// ==UserScript==
// @name Plex GUID Grabber
// @namespace @soitora/plex-guid-grabber
// @description Grab the GUID of a Plex entry on demand
// @version 3.5.0
// @license MPL-2.0
// @icon https://app.plex.tv/desktop/favicon.ico
// @homepageURL https://soitora.com/Plex-GUID-Grabber/
// @include *:32400/*
// @include *://plex.*/*
// @include https://app.plex.tv/*
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/js-yaml/4.1.0/js-yaml.min.js
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/clipboard.js/2.0.11/clipboard.min.js
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert2@11
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// @grant GM_setClipboard
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
button[id$="-yaml-button"] {
margin-right: 4px;
button[id$="-guid-button"]:not([id="imdb-guid-button"]):hover img,
button[id$="-yaml-button"]:not([id="imdb-yaml-button"]):hover img {
filter: invert(100%) grayscale(100%) contrast(120%);
button[id="imdb-guid-button"]:hover img,
button[id="imdb-yaml-button"]:hover img {
filter: grayscale(100%) contrast(120%);
button[id="imdb-guid-button"] img,
button[id="imdb-yaml-button"] img {
width: 30px !important;
height: 30px !important;
.pgg-toast-container {
min-width: 400px !important;
max-width: 800px !important;
.pgg-toast-yaml {
white-space: pre-wrap;
font-family: monospace;
// Initialize GM values if they don't exist
function initializeGMValues() {
if (GM_getValue("USE_SOCIAL_BUTTONS") === undefined) {
GM_setValue("USE_SOCIAL_BUTTONS", true);
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Created USE_SOCIAL_BUTTONS storage");
if (GM_getValue("SOCIAL_BUTTON_SEPARATION") === undefined) {
if (GM_getValue("USE_PAS") === undefined) {
GM_setValue("USE_PAS", false);
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Created USE_PAS storage");
if (GM_getValue("TMDB_API_READ_ACCESS_TOKEN") === undefined) {
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Created TMDB_API_READ_ACCESS_TOKEN storage");
if (GM_getValue("TMDB_LANGUAGE") === undefined) {
GM_setValue("TMDB_LANGUAGE", "en-US");
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Created TMDB_LANGUAGE storage");
if (GM_getValue("TVDB_API_KEY") === undefined) {
GM_setValue("TVDB_API_KEY", "");
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Created TVDB_API_KEY storage");
if (GM_getValue("TVDB_SUBSCRIBER_PIN") === undefined) {
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Created TVDB_SUBSCRIBER_PIN storage");
if (GM_getValue("TVDB_LANGUAGE") === undefined) {
GM_setValue("TVDB_LANGUAGE", "eng");
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Created TVDB_LANGUAGE storage");
// SweetAlert2 Toast
const Toast = Swal.mixin({
toast: true,
position: "bottom-right",
showConfirmButton: false,
timer: 5000,
timerProgressBar: true,
width: "auto",
customClass: {
container: "pgg-toast-container",
// Variables
let rightButtonContainer = null;
// Constants
const LOG_PREFIX = "%c🔍 PGG";
const DEBUG_PREFIX = "%c🔍 PGG %cDebug";
const ERROR_PREFIX = "%c🔍 PGG %cError";
const LOG_STYLE = "color: cyan;";
const COLOR_GREEN = "color: lime; font-weight: bold;";
const COLOR_CYAN = "color: cyan; font-weight: bold;";
const ERROR_STYLE = "color: cyan; font-weight: bold; background-color: red;";
const DEBOUNCE_DELAY = 100;
const BUTTON_MARGIN = "8px";
// User configuration - Set these values in your userscript manager
const USE_PAS = GM_getValue("USE_PAS", false);
const TMDB_LANGUAGE = GM_getValue("TMDB_LANGUAGE", "en-US");
const TVDB_API_KEY = GM_getValue("TVDB_API_KEY", "");
const TVDB_LANGUAGE = GM_getValue("TVDB_LANGUAGE", "eng");
// Initialize
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Plex GUID Grabber v3.5.0");
const siteConfig = {
plex: {
id: "plex-guid-button",
name: "Plex",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Soitora/Plex-GUID-Grabber/main/.github/images/plex.webp",
buttonLabel: "Copy Plex GUID",
visible: ["album", "artist", "movie", "season", "episode", "show"],
isYamlButton: false,
isSocialButton: false,
imdb: {
id: "imdb-social-button",
name: "IMDb",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Soitora/Plex-GUID-Grabber/main/.github/images/imdb.webp",
buttonLabel: "Open IMDB",
visible: ["movie", "show"],
isYamlButton: false,
isSocialButton: true,
tmdb: {
id: "tmdb-social-button",
name: "TMDB",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Soitora/Plex-GUID-Grabber/main/.github/images/tmdb-small.webp",
buttonLabel: "Open TMDB",
