Greasy Fork is available in English.


MyDealz and Pepper enhanced features incl. Amazon mobile redirect

Stan na 24-02-2017. Zobacz najnowsza wersja.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        EnstylerJS
// @namespace   Enstyler
// @description MyDealz and Pepper enhanced features incl. Amazon mobile redirect
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*/gp/aw/*
// @version     3.02.243-min
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// @grant       GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require
// @require
// @run-at      document-start
// ==/UserScript==
function EnstylerInit() {
  (enUserLogin = $(".avatar--type-nav").length) ? (enUserName = $(".navDropDown a").attr(enHREF), enUserName = enUserName.replace(/.*\/profile\/([^\/]+).*/, "$1")) : $(document).on("click", ".test-loginButton", EnstylerLastSeenLast), 
  enSection = enLocParser.pathname.replace(/\/([^\/]+\/*).*/, "/$1");

function EnstylerDealActions() {
  if (GM_config.get("enConfMoreDeal")) {
    $("footer ul").length && (enDealActionMailFooter = "%0D%0A%0D%0A-- %0D%0A" + $("footer ul li p").first().html().replace(/<br>/g, "%0D%0A").replace(/<.*?>/g, ""));
    var e = enLocParser.pathname, n = 0;
    switch ("" != enUserName && (e = e.replace(enUserName + "/", "")), $(".ico--type-grid-subNavActive").length && (n = 1), enDealAdd = enDealAction[0] + enDealAction[1 + n] + enDealAction[3], 
    !0) {
     case e.endsWith("profile/saved-deals"):
      enDealAdd += enDealAction[4] + enDealAction[5 + n], +enDealAction[7], enDealUnbook = !0;

     case e.endsWith("profile/diskussion"):
     case e.endsWith(enUserName):
      enDealAdd += enDealAction[8] + enDealAction[9 + n] + enDealAction[11];
    enDealAdd = enLangLocalize(enDealActionOuterHtml[0] + enDealAdd + enDealAction[12] + enDealAction[13 + n] + enDealAction[15] + enDealActionOuterHtml[1], enDealLang, enLANG), 

function EnstylerDealActionsDo() {
  if (GM_config.get("enConfMoreDeal")) {
    var e, n, t, a, o;
    enUserLogin && $("article").not(".enClassHidden").each(function() {
      e = $(".thread-infoRow", $(this)), e.length && !$(enDealNoAction, $(this)).length && (n = $(".thread-title a", $(this)), t = n.attr(enHREF), a = encodeURIComponent(enInternationalName + ": " + n.text()), 
      a.length < 100 && $(this).find(".thread-price").length && (a += encodeURIComponent(" -> " + $(this).find(".thread-price").text().replace(/ |\t/g, ""))), o = enDealAdd.replace(enPATTERN[enHREF], t).replace(enPATTERN[enTEXT], truncStringWord(a, 160, "%20") + "&body=" + a + "%0D%0A%0D%0A" + t + enDealActionMailFooter), 
      enDealUnbook && (o = o.replace(enPATTERN[enID], ("#" + $(this).attr(enID)).replace(enDealMarker, ""))), e.append(o), e.removeClass("thread-infoRow"));
    }), $(".thread-listImgCell, .thread-cardImgFrame, .imgFrame--noBorder").not(".enClassHidden").each(function() {
      o = $(this).first().html(), -1 == o.indexOf(enDealLinkDone) && $(this).first().html(o.replace(/(<a.*?)" href=/, enLinkSubstitute).replace(/ img--dummy.* data-lazy-img="{&quot;src&quot;:&quot;/, '" src="').replace(/&quot;,&quot;finishClass&quot;:.* alt="/, '" alt="'));
  $(".thread--type-detail .userHtml").not(".enClassHidden").each(function() {
    $(this).html($(this).html().replace(/[^ -~Ä-ü]+|(&nbsp;)+|(\n\r)+|<\/p>|<\/div>/gi, " ").replace(/<div>|<p>/gi, "<br><br>").replace(/<br>(<br>| )*<br>/gi, "<br><br>"));

function EnstylerAvatarPopup() {
  enUserLogin && GM_config.get("enConfUser") && (addStyleString(".thread-footer-cell a {display: none;}"), EnstylerAvatarPopupDo());

function EnstylerAvatarPopupDo() {
  if (enUserLogin && GM_config.get("enConfUser")) {
    var e, n, t, a = GM_config.get("enConfAvatar");
    $(".thread-footer-cell a.user.linkPlain, .user.linkPlain.thread-user").not(".enClassAvatarDone").each(function() {
      $(this).hasClass(enClassBlackDone) || ($(this).addClass(enClassAvatarDone), e = $(this).html(), n = $(this).attr(enHREF), t = e.replace(/<span.*/, "").replace(/avatar--type-s/, "avatar--type-m"), 
      a && (t = t.replace(/thread-avatar/, "avatar--type-m")), $(this).html(enPopupUser[0] + n + enPopupUser[1] + t + enPopupUser[2] + '<a href="' + n + '">' + e.replace(/.*<span class=".* space--mr-1">/, '<span class=" space--mr-1 user link-plain">') + "</a>"));

