Diep.io+ (updated bullet distance)

autorespawn(auto ad watcher with 2min timer), leader arrow + minimap arrow, FOV & diepUnits & windowScaling() calculator, Factory controls overlay, bullet distance (FOR EVERY BULLET SPEED BUILD) of 75% tanks, copy party link, leave game, no privacy settings button, no apes.io advertisment, net_predict_movement false

Per 21-09-2024. Zie de nieuwste versie.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Diep.io+ (updated bullet distance)
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version
// @description  autorespawn(auto ad watcher with 2min timer), leader arrow + minimap arrow, FOV & diepUnits & windowScaling() calculator, Factory controls overlay, bullet distance (FOR EVERY BULLET SPEED BUILD) of 75% tanks, copy party link, leave game, no privacy settings button, no apes.io advertisment, net_predict_movement false
// @author       r!PsAw
// @match        https://diep.io/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=diep.io
// @grant        none
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

//!!!WARNING!!! Ui scale has to be at 0.9x for this script to work//
let ingamescreen = document.getElementById("in-game-screen");
const gameOverScreen = document.getElementById('game-over-screen');
let gameOverScreenContainer = document.querySelector("#game-over-screen > div > div.game-details > div:nth-child(1)");
let your_name = document.getElementById('spawn-nickname').value;
let new_FOVs = [
        name: "Tank",
        fieldFactor: 1,
        FOV: null
        name: "Sniper",
        fieldFactor: 0.899,
        FOV: null
        name: "Predator",
        fieldFactor: 0.85,
        FOV: null
        name: "Assassin",
        fieldFactor: 0.8,
        FOV: null
        name: "Ranger",
        fieldFactor: 0.699,
        FOV: null
        name: "Background",
        FOV: 0.3499999940395355

const container = document.createElement('div');
container.style.position = 'fixed';
container.style.top = '10px';
container.style.left = '75px';
container.style.padding = '15px';
container.style.backgroundImage = 'linear-gradient(#ffffff, #79c7ff)';
container.style.color = 'white';
container.style.borderRadius = '10px';
container.style.boxShadow = '0 0 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)';
container.style.minWidth = '200px';
container.style.zIndex = '10';

container.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
    input.execute('ren_upgrades false');

container.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
    input.execute('ren_upgrades true');

const title = document.createElement('h1');
title.textContent = 'Diep.io+ (hide with J)';
title.style.margin = '0 0 5px 0';
title.style.fontSize = '24px';
title.style.textAlign = 'center';
title.style.color = '#fb2a7b';
title.style.zIndex = '11';

const subtitle = document.createElement('h3');
subtitle.textContent = 'made by r!PsAw';
subtitle.style.margin = '0 0 15px 0';
subtitle.style.fontSize = '14px';
subtitle.style.textAlign = 'center';
subtitle.style.color = '#6fa8dc';
subtitle.style.zIndex = '11';

const categories = ['Debug', 'Visual', 'Functional', 'Addons'];
const categoryButtons = {};
const categoryContainer = document.createElement('div');
categoryContainer.style.display = 'flex';
categoryContainer.style.justifyContent = 'space-between';
categoryContainer.style.marginBottom = '15px';
categoryContainer.style.zIndex = '12';

categories.forEach(category => {
    const button = document.createElement('button');
    button.textContent = category;
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    button.style.border = 'none';
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    button.style.color = 'white';
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    button.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
        button.style.backgroundColor = '#0000ff';
    button.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
        button.style.backgroundColor = '#fb2a7b';

    categoryButtons[category] = button;


const contentArea = document.createElement('div');
contentArea.style.marginTop = '15px';
contentArea.style.zIndex = '12';

let FOVindex = 0;
const toggleButtons = {
    Debug: {
        'Toggle Text': false,
        'Toggle Middle Circle': false,
        'Toggle Upgrades': false,
        'Toggle Arrow pos': false
    Visual: {
        'Toggle Aim Lines': false,
        'Toggle Bullet Distance': false,
        'Toggle Minimap': false,
        'Highlight Leader Score': false
    Functional: {
        'Auto Respawn': false,
        'Auto Bonus Level': false,
        'Toggle Leave Button': false,
        'Toggle Level Seeker': false,
        'Stats': false
    Addons: {
        'Change Leader Arrow Color': '#000000',
        'Toggle Leader Angle': false,
        'Toggle Base Zones': false,
        'Alts On Minimap (soon!)': false,
        'FOV changer': false,
        'selected': FOVindex

function createToggleButton(text, initialState) {
    const button = document.createElement('button');
    if (text.startsWith('selected')) {
        button.textContent = `selected ${new_FOVs[FOVindex].name}`;
    } else {
        button.textContent = text;
    button.style.display = 'block';
    button.style.width = '100%';
    button.style.marginBottom = '10px';
    button.style.padding = '8px';
    button.style.cursor = 'pointer';
    button.style.border = 'none';
    button.style.borderRadius = '5px';
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    button.style.zIndex = '13';
    if (text.startsWith('selected')) {
        button.style.backgroundColor = '#7a143b';
        button.style.color = 'white';
        button.addEventListener('click', () => {
            // Increment the index first, then update the text
            if (FOVindex < new_FOVs.length - 1) {
                FOVindex += 1;
            } else {
                FOVindex = 0;
            button.textContent = `selected ${new_FOVs[FOVindex].name}`;
    } else if (text === 'Change Leader Arrow Color') {
        updateButtonColor(button, initialState);
        button.addEventListener('click', () => {
            const colorPicker = document.createElement('input');
            colorPicker.type = 'color';
            colorPicker.value = toggleButtons[currentCategory][text];
            colorPicker.style.display = 'none';

            colorPicker.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
                const newColor = event.target.value;
                toggleButtons[currentCategory][text] = newColor;
                updateButtonColor(button, newColor);

    } else {
        updateButtonColor(button, initialState);
        button.addEventListener('click', () => {
            toggleButtons[currentCategory][text] = !toggleButtons[currentCategory][text];
            updateButtonColor(button, toggleButtons[currentCategory][text]);

    return button;

function updateButtonColor(button, state) {
    if (typeof state === 'string') {
        // For color picker button
        button.style.backgroundColor = state;
        window.choose_color = state;
        button.style.color = 'white';
    } else {
        // For toggle buttons
        if (state) {
            button.style.backgroundColor = '#63a5d4';
            button.style.color = 'white';
        } else {
            button.style.backgroundColor = '#a11a4e';
            button.style.color = 'white';

let currentCategory = '';

function showCategory(category) {
    contentArea.innerHTML = '';
    currentCategory = category;

    Object.keys(categoryButtons).forEach(cat => {
        if (cat === category) {
            categoryButtons[cat].style.backgroundColor = '#0000ff';
        } else {
            categoryButtons[cat].style.backgroundColor = '#fb2a7b';

    if (category === 'Functional') {
        const copyLinkButton = document.createElement('button');
        copyLinkButton.textContent = 'Copy Party Link';
        copyLinkButton.style.display = 'block';
        copyLinkButton.style.width = '100%';
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        copyLinkButton.style.padding = '8px';
        copyLinkButton.style.cursor = 'pointer';
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        copyLinkButton.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
            copyLinkButton.style.backgroundColor = '#1E88E5';
        copyLinkButton.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
            copyLinkButton.style.backgroundColor = '#2196F3';

        copyLinkButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
        const copyInfoButton = document.createElement('button');
        copyInfoButton.textContent = 'Copy Info';
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        copyInfoButton.style.marginBottom = '10px';
        copyInfoButton.style.padding = '8px';
        copyInfoButton.style.cursor = 'pointer';
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        copyInfoButton.style.color = 'white';
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        copyInfoButton.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
            copyLinkButton.style.backgroundColor = '#1E88E5';
        copyInfoButton.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
            copyLinkButton.style.backgroundColor = '#2196F3';

        copyInfoButton.addEventListener('click', () => {

    Object.keys(toggleButtons[category]).forEach(text => {
        const button = createToggleButton(text, toggleButtons[category][text]);

Object.keys(categoryButtons).forEach(category => {
    categoryButtons[category].addEventListener('click', () => showCategory(category));


//visibility of gui
let visibility_gui = true;

function change_visibility() {
    visibility_gui = !visibility_gui;
    if (visibility_gui) {
        container.style.display = 'block';
    } else {
        container.style.display = 'none';