visible: ["movie", "show"],
isYamlButton: false,
isSocialButton: true,
tvdb: {
id: "tvdb-social-button",
name: "TVDB",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Soitora/Plex-GUID-Grabber/main/.github/images/tvdb.webp",
buttonLabel: "Open TVDB",
visible: ["movie", "show"],
isYamlButton: false,
isSocialButton: true,
mbid: {
id: "musicbrainz-social-button",
name: "MusicBrainz",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Soitora/Plex-GUID-Grabber/main/.github/images/musicbrainz.webp",
buttonLabel: "Open MusicBrainz",
visible: ["album", "artist"],
isYamlButton: false,
isSocialButton: true,
anidb: {
id: "anidb-social-button",
name: "AniDB",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Soitora/Plex-GUID-Grabber/main/.github/images/anidb.webp",
buttonLabel: "Open AniDB",
visible: ["show", "movie"],
isYamlButton: false,
isSocialButton: true,
youtube: {
id: "youtube-social-button",
name: "YouTube",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Soitora/Plex-GUID-Grabber/main/.github/images/youtube.webp",
buttonLabel: "Open YouTube",
visible: ["movie", "show", "episode"],
isYamlButton: false,
isSocialButton: true,
tmdbYaml: {
id: "tmdb-yaml-button",
name: "TMDB YAML",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Soitora/Plex-GUID-Grabber/main/.github/images/tmdb-pas.webp",
buttonLabel: "Copy TMDB YAML",
visible: ["movie", "show"],
isYamlButton: true,
isSocialButton: false,
tvdbYaml: {
id: "tvdb-yaml-button",
name: "TVDB YAML",
icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Soitora/Plex-GUID-Grabber/main/.github/images/tvdb-pas.webp",
buttonLabel: "Copy TVDB YAML",
visible: ["movie", "show"],
isYamlButton: true,
isSocialButton: false,
function handleButtons(metadata, pageType, guid) {
const leftButtonContainer = $(document).find(".PageHeaderLeft-pageHeaderLeft-GB_cUK");
const rightButtonContainer = $(document).find(".PageHeaderRight-pageHeaderRight-j9Yjqh");
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Button container found:", rightButtonContainer.length > 0);
if (!rightButtonContainer.length || $("#" + siteConfig.plex.id).length) return;
const $directory = $(metadata).find("Directory, Video").first();
const title = $directory.attr("parentTitle") || $directory.attr("title");
const buttons = createButtonsConfig(guid, pageType, metadata);
Object.entries(buttons).forEach(([site, { handler, config }]) => {
if (config.visible.includes(pageType)) {
if (config.isYamlButton && !USE_PAS) return;
let shouldShow = true;
if (config.isYamlButton) {
const apiSite = site === "tmdbYaml" ? "tmdb" : "tvdb";
shouldShow = !!guid[apiSite];
const $button = createButtonElement(config, shouldShow, guid[site], title);
if ($button) {
if (site === "plex") {
$button.on("click", () => handlePlexButtonClick(guid[site], config, title));
} else if (config.isYamlButton) {
$button.on("click", async () => handleYamlButtonClick(metadata, site, pageType, guid, title));
} else {
$button.on("click", (e) => handler(e));
appendButtonToContainer($button, config, rightButtonContainer, leftButtonContainer);
setTimeout(() => {
$button.css("opacity", 1);
function createButtonsConfig(guid, pageType, metadata) {
return Object.keys(siteConfig).reduce((acc, site) => {
acc[site] = {
handler: (event) => handleButtonClick(event, site, guid[site], pageType, metadata),
config: siteConfig[site],
return acc;
}, {});
function createButtonElement(config, shouldShow, guid, title) {
if (!USE_SOCIAL_BUTTONS && config.isSocialButton) {
return null;
const buttonClasses = ["_1v4h9jl0", "_76v8d62", "_76v8d61", "_76v8d68", "tvbry61", "_76v8d6g", "_76v8d6h", "_1v25wbq1g", "_1v25wbq18"].join(" ");
const imageContainerClasses = ["_1h4p3k00", "_1v25wbq8", "_1v25wbq1w", "_1v25wbq1g", "_1v25wbq1c", "_1v25wbq14", "_1v25wbq3g", "_1v25wbq2g"].join(" ");
return $("<button>", {
id: config.id,
"aria-label": config.buttonLabel,
class: buttonClasses,
css: {
marginRight: BUTTON_MARGIN,
display: (config.isYamlButton ? shouldShow : guid) ? "block" : "none",
opacity: 0,
transition: "opacity 0.3s ease-in-out",
html: `
<div class="${imageContainerClasses}">
<img src="${config.icon}" alt="${config.buttonLabel}" title="${config.buttonLabel}" style="width: 32px; height: 32px;">
// Utility function for clipboard operations
function copyToClipboard(text, successMessage, errorMessage) {
const formattedText = text.replace(/\n/g, "<br>");
// Attempt to use clipboard.js
const tempButton = document.createElement("button");
const clipboard = new ClipboardJS(tempButton, {