function EnstylerPagePickerCreate() {
  if (EnstylerPagePickerRemove(), GM_config.get("enConfPagePicker")) {
    var e, n, t, a = 1, o = 1;
    if ($(selectList).empty(), $("div.text--color-charcoalTint").length) {
      var i = $("div.text--color-charcoalTint").html().replace(/\r?\n|\r/g);
      isNaN(a = parseInt(i.replace(/.*>Seite /i, ""))) && (a = 1), isNaN(o = parseInt(i.replace(/.*page=/, ""))) && (o = a);
    for (x = 1; x <= o; ) t = document.createElement("option"), t.text = x, selectList.add(t), n = x, e = Math.abs(x - a), x < 10 || 5 > e ? x++ : x < 1e3 && e > 600 ? x += Math.floor(e / 100) : x += Math.floor(e / 2);
    a > o && (o = a), o > n && (t = document.createElement("option"), t.text = o, selectList.add(t)), selectList.value = a;
    var s = [ ".js-navDropDown-messages", "enPageEnum js-navDropDown-messages vAlign--all-m" ];
    $(".test-loginButton").length && (s[0] = ".test-loginButton"), $(".voteBar").length && (s = [ ".voteBar--sticky-off--hide.hAlign--all-r", "enPageEnum subNavMenu-link subNavMenu-btn voteBar--sticky-off--hide" ]), 
    selectList.setAttribute("class", s[1]), $(s[0]).before(selectList);

function EnstylerPagePickerDo() {
  $(".js-sticky .text--color-charcoalTint").length && (selectList.value = parseInt($(".js-sticky .text--color-charcoalTint").html().replace(/\r?\n|\r/g).split('--toW2">Seite ')[1]));

function EnstylerPageAction() {
  var e = "page=" + $(this).val(), n = ("" + enLocParser).replace(/page=.*|#.*/, "");
  n += n.endsWith("?") || n.endsWith("&") ? e : "?" + e, "/deals/" == enSection && (n += "#thread-comments"), window.location = n;

function EnstylerPagePickerRemove() {

function EnstylerBlacklist() {
  enUserLogin && !GM_config.get("enConfWhitelist").includes(enUserName) && (GM_config.set("enConfWhitelist", "@" + enUserName + "," + GM_config.get("enConfWhitelist")), 
  GM_config.setValue("enConfWhitelist", GM_config.get("enConfWhitelist"))), enBlack = RegExp(GM_config.get("enConfBlacklist").replace(unwantedRegex[0], "").replace(/^,|,$/g, "").replace(/(.),(.)/g, "$1|$2"), "i"), 
  enBlackTrue = !"".match(enBlack), enWhite = RegExp(GM_config.get("enConfWhitelist").replace(/^,|,$/g, "").replace(/(.),(.)/g, "$1|$2"), "i"), enWhiteTrue = !"".match(enWhite), 
  enBlackTemp = GM_config.get("enConfHideColder"), EnstylerBlacklistRemove(), EnstylerBlacklistDo();

function EnstylerBlacklistDo() {
  if (GM_config.get("enConfBlackEnable") && (enBlackTrue || enBlackTemp >= -900)) {
    var e = !1;
    $(".comments-list").length && (e = !0);
    var n;
    $("article").not(".enClassBlackDone, .threadWidget-item").each(function() {
      $(this).addClass(enClassBlackDone), n = $(".thread-category", $(this)).text() + " " + $(".thread-title a", $(this)).text() + " @" + $(".user", $(this)).text(), 
      e && (n += " " + $(".comments-item .userHtml", $(this)).text() + " @" + $(".vwo-user-link", $(this)).text()), n = n.replace(unwantedRegex[1], " "), enWhiteTrue && n.match(enWhite) || (parseInt($(".vote-temp", $(this)).text()) <= enBlackTemp || enBlackTrue && n.match(enBlack)) && ($(this).addClass(enClassHidden), 
      enBlacklisted++, EnstylerLastSeenSkip("#" + $(this).attr(enID)));
    }), EnstylerBlacklistShow();

function EnstylerBlacklistShow() {
  enJSfieldDefs.enConfUnblacklist.label = enUnblackText.replace(enPATTERN[enTEXT], enBlacklisted);

function EnstylerBlacklistRemove() {
  enBlacklisted = 0, EnstylerBlacklistShow(), $(".enClassHidden").removeClass(enClassHidden), $(".enClassBlackDone").removeClass(enClassBlackDone);