//ui scale

let ui_scale = document.querySelector("#settings-modal > div > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > label > span")

function ui_scale_check() {
    if (ui_scale.innerHTML != "-" && ui_scale.innerHTML != null && ingamescreen.classList.contains("screen") && ingamescreen.classList.contains("active")) {
        if (ui_scale.innerHTML != "0.9x") {
            input.inGameNotification("please change your ui_scale to 0.9x in Menu -> Settings");
        } else {
            console.log("no alert");
let interval_for_ui_scale = setInterval(ui_scale_check, 0);

//check scripts
let script_list = {
    minimap_leader_v1: null,
    minimap_leader_v2: null,
    fov: null,
    set_transform_debug: null,
    moveToLineTo_debug: null,
    gamemode_detect: null,
    multibox: null,

function check_ripsaw_scripts() {
    if (ingamescreen.classList.contains("screen") && ingamescreen.classList.contains("active")) {
        script_list.minimap_leader_v1 = !!window.m_arrow;
        script_list.minimap_leader_v2 = !!window.M_X;
        script_list.fov = !!window.HEAPF32;
        script_list.set_transform_debug = !!window.crx_container;
        script_list.moveToLineTo_debug = !!window.y_and_x;
        script_list.gamemode_detect = !!window.gm;
        script_list.multibox = !!window.mbox;
setInterval(check_ripsaw_scripts, 500);

//detect gamemode
let gamemode;

function check_gamemode() {
    if (script_list.gamemode_detect) {
        gamemode = window.gm;
    } else {
        gamemode = document.querySelector("#gamemode-selector > div > div.selected > div.dropdown-label").innerHTML;

setInterval(check_gamemode, 100);

//check region
let region;

function check_region() {
    region = document.querySelector("#region-selector > div > div.selected > div.dropdown-label").innerHTML;

setInterval(check_region, 100);

//detect if dead or alive
let state = "idk yet";

function check_state() {
    switch (input.doesHaveTank()) {
        case 0:
            state = "in menu";
        case 1:
            state = "in game";

setInterval(check_state, 100);

//personal best
let your_final_score = 0;
const personal_best = document.createElement('div');
const gameDetail = document.createElement('div');
const label = document.createElement('div');
//applying class
//text context
label.textContent = "Best:";
//adding to html

function load_ls() {
    let dummy = localStorage.getItem(gamemode);
    if (!dummy) {
    let ls_score = dummy.replace(/,/g, '');
    return ls_score;

function save_ls() {
    localStorage.setItem(gamemode, your_final_score);

function check_final_score() {
    if (state === "in menu") {
        if (!detect_gamemode_switch()) {
            let string = document.querySelector("#game-over-stats-player-score").innerHTML;
            your_final_score = parseFloat(string.replace(/,/g, ''));
            let saved_score = parseFloat(load_ls());
            personal_best.textContent = saved_score;
            console.log(`saved score: ${saved_score} your_final_score: ${your_final_score}`)
            if (saved_score < your_final_score) {
                personal_best.textContent = your_final_score;
        } else {
            let string = document.querySelector("#game-over-stats-player-score").innerHTML;
            your_final_score = parseFloat(string.replace(/,/g, ''));
            let saved_score = parseFloat(load_ls());
            personal_best.textContent = saved_score;
            console.log(`saved score: ${saved_score} your_final_score: ${your_final_score}`)
            if (saved_score < your_final_score) {
                personal_best.textContent = your_final_score;

let last_gamemode = null;

function detect_gamemode_switch(gamemode) {
    if (last_gamemode === null) {
        last_gamemode = gamemode;
        return false;
    } else if (last_gamemode !== gamemode) {
        last_gamemode = gamemode;
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

setInterval(check_final_score, 100);

var two = canvas.width / window.innerWidth;
var debugboolean = false;
var script_boolean = true;

// Mouse coordinates
var uwuX = '0';
var uwuY = '0';
document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {
    uwuX = e.clientX;
    uwuY = e.clientY;

//net_predict_movement false
(function() {
    function applySettings() {
        input.execute("net_predict_movement false");

    function waitForGame() {
        if (window.input && input.execute) {
        } else {
            setTimeout(waitForGame, 100);

//annoying html elements
let ads_removed = false;

function instant_remove() {
    let privacy_btn = document.getElementById("cmpPersistentLink");
    let apes_btn = document.getElementById("apes-io-promo");
    let discord_ad = document.querySelector("#apes-io-promo > img");
    let annoying = document.querySelector("#last-updated");
    if (privacy_btn) {

    if (annoying) {

    if (apes_btn) {

    if (discord_ad) {

    if (!privacy_btn && !apes_btn && !discord_ad && !annoying) {
        console.log("removed buttons, quitting...");

let interval = setInterval(instant_remove, 100);

//timer for bonus reward
const ad_btn = document.getElementById("game-over-video-ad");
var ad_btn_free = true;

const timerDisplay = document.createElement('h1');
timerDisplay.textContent = "Time left to collect next bonus levels: 02:00";

let timer;
let totalTime = 120; // 2 minutes in seconds

function startTimer() {
    timer = setInterval(function() {
        if (totalTime <= 0) {
            timerDisplay.textContent = "00:00";
        } else {
            let minutes = Math.floor(totalTime / 60);
            let seconds = totalTime % 60;
            timerDisplay.textContent =
                `Time left to collect next bonus levels: ${minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:${seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0')}`;
    }, 1000);

function resetTimer() {
    if (totalTime === 0) {
        totalTime = 120; // Reset to 2 minutes
        timerDisplay.textContent = "02:00";

ad_btn.addEventListener('click', check_ad_state);

function check_ad_state() {
    if (totalTime === 0) {
    } else if (totalTime === 120) {
        ad_btn_free = true;
    } else {
        ad_btn_free = false;

//autorespawn old method

let autorespawn = false;

function respawn() {
    if (toggleButtons.Functional['Auto Respawn']) {
        if (state === "in game") {
        } else {
            if ((totalTime === 120 || totalTime === 0) && toggleButtons.Functional['Auto Bonus Level']) {
            } else {
                let spawnbtn = document.getElementById("spawn-button");

setInterval(respawn, 1000);

//autorespawn new method (no bonus level)
function respawn(){
 if(toggleButtons.Functional['Auto Respawn']){
    if(state === "in menu"){
     let spawnbtn = document.getElementById("spawn-button");

setInterval(respawn, 1000);
//toggle leave game
let ingame_quit_btn = document.getElementById("quick-exit-game");

function check_class() {
    if (toggleButtons.Functional['Toggle Leave Button']) {
    } else {

setInterval(check_class, 300);

//score logic
let your_nameFont;
let scoreBoardFont;
let highest_score;
let highest_score_addon;
let highest_score_string;
let is_highest_score_alive;
let scores = {
    millions: 0,
    thousands: 0,
    lessThan1k: 0

function get_highest_score() {
    if (scores.millions > 0) {
        highest_score = scores.millions;
        highest_score_addon = "m";
    } else if (scores.thousands > 0) {
        highest_score = scores.thousands;
        highest_score_addon = "k";
    } else if (scores.lessThan1k > 0) {
        highest_score = scores.lessThan1k;
//getting text information (credits to abc)
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText = new Proxy(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText, {
    apply(fillRect, ctx, [text, x, y, ...blah]) {
        const isNumeric = (string) => /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(string)
        if (text.startsWith('Lvl ')) {
            currentLevel = text.split(' ')[1];
            if (text.split(' ')[3] != undefined) {
                tanky = text.split(' ')[2] + text.split(' ')[3];
            } else {
                tanky = text.split(' ')[2]
        } else if (text === your_name) {
            your_nameFont = ctx.font;
        } else if (text === " - ") {
            scoreBoardFont = ctx.font
        } else if (isNumeric(text) && ctx.font === scoreBoardFont) {
            scores.lessThan1k = parseFloat(text);
        } else if (text.includes('.') && text.includes('k') && ctx.font === scoreBoardFont) {
            if (parseFloat(text.split('k')[0]) > scores.thousands) {
                scores.thousands = parseFloat(text.split('k')[0]);
        } else if (text.includes('.') && text.includes('m') && ctx.font === scoreBoardFont) {
            if (parseFloat(text.split('m')[0]) > scores.millions) {
                scores.millions = parseFloat(text.split('m')[0]);

        if (highest_score != null) {
            if (highest_score_addon != null) {
                highest_score_string = `${highest_score}${highest_score_addon}`;
            } else {
                highest_score_string = `${highest_score}`;
            if (text === highest_score_string && toggleButtons.Visual['Highlight Leader Score']) {
                ctx.fillStyle = "orange";
        fillRect.call(ctx, text, x, y, ...blah);

