// ==UserScript==
// @name CheatNite2025
// @namespace cheatnite2024
// @icon https://cdn.discordapp.com/icons/1134569036043276439/2664d328e7ccce265d3a473e05adc96c.webp
// @version 3.4
// @description CraftNite cheat client. Credits 99% towelgreen and Jhon Pérgon for external API-request. U cant bann with this cheat.
// @author KeineAhnung4u
// @match https://craftnite.io/*
// @run-at document-start
// @license GPL-3.0
// @grant GM_addStyle
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// @license MIT
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// ==/UserScript==
//credits to 🄱u𝕥c🅷e𝕣_B𝙤🅈 for icon and towelgreen and Jhon Pérgon
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const blocks = {"random": "random", 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const blockStrings = Object.keys(blocks).slice(1);
let blockCommands = ['item', '/set', '/box', '/replace', '/sphere', '/hsphere'];
let commands = ['truecoords', 'ignore', 'unignore', 'unstuck', 'drain', 'item', 'invsize', 'tp', 'time', 'bg', '/p1', '/p2', '/pos1', '/pos2', '/stop', '/positions', '/set', '/box', '/replace', '/sphere', '/hsphere', '/copy', '/paste', '/clearclipboard', '/load', '/save', '/build', '/builds', '/new'];
let espGeometry, lineMaterial, red, espMaterial, textCanvas;
function addGlobal(name, value) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.textContent = `window.${name} = ${value};`;
function start() {
addGlobal('cheatnite', '{}');
cheatnite.auto = true;
cheatnite.coords = {x:0, y:0, z:0};
cheatnite.worldedit = {
clipboard: [null, null, {}],
builds: {}
cheatnite.ignored = [];
cheatnite.customBlockId = 256;
cheatnite.server = {};
cheatnite.fly = false;
cheatnite.chatspam = null;
cheatnite.chatspam_count = 0;
cheatnite.bulletspam = null;
cheatnite.tntspam = null;
cheatnite.bedrock = false;
cheatnite.drain = false;
cheatnite.esp = true;
cheatnite.noclip = false;
cheatnite.invisible = false;
cheatnite.darkMode = true;
cheatnite.shiftKeyPressed = false;
document.getElementById("leftwrap").innerHTML = "";
//cheat display code inspired by https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/474923-craftnite-io-hacked-client-fly-triggerbot-esp-rapidfire-speedhacks-and-more
cheatnite.cheatDisp = document.createElement("h1");
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cheatnite.cheatDisp.style.fontFamily = "'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace";
cheatnite.cheatDisp.style.fontWeight = "bold";
cheatnite.activatedCheats = ['ESP'];
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
window.addEventListener('load', start);
input#customServer {
height: 63px;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
font-size: 22px;
font-family: Madera;
color: #000 !important;
border: 0px solid #000000;
background: #ffffff;
border-radius: 2px;
function addInputAbovePlayButton() {
const playBtn = document.getElementById('playbtn');
const customServer = document.createElement('input');
customServer.id = 'customServer';
customServer.type = 'text';
customServer.placeholder = 'Random server';
customServer.value = localStorage.getItem('lastServer') ? localStorage.getItem('lastServer') : '';
playBtn.parentNode.insertBefore(customServer, playBtn);
const lineBreak = document.createElement('br');
customServer.parentNode.insertBefore(lineBreak, customServer);
window.addEventListener('load', addInputAbovePlayButton);
var a914 = "[Usind a scribt by KeineAhnung4u.]";
function customStartBtn () {
let nameValue = document.getElementById ('name').value;
addGlobal('playerName', nameValue ? JSON.stringify(nameValue) : JSON.stringify('unnamed'))
setCookie ("name", playerName, 365);
setCookie ("skin", playerSkin, 365);
var inputValue = (document.getElementById('customServer').value || '').trim();
var localStorageValue = localStorage.getItem('lastServer');
if (inputValue === 'Random server 4u' || !inputValue) {
} else if (localStorageValue && inputValue === 'Last server') {
localStorage.setItem('lastServer', localStorageValue);
G.gameServerAddress = localStorageValue;
} else {
localStorage.setItem('lastServer', inputValue);
G.gameServerAddress = inputValue;
var originalSend = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
var originalOpen = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url) {