function EnstylerBlacklistUnhide() {
  enBlacklisted = 0, EnstylerBlacklistShow(), $(".enClassHidden").removeClass(enClassHidden);

function EnstylerFixedNav() {
  if (GM_config.get("enConfNavFixed") && "/deals/" != enSection && "/gutscheine/" != enSection) {
    var e = $("header").html();
    $("header").replaceWith('<header class="enFixedNav">' + e + "</header>");
    var n = myFixedCSS.every;
    "/diskussion/" == enSection && (n += myFixedCSS.discus), ($(".nav-subheadline").length || "/profile/" == enSection) && (n += myFixedCSS.subnav), n = n.replace(enPATTERN[enTEXT], enMainHeigth), 

function EnstylerDealTime() {
  TodayStart = new Date(enNow.getFullYear(), enNow.getMonth(), enNow.getDate()), ShowTime = 3600 * GM_config.get("enConfDealMinTime") * 1e3, EnstylerDealTimeDo();

function EnstylerDealTimeDo() {
  if (GM_config.get("enConfDealTime")) {
    var e, n, t =;
    $("time").not("." + EnstylerTimeSeen).each(function() {
      if (e = $(this).text(), e.length >= 8 && !e.endsWith("e") && (n = 6e4 * (60 * parseInt(e.replace(/.* ([0-9].*) [hu].*/, "$1")) + parseInt(e.replace(/.* ([0-9].*) m.*/, "$1"))), 
      !isNaN(n))) {
        if (DealDate.setTime(t - n), TodayStart > DealDate) e = "<EN-LANG:yesterday> " + ("" + DealDate).slice(16, 21) + " <EN-LANG:oclock>"; else {
          if (ShowTime >= n) return;
          e += ' (<span class="hide--toW2"><EN-LANG:today> </span>' + ("" + DealDate).slice(16, 21) + " <EN-LANG:oclock>)";
        $(this).html(enLangLocalize(e, enTimeLang, enLANG)), $(this).addClass(EnstylerTimeSeen);

function EnstylerLastSeen() {
  LastSeenOnce && (LastSeenOnce = !1, enSection.match(enMainSectionMatch) ? (enSec = enNewestBase + enSection.replace(/\//, ""), GM_setValue(enNewestBase + "LastSec", enSec), 
  enSeenArticle = GM_getValue(enSec), void 0 === enSeenArticle && (enSeenArticle = ""), EnstylerLastSeenDo(), "" == && $("article").not(".threadWidget-item").each(function() {
    return $(this).length ? (GM_setValue(enSec, $(this).attr(enID)), GM_setValue(enSec + "Last", enSeenArticle), !1) : void 0;
  })) : EnstylerLastSeenLast());

function EnstylerLastSeenDo() {
  "" != enSec && ("" != enSeenArticle ? (GM_setValue(enSec + "Last", enSeenArticle), $("#" + enSeenArticle).addClass("enClassMarkArticle")) : GM_setValue(enSec, "thread_1"));

function EnstylerLastSeenLast() {
  enSec = GM_getValue(enNewestBase + "LastSec"), GM_setValue(enSec, GM_getValue(enSec + "Last"));

function EnstylerLastSeenSkip(e) {
  e == "#" + enSeenArticle && (enSeenArticle = $(e).next().attr(enID), EnstylerLastSeenDo());

function enCheckUpdates() {
  if (isMozilla && GM_config.get("enConfInjectCSS")) {
    var e = ( / 6e4 | 0) - GM_getValue("enLastUpdateCheck");
    (isNaN(e) || e > enUpdateInterval) && enUpdateCSS();

function enUpdateCSS() {
  var e = / 6e4 | 0;
  enCacheExternalResource(enUpdateUrl + enComposeUpdateOpt(), "Enstyler2_CSS"), GM_setValue("enLastUpdateCheck", e);

function enComposeUpdateOpt() {
  var e = GM_getValue("Enstyler2Opt");
  if (void 0 === e) return "";
  e = e.replace(/\n/g, "");
  var n = e.split(";");
  if ("" == e || !e.startsWith("#")) return "";
  e = "";
  for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) if ("" != n[t]) {
    var a = n[t].split(":");
    e += "&" + a[1].slice(0, -1) + "=" + a[1];
  return e = "?" + e.slice(1);

function EnstylerMenuActions() {
  EnstylerNavRemove(), enInternational || EnstylerAddNav("Main", "<EN-LANG:discussion>", "", "enMainDiscussion"), EnstylerAddNav("Main", "<EN-LANG:enstyler>", '" target="_blank', "enMainHomepage", "building"), 
  EnstylerAddNav("MainButton", "<EN-LANG:settings>", showEnstylerConfig, EnstylerButton, "page");