//getting Info
function get_info() {
    if (region != null && gamemode != null && highest_score != null) {
        navigator.clipboard.writeText(`🌐Region: ${region}
🎮Mode: ${gamemode}
👑Leader: ${highest_score}${highest_score_addon}`);
//display level
const pointsNeeded = [
  0, 4, 13, 28, 50, 78, 113, 157, 211, 275,
  350, 437, 538, 655, 787, 938, 1109, 1301,
  1516, 1757, 2026, 2325, 2658, 3026, 3433,
  3883, 4379, 4925, 5525, 6184, 6907, 7698,
  8537, 9426, 10368, 11367, 12426, 13549,
  14739, 16000, 17337, 18754, 20256, 21849,
  23536, 999999 //this one is not lvl 46, just a value to make my code work

const crx = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
crx.fillText = new Proxy(crx.fillText, {
    apply: function(f, _this, args) {
        if (scoreBoardFont != null && toggleButtons.Functional['Toggle Level Seeker']) {
            const isNumeric = (string) => /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(string);
            if (_this.font != scoreBoardFont) {
                if (isNumeric(args[0])) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                        if (parseFloat(args[0]) < pointsNeeded[i]) {
                            args[0] = `L: ${i}`;
                } else if (args[0].includes('.')) {
                    if (args[0].includes('k')) {
                        for (let i = 16; i < pointsNeeded.length; i++) {
                            if (parseFloat(args[0].split('k')[0]) * 1000 < pointsNeeded[i]) {
                                args[0] = `L: ${i}`;
                    } else if (args[0].includes('m')) {
                        args[0] = `L: 45}`;
        f.apply(_this, args);
crx.strokeText = new Proxy(crx.strokeText, {
    apply: function(f, _this, args) {
        if (scoreBoardFont != null && toggleButtons.Functional['Toggle Level Seeker']) {
            const isNumeric = (string) => /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(string);
            if (_this.font != scoreBoardFont) {
                if (isNumeric(args[0])) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                        if (parseFloat(args[0]) < pointsNeeded[i]) {
                            args[0] = `L: ${i}`;
                } else if (args[0].includes('.')) {
                    if (args[0].includes('k')) {
                        for (let i = 16; i < pointsNeeded.length; i++) {
                            if (parseFloat(args[0].split('k')[0]) * 1000 < pointsNeeded[i]) {
                                args[0] = `L: ${i}`;
                    } else if (args[0].includes('m')) {
                        args[0] = `L: 45`;
        f.apply(_this, args);

//Detect AutoFire/AutoSpin
let auto_fire = false;
let auto_spin = false;

function f_s(f_or_s) {
    switch (f_or_s) {
        case "fire":
            auto_fire = !auto_fire;
        case "spin":
            auto_spin = !auto_spin;
//Diep Units & fov calculator
//NOTE: I removed spaces between tank names for this script only. Also since glider came out and diepindepth was unupdated it didn't update correctly, I fixed that.

Skid & Noob friendly calculation explained:

Read this in order to understand, how the position calculation works.

1. Canvas/window coords
When you load diep.io in a browser window, it also loads a canvas where the game is drawn.
Imagine a piece of paper where you draw things, this is canvas. If you place a pen on that piece of paper, this is html element.
Diep.io uses canvas mainly. Your window and the canvas use different coordinate systems, even tho they appear the same at first:


if x is for example 3 and y is 5, you find the point of your mouse.


the right upper corner of your window is the x limit, called window.innerWidth
the left bottom corner of your window is the y limit, called window.innerHeight

canvas is the same, but multiplied by 2. So for x, it's canvas.height = window.innerHeight * 2
same goes for y, canvas.width = window.innerWidth * 2

This can work the other way around too. canvas.height/2 = window.innerHeight
and canvas.width/2 = window.innerWidth

NOTE: when you use input.mouse(x, y) you're using the canvas coordinate system.

2. DiepUnits
Read this first: https://github.com/ABCxFF/diepindepth/blob/main/canvas/scaling.md
if you're curious about what l and Fv means, like I was I can tell you now.

L stands for your Tank level, that you currently have.
Fv is the fieldFactor. You can find them here for each tank: https://github.com/ABCxFF/diepindepth/blob/main/extras/tankdefs.json
(The formula from the picture as code: const FOV = (level, fieldFactor) => (.55*fieldFactor)/Math.pow(1.01, (level-1)/2); )

DiepUnits are used, to draw all entities in game in the right size. For example when you go Ranger, they appear smaller
because your entire ingame map shrinks down, so you see more without changing the size of the canvas or the window.
So if a square is 55 diepunits big and it gets visually smaller, it's still 55 diepunits big.

Coordinate system: x*scalingFactor, y*scalingFactor

IMPORTANT!!! Note that your Tank is getting additional DiepUnits with every level it grows.
This formula descritbes it's growth
53 * (1.01 ** (currentLevel - 1));

3. WindowScaling
Read this first: https://github.com/ABCxFF/diepindepth/blob/main/canvas/scaling.md
(you can use the function given in there, if you don't want to make your own)

it's used for all ui elements, like scoreboard, minimap or stats upgrades.
NOTE: It's not used for html Elements, only canvas. So the starting menu or gameover screen aren't part of it.

Coordinate system: x*windowScaling(), y*windowScaling()

4. Converting coordinate systems into each other
canvas         -> window            = a/(canvas.width/window.innerWidth) -> b
window         -> canvas            = a*(canvas.width/window.innerWidth) -> b
windowScaling  -> window            = ( a*windowScaling() )/(canvas.width/window.innerWidth) -> b
windowScaling  -> canvas            = a*windowScaling() - > b
diepUnits      -> canvas            = a/scalingFactor -> b
diepUnits      -> window            = ( a/scalingFactor )/(canvas.width/window.innerWidth) -> b
window         -> diepUnits         = ( a*scalingFactor )*(canvas.width/window.innerWidth) -> b
canvas         -> diepUnits         = a*scalingFactor -> b
window         -> windowScaling()   = ( a*windowScaling() )*(canvas.width/window.innerWidth) -> b
canvas         -> windowScaling()   = a*windowScaling() - > b
diepUnits      -> windowScaling()   = ( a/scalingFactor ) * fieldFactor -> b
windowScaling()-> diepUnits         = ( a/fieldFactor ) * scalingFactor -> b


My todo list or fix:

- simulate diep.io moving and knockback physics

- simulate diep.io bullets

- figure out how to simulate mouse click events

- Finish bullet speed hybrid tanks

- Figure out physics for sniper, Ranger etc.


Useful info:

-shape sizes:

tank lvl 1 size = 53 diep units

grid square side length = 50 diep units
square, triangle = 55 diep units
pentagon = 75 diep units
small crasher = 35 diep units
big crasher = 55 diep units
alpha pentagon = 200 diep units

var currentLevel = 0;
var lastLevel = 0;
var tanky = "";
let ripsaw_radius;
let fieldFactor = 1.0;
let found = false;
let loltank;
let lolztank;
let diepUnits = 53 * (1.01 ** (currentLevel - 1));
let FOV = (0.55 * fieldFactor) / Math.pow(1.01, (currentLevel - 1) / 2);
let legit_FOV;
let change_FOV_request = false;
let scalingFactor = FOV * windowScaling();
const fieldFactors = [
        tank: "Sniper",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Overseer",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Overlord",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Assassin",
        factor: 0.8
        tank: "Necromancer",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Hunter",
        factor: 0.85
        tank: "Stalker",
        factor: 0.8
        tank: "Ranger",
        factor: 0.699
        tank: "Manager",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Predator",
        factor: 0.85
        tank: "Trapper",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "GunnerTrapper",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Overtrapper",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "MegaTrapper",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Tri-Trapper",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Smasher",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Landmine",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Streamliner",
        factor: 0.85
        tank: "AutoTrapper",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Battleship",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "AutoSmasher",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Spike",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Factory",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Skimmer",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Glider",
        factor: 0.899
        tank: "Rocketeer",
        factor: 0.899

function windowScaling() {
    const a = canvas.height / 1080;
    const b = canvas.width / 1920;
    return b < a ? a : b;

function check_FOV_requests() {
    if (script_list.fov) {
        if (toggleButtons.Addons['FOV changer']) {
            change_FOV_request = true;
        } else {
            change_FOV_request = false;

setInterval(check_FOV_requests, 500);