this._url = url;
return originalOpen.apply(this, arguments);
window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {
if (this._url && this._url.startsWith('https://craftnite.io/gs/requestServer.php')){
this.addEventListener('readystatechange', function() {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
var inputValue = (document.getElementById('customServer')?.value || '').trim();
var localStorageValue = localStorage.getItem('lastServer');
if (inputValue === 'Random server' || !inputValue) {
localStorage.setItem('lastServer', this.responseText);
return this.responseText
}, false);
if (this._url.startsWith('https://craftnite.io') || this._url === 'a.zip') {
return originalSend.apply(this, arguments);c
let selectedIndex = -1;
let suggestions = [];
function chatCmdSuggestions(event) {
let keyCode = event.keyCode;
if (keyCode !== 40 && keyCode !== 38 && keyCode !== 13) {
let filter = GAME.chatInput.value.toLowerCase();
suggestions = [];
if (filter.includes('/')) {
let command = blockCommands.find(command => filter.startsWith('/' + command.toLowerCase() + ' '));
if (command) {
filter = filter.slice(command.length + 1).trim();
Object.keys(blocks).forEach(item => {
if (item.toLowerCase().includes(filter)) {
suggestions.push('/' + command + ' ' + item);
} else {
commands.forEach(command => {
if (command.toLowerCase().startsWith(filter.slice(1))) {
suggestions.push('/' + command);
if (keyCode === 40 || keyCode === 38 || keyCode === 13) {
if (selectedIndex >= 0) {
if (keyCode === 13) {
GAME.chatInput.value = suggestions[selectedIndex] || GAME.chatInput.value;
selectedIndex = -1;
if (keyCode === 40) {
if (selectedIndex >= suggestions.length) {
selectedIndex = 0;
} else if (keyCode === 38) {
if (selectedIndex < 0) {
selectedIndex = suggestions.length - 1;
GAME.chatInput.value = suggestions[selectedIndex] || GAME.chatInput.value;
function shuffle(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
async function a637(positions, blockIds, errorCallback=null) {
const indices = Array.from({length: positions.length}, (_, n) => n);
var index, chunkCoords, chunk, innerPos, pkt;
for (var r = 0; r < indices.length; r++) {
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
if (errorCallback)
index = indices[r];
chunkCoords = GAME.a865.getChunkFromPos(positions[index]);
innerPos = coordsToInsidePos(positions[index], chunkCoords);
pkt = new a234();
pkt.i = chunkCoords[0];
pkt.e = chunkCoords[1];
pkt.o = chunkCoords[2];
pkt.v = innerPos;
pkt.u = blockIds[index];
if (r % 100 === 99) {
await sleep(cheatnite.server.r*200);
async function rawa637(iArr, eArr, oArr, vArr, uArr, errorCallback=null) {
const indices = Array.from({length: iArr.length}, (_, n) => n);
var index, pkt;
for (var r = 0; r < indices.length; r++) {
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
if (errorCallback)
index = indices[r];
pkt = new a234();
pkt.i = iArr[index];
pkt.e = eArr[index];
pkt.o = oArr[index];
pkt.v = vArr[index];
pkt.u = uArr[index];
if (r % 100 === 99) {
await sleep(cheatnite.server.r*200);
function tp(pos, updateVisual = true) {
let me = GAME.a865.player;
var pkt = new a175();
pkt.time = parseFloat(("" + Date.now() / 1e3).slice(4));
pkt.x = pos.x;
pkt.y = pos.y;
pkt.z = pos.z;
pkt.a751 = me.a751;
if (updateVisual) {
if (me.camera != null) {
me.camera.rotation.order = "YXZ";
pkt.a748 = me.camera.rotation.y;
pkt.a749 = me.camera.rotation.x;
function getColor(index, total) {
let hue = 360 * (index / (total * 2));
let saturation = 100;
let lightness = 75;
return `hsl(${hue}, ${saturation}%, ${lightness}%)`;
function randomIP() {
const octets = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
const octet = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
return octets.join('.');
function isURL(str) {
try {
new URL(str);
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
function getBuildName(filename) {
if (filename === '') {
filename = '';
filename = filename.replaceAll(' ', '_');
while (Object.keys(cheatnite.worldedit.builds).includes(filename)) {
if (/\d+$/.test(filename)) {
filename = filename.replace(/(\d+)$/, (match) => parseInt(match) + 1);
} else {
filename = filename + '1';
return filename;
function shoot(gun) {
var e = new THREE.Vector3;
var a = 8;
var b = 9;
switch (gun) {
