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Hack Forums - Multi Quote

Adds a multiquote button to the post management buttons.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Hack Forums - Multi Quote
// @namespace   Doctor Blue
// @description Adds a multiquote button to the post management buttons.
// @include     **
// @require
// @require
// @version     0.2.2
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

// Prevent conflicts with other userscripts
var $j = $.noConflict(true)

// Add the button to post management buttons
var $posts = $j('table[id*="post_"] .bitButton:contains("Quote")')
  .after(' <a class="bitButton multiquote" href="javascript:void(0)">Quote+</a>')

// Restyle the multiquote insert message
  .css('background-color', '#777777')
  .css('border', '1px #CCCCCC dashed')

// Parse the multiquote cookie
function getQuotes() {
  var quotes = $j.cookie('multiquote')
  return (quotes === undefined ? new Array() : quotes.split('|'))

// Change button text to Q- if post is already being quoted on load
function quoteInit() {
  var quotes = getQuotes()
  quotes.forEach(function(pid) {
    $j('#post_' + pid + ' .multiquote').text('Quote-')

// Retrieve the quoted content
function fetchQuoteText() {
  Thread.spinner = new ActivityIndicator("body", {image: imagepath + "/spinner_big.gif"})
  $j.get('/xmlhttp.php?action=get_multiquoted&load_all=1', function(data) {
    console.log("Inserting text")
    var olddata = $j('#message').val()
    $j('#message').val(olddata + data)
    Thread.spinner = ""

function clearQuotes() {
  $j.removeCookie('multiquote', {path: '/', domain: ''})

// Set all buttons to Q+ after inserting
$j('#quickreply_multiquote > span > a[href*="load_all_quotes"]')
  .prop('onclick', null).off('click') // Remove MyBB handler

$j('#quickreply_multiquote > span > a[href*="load_all_quotes"]').on('click', function(event) {
    console.log("Inserting quotes")

$j('.bitButton.multiquote').on('click', function(event) {
  // Get the post id (Dunno why parentsUntil doesn't work here)
  var pid = $j(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().attr('id').substr(5)
  var quotes = getQuotes()
  // Remove the quote if it's already there, add it if it isn't
  var i = $j.inArray(pid, quotes)
  if(i !== -1) { // Remove quote if found
    quotes.splice(i, 1)
  } else { // Add quote if not found

  // Update the cookie
  if(quotes.length > 0) {
    $j.cookie('multiquote', quotes.join('|'), {expires: 365, path: '/', domain: ''})
  } else {
    $j.removeCookie('multiquote', {path: '/', domain: ''})