function calculateFOV(Fv, l) {
    const numerator = 0.55 * Fv;
    const denominator = Math.pow(1.01, (l - 1) / 2);
    legit_FOV = numerator / denominator;
    window.legit_FOV = legit_FOV;
    for (let i = 0; i < new_FOVs.length; i++) {
        if (new_FOVs[i].name != 'Background') {
            new_FOVs[i].FOV = ((0.55 * new_FOVs[i].fieldFactor) / (Math.pow(1.01, (l - 1) / 2)));
        } else {
            new_FOVs[i].FOV = 0.3499999940395355;
    if (typeof window.HEAPF32 !== 'undefined' && typeof window.fov !== 'undefined' && window.fov.length > 0 && !window.legit_request) {
        //use this part, if you have a fov script that can share it's fov value with you
        FOV = HEAPF32[fov[0]];
    } else {
        //use this part if you have no fov script
        FOV = legit_FOV;
    return FOV;

function change_FOV(index) {
    for (const fov of window.fov) {
        if (change_FOV_request && !window.legit_request) {
            if (index === 0) {
                window.HEAPF32[fov] = new_FOVs[index].FOV;
            window.HEAPF32[fov] = new_FOVs[index].FOV;
        } else {
            window.HEAPF32[fov] = legit_FOV;

function apply_values(FF) {
    calculateFOV(FF, currentLevel);
    scalingFactor = FOV * windowScaling();
    ripsaw_radius = diepUnits * scalingFactor;
    diepUnits = 53 * (1.01 ** (currentLevel - 1));

function apply_changes(value) {
    if (found) {
        fieldFactor = fieldFactors[value].factor;
        loltank = tanky;
        lastLevel = currentLevel;
    } else {
        if (value === null) {
            fieldFactor = 1.0;
            loltank = "default";
            lolztank = tanky;
            lastLevel = currentLevel;

function bruteforce_tanks() {
    for (let i = 0; i < fieldFactors.length; i++) {
        if (tanky.includes(fieldFactors[i].tank)) {
            found = true;
            console.log("FOUND TANK " + fieldFactors[i].tank);
        } else {
            found = false;
            if (i < fieldFactors.length - 1) {
                console.log(`checking tank ${i}`);
            } else {
                console.log("No Tank was found, resetting to default")

window.addEventListener("resize", bruteforce_tanks);

function check_lvl_change() {
    if (lastLevel === currentLevel) {
        //console.log("level wasn't changed");
    } else {
        console.log("changed level, bruteforcing");

function check_change() {
    //console.log("lastLevel: " + lastLevel + " currentLevel: " + currentLevel);
    if (loltank != tanky) {
        if (loltank === "default") {
            if (lolztank != tanky) {
            } else {
        } else {

setInterval(check_change, 250);

//canvas gui
let offsetX = 0;
let offsetY = 0;
//for canvas text height and space between it
let text_startingY = 450 * windowScaling();
let textAdd = 25 * windowScaling();
let selected_box = null;
const boxes = [
        color: "lightblue",
        LUcornerX: 47,
        LUcornerY: 67
        color: "green",
        LUcornerX: 47 + 90 + 13,
        LUcornerY: 67
        color: "red",
        LUcornerX: 47,
        LUcornerY: 67 + 90 + 9
        color: "yellow",
        LUcornerX: 47 + 90 + 13,
        LUcornerY: 67 + 90 + 9
        color: "blue",
        LUcornerX: 47,
        LUcornerY: 67 + ((90 + 9) * 2)
        color: "rainbow",
        LUcornerX: 47 + 90 + 13,
        LUcornerY: 67 + ((90 + 9) * 2)

const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

function ctx_text(fcolor, scolor, lineWidth, font, text, textX, textY) {
    ctx.fillStyle = fcolor;
    ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
    ctx.font = font;
    ctx.strokeStyle = scolor;
    ctx.strokeText(`${text}`, textX, textY)
    ctx.fillText(`${text}`, textX, textY)

function ctx_arc(x, y, r, sAngle, eAngle, counterclockwise, c) {
    ctx.arc(x, y, r, sAngle, eAngle, counterclockwise);
    ctx.fillStyle = c;

function ctx_rect(x, y, a, b, c) {
    ctx.strokeStyle = c;
    ctx.strokeRect(x, y, a, b);

//use this for game entities
function dot_in_diepunits(diepunits_X, diepunits_Y) {
    ctx_arc(diepunits_X * scalingFactor, diepunits_Y * scalingFactor, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, "lightblue");

function circle_in_diepunits(diepunits_X, diepunits_Y, diepunits_R, c) {
    ctx.arc(diepunits_X * scalingFactor, diepunits_Y * scalingFactor, diepunits_R * scalingFactor, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
    ctx.strokeStyle = c;

function big_half_circle(diepunits_X, diepunits_Y, diepunits_R, c){
    let centerY = diepunits_Y*scalingFactor;
    let centerX = diepunits_X*scalingFactor;
    let angle = Math.atan2(uwuY - centerY, uwuX - centerX);
    ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, diepunits_R * scalingFactor, angle - Math.PI / 2, angle + Math.PI / 2, false);
    ctx.strokeStyle = c;

function small_half_circle(diepunits_X, diepunits_Y, diepunits_R, c){
    let centerY = diepunits_Y*scalingFactor;
    let centerX = diepunits_X*scalingFactor;
    let angle = Math.atan2(uwuY - centerY, uwuX - centerX);
    ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, diepunits_R * scalingFactor, angle + Math.PI / 2, angle - Math.PI / 2, false);
    ctx.strokeStyle = c;

//use this for ui elements like upgrades or scoreboard
function dot_in_diepunits_FOVless(diepunits_X, diepunits_Y) {
    ctx_arc(diepunits_X * windowScaling(), diepunits_Y * windowScaling(), 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, "lightblue");

function square_for_grid(x, y, a, b, color) {
    ctx.rect(x * windowScaling(), y * windowScaling(), a * windowScaling(), b * windowScaling());
    ctx.strokeStyle = color;

function draw_upgrade_grid() {
    for (let i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
        let start_x = (boxes[i].LUcornerX * windowScaling()) / two;
        let start_y = (boxes[i].LUcornerY * windowScaling()) / two;
        let end_x = ((boxes[i].LUcornerX + 43 * 2) * windowScaling()) / two;
        let end_y = ((boxes[i].LUcornerY + 43 * 2) * windowScaling()) / two;
        let temp_color = "black";
        if (uwuX > start_x && uwuY > start_y && uwuX < end_x && uwuY < end_y) {
            temp_color = "red";
            selected_box = i;
        } else {
            temp_color = "black";
            selected_box = null;
        square_for_grid(boxes[i].LUcornerX, boxes[i].LUcornerY, 86, 86, temp_color);
    for (let i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
        dot_in_diepunits_FOVless(boxes[i].LUcornerX, boxes[i].LUcornerY);
        dot_in_diepunits_FOVless(boxes[i].LUcornerX + 43, boxes[i].LUcornerY);
        dot_in_diepunits_FOVless(boxes[i].LUcornerX + 43 * 2, boxes[i].LUcornerY);
        dot_in_diepunits_FOVless(boxes[i].LUcornerX + 43 * 2, boxes[i].LUcornerY + 43);
        dot_in_diepunits_FOVless(boxes[i].LUcornerX + 43 * 2, boxes[i].LUcornerY + 43 * 2);
        dot_in_diepunits_FOVless(boxes[i].LUcornerX, boxes[i].LUcornerY + 43);
        dot_in_diepunits_FOVless(boxes[i].LUcornerX, boxes[i].LUcornerY + 43 * 2);
        dot_in_diepunits_FOVless(boxes[i].LUcornerX + 43, boxes[i].LUcornerY + 43);

const gradients = ["#94b3d0", "#96b0c7", "#778daa", "#4c7299", "#52596c", "#19254e", "#2d445f", "#172631"];
const tank_group1 = ["Trapper", "Overtrapper", "MegaTrapper", "Tri-Trapper"]; //Traps only
const tank_group2 = ["Tank", "Twin", "TripleShot", "SpreadShot", "PentaShot", "MachineGun", "Sprayer", "Triplet"]; //constant bullets [initial speed = 0.699]
const tank_group2round = ["TwinFlank", "TripleTwin", "QuadTank", "OctoTank", "FlankGuard"];
const tank_group3 = ["GunnerTrapper"]; //Traps AND constant bullets
const tank_group4 = ["Fighter", "Booster", "Tri-Angle"]; // fast tanks
const tank_group5 = ["Sniper", "Assassin", "Stalker", "Ranger"]; //sniper+ bullets
const tank_group6 = ["Destroyer", "Hybrid", "Annihilator"]; //slower bullets [intitial speed = 0.699]
//const tank_group7 = ["Overseer", "Overlord", "Manager", "Necromancer"]; //infinite bullets(drones)     (UNFINISHED)
const tank_group8 = ["Factory"]; //drones with spreading abilities
const tank_group9 = ["Battleship"]; //special case
const tank_group10 = ["Streamliner"]; // special case
const tank_group11 = ["Gunner", "AutoGunner"] //                                                         (UNFINISHED)