function EnstylerAddNav(e, n, t, a, o) {
  (void 0 === o || "" == o) && (o = enNavIconPat);
  var i = !1, s = enMenuItemCode[e].replace(enPATTERN[enID], a).replace(enPATTERN[enTEXT], n);
  o != enNavIconPat && (s = s.split(enNavIconPat).join("--type-" + o)), "function" == typeof t ? i = !0 : s = s.replace(enPATTERN[enHREF], t), "M" == e[0] && ("" == enAddMain && $(".nav-link.navMenu-trigger").click(debounce(300, EnstylerMainDo)), 
  enAddMain += s, i && (enAddMainFunc[enAddMainCount++] = {
    ID: a,
    target: t

function EnstylerMainDo() {
  $(".popover-content nav .navMenu-div").first().before(enLangLocalize(enAddMain, enMenuLang, enLANG));
  var e = $(".popover--mainNav"), n = 35 * (enAddMain.split(enNavEntry).length - 1) + parseInt(e.attr("style").split("height: ")[1]);
  e.attr("style", e.attr("style").replace(/height: [0-9.]*px/, "height: " + n + "px"));
  for (var t = 0; enAddMainCount > t; t++) $("section #" + enAddMainFunc[t].ID).click(enAddMainFunc[t].target);

function EnstylerNavRemove() {
  enAddMain = "", enAddMainFunc = [], enAddMainCount = 0, $(".navMenu-page").unbind("click"), $(".enNavEntry").remove();

function confLang(e) {
  return enLangLocalize("<EN-LANG:" + e + ">", enConfigLang, enLANG);

function getLanguages() {
  return [ "", "de", "en", "nl" ];

function showEnstylerConfig() {
  enGMConfigOpen ? GM_config.close() : (, $(".popover--mainNav").remove(), enGMConfigOpen = !0);

function showEnstylerCSS() {

function enAmazonMobileRedirect() {
  var e = "" + enLocParser;
  return e.startsWith("") ? (GM_config.get("enConfAmazonRedirect") && (e.includes("/gp/aw/d/") ? window.location.assign(e.replace("/gp/aw/d/", "/dp/")) : window.location.assign(e.replace("/gp/aw/ol/", "/gp/offer-listing/"))), 
  !1) : !0;

function EnstylerStart() {
  EnstylerLastSeen(), EnstylerDealTime(), EnstylerBlacklist(), EnstylerAvatarPopup(), EnstylerDealActions();

function EnstylerDelayedInit() {
  EnstylerMenuActions(), EnstylerPagePickerCreate(), $(".js-pagi-bottom").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", debounce(100, function() {
    EnstylerLastSeenDo(), EnstylerPagePickerDo(), EnstylerDealTimeDo(), EnstylerBlacklistDo(), EnstylerAvatarPopupDo(), EnstylerDealActionsDo();

function WaitForBody() {
  $("footer").length ? MAIN() : setTimeout(WaitForBody, 200);

function MAIN() {
  const e =;
  $(".nav").length && (GM_config.get("enConfInjectCSS") && addStyleString(GM_getValue("Enstyler2_CSS"), 'domain("' + enLocParser.hostname), enCheckUpdates(), enMainHeigth = getOuterHeight("header"), 
  sleepAsync(500).then(function() {
    var e = $(".nav").css("background-color"), n = $(".btn--mode-special").first().css("background-color");
    addStyleString(" .GM_config {background-color: " + shadeRGBColor(e, -.3) + " !important; color: " + shadeRGBColor(e, .5) + "; top: " + enMainHeigth + "px !important;} .nav-link-text:hover, .js-navDropDown-messages:hover, .js-navDropDown-activities:hover  { background-color: " + shadeRGBColor(e, .11) + " !important;} .GM_config input[type=button] { background-color: " + n + " !important; border-color: " + n + " !important; min-width: 10em;} .GM_config input[type=button]:hover, .btn--mode-special:hover { background-color: " + shadeRGBColor(n, .3) + " !important; border-color: " + shadeRGBColor(n, .3) + " !important;}");
  })), addStyleString(enCSS), "" != enInternationalSite ? enAmazonMobileRedirect() && (EnstylerInit(), EnstylerStart(), EnstylerStartupDelay = - e, 
  "loading" == document.readyState || "interactive" == document.readyState ? $(window).bind("load", function() {
  }) : sleepAsync(EnstylerStartupDelay).then(function() {
  })) : (GM_config.get("enConfInjectCSS") && addStyleString(GM_getValue("Enstyler2_CSS"), "url("), EnstylerHomeButton(), enSetHome(), isMozilla && GM_config.get("enConfInjectCSS") && addStyleString(".install-status { display: none; }"));