case "pistol":
a = 8;
b = 9;
case "shotgun":
a = 12;
b = 13;
var spread = 0.06; //spread goes from 0.03 - 0.06
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
e.x = G.randFloat(-spread, spread, 2);
e.y = G.randFloat(-spread, spread, 2);
e.z = G.randFloat(-spread, spread, 2);
GAME.a865.player.a609(a, b, {
headshotMsg: ["boom ", "headshot"],
headshotColor: ["rgba(255,0,0,{opacity})", "rgba(255,255,255,{opacity})"]
}, false, false, e)
case "sniper":
a = 16;
b = 17;
e.x *= 100;
e.y = G.randFloat(20 * -GAME.a865.player.a92.y, 20 * GAME.a865.player.a92.y, 2);
e.z *= 100;
case "ak47":
a = 14;
b = 15;
e.x *= 100;
e.y = G.randFloat(-GAME.a865.player.a92.y / 2, GAME.a865.player.a92.y / 2, 2);
e.z *= 100;
GAME.a865.player.a609(a, b, {
headshotMsg: ["boom ", "headshot"],
headshotColor: ["rgba(255,0,0,{opacity})", "rgba(255,255,255,{opacity})"]
}, false, false, e)
function throwItem(item) {
var e = new THREE.Vector3;
var spread = 0.2
e.x = G.randFloat(-spread, spread, 2);
e.y = G.randFloat(-spread, spread, 2);
e.z = G.randFloat(-spread, spread, 2);
switch(item) {
case "stone":
GAME.a865.player.a609(2, 2, {
me: true
case "wood":
GAME.a865.player.a609(3, 3, {
me: true
case "tnt":
GAME.a865.player.a609(4, 4, {
me: true
}, false, false, e);
case "stairs":
GAME.a865.player.a609(6, 6, {
me: true
function onDeath(dv) {
let c = new a191();
GAME.addKillfeed(G.othera822ers[c.a163].name, "killed", GAME.a865.player.name);
GAME.myKillerId = c.a163;
G.othera822ers[c.a163] && G.othera822ers[c.a163].a472.add(GAME.camera);
GAME.respawnIn = 0;
$(document).on("mousedown.respawn", (function(t) {
if(!$(t.target).is("#bottomright")) {
GAME.deadPopup = true;
cheatnite.customBlockId = 256;
if (cheatnite.tntspam) {
cheatnite.tntspam = null;
if (cheatnite.bulletspam) {
cheatnite.bulletspam = null;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
function parseOutgoingChat(dv) {
let msg = "";
for (let i = 1; i < dv.byteLength; i += 2) {
const charCode = dv.getUint16(i, true);
msg += String.fromCharCode(charCode);
return msg;
function drawLeaderboard() {
GAME.leaderboard = [];
for (var t = [], e = 0; e < 120; e++)
if (G.othera822ers[e]) {
var i = G.othera822ers[e];
t.push([i.a649, i.id, i.name])
t.sort((function(t, e) {
return t[0] - e[0]
for (var o = -1, n = 0, s = !1, r = !1, a = !1, h = (e = 0,
0), l = t.length - 1; l >= 0; l--)
a = t[l][1] == GAME.a865.player.id,
t[l][0] != o && (o = t[l][0],
r = !1,
e < 10 ? (a && (s = !0),
r = !0) : s ? 10 == e && (r = !0) : a && (r = !0),
r && (GAME.leaderboard[h] = {
me: a,
rank: n,
name: `(${t[l][1]}) ${t[l][2]}`,
a649: t[l][0],
id: t[l][1]
function addCustomChat(name, msg) {
if ("" != (msg = msg.trim())) {
name: name,
msg: msg
if (GAME.chat.length > 5)
GAME.chat = GAME.chat.slice(GAME.chat.length - 5, GAME.chat.length);
GAME.newChatMessage = true;
function addChat(t, e) {
if ("" != (e = e.trim())) {
if (cheatnite.ignored.includes(G.othera822ers[t].id)) {
if (e === a914) {
var i = "server";
255 != t && (i = G.othera822ers[t].name);
if (i > 20) {
i = i.substring(0, 17) + '...';
var name = `(${G.othera822ers[t].id}) ` + i;
name: name,
msg: e
if (GAME.chat.length > 5)
GAME.chat = GAME.chat.slice(GAME.chat.length - 5, GAME.chat.length);
GAME.newChatMessage = true;
function sleep(milliseconds) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));
function checkInt(num) {
return !isNaN(parseInt(num));
function checkNumsInArr(arr, len) {
var nums = [];
for (let i in arr) {
if (!isNaN(Number(arr[i]))) {
if (nums.length === len) {
return nums;
return false;
function convertCoords(coords, type) {
if (!coords) {
return false;
var convertedCoords = new THREE.Vector3();
if(type === "adjusted") {
convertedCoords.x = coords.x / 5 - 740;
convertedCoords.y = coords.y / 5 - 53;
convertedCoords.z = coords.z / 5 - 550;
} else if(type === "true") {
convertedCoords.x = (coords.x + 740) * 5;
convertedCoords.y = (coords.y + 53) * 5;
convertedCoords.z = (coords.z + 550) * 5;
} else {
throw new Error('convertCoords type must be "true" or "adjusted".');
return convertedCoords;
function showKillFeed() {
const num = (GAME.killfeed.length < 5) ? 0 : (GAME.killfeed.length - 5);
for (let i = 0, index = num; index < GAME.killfeed.length; index++) {
const entry = GAME.killfeed[index];
if (entry) {