function draw_cirle_radius_for_tank() {
    if (tank_group1.includes(tanky)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            circle_in_diepunits(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 485 + (52.5 * i), gradients[i]);
    } else if (tank_group2.includes(tanky)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            big_half_circle(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 1850 + (210 * i), gradients[i]);
    } else if (tank_group2round.includes(tanky)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            circle_in_diepunits(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 1850 + (210 * i), gradients[i]);
    } else if(tank_group3.includes(tanky)){
        for(let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++){
           big_half_circle(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 1850 + (210 * i), gradients[i]);
        for(let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++){
           small_half_circle(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 485 + (52.5 * i), gradients[i]);
    } else if(tank_group4.includes(tanky)){
        for(let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++){
           big_half_circle(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 1850 + (210 * i), gradients[i]);
        for(let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++){
           small_half_circle(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 1135 + (100 * i), gradients[i]);
    }else if(tank_group5.includes(tanky)){
           for(let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++){
           big_half_circle(canvas.width/2/scalingFactor, canvas.height/2/scalingFactor, 2680 + (350*i), gradients[i]);
    } else if (tank_group6.includes(tanky)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            circle_in_diepunits(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 1443.21 + (146.79 * i), gradients[i]);
        }else if(tank_group7.includes(tanky)){
          for(let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++){
           circle_in_diepunits( canvas.width/2/scalingFactor , canvas.height/2/scalingFactor, 1607 + (145*i), gradients[i]);
           circle_in_diepunits( uwuX*2/scalingFactor , uwuY*2/scalingFactor, 1607 + (145*i), gradients[i]);
    } else if (tank_group8.includes(tanky)) {
        if (!auto_fire) {
            circle_in_diepunits(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 200, gradients[0]);
        } else {
            circle_in_diepunits(uwuX * two / scalingFactor, uwuY * two / scalingFactor, 800, gradients[1]);
            circle_in_diepunits(uwuX * two / scalingFactor, uwuY * two / scalingFactor, 900, gradients[2]);
    } else if (tank_group9.includes(tanky)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            circle_in_diepunits(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 1640 + (210 * i), gradients[i]);
    }else if (tank_group10.includes(tanky)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
            big_half_circle(canvas.width / 2 / scalingFactor, canvas.height / 2 / scalingFactor, 1750 + (190 * i), gradients[i]);
    } else {


//let's calculate the angle
var vector_l = [null, null];
var angle_l = 0;

function calc_leader() {
    if (script_list.minimap_leader_v1) {
        let xc = canvas.width / 2;
        let yc = canvas.height / 2;
        vector_l[0] = window.l_arrow.xl - xc;
        vector_l[1] = window.l_arrow.yl - yc;
        angle_l = Math.atan2(vector_l[1], vector_l[0]) * (180 / Math.PI);
    } else if (script_list.minimap_leader_v2) {
        let xc = canvas.width / 2;
        let yc = canvas.height / 2;
        vector_l[0] = window.L_X - xc;
        vector_l[1] = window.L_Y - yc;
        angle_l = Math.atan2(vector_l[1], vector_l[0]) * (180 / Math.PI);
    } else {
        console.log("waiting for leader script to give us values");

//setInterval(calc_l, 0);

// Minimap logic
var minimap_elements = [
        name: "minimap",
        x: 177.5,
        y: 177.5,
        width: 162.5,
        height: 162.5,
        color: "purple"
        name: "2 Teams Blue Team",
        x: 177.5,
        y: 177.5,
        width: 17.5,
        height: 162.5,
        color: "blue"
        name: "2 Teams Blue Team zone",
        x: 160.0,
        y: 177.5,
        width: 17.5,
        height: 162.5,
        color: "SlateBlue"
        name: "2 Teams Red Team",
        x: 32.5,
        y: 177.5,
        width: 17.5,
        height: 162.5,
        color: "red"
        name: "2 Teams Red Team zone",
        x: 50,
        y: 177.5,
        width: 17.5,
        height: 162.5,
        color: "orangeRed"
        name: "4 Teams Blue Team",
        x: 177.5,
        y: 177.5,
        width: 25,
        height: 25,
        color: "blue"
        name: "4 Teams Blue zone",
        x: 177.5,
        y: 177.5,
        width: 40,
        height: 40,
        color: "SlateBlue"
        name: "4 Teams Purple Team",
        x: 40,
        y: 177.5,
        width: 25,
        height: 25,
        color: "purple"
        name: "4 Teams Purple zone",
        x: 55,
        y: 177.5,
        width: 40,
        height: 40,
        color: "Violet"
        name: "4 Teams Green Team",
        x: 177.5,
        y: 40,
        width: 25,
        height: 25,
        color: "green"
        name: "4 Teams Green zone",
        x: 177.5,
        y: 55,
        width: 40,
        height: 40,
        color: "LimeGreen"
        name: "4 Teams Red Team",
        x: 40,
        y: 40,
        width: 25,
        height: 25,
        color: "orangeRed"
        name: "4 Teams Red zone",
        x: 55,
        y: 55,
        width: 40,
        height: 40,
        color: "red"

var m_e_ctx_coords = [
        name: "minimap",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "2 Teams Blue Team",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "2 Teams Blue Team Zone",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "2 Teams Red Team",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "2 Teams Red Team Zone",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "4 Teams Blue Team",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "4 Teams Blue zone",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "4 Teams Purple Team",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "4 Teams Purple zone",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "4 Teams Green Team",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "4 Teams Green zone",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "4 Teams Red Team",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null
        name: "4 Teams Red zone",
        startx: null,
        stary: null,
        endx: null,
        endy: null

function draw_minimap() {
    switch (gamemode) {
        case "2 Teams":
            for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                if (i === 2 || i === 4) {
                    if (toggleButtons.Addons['Toggle Base Zones']) {
                } else {
        case "4 Teams":
            for (let i = 5; i < minimap_elements.length; i++) {
                if (i === 6 || i === 8 || i === 10 || i === 12) {
                    if (toggleButtons.Addons['Toggle Base Zones']) {
                } else {
    if (script_list.minimap_leader_v1 || script_list.minimap_leader_v2) {

function updateAndDrawElement(index) {
    // Update their real-time position
    m_e_ctx_coords[index].startx = canvas.width - (minimap_elements[index].x * windowScaling());
    m_e_ctx_coords[index].starty = canvas.height - (minimap_elements[index].y * windowScaling());
    m_e_ctx_coords[index].endx = m_e_ctx_coords[index].startx + minimap_elements[index].width * windowScaling();
    m_e_ctx_coords[index].endy = m_e_ctx_coords[index].starty + minimap_elements[index].height * windowScaling();

    // Draw the element
    ctx.rect(m_e_ctx_coords[index].startx, m_e_ctx_coords[index].starty, minimap_elements[index].width * windowScaling(), minimap_elements[index].height * windowScaling());
    ctx.lineWidth = "1";
    ctx.strokeStyle = minimap_elements[index].color;

let position_on_minimap;

function minimap_collision_check() {
    if (script_list.minimap_leader_v1 || script_list.minimap_leader_v2) {
        let x = script_list.minimap_leader_v1 ? window.m_arrow.xl : window.M_X;
        let y = script_list.minimap_leader_v1 ? window.m_arrow.yl : window.M_Y;

        if (m_e_ctx_coords[0].startx < x &&
            m_e_ctx_coords[0].starty < y &&
            m_e_ctx_coords[0].endx > x &&
            m_e_ctx_coords[0].endy > y) {

            if (gamemode === "2 Teams") {
                if (checkWithinBase(1, x, y)) position_on_minimap = "blue base";
                else if (checkWithinBase(2, x, y)) position_on_minimap = "blue drones";
                else if (checkWithinBase(3, x, y)) position_on_minimap = "red base";
                else if (checkWithinBase(4, x, y)) position_on_minimap = "red base drones";
                else position_on_minimap = "not in the base";
            } else if (gamemode === "4 Teams") {
                if (checkWithinBase(6, x, y)) {
                    if (checkWithinBase(5, x, y)) {
                        position_on_minimap = "blue base"
                    } else {
                        position_on_minimap = "blue drones";
                } else if (checkWithinBase(8, x, y)) {
                    if (checkWithinBase(7, x, y)) {
                        position_on_minimap = "purple base"
                    } else {
                        position_on_minimap = "purple drones";
                } else if (checkWithinBase(10, x, y)) {
                    if (checkWithinBase(9, x, y)) {
                        position_on_minimap = "green base"
                    } else {
                        position_on_minimap = "green drones";
                } else if (checkWithinBase(12, x, y)) {
                    if (checkWithinBase(11, x, y)) {
                        position_on_minimap = "red base"
                    } else {
                        position_on_minimap = "red drones";
                } else {
                    position_on_minimap = "not in the base";
            } else {
                position_on_minimap = "Warning! not on minimap";

function checkWithinBase(baseIndex, x, y) {
    return m_e_ctx_coords[baseIndex].startx < x &&
        m_e_ctx_coords[baseIndex].starty < y &&
        m_e_ctx_coords[baseIndex].endx > x &&
        m_e_ctx_coords[baseIndex].endy > y;