function EnstylerHomeButton() {
  $("#EnstylerButton").remove(), input.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 1.1em; padding: 0.8em;"), $("#style-settings").after(input);

function enGetHome() {
  var e, n, t, a = "";
  $("#style-settings select").each(function() {
    e = $(this).attr(enID), n = $(this).val(), t = $("option[value=" + n + "]").text(), a += "#" + e + ":" + n + ":" + t + ";\n";
  }), $("#style-settings input:checked").each(function() {
    e = $(this).attr(enID), n = $(this).val(), t = $("label[for=" + e + "]").text(), a += "#" + e + ":" + n + ":" + t + ";\n";
  }), GM_config.set("saveOpt", a);

function enSetHome() {
  input.value = "Save Options";
  var e = GM_config.get("saveOpt");
  GM_setValue("Enstyler2Opt", e), e = e.replace(/\n/g, "");
  var n = e.split(";");
  if ("" != e && e.startsWith("#")) {
    for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) {
      var a = n[t].split(":");
      a[0].match(/^#setting/i) ? ($(a[0]).val(""), $(a[0]).val(a[1])) : a[0].startsWith("#option") ? $(a[0]).prop("checked", !0) : "" != a[0] && alert('unkown option: "' + a + '"');
    addStyleString(isMozilla && GM_config.get("enConfInjectCSS") ? ".install-status { display: none; }" : ".install-status { display: inline; }"), HideShowLogoSelect(), 

function closeOnClick() {
  sleepAsync(1e4).then(function() {

function showNotSaved() {
  input.value = "Klick to save Options!", EnstylerHomeButton();

function ShowHideItem(e, n, t, a) {
  $("#style-settings " + t).each(function() {
    -1 != $(this).text().indexOf(a) && ($(e).val() == n ? $(this).parent().addClass(enClassHidden) : $(this).parent().removeClass(enClassHidden));

function HideShowLogoSelect() {
  ShowHideItem("#setting-455195", "ik-logo1", "label", "MyDealz Logo");

function HideShowEnstyler() {
  ShowHideItem("#setting-451668", "ik-compact1", "label", "|---");

function enLangLocalize(e, n, t) {
  return e.replace(enLangPat, function(e, a) {
    return n.hasOwnProperty(t) && n[t].hasOwnProperty(a) ? n[t][a] : a;

function addStyleString(e, n) {
  if (void 0 === n && (n = ""), e.match(enUserScript.detect)) {
    "" == n && (n = enLocParser.hostname);
    var t = e.split(n);
    e = "";
    for (var a = 1; a < t.length; a++) t[a].includes("{") && (e += t[a].replace(enUserScript.split, "").replace(, ""));
  var o = document.createElement("style");
  o.innerHTML = e, document.body.appendChild(o);

function capitalizeFirstLetter(e) {
  return e[0].toUpperCase() + e.slice(1);

function truncStringWord(e, n, t) {
  return void 0 === t && (t = " "), e.length > n ? (e = e.substr(0, n - 1), e.substr(0, e.lastIndexOf(t)) + "...") : e;

function sleepAsync(e) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, e));

function shadeRGBColor(e, n) {
  var t = e.split(","), a = 0 > n ? 0 : 255, o = 0 > n ? -1 * n : n, i = parseInt(t[0].slice(4)), s = parseInt(t[1]), l = parseInt(t[2]);
  return "rgb(" + (Math.round((a - i) * o) + i) + "," + (Math.round((a - s) * o) + s) + "," + (Math.round((a - l) * o) + l) + ")";

function debounce(e, n) {
  var t = null;
  return function() {
    clearTimeout(t), t = setTimeout(function() {;
    }, e);

function enCacheExternalResource(e, n) {
    method: "GET",
    url: e,
    onload: function(e) {
      var t = e.responseText.replace(/\r\n/g, " ").replace(enStripComments, "").replace(enFixCSS, "100%");
      GM_setValue(n, t), addStyleString(t);

function getOuterHeight(e) {
  e = "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e;
  var n = window.getComputedStyle(e), t = parseFloat(n.marginTop) + parseFloat(n.marginBottom);
  return Math.ceil(e.offsetHeight + t);

const enLocParser = location, enInternationalSite = enLocParser.hostname.replace("www.", ""), enInternationalName = -1 == enInternationalSite.indexOf("pepper") ? capitalizeFirstLetter(enInternationalSite.replace(/^\.|\..*/g, "")) : enInternationalSite, enInternational = "Mydealz" != enInternationalName;

var enLANG = enInternational && "Preisjaeger" != enInternationalName ? "en" : "de";

const enLangPat = /<EN-LANG:(.*?)>/g, myLang = GM_getValue("enLang");