const killer = (entry.killer.length < 10) ? entry.killer : (entry.killer.substring(0, 10) + "..");
const victim = (entry.victim.length < 10) ? entry.victim : (entry.victim.substring(0, 10) + "..");
const killFeedText = `${killer} ${entry.action} ${victim}`;
[10, 4 + 24 * i],
[0, 0],
"rgba(255, 255, 255, .9)",
function modifyCheatDisp(text) {
const index = cheatnite.activatedCheats.indexOf(text);
if (index !== -1) {
cheatnite.activatedCheats.splice(index, 1);
} else {
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
function customPosToV(t, buildP) {
for (var e = -1, i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if (t.x >= buildP.x + 5*i && t.x <= buildP.x + 5*(i + 1)) {
e = i;
var o = -1;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if (t.y >= buildP.y + 5*i && t.y <= buildP.y + 5*(i + 1)) {
o = i;
var n = -1;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if (t.z >= buildP.z + 5*i && t.z <= buildP.z + 5*(i + 1)) {
n = i;
return -1 != e && -1 != o && -1 != n && G.a650.prototype.a720(e, o, n)
function posTochunk(pos, buildP = null) {
const chunkCoords = GAME.a865.getChunkFromPos(pos);
const [i, e, o] = chunkCoords;
let insidePos;
if (buildP) {
insidePos = customPosToV(pos, GAME.a865.a643s[i][e][o].buildP.clone());
} else {
insidePos = GAME.a865.a643s[i][e][o]?.posToV(pos);
return [chunkCoords, insidePos];
function getBlockIdAtPos(pos, buildP = null) {
const chunkCoords = GAME.a865.getChunkFromPos(pos);
const [i, e, o] = chunkCoords;
if (i>160 || e>160 || o>160)
return null;
const chunk = GAME.a865.a643s?.[i]?.[e]?.[o];
if (!chunk) {
return 0;
try {
let insidePos;
if (buildP) {
insidePos = customPosToV(pos, chunk.buildP.clone());
} else {
insidePos = chunk.posToV(pos);
const blockId = chunk.volume[insidePos];
return blockId;
} catch {
return null;
function getLookAtBlockId() {
let blockId = null;
var position = GAME.a865.player.position;
position.y += 2.5;
var rotation = GAME.a865.player.direction;
const lookDirection = new THREE.Vector3();
lookDirection.setFromSphericalCoords(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z);
const maxDistance = 1000;
const stepSize = 0.1;
const lookPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
for (let distance = 0; distance <= maxDistance; distance += stepSize) {
lookPosition.copy(position).addScaledVector(rotation, distance);
blockId = getBlockIdAtPos(lookPosition);
if (blockId) {
return blockId;
function wasThrown() {
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (e) {
const stackLines = e.stack.split('\n');
const callerLine = stackLines[3];
const functionName = callerLine.match(/\ba853\b/);
return !!functionName;
function countItemInInv(target) {
let count = 0;
for (const item of GAME.a865.player.items) {
if (item !== -1 && item.a474Id === target && item.total) {
count += item.total;
return count;
function getFormattedDateString() {
const date = new Date();
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2, '0');
const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0');
const seconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0');
return `${year}-${month}-${day}-${hours}-${minutes}-${seconds}`;
function saveScene() {
var renderer = GAME.renderer;
var camera = GAME.a865.player.camera;
renderer.render(GAME.scene, camera);
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = renderer.domElement.toDataURL('image/png');
link.download = 'craftnite-io-'+getFormattedDateString()+'.png';
link.style.display = 'none';
function hidePlayerBoxes() {
const players = [];
for (const p of G.othera822ers)
if (p && p.id !== GAME.a865.player.id)
for (let i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
const player = players[i];
if (player.a472.box) {
player.a472.box.visible = false;
function showPlayerBoxes() {
const players = [];
for (const p of G.othera822ers)
if (p && p.id !== GAME.a865.player.id)
for (let i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
const player = players[i];
if (player.a472.box) {
player.a472.box.visible = true;
function flipObjectUpsideDown(points) {
let flippedPoints = [];
let minY = points[0].y;
let maxY = points[0].y;
for (let i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
minY = Math.min(minY, points[i].y);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, points[i].y);