text: () => text,
clipboard.on("success", () => {
icon: "success",
title: successMessage,
html: `<span class="pgg-toast-yaml"><strong>Copied Content:</strong><br>${formattedText}</span>`,
clipboard.on("error", () => {
// Fallback to GM_setClipboard
try {
icon: "success",
title: successMessage,
html: `<span class="pgg-toast-yaml"><strong>Copied Content:</strong><br>${formattedText}</span>`,
} catch (error) {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, "Failed to copy with GM_setClipboard:", error);
// Fallback to native clipboard API
.then(() => {
icon: "success",
title: successMessage,
html: `<span class="pgg-toast-yaml"><strong>Copied Content:</strong><br>${formattedText}</span>`,
.catch((err) => {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, "Failed to copy with native clipboard API:", err);
icon: "error",
title: errorMessage,
html: err.message,
// Trigger the clipboard.js copy action
function handlePlexButtonClick(guid, config, title) {
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "GUID Output:", guid);
const successMessage = `Copied ${config.name} guid to clipboard.`;
const errorMessage = "Failed to copy guid";
copyToClipboard(guid, successMessage, errorMessage);
async function handleYamlButtonClick(metadata, site, pageType, guid, title) {
try {
const yamlOutput = await generateYamlOutput(metadata, site, pageType, guid);
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "YAML Output:\n", yamlOutput);
if (yamlOutput) {
const successMessage = `Copied ${siteConfig[site].name} output to clipboard.`;
const errorMessage = "Failed to copy YAML output";
copyToClipboard(yamlOutput, successMessage, errorMessage);
} catch (error) {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, "Failed to generate YAML:", error);
icon: "error",
title: "Failed to generate YAML",
html: error.message,
function appendButtonToContainer($button, config, rightButtonContainer, leftButtonContainer) {
if (config.isYamlButton || config.id === siteConfig.plex.id) {
} else {
} else {
function checkApiKeys(site) {
if (site === "tmdb" && !TMDB_API_READ_ACCESS_TOKEN) {
icon: "error",
title: "TMDB Read Access Token Missing",
html: "Please set your TMDB Read Access Token in the userscript settings",
return false;
if (site === "tvdb" && !TVDB_API_KEY) {
icon: "error",
title: "TVDB API Key Missing",
html: "Please set your TVDB API key in the userscript settings",
return false;
return true;
async function handleButtonClick(event, site, guid, pageType, metadata) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Button clicked:", site, guid, pageType);
let title = $(metadata).find("Directory, Video").first();
title = title.attr("parentTitle") || title.attr("title");
const urlMap = {
imdb: `https://www.imdb.com/title/${guid}/`,
tmdb: pageType === "movie" ? `https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/${guid}` : `https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/${guid}`,
tvdb: pageType === "movie" ? `https://www.thetvdb.com/dereferrer/movie/${guid}` : `https://www.thetvdb.com/dereferrer/series/${guid}`,
mbid: pageType === "album" ? `https://musicbrainz.org/album/${guid}` : `https://musicbrainz.org/artist/${guid}`,
anidb: `https://anidb.net/anime/${guid}`,
youtube: `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=${guid}`,
const url = urlMap[site];
if (!siteConfig[site].visible.includes(pageType)) {
icon: "warning",
title: `${siteConfig[site].name} links are not available for ${pageType} pages.`,
if (!guid) {
icon: "warning",
title: `No ${siteConfig[site].name} GUID found for this item.`,
if (url) {
const ctrlClick = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
const newTab = window.open(url, "_blank");
if (!ctrlClick) {
icon: "success",
title: `Opened ${siteConfig[site].name} in a new tab.`,
async function getGuid(metadata) {
if (!metadata) return null;
const $directory = $(metadata).find("Directory, Video").first();
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Directory/Video:", $directory[0]);
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Directory/Video outerHTML:", $directory[0]?.outerHTML);
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Directory/Video innerHTML:", $directory[0]?.innerHTML);
if (!$directory.length) {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, "Main element not found in XML");
return null;
const guid = initializeGuid($directory);
if (guid.plex?.startsWith("com.plexapp.agents.hama://")) {