"" == myLang || void 0 === GM_getValue("enLang") ? GM_setValue("enLANG", "") : enLANG = myLang;

var isMozilla = void 0 === GM_info.scriptHandler || !GM_info.scriptHandler.startsWith("Tamp"), enUserLogin = !1, enUserName = "", enSection = "";

const DEBUG = !1;

var enInitTime;

const enDealAction = [ '<a title="<EN-LANG:post>" class="link ico ico--pos-l ico--type-comment-blue space--mr-3"href="<ENSTYLER-HREF-HERE>#comment-form" data-handler="track" data-track="{&quot;action&quot;:&quot;scroll_to_comment_add_form&quot;,&quot;label&quot;:&quot;engagement&quot;}">', '<span class="hide--toW3"><EN-LANG:post></span><span class="hide--fromW3 hide--toW2"><EN-LANG:po></span>', "", "</a>", '<a title="<EN-LANG:remove>" class="link text--color-blue ico ico--type-bookmark-blue ico--pos-l space--mr-3"data-handler="track replace" data-replace="{&quot;endpoint&quot;:&quot;<ENSTYLER-THREADID-HERE>/remove&quot;,&quot;method&quot;:&quot;post&quot;}" data-track="{&quot;action&quot;:&quot;save_thread&quot;,&quot;label&quot;:&quot;engagement&quot;}">', '<span class="hide--toW3"><EN-LANG:remove></span><span class="hide--fromW3 hide--toW2"><EN-LANG:rem></span>', "", "</a>", '<a title="<EN-LANG:edit>" class="link text--color-blue ico ico--type-pencil-blue ico--pos-l space--mr-3"href="<ENSTYLER-HREF-HERE>/edit" data-handler="track" data-track="{&quot;action&quot;:&quot;goto_thread_edit_form&quot;,&quot;beacon&quot;:true}">', '<span class="hide--toW3"><EN-LANG:edit></span><span class="hide--fromW3 hide--toW2"><EN-LANG:ed></span>', "", "<span></a>", '<a title="<EN-LANG:mail>" class="link text--color-blue ico ico--type-code-blue ico--pos-l space--mr-3"href="mailto:?subject=<ENSTYLER-TEXT-HERE>" <span class="hide--toW3">', '<span class="hide--toW3"><EN-LANG:mail></span><span class="hide--fromW3 hide--toW2"><EN-LANG:ma></span>', "", "<span></a>" ], enDealLang = {
  de: {
    post: "Sag was dazu",
    remove: "Von Liste entfernen",
    edit: "Bearbeiten",
    mail: "Mail versenden",
    po: "Sag",
    rem: "Entf",
    ed: "Bearb",
    ma: "Mail"
  en: {
    post: "post a comment",
    remove: "remove from list",
    edit: "edit",
    mail: "mail to someone",
    po: "post",
    rem: "remove",
    ed: "edit",
    ma: "mail"
}, enDealMarker = "#thread_", enDealNoAction = ".ico--type-clock-grey, .vote-temp--colder";

var enDealAdd = "", enDealUnbook = !1, enDealActionMailFooter = "";

const enDealActionOuterHtml = [ '<span class="js-options bg--em bRad--a space--h-3 space--v-3 space--mt-3 text--b">', "</span>" ], enDealLinkDone = "enDealLinkDone", enLinkSubstitute = '$1 enDealLinkDone" noklick=', enPopupUser = [ '<button data-handler="track popover" data-track="{&quot;action&quot;:&quot;show_short_user_profile&quot;,&quot;label&quot;:&quot;engagement&quot;}" data-popover="{&quot;endpoint&quot;:&quot;', '/short&quot;,&quot;target&quot;:&quot;#template-popoverLoader&quot;,&quot;layout&quot;:[{&quot;preset&quot;:&quot;e&quot;,&quot;y&quot;:&quot;50%&quot;,&quot;left&quot;:{&quot;offset&quot;:0},&quot;width&quot;:300,&quot;maxWidth&quot;:&quot;100%&quot;}]}">', "</button>" ], enClassAvatarDone = "enClassAvatarDone", EnstylerPageEnum = "enPageEnum", selectList = document.createElement("select"); = EnstylerPageEnum, selectList.setAttribute("class", EnstylerPageEnum), selectList.onchange = EnstylerPageAction;

const enClassHidden = "enClassHidden", enClassBlackDone = "enClassBlackDone";

var enBlacklisted = 0;

const unwantedRegex = [ /[\[\]\(\)\{\}\?\:\;\!\"\*\+\ ]/g, /[\[\]\(\)\{\}\?\.\:\;\!\"\*\+\,]/g ];

var enBlack, enBlackTrue, enWhite, enWhiteTrue, enBlackTemp;