//notify player about entering base zones
let alerted = false;

function alert_about_drones() {
    if (position_on_minimap.includes('drones')) {
        if (!alerted) {
            input.inGameNotification("Warning drones!");
            alerted = true;
    } else {
        alerted = false;

//let's try drawing a line to the leader

function apply_vector_on_minimap() {
    if (script_list.minimap_leader_v1) {
        let x = window.m_arrow.xl;
        let y = window.m_arrow.yl;
        let thetaRadians = angle_l * (Math.PI / 180);
        let r = m_e_ctx_coords[0].endx - m_e_ctx_coords[0].startx;
        let x2 = x + r * Math.cos(thetaRadians);
        let y2 = y + r * Math.sin(thetaRadians);
        ctx.moveTo(x, y);
        ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);
    } else if (script_list.minimap_leader_v2) {
        let x = window.M_X;
        let y = window.M_Y;
        let thetaRadians = angle_l * (Math.PI / 180);
        let r = m_e_ctx_coords[0].endx - m_e_ctx_coords[0].startx;
        let x2 = x + r * Math.cos(thetaRadians);
        let y2 = y + r * Math.sin(thetaRadians);
        ctx.moveTo(x, y);
        ctx.lineTo(x2, y2);

//drawing the limit of the server (needs rework)
function draw_server_border(a, b) {
    ctx.rect(canvas.width / 2 - (a / 2 * scalingFactor), canvas.height / 2 - (b / 2 * scalingFactor), a * scalingFactor, b * scalingFactor);
    ctx.strokeStyle = "red";

const circle_gradients = [
  "#FF0000", // Red
  "#FF4D00", // Orange Red
  "#FF8000", // Orange
  "#FFB300", // Dark Goldenrod
  "#FFD700", // Gold
  "#FFEA00", // Yellow
  "#D6FF00", // Light Yellow Green
  "#A3FF00", // Yellow Green
  "#6CFF00", // Lime Green
  "#00FF4C", // Medium Spring Green
  "#00FF9D", // Turquoise
  "#00D6FF", // Sky Blue
  "#006CFF", // Blue
  "#0000FF" // Dark Blue

function draw_crx_events() {
    //you need either leader arrow or moveTo/lineTo script from h3llside for this part
    if (script_list.moveToLineTo_debug) {
        for (let i = 0; i < window.y_and_x.length; i++) {
            ctx_arc(window.y_and_x[i][0], window.y_and_x[i][1], 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, circle_gradients[i]);
            ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 6, 1.5 + "em Ubuntu", i, window.y_and_x[i][0], window.y_and_x[i][1]);
    } else if (script_list.minimap_leader_v1) {
        //ctx_arc(window.l_arrow.xm, window.l_arrow.ym, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, window.l_arrow.color);
        //ctx_arc(window.m_arrow.xm, window.m_arrow.ym, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, "yellow");
        ctx_arc(window.l_arrow.xl, window.l_arrow.yl, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, window.l_arrow.color);
        ctx_arc(window.m_arrow.xl, window.m_arrow.yl, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, "yellow");

//tank aim lines
let TurretRatios = [
        name: "Destroyer",
        ratio: 95 / 71.4,
        color: "red"
        name: "Anni",
        ratio: 95 / 96.6,
        color: "darkred"
        name: "Fighter",
        ratio: 80 / 42,
        color: "orange"
        name: "Booster",
        ratio: 70 / 42,
        color: "green"
        name: "Tank",
        ratio: 95 / 42,
        color: "yellow"
        name: "Sniper",
        ratio: 110 / 42,
        color: "yellow"
        name: "Ranger",
        ratio: 120 / 42,
        color: "orange"
        name: "Hunter",
        ratio: 95 / 56.7,
        color: "orange"
        name: "Predator",
        ratio: 80 / 71.4,
        color: "darkorange"
        name: "Mega Trapper",
        ratio: 60 / 54.6,
        color: "red"
        name: "Trapper",
        ratio: 60 / 42,
        color: "orange"
        name: "Gunner Trapper",
        ratio: 95 / 26.6,
        color: "yellow"
        name: "Predator",
        ratio: 95 / 84.8,
        color: "red"
        name: "Gunner(small)",
        ratio: 65 / 25.2,
        color: "lightgreen"
        name: "Gunner(big)",
        ratio: 85 / 25.2,
        color: "green"
        name: "Spread1",
        ratio: 89 / 29.4,
        color: "orange"
        name: "Spread2",
        ratio: 83 / 29.4,
        color: "orange"
        name: "Spread3",
        ratio: 71 / 29.4,
        color: "orange"
        name: "Spread4",
        ratio: 65 / 29.4,
        color: "orange"
    //{name: "bullet", ratio: 1, color: "pink"},

function drawTheThing(x, y, r, index) {
    if (toggleButtons.Visual['Toggle Aim Lines']) {
        if (TurretRatios[index].name != "bullet") {
            ctx.strokeStyle = TurretRatios[index].color;
            ctx.lineWidth = 5;

            let extendedR = 300 * scalingFactor;

            // Reverse the angle to switch the direction
            const reversedAngle = -angle;

            // Calculate the end point of the line
            const endX = x + extendedR * Math.cos(reversedAngle);
            const endY = y + extendedR * Math.sin(reversedAngle);

            // Draw the line
            ctx.moveTo(x, y);
            ctx.lineTo(endX, endY);

            // Draw text at the end of the line
            ctx.font = "20px Arial";
            ctx.fillStyle = TurretRatios[index].color;
            ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
            ctx.strokeText(TurretRatios[index].name, endX, endY);
            ctx.fillText(TurretRatios[index].name, endX, endY);
        } else {
            ctx.strokeStyle = TurretRatios[index].color;
            ctx.lineWidth = 5;

            // Draw text at the end of the line
            ctx.font = "15px Arial";
            ctx.fillStyle = TurretRatios[index].color;
            ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
            let tankRadiusesTrans = [];
            for (let i = 1; i <= 45; i++) {
                let value = Math.abs((48.589 * (1.01 ** (i - 1))) * Math.abs(scalingFactor).toFixed(4)).toFixed(3);

            let r_abs = Math.abs(r).toFixed(3);
            if (r_abs < tankRadiusesTrans[0]) {
                ctx.strokeStyle = TurretRatios[index].color;
                ctx.arc(x, y - r / 2, r * 2, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            } else {

                // Find the closest value in the array
                let closestValue = tankRadiusesTrans.reduce((prev, curr) => {
                    return (Math.abs(curr - r_abs) < Math.abs(prev - r_abs) ? curr : prev);

                // Find the index of the closest value
                let closestIndex = tankRadiusesTrans.indexOf(closestValue);

                if (closestIndex !== -1) {
                    let r_name = `Level ${closestIndex + 1}`;
                    ctx.strokeText(r_name, x, y + 50 * scalingFactor);
                    ctx.fillText(r_name, x, y + 50 * scalingFactor);
                } else {

                    let r_name = `radius: ${Math.abs(r).toFixed(4)} 1: ${tankRadiusesTrans[0]} 2: ${tankRadiusesTrans[1]} 3: ${tankRadiusesTrans[2]}`;
                    ctx.strokeText(r_name, x, y);
                    ctx.fillText(r_name, x, y);
                ctx.strokeText(TurretRatios[index].name, x, y);
                ctx.fillText(TurretRatios[index].name, x, y);

var angle, a, b, width;
let perm_cont = [];

CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setTransform = new Proxy(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setTransform, {
    apply(target, thisArgs, args) {
        // Check if the ratio matches the specified conditions
        for (let i = 0; i < TurretRatios.length; i++) {
            if (Math.abs(args[0] / args[3]).toFixed(3) == (TurretRatios[i].ratio).toFixed(3)) {
                if (TurretRatios[i].name === "bullet") {
                    if (args[0] != 1 && args[0] > 10 && args[0] < 100 && args[4] > 1 && args[5] > 1 && args[4] != args[5] &&
                        thisArgs.globalAlpha != 0.10000000149011612 && thisArgs.globalAlpha != 0.3499999940395355) {
                        if (!perm_cont.includes(thisArgs)) {
                        angle = Math.atan2(args[2], args[3]) || 0;
                        width = Math.hypot(args[3], args[2]);
                        a = args[4] - Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 2) * width / 2;
                        b = args[5] + Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 2) * width / 2;
                        if (a > 0 && b > 0 && thisArgs.fillStyle != "#1B1B1B") { //OUTLINE COLOR
                            drawTheThing(a, b, Math.hypot(args[3], args[2]), i);
                } else {
                    angle = Math.atan2(args[2], args[3]) || 0;
                    width = Math.hypot(args[3], args[2]);
                    a = args[4] - Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 2) * width / 2;
                    b = args[5] + Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 2) * width / 2;
                    drawTheThing(a, b, Math.hypot(args[3], args[2]), i);
        return Reflect.apply(target, thisArgs, args);

setTimeout(() => {
    let gui = () => {
        if (state === "in game") {
            if (toggleButtons.Visual['Toggle Minimap']) {
            if (toggleButtons.Addons['Toggle Base Zones']) {
                toggleButtons.Visual['Toggle Minimap'] = true;
            if (script_list.minimap_leader_v2) {
                if (toggleButtons.Addons['Toggle Leader Angle']) {
                    if (!script_list.minimap_leader_v2) {
                        input.inGameNotification("missing Leader & Minimap Arrow(Mi300)");
                    if (!toggleButtons.Visual['Toggle Minimap']) {
                        input.inGameNotification("Enabled Minimap for it to work properly. To turn it off, go to Visual -> Minimap");
                        toggleButtons.Visual['Toggle Minimap'] = true;
                    } else {
            if (toggleButtons.Debug['Toggle Arrow pos']) {
                window.arrowv2_debug = true;
            } else {
                window.arrowv2_debug = false;
            if (script_list.set_transform_debug) {
                ctx_arc(window.crx_container[2], window.crx_container[3], 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, "yellow");
            if (toggleButtons.Debug['Toggle Text']) {
                ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 3, 1 + "em Ubuntu", "canvas Lvl:" + currentLevel, canvas.width / 20 + 10, text_startingY + (textAdd * 0));
                ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 3, 1 + "em Ubuntu", "canvas tank: " + tanky, canvas.width / 20 + 10, text_startingY + (textAdd * 1));
                ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 3, 1 + "em Ubuntu", "radius: " + ripsaw_radius, canvas.width / 20 + 10, text_startingY + (textAdd * 2));
                ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 3, 1 + "em Ubuntu", "scaling Factor: " + scalingFactor, canvas.width / 20 + 10, text_startingY + (textAdd * 3));
                ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 3, 1 + "em Ubuntu", "diep Units: " + diepUnits, canvas.width / 20 + 10, text_startingY + (textAdd * 4));
                ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 3, 1 + "em Ubuntu", "Fov: " + FOV, canvas.width / 20 + 10, text_startingY + (textAdd * 5));
                ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 3, 1 + "em Ubuntu", "current Tick: " + currentTick, canvas.width / 20 + 10, text_startingY + (textAdd * 6));
                ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 3, 1 + "em Ubuntu", "vector: " + Math.floor(vector_l[0]) + ", " + Math.floor(vector_l[1]) + "angle: " + Math.floor(angle_l), canvas.width / 20 + 10, text_startingY + (textAdd * 7));
                //ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 6, 1.5 + "em Ubuntu", "realX: " + uwuX + "realY: " + uwuY + "newX: " + uwuX*windowScaling() + "newY: " + uwuY*windowScaling(), uwuX*2, uwuY*2);

                //points at mouse
                ctx_arc(uwuX * two, uwuY * two, 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, "purple");
                circle_in_diepunits(uwuX*2/scalingFactor, uwuY*2/scalingFactor, 35, "pink");
                circle_in_diepunits(uwuX*2/scalingFactor, uwuY*2/scalingFactor, 55, "yellow");
                circle_in_diepunits(uwuX*2/scalingFactor, uwuY*2/scalingFactor, 75, "purple");
                circle_in_diepunits(uwuX*2/scalingFactor, uwuY*2/scalingFactor, 200, "blue");

                //coords at mouse
                ctx_text("white", "DarkRed", 6, 1.5 + "em Ubuntu", "realX: " + uwuX * two + "realY: " + uwuY * two, uwuX * two, uwuY * two);

            if (currentLevel != null && tanky != null) {
                if (toggleButtons.Debug['Toggle Middle Circle']) {
                    ctx.moveTo(canvas.width / 2 + offsetX, canvas.height / 2 + offsetY);
                    ctx.lineTo(uwuX * two, uwuY * two);
                    ctx_arc(canvas.width / 2 + offsetX, canvas.height / 2 + offsetY, ripsaw_radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, "darkblue");
                    ctx_arc(canvas.width / 2 + offsetX, canvas.height / 2 + offsetY, ripsaw_radius * 0.9, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, "lightblue");
                if (toggleButtons.Debug['Toggle Upgrades']) {
                //draw_server_border(4000, 2250);
                if (toggleButtons.Visual['Toggle Bullet Distance']) {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 5000);
}, 1000);

// Alert players about missing scripts (for addons)
let notified = {};

function require(category, toggleButton, script) {
    if (state === "in game") {
        const notificationKey = `${category}-${toggleButton}-${script}`;
        if (toggleButtons[category]?.[toggleButton] && !script_list[script] && !notified[notificationKey]) {
            input.inGameNotification(`${toggleButton} requires ${script} to be active!`);
            notified[notificationKey] = true;

function check_addon_scripts() {
    require('Addons', 'Change Leader Arrow Color', 'minimap_leader_v2');
    require('Addons', 'Toggle Leader Angle', 'minimap_leader_v2');
    require('Addons', 'Toggle Base Zones', 'minimap_leader_v2');
    require('Addons', 'FOV changer', 'fov');

//game ticks finder
let clearRect_count = 0;
let fps;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText = new Proxy(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText, {
    apply(fillRect, ctx, [text, x, y, ...blah]) {
        if (text.endsWith('FPS')) {
            fps = text.split(' ')[0];
        fillRect.call(ctx, text, x, y, ...blah);

// Tick tracking
let currentTick = 0;
const tickQueue = [];
const everyTickFunctions = [];

function runEveryTick(callback) {

CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect = new Proxy(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect, {
    apply(target, thisArg, argumentsList) {
        clearRect_count += 1;
        currentTick = Math.floor(clearRect_count / 6);
        everyTickFunctions.forEach(func => func(currentTick));
        return target.apply(thisArg, argumentsList);

function scheduleAfterTicks(callback, ticksToWait) {
    const executionTick = currentTick + ticksToWait;

function processTickQueue() {
    while (tickQueue.length > 0 && tickQueue[0].executionTick <= currentTick) {
        const item = tickQueue.shift();

// Function to run code for a specified number of ticks
function runForTicks(callback, totalTicks) {
    const startingTick = currentTick;
    let ticksPassed = 0;

    function tickHandler() {
        if (ticksPassed < totalTicks) {
            callback(ticksPassed, currentTick);
            scheduleAfterTicks(tickHandler, 1);

    tickHandler(); // Start the process

// Example usage:
function test() {
    console.log("Starting test at tick:", currentTick);

    scheduleAfterTicks(() => {
        console.log("150 ticks have passed, current tick:", currentTick);
        // Add your code here
    }, 150);

function testLoop() {
    console.log("Starting testLoop at tick:", currentTick);
    runForTicks((ticksPassed, currentTick) => {
        console.log(`Tick passed: ${ticksPassed}, Current tick: ${currentTick}`);
        // Add any other code you want to run each tick
    }, 50);

//cooldowns (unfinished)
let c_cd = "red";
let c_r = "green";
const cooldowns = [
        Tank: "Destroyer",
        cooldown0: 109,
        cooldown1: 94,
        cooldown2: 81,
        cooldown3: 86