extractHamaGuid(guid, guid.plex);
$directory.find("Guid").each(function () {
const guidId = $(this).attr("id");
if (guidId) {
const [service, value] = guidId.split("://");
if (service && value) {
extractGuid(guid, service, value);
return guid;
function initializeGuid($directory) {
return {
plex: $directory.attr("guid"),
imdb: null,
tmdb: null,
tvdb: null,
mbid: null,
anidb: null,
youtube: null,
function extractHamaGuid(guid, plexGuid) {
const match = plexGuid.match(/com\.plexapp\.agents\.hama:\/\/(\w+)-(\d+)/);
if (match) {
extractGuid(guid, match[1], match[2]);
function extractGuid(guid, service, value) {
const normalizedService = service.toLowerCase();
if (normalizedService.startsWith("tsdb")) {
guid.tmdb = value;
} else if (guid.hasOwnProperty(normalizedService)) {
guid[normalizedService] = value;
async function getLibraryMetadata(metadataPoster) {
const img = metadataPoster.find("img").first();
if (!img?.length) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "No image found in metadata poster");
return null;
const imgSrc = img.attr("src");
if (!imgSrc) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "No src attribute found in image");
return null;
const url = new URL(imgSrc);
const serverUrl = `${url.protocol}//${url.host}`;
const plexToken = url.searchParams.get("X-Plex-Token");
const urlParam = url.searchParams.get("url");
const metadataKey = urlParam?.match(/\/library\/metadata\/(\d+)/)?.[1];
if (!plexToken || !metadataKey) {
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Missing plexToken or metadataKey", { plexToken: !!plexToken, metadataKey: !!metadataKey });
return null;
try {
const response = await fetch(`${serverUrl}/library/metadata/${metadataKey}?X-Plex-Token=${plexToken}`);
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
return new DOMParser().parseFromString(await response.text(), "text/xml");
} catch (error) {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, "Failed to fetch metadata:", error.message);
return null;
async function observeMetadataPoster() {
let isObserving = true;
const observer = new MutationObserver(
debounce(async () => {
if (!isObserving) return;
if (!window.location.href.includes("%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2")) {
isObserving = false;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Not a metadata page.");
const $metadataPoster = $("div[data-testid='metadata-poster']");
//console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Metadata poster found:", $metadataPoster.length > 0);
if (!$metadataPoster.length) return;
isObserving = false;
const metadata = await getLibraryMetadata($metadataPoster);
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Metadata retrieved:", !!metadata);
const pageType = $(metadata).find("Directory, Video").first().attr("type");
let title = $(metadata).find("Directory, Video").first();
title = title.attr("parentTitle") || title.attr("title");
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Type:", pageType);
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Title:", title);
if (pageType) {
const guid = await getGuid(metadata);
console.log(LOG_PREFIX, LOG_STYLE, "Guid:", guid);
if (guid) {
handleButtons(metadata, pageType, guid);
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
attributes: true,
attributeFilter: ["data-page-type"],
const handleNavigation = debounce(() => {
isObserving = true;
console.debug(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Navigation detected - resuming observation.");
$(window).on("hashchange popstate", handleNavigation);
function debounce(func, wait) {
let timeout;
return function (...args) {
const context = this;
timeout = setTimeout(() => func.apply(context, args), wait);
async function getTVDBToken() {
const LOGIN_URL = "https://api4.thetvdb.com/v4/login";
try {
const response = await fetch(LOGIN_URL, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Accept: "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({ apikey: API_KEY, pin: PIN }),
//console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "TVDB Token Response:", response);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Login failed: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
const data = await response.json();
//console.log(DEBUG_PREFIX, "TVDB Token Data:", data.data);
return data.data.token;
} catch (error) {
console.error(DEBUG_PREFIX, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_GREEN, "Authentication error:", error);
return null;
