Greasy Fork is available in English.

TagPro Colors

Change the red/blue colors in the TagPro UI to any color you like. Useful when using a texture pack with different colors.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         TagPro Colors
// @version      0.2
// @description  Change the red/blue colors in the TagPro UI to any color you like. Useful when using a texture pack with different colors.
// @author       Ko
// @include      http://tagpro-**
// @include*
// @include      http://**
// @include      http://tagpro-*
// @include
// @include      http://*
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

// #-#-# OPTIONS #-#-# \\

// These names are shown at the end of a game ('Pink wins!')
Red_teamName = 'Pink';
Blue_teamName = 'Green';

// You can either use HtML color names, or #HEX color codes.
// Tip: search for a 'hex color picker' to pick your color.
Red_color = 'pink';
Blue_color = '#33cc33';

// #-#-# OPTIONS #-#-# \\


window.addEventListener('load', function() {      // without this, it gives an error: the doesn't yet exist.

    tagpro.ready(function colors () {
        tagpro.ui.sprites.redScore.setStyle({fill: Red_color, font:"bold 40pt Arial" , strokeThickness :2});         // Set color of Red team score
        tagpro.ui.sprites.blueScore.setStyle({fill: Blue_color, font:"bold 40pt Arial" , strokeThickness :2}) ;      // Same for blue

        tagpro.teamNames.redTeamName = Red_teamName;         //change the teamnames, to change the '... team Wins' message at the end.
        tagpro.teamNames.blueTeamName = Blue_teamName;
        tagpro.settings.ui.teamNames = "TagPro Colors Userscript";     //hide the teamnames next to the scores.

        tagpro.socket.on('end',function() {     // add listener for the game to end
            setTimeout(function() {             // give TP the time to write who wins
                tagpro.renderer.layers.ui.children.forEach(function(a){      // get all UI elements (containing the 'Pink Wins' message)
                    try { // necessary because not every element has a .style.fill
                        if ( == "#ff0000" && Red_color != 'red') a.setStyle({fill: Red_color,font:"bold 48pt arial",strokeThickness: 2});      // if the color of that element is RED, I know that i've found the right one, change it's  color.
                        if ( == "#0000ff" && Blue_color != 'blue') a.setStyle({fill: Blue_color,font:"bold 48pt arial",strokeThickness: 2});
                    } catch(err){}


}, false);