.replace(/:inscreen|:visible|:text\*=[^:]*/g, "") // text*=~中で:は使えない
let array = []
try {
if (!/^\.?\//.test(xpath)) {
array = [...node.querySelectorAll(xpath2)]
} else {
var snap = document.evaluate("." + xpath2, node, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null)
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if (/:visible/.test(xpath)) array = array.filter(e => e.offsetHeight)
if (/:inscreen/.test(xpath)) array = array.filter(e => { var eler = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return (eler.bottom >= 0 && eler.right >= 0 && eler.left <= document.documentElement.clientWidth && eler.top <= document.documentElement.clientHeight) }) // 画面内に1ピクセルでも入っている
if (/:text\*=./.test(xpath)) { let text = xpath.replace(/^.*:text\*=([^:]*)$/, "$1"); if (text) array = array.filter(e => new RegExp(text).test(e?.textContent)) }
} catch (e) { return []; }
return array
function eleget0(xpath, node = document) {
if (!xpath || !node) return null;
if (/:inscreen|:visible|:text\*=/.test(xpath)) return elegeta(xpath, node)?.shift();
if (!/^\.?\//.test(xpath)) return node.querySelector(xpath);
try {
var ele = document.evaluate("." + xpath, node, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
return ele.snapshotLength > 0 ? ele.snapshotItem(0) : null;
} catch (e) { alert(e + "\n" + xpath + "\n" + JSON.stringify(node)); return null; }
function dc(str, force = 0) {
if (debug >= 1 || force) popup3(str, 0, 31000, "top");
return str;
function proInput(prom, defaultval, min = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, max = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
var inp = window.prompt(prom, defaultval);
if (inp === undefined || inp === null) return inp;
return Math.min(Math.max(Number(inp.replace(/[A-Za-z0-9.]/g, function(s) { return String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(0) - 65248); }).replace(/[^-^0-9^\.]/g, "")), min), max);
function makeRndColor() {
return '#' + (0x1000000 + (Math.random()) * 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(1, 6);
//return '#' + ([0,0,0].map(c=>"789abcdef"[Math.floor(Math.random()*9)])).join("");
function debugEle(ele, col = "random", additionalInfo = "") {
if (ele && (debug || col.indexOf("forced") !== -1)) {
if (col.indexOf("random") !== -1) col = '#' + (0x1000000 + (Math.random()) * 0xffffff).toString(16).substr(1, 6);
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ele.style.boxShadow = " 0px 0px 4px 4px " + col + "30, inset 0 0 100px " + col + "20";
ele.dataset.yododebugele = ""
function debugRemove(ele) {
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if (debug2 && ele) {
ele.dataset.hidden = "1";
ele.style.opacity = "0.5";
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function num(str) {
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function dc(str, force = 0) {
if (debug >= 1 || force) popup3(str, 0, 5000, "top");
return str;
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e && e?.remove();
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function sortdom(doms, func, prepend = 0) { // doms:並べ替える要素たち func(e):要素eの順位を決める数値か文字列をreturnする関数 prepend:0:昇順 1:降順
let position = doms[0]?.previousElementSibling
let container = doms[0]?.parentNode
if (!container || !doms.length) return
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doms.map((v, i) => { return { dom: v, value: func(v, i) } }).sort((a, b) => (prepend == 0 ?
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(!isNaN(a.value) && !isNaN(b.value) ? a.value == b.value ? 0 : (b.value - a.value) : a.value == b.value ? 0 : (col.compare(b.value, a.value)))
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position ? position.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, position.nextSibling) : container.prepend(fragment)
function ctLong(callback, name = "test", time = 10) { console.time(name); for (let i = time; i--;) { callback() } console.timeEnd(name) } // 速度測定(もともと長くかかるもの)
function ct(callback, name = "test", time = 10) { let i = 0; let st = Date.now(); while (Date.now() - st < 1000) { i++, callback() } console.log(`${name} ${i} / 1sec`) } // 速度測定(一瞬で終わるもの)
function lh(re) { let tmp = location.href.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
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function JS(v) { try { return JSON.stringify(v) } catch { return null } }
function JP(v) { try { return JSON.parse(v) } catch { return null } }
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function sani(s) { return s?.replace(/&/g, "&")?.replace(/"/g, """)?.replace(/'/g, "'")?.replace(/`/g, '`')?.replace(/</g, "<")?.replace(/>/g, ">") || "" }
function isValidRE(str) {
try { new RegExp(str) } catch (e) { return false }
return true
function lo(re) { let tmp = location.origin.match(re); if (!tmp) { return null } else if (tmp.length > 1) { return tmp[1] } else return tmp[0] } // gフラグ不可
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mo = null;
return moq.undup.get(ID);
// element.dataset.gmDataListプロパティにclassList.add/removeのような命令セット
function gmDataList_add(ele, name) {
let data = new Set(ele?.dataset?.gmDataList?.split(" ") || []);
if (!data.has(name)) {
ele.dataset.gmDataList = [...data].join(" ")
function gmDataList_remove(ele, name) {
let data = new Set(ele?.dataset?.gmDataList?.split(" ") || []);
if (data.has(name)) {
if (data.size) ele.dataset.gmDataList = [...data].join(" ");
else delete ele.dataset.gmDataList;
function gmDataList_includesPartial(ele, name) { // *[class*="name"]のような部分一致
let data = [...new Set(ele?.dataset?.gmDataList?.split(" ") || [])];
return data.find(v => v.includes(name))
function gmhbShow(e, id) {
gmDataList_remove(e, `gmHideBy${id}`)
if (!gmDataList_includesPartial(e, 'gmHideBy')) $(e).show(333)
function gmhbHide(e, id) {
gmDataList_add(e, `gmHideBy${id}`)
function before(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html); return e?.previousElementSibling; }
function begin(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', html); return e?.firstChild; }
function end(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); return e?.lastChild; }
function after(e, html) { e?.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html); return e?.nextElementSibling; }
function gmhbShow(e, id) {
gmDataList_remove(e, `gmHideBy${id}`)
if (!gmDataList_includesPartial(e, 'gmHideBy')) $(e).show(333)
function gmhbHide(e, id) {
gmDataList_add(e, `gmHideBy${id}`)
function eleget0n(xpath, node) {
let r = (eleget0(xpath, node)?.textContent?.replace(/\,/gm, "")?.match0(/\-?[0-9\.]+/gm) || 0);
return r
function eleget0n(xpath, node) {
// return Number(eleget0(xpath, node)?.textContent?.replace(/\,/gm, "")?.match0(/[0-9\.]+/gm) );
return eleget0(xpath, node)?.textContent?.replace(/\,/gm, "")?.match0(/[0-9\.]+/gm);
function eleget0d(xpath, node = document, debug = 1) {
let e = eleget0(xpath, node)
if (e && debug) {
addstyle.add(`.debugAttract {
outline:4px solid #82d4;
`) // box-shadow:0px 0px 4px 4px #92f, inset 0 0 100px #fe2;
setTimeout(e => e?.classList.remove("debugAttract"), 9999, e)
e.title = `${e?.title||""} "${xpath}"`;
if (debug >= 2) e?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center", inline: "center" });
return e
function dt() {
document.title = [...arguments].map(v => { return `${v}`; }).join(" ") //document.title=[...arguments].map(v=>{return `${v.name}:${v}`;}).join(" ")