async function fetchApiData(url, headers = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
url: url,
headers: {
onload: function (response) {
if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
try {
const data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
} catch (error) {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, "Failed to parse JSON response:", error);
icon: "error",
title: "API Error",
html: "Failed to parse JSON response",
reject(new Error("Failed to parse JSON response"));
} else {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, `API error: ${response.status} - ${response.responseText}`);
icon: "error",
title: "API Error",
html: `Status: ${response.status} - ${response.responseText}`,
reject(new Error(`API error: ${response.status} - ${response.responseText}`));
onerror: function (error) {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, "Network error:", error);
icon: "error",
title: "Network Error",
html: error.message,
reject(new Error(`Network error: ${error}`));
async function generateYamlOutput(metadata, site, pageType, guid) {
const apiSite = site === "tmdbYaml" ? "tmdb" : "tvdb";
if (!checkApiKeys(apiSite)) return "";
const mediaType = pageType === "movie" ? "movie" : "tv";
const $directory = $(metadata).find("Directory, Video").first();
const plex_guid = $directory.attr("guid");
try {
const { title, numberOfSeasons } = await fetchTitleAndSeasons(apiSite, mediaType, guid);
return constructYamlOutput(title, plex_guid, numberOfSeasons, guid, mediaType);
} catch (error) {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, "Error generating YAML output:", error);
return "";
async function fetchTitleAndSeasons(apiSite, mediaType, guid) {
if (apiSite === "tmdb") {
return fetchTmdbData(mediaType, guid[apiSite]);
} else if (apiSite === "tvdb") {
return fetchTvdbData(mediaType, guid[apiSite]);
async function fetchTmdbData(mediaType, tmdbId) {
const url =
mediaType === "tv" ? `https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/${tmdbId}?language=${TMDB_LANGUAGE}` : `https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/${tmdbId}?language=${TMDB_LANGUAGE}`;
const data = await fetchApiData(url, {
Accept: "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${TMDB_API_READ_ACCESS_TOKEN}`,
const title = mediaType === "tv" ? data.name : data.title;
const numberOfSeasons = mediaType === "tv" ? data.number_of_seasons || 1 : 1;
return { title, numberOfSeasons };
async function fetchTvdbData(mediaType, tvdbId) {
const tvdbBearerToken = await getTVDBToken();
if (!tvdbBearerToken) {
console.error(ERROR_PREFIX, ERROR_STYLE, "Failed to retrieve TVDB token.");
return { title: "", numberOfSeasons: 1 };
const url =
mediaType === "tv"
? `https://api4.thetvdb.com/v4/series/${tvdbId}/translations/${TVDB_LANGUAGE}`
: `https://api4.thetvdb.com/v4/movies/${tvdbId}/translations/${TVDB_LANGUAGE}`;
const data = await fetchApiData(url, {
Accept: "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${tvdbBearerToken}`,
const title = data.data.name;
const numberOfSeasons = mediaType === "tv" ? await fetchTvdbSeasons(tvdbId, tvdbBearerToken) : 1;
return { title, numberOfSeasons };
async function fetchTvdbSeasons(tvdbId, tvdbBearerToken) {
const episodesData = await fetchApiData(`https://api4.thetvdb.com/v4/series/${tvdbId}/episodes/default/${TVDB_LANGUAGE}`, {
Accept: "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${tvdbBearerToken}`,
const seriesSeasons = new Set();
episodesData.data.episodes.forEach((episode) => {
if (episode.seasonNumber !== 0) {
return seriesSeasons.size || 1;
function constructYamlOutput(title, plex_guid, numberOfSeasons, guid, mediaType) {
const data = [
title: title,
guid: plex_guid,
seasons: Array.from({ length: numberOfSeasons }, (_, i) => ({
season: i + 1,
"anilist-id": 0,
let yamlOutput = jsyaml.dump(data, {
quotingType: `"`,
forceQuotes: { title: true },
indent: 2,
yamlOutput = yamlOutput.replace(/^(\s*guid: )"([^"]+)"$/gm, "$1$2").trim();
const url_IMDB = guid.imdb ? `\n # imdb: https://www.imdb.com/title/${guid.imdb}/` : "";
const url_TMDB = guid.tmdb ? `\n # tmdb: https://www.themoviedb.org/${mediaType}/${guid.tmdb}` : "";
const url_TVDB = guid.tvdb ? `\n # tvdb: https://www.thetvdb.com/dereferrer/${mediaType === "tv" ? "series" : "movie"}/${guid.tvdb}` : "";
const guidRegex = /^(\s*guid:.*)$/m;
return yamlOutput
.replace(guidRegex, `$1${url_IMDB}${url_TMDB}${url_TVDB}`)
.replace(/^/gm, " ")
.replace(/^\s\s$/gm, "\n");