const myFixedCSS = {
  every: ".enFixedNav { display: block; position: fixed; width: 100%; z-index: 120;} .subNav, .userProfile, .tabbedInterface, .splitPage-wrapper {margin-top: <ENSTYLER-TEXT-HERE>px}",
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  discus: ".tGrid.page2-center.height--all-full {margin-top: calc(<ENSTYLER-TEXT-HERE>px + 10px)}"

var enNow = new Date(), DealDate = new Date(), TodayStart, ShowTime, EnstylerTimeSeen = "enTimeSeen";

const enTimeLang = {
  de: {
    yesterday: "Gestern",
    today: "heute",
    oclock: "Uhr"
  en: {
    oclock: "o&acute;clock"

var enSec = "", enSeenArticle = "";

const enNewestBase = "enNewest" + enInternationalSite;

var LastSeenOnce = !0;

const enUpdateUrl = "";

var enUpdateInterval = 1440;

const enMainSectionMatch = /^\/$|^\/hot$|^\/new$|^\/settings$|^\/discussed$|^\/hei%C3%9F$|^\/diskutiert$/, enHREF = "href", enID = "id", enTEXT = "text", enPATTERN = {
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}, enNavEntry = "enNavEntry", enMenuItemCode = {
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  SubButton: '<li class="enNavEntry subNavMenu-item--separator test-tablink-discussed"><a  class="subNavMenu-item subNavMenu-link space--h-4 vAlign--all-m" id="<ENSTYLER-THREADID-HERE>"><span class="box--all-i size--all-xl vAlign--all-m"><ENSTYLER-TEXT-HERE></span></a></li>'
}, enMenuItemLength = enMenuItemCode.length, EnstylerButton = "EnstylerButton", enMenuLang = {
  de: {
    discussion: "Alle Diskussionen",
    enstyler: "Enstyler Homepage",
    settings: "Enstyler Einstellungen"
  en: {
    discussion: "All discussions",
    enstyler: "Enstyler Homepage",
    settings: "Enstyler Settings"

var enNavIconPat = "--type-discussion", enAddMain = "", enAddMainFunc = [], enAddMainCount = 0;

const enJSAutoUpdate = GM_info.scriptWillUpdate;

var enUpdateWindow;

const enConfigLang = {
  de: {
    headline: "Enstyler - Einstellungen",
    features: "Erweiterte Funktionen f&uuml;r Enstyler",
    configcss: "CSS Optionen",
    userscript: "Update Enstyler",
    cookies: "No Cookies",
    injectcss: "CSS ohne Stylish laden",
    config: "Konfiguration",
    navfixed: "feste Haupnavigation",
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    avatar: "gro&szlig;er Avatar",
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    dealaction: "zus&auml;tzliche Deal Aktionen",
    picker: "Zeige Page Picker",
    dealtime: "Zeige echte Deal Zeit",
    mintime: "wenn &auml;lter als x Stunden",
    blacklist: "Aktiviere Black- / Whitelist",
    blackcold: "Blacklist wenn k&auml;lter als",
    black: "Blacklist - Dealz, Kategorie, @Benutzer, Kommentare",
    white: "Whitelist",
    unblack: "Entferne von Blacklist:",
    lang: "Enstyler Sprache w&auml;hlen",
    savecss: "Deine ausgewählten CSS Optionen",
    howtocss: 'Zum Speichern der CSS Optionen "Save" klicken '
  en: {
    headline: "Enstyler - Settings",
    features: "additonal features for Enstyler",
    configcss: "CSS Options",
    userscript: "Update Enstyler",
    cookies: "No Cookies",
    injectcss: "Inject CSS without Stylish",
    config: "Configuration",
    navfixed: "Display FIXED MainNav",
    userpopup: "Show Popuop Userinfo",
    avatar: "bigger Avatar for Popuop",
    amazon: "Amazon mobile redirect",
    dealaction: "additional Deal actions",
    picker: "Enable Page Picker",
    dealtime: "Show real Deal Time",
    mintime: "if older than Hours",
    blacklist: "Enable Black- / Whitelist",
    blackcold: "Blacklist if colder then",
    black: "Blacklist - dealz, categories, @users, comments",
    white: "Whitelist",
    unblack: "Remove from blacklist:",
    lang: "Select Enstyler Language",
    savecss: "Your selected CSS options",
    howtocss: 'To keep your CSS options klick "Save" '
}, enUnblackText = confLang("unblack") + " <ENSTYLER-TEXT-HERE> Dealz", enJSfieldDefs = {
  enstylerCSS: {
    section: [ confLang("features"), "" ],
    label: confLang("configcss"),
    type: "button",
    click: function() {
      enUpdateWindow ="", "UserCSS", "width=600,height=950,left=0,top=0"), GM_setValue("enLastUpdateCheck", 0);
  enstylerJS: {
    label: confLang("userscript"),
    type: "button",
    click: function() {
      enUpdateWindow ="", "UserScript", "width=110,height=110,left=0,top=0"), sleepAsync(5e3).then(function() {
  dontCookies: {
    label: confLang("cookies"),
    type: "button",
    click: function() {"");
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    type: "checkbox",
    default: !0
  enConfAmazonRedirect: {
    label: confLang("amazon"),
    type: "checkbox",
    default: !0
  enConfMoreDeal: {
    label: confLang("dealaction"),
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    default: !0
  enConfPagePicker: {
    label: confLang("picker"),
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    default: !0
  enConfDealTime: {
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  enConfDealMinTime: {
    label: confLang("mintime"),
    type: "int",
    min: 1,
    max: 24,
    size: 4,
    default: 6
  enConfBlackEnable: {
    label: confLang("blacklist"),
    type: "checkbox",
    default: !0
  enConfHideColder: {
    label: confLang("blackcold"),
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    size: 4,
    default: -999
  enConfBlacklist: {
    label: confLang("black"),
    type: "text",
    size: 70,
    default: "G.steklo, Bangood, @Admin"
  enConfWhitelist: {
    label: confLang("white"),
    type: "text",
    size: 70,
    default: ""
  enConfUnblacklist: {
    label: confLang("unblack"),
    type: "button",
    click: function() {
  enConfLang: {
    label: confLang("lang"),
    type: "select",
    options: getLanguages(),
    default: ""
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}, enHomefieldDefs = {
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    default: !0
}, enGMFrame = document.createElement("div");