//detect which slot was clicked
document.addEventListener('mousedown', checkPos)

function checkPos(e) {

//warns you about annis, destroyers
function drawTheThing(x,y,r) {
    let a = ctx.fillStyle;
    ctx.fillStyle = "#FF000044";
    ctx.fillStyle = "#FF000066";
var angle,a,b,width;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setTransform = new Proxy(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.setTransform, {
    apply(target, thisArgs, args) {
        if (Math.abs(args[0]/args[3]).toFixed(3) == (95/71.4).toFixed(3) || Math.abs(args[0]/args[3]).toFixed(3) == (95/96.6).toFixed(3)) {
            angle = Math.atan2(args[2],args[3]) || 0;
            width = Math.hypot(args[3], args[2]);
            a = args[4]-Math.cos(angle+Math.PI/2)*width/2;
            b = args[5]+Math.sin(angle+Math.PI/2)*width/2;
            drawTheThing(a,b, Math.hypot(args[3],args[2]));
        return Reflect.apply(target, thisArgs, args);

//physics for movement (UNFINISHED)
//movement speed ingame stat
let m_s = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];

function accelarate(A_o){
    let sum = 0;
        runForTicks((ticksPassed, currentTick) => {
            console.log("sum is being calculated...");
             sum += A_o * Math.pow(0.9, ticksPassed - 1);
             offsetX = Math.floor(sum * scalingFactor);
        }, 50);

function decelerate(sum){
    let res = 0;
        runForTicks((ticksPassed, currentTick) => {
            console.log("res is being calculated...");
             res = sum * Math.pow(0.9, ticksPassed);
             offsetX = Math.floor(res * scalingFactor);
        }, 50);
function calculate_speed(movement_speed_stat){
    console.log("calculate_speed function called");
//use Accelaration for first 50 ticks, then deceleration until ticks hit 100, then stop moving

    //calculating base value, we'll need this later
    let a = (1.07**movement_speed_stat);
    let b = (1.015**(currentLevel - 1));
    let A_o = 2.55*(a/b);

//handle Key presses
let key_storage = [];
let keyHeld = {};

document.onkeydown = function (e) {
  if (!keyHeld[e.key]) {
    keyHeld[e.key] = true;

document.onkeyup = function (e) {
  if (key_storage.includes(e.key)) {
    key_storage.splice(key_storage.indexOf(e.key), 1);
  keyHeld[e.key] = false;

function analyse_keys() {
    if (key_storage.includes("j")) { //J
        //auto spin && auto fire
    } else if (key_storage.includes("e")) { //E
        if (ingamescreen.classList.contains("screen") && ingamescreen.classList.contains("active")) {
        } else {
            auto_fire = false;
    } else if (key_storage.includes("c")) {
        if (ingamescreen.classList.contains("screen") && ingamescreen.classList.contains("active")) {
        } else {
            auto_spin = false;
    } else if (toggleButtons.Functional['Stats']) {
        if (key_storage.includes("u")) {
            if (key_storage.includes("r")) {
            if (!document.body.contains(upgrade_box)) {
            if (stats_limit >= 0) {
                for (let i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
                    if (key_storage.includes(`${i}`) && stats[i] < 7) {
                        stats[i] += 1;
                        stats_limit -= 1;
        } else {
            if (document.body.contains(upgrade_box)) {

//stats handler
var stats_instructions_showed = false;
function show_stats_instructions(){
        input.execute("ren_stats false");
     if(state === "in game"){
        input.inGameNotification("Usage: hold 'u' button and then press a number between 1 and 9");
        input.inGameNotification("Explanation: this module lets you choose a tank build that will stay even after you die");
        input.inGameNotification("unless you press r while pressing u");
        stats_instructions_showed = true;
        if(state === "in menu"){
         stats_instructions_showed = false;
        input.execute("ren_stats true");

setInterval(show_stats_instructions, 500);
let stats = ["don't use this", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
let stats_limit = 32;

function update_stats() {
    for (let i = 1; i < stats.length; i++) {
        let stat_steps = stats[i];
        for (let j = 1; j < stat_steps + 1; j++) {
            let stat_row = document.querySelector(`#row${[i]} > #s_box${j}`);
            stat_row.style.backgroundColor = `${upgrade_name_colors[i]}`;

function reset_stats() {
    for (let i = 1; i < stats.length; i++) {
        let stat_steps = stats[i];
        for (let j = 1; j < stat_steps + 1; j++) {
            let stat_row = document.querySelector(`#row${[i]} > #s_box${j}`);
            stat_row.style.backgroundColor = "black";
    stats = ["don't use this", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
    stats_limit = 32;

function use_stats_ingame() {
    let final_decision = "";
    for (let i = 5; i < 9; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < stats[i]; j++) {
            final_decision += `${i}`;
    for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
        for (let j = 0; j < stats[i]; j++) {
            final_decision += `${i}`;
    input.execute(`game_stats_build ${final_decision}`);

const upgrade_names = [
  "don't use this",
  "Health Regen",
  "Max Health",
  "Body Damage",
  "Bullet Speed",
  "Bullet Penetration",
  "Bullet Damage",
  "Movement Speed",

const upgrade_name_colors = [
  "don't use this",

const upgrade_box = document.createElement("div");
upgrade_box.style.width = "400px";
upgrade_box.style.height = "300px";
upgrade_box.style.backgroundColor = "lightGray";
upgrade_box.style.position = "fixed";
upgrade_box.style.display = "block";
upgrade_box.style.bottom = "10px";
upgrade_box.style.zIndex = 100;

for (let i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
    create_upgrades(`row${i}`, i);

function create_upgrades(name, rownum) {
    let black_box = document.createElement("div");
    black_box.id = name;
    black_box.style.width = "350px";
    black_box.style.height = "20px";
    black_box.style.position = "relative";
    black_box.style.display = "block";
    black_box.style.marginTop = "15px";
    black_box.style.left = "25px";
    for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
        let small_box = document.createElement("div");
        small_box.id = `s_box${i}`;
        small_box.style.width = "20px";
        small_box.style.height = "20px";
        small_box.style.backgroundColor = "black";
        small_box.style.display = "inline-block";
        small_box.style.border = "2px solid white";

    let upgrade_btn = document.createElement("button");
    upgrade_btn.id = upgrade_names[rownum];
    upgrade_btn.style.color = "black";
    upgrade_btn.innerHTML = "+";
    upgrade_btn.style.width = "20px";
    upgrade_btn.style.height = "20px";
    upgrade_btn.style.backgroundColor = upgrade_name_colors[rownum];
    upgrade_btn.style.display = "inline-block";
    upgrade_btn.style.border = "2px solid black";
    upgrade_btn.style.cursor = "pointer";

    let text_el = document.createElement("h3");
    text_el.innerText = `[${rownum}] ${upgrade_names[rownum]}`;
    text_el.style.fontSize = "15px";
    text_el.style.display = "inline-block";

// Handle key presses for moving the center (UNFINISHED)

function return_to_center(XorY, posOrNeg){
console.log("function called with: " + XorY + posOrNeg);
    if(XorY === "x"){
        if(posOrNeg === "pos"){
            while(offsetX < 0){
                offsetX += 0.5*scalingFactor;
        }else if(posOrNeg === "neg"){
            while(offsetX > 0){
                offsetX -= 0.5*scalingFactor;
            console.log("invalid posOrNeg at return_to_center();")
    }else if(XorY === "y"){
        if(posOrNeg === "pos"){
            while(offsetY < 0){
                offsetY += 0.5*scalingFactor;
        }else if(posOrNeg === "neg"){
            while(offsetY > 0){
                offsetY -= 0.5*scalingFactor;
            console.log("invalid posOrNeg at return_to_center();")
        console.log("invalid XorY at return_to_center();");

document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    switch (e.keyCode) {
        case 87: // 'W' key
            if(offsetY >= -87.5*scalingFactor){
              offsetY -= 12.5*scalingFactor;
        case 83: // 'S' key
            if(offsetY <= 87.5*scalingFactor){
              offsetY += 12.5*scalingFactor;
        case 68: // 'D' key
            if(offsetX <= 87.5*scalingFactor){
                offsetX += 12.5*scalingFactor;
        case 65: // 'A' key
            if(offsetX >= -87.5*scalingFactor){
              offsetX -= 12.5*scalingFactor;

document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    switch (e.keyCode) {
        case 87: // 'W' key
            console.log("W unpressed");
            return_to_center("y", "pos");
        case 83: // 'S' key
            console.log("S unpressed");
            return_to_center("y", "neg");
        case 68: // 'D' key
            console.log("D unpressed");
            return_to_center("x", "neg");
        case 65:
            console.log("A unpressed");
            return_to_center("x", "pos");