enGMFrame.setAttribute("class", "GM_config");

var enGMConfigOpen = !1;

const enRemoveConfig = [ {
  check: !1,
  switch: "enConfDealTime",
  remove: "enConfDealMinTime"
}, {
  check: !1,
  switch: "enConfBlackEnable",
  remove: "enConfWhitelist"
}, {
  check: !1,
  switch: "enConfBlackEnable",
  remove: "enConfBlacklist"
}, {
  check: !1,
  switch: "enConfBlackEnable",
  remove: "enConfHideColder"
}, {
  check: !1,
  switch: "enConfBlackEnable",
  remove: "enConfUnblacklist"
} ];

if (window.location.hostname.endsWith("")) GM_config.init({
  id: "GM_config",
  title: confLang("headline") + " CSS",
  fields: enHomefieldDefs,
  events: {
    open: function() {
      isMozilla || GM_config.fields.enConfInjectCSS.remove();
    save: function() {
      enSetHome(), enUpdateCSS(), EnstylerHomeButton(), GM_config.close();
    close: function() {
      enGMConfigOpen = !1;
  frame: enGMFrame
}); else {
  var enFixedNavLast = !1;
    id: enInternational ? "GM_config" + enInternationalSite : "GM_config",
    title: confLang("headline"),
    fields: enJSfieldDefs,
    events: {
      open: function() {
        enFixedNavLast = GM_config.get("enConfNavFixed"), GM_config.set("enConfLang", GM_getValue("enLang")), $(enRemoveConfig).each(function() {
          GM_config.get(this["switch"]) == this.check && GM_config.fields[this.remove].remove();
        }), enJSAutoUpdate && GM_config.fields.enstylerJS.remove(), isMozilla || (GM_config.fields.dontCookies.remove(), GM_config.fields.enConfInjectCSS.remove());
      save: function() {
        GM_setValue("enLang", GM_config.get("enConfLang")), GM_config.get("enConfNavFixed") || GM_config.get("enConfNavFixed") == enFixedNavLast || window.location.reload(!1), 
        GM_config.close(), enCheckUpdates(), EnstylerStart(), EnstylerMenuActions(), EnstylerPagePickerCreate(),;
      close: function() {
        enGMConfigOpen = !1;
    frame: enGMFrame

var enCSS = ".threadWidget-footer::after {display: none !important}; .GM_config {left: 5% !iportant; top: 8% !important; height: auto !important; max-width: 35em !important; background-color: white;} .GM_config input, .GM_config button, .GM_config textarea { border: 1px solid; margin: 0.5em 0em 0.2em 1em; padding: 0.1em;} .GM_config .reset { font-size: 9pt; padding-right: 1em; } .enClassHidden, #EnPopup_closeBtn {display: none;}", enMainHeigth;


var input = document.createElement("input");

input.type = "button", input.setAttribute(enID, EnstylerButton), input.onclick = showEnstylerCSS, input.value = "Save Options", $(".install").click(closeOnClick), 
$("#style-settings").click(showNotSaved), $("#setting-455195").change(HideShowLogoSelect), $("#setting-451668").change(HideShowEnstyler);

const enUserScript = {
  detect: /.*?@-moz-document .*?\{\s*/,
  split: /^.*?\{/,
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}, enStripComments = /\/\*.*?\*\/|   *|\t/g, enFixCSS = /1111.11%/g;