const yRange = maxY - minY;
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
let point = points[i];
let newY = minY + (yRange - (point.y - minY));
flippedPoints.push(new THREE.Vector3(point.x, newY, point.z));
return flippedPoints;
const cbReplacer = (key, value) => {
if (value && value.isVector3) {
return [value.x, value.y, value.z];
} else if (value instanceof Uint16Array) {
return Array.from(value);
return value;
const cbReviver = (key, value) => {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
if (value.length === 3 && value.every(i => typeof i === 'number')) {
return new THREE.Vector3(value[0], value[1], value[2]);
return value;
function readChunksFromLocal(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = async (event) => {
if (file.name.endsWith('.json')) {
try {
const jsonData = JSON.parse(event.target.result, cbReviver);
if (jsonData.length !== 3) {
throw new Error('Incorrect length for chunks loaded from file. Expected 3, got '+jsonData.length.toString()+'.');
if (!jsonData[0].isVector3 || !jsonData[1].isVector3) {
throw new Error('First 2 items were expected to be arrays of length 3.');
if (Object.keys(jsonData[2]).some(key => typeof key !== 'string')) {
throw new Error('Expected all keys in 3rd item to be strings.');
} catch (error) {
reject(`Error parsing JSON file: ${error.message}`);
reader.onerror = (event) => {
function readBuildFromLocal(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = async (event) => {
const buffer = new Uint8Array(event.target.result);
const blks = await readBuildFile(file.name, buffer, blockStrings);
reader.onerror = (event) => {
async function readBuildFromURL(url) {
const response = await fetch(url);
const buffer = new Uint8Array(await response.arrayBuffer());
const blks = await readBuildFile(url, buffer, blockStrings);
return blks;
function chunkToCoords(chunkCoords, insidePos) {
const [chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ] = chunkCoords;
const x = insidePos % 32;
const y = Math.floor(insidePos / 32) % 32;
const z = Math.floor(insidePos / (32 * 32));
const worldX = chunkX * 32 + x;
const worldY = chunkY * 32 + y;
const worldZ = chunkZ * 32 + z;
return new THREE.Vector3(5*worldX, 5*worldY, 5*worldZ);
function coordsToInsidePos(worldCoords, chunkCoords) {
const [chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ] = chunkCoords;
const x = Math.floor(worldCoords.x/5) - chunkX * 32;
const y = Math.floor(worldCoords.y/5) - chunkY * 32;
const z = Math.floor(worldCoords.z/5) - chunkZ * 32;
const insidePos = x + y * 32 + z * 32 * 32;
return insidePos;
let WorldEdit = {};
WorldEdit.pos1 = function(args) {
let me = GAME.a865.player;
if (args.length === 0) {
cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 = me.position.clone();
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `pos1 set to ${convertCoords(cheatnite.worldedit.pos1, "adjusted")}`)
} else if (args.length === 3) {
let nums = checkNumsInArr(args, 3)
if (!nums) {
this.error('Numbers expected as arguments.');
let unadjusted = new THREE.Vector3(nums[0], nums[1], nums[2]);
cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 = convertCoords(unadjusted, "true");
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `pos1 set to ${convertCoords(cheatnite.worldedit.pos1, "adjusted")}`)
} else {
this.error(`Expected 0 or 3 arguments, got ${args.length}.`);
WorldEdit.pos2 = function(args) {
let me = GAME.a865.player;
if (args.length === 0) {
cheatnite.worldedit.pos2 = me.position.clone();
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `pos2 set to ${convertCoords(cheatnite.worldedit.pos2, "adjusted")}`)
} else if (args.length === 3) {
let nums = checkNumsInArr(args, 3)
if (!nums) {
this.error('Numbers expected as arguments.');
let unadjusted = new THREE.Vector3(nums[0], nums[1], nums[2]);
cheatnite.worldedit.pos2 = convertCoords(unadjusted, "true");
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `pos2 set to ${convertCoords(cheatnite.worldedit.pos2, "adjusted")}`)
} else {
this.error(`Expected 0 or 3 arguments, got ${args.length}.`);
WorldEdit.generatePointsNotOf = async function*(pointA, pointB, chunkSize, blockId) {
let start = new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(pointA.x/5), Math.floor(pointA.y/5), Math.floor(pointA.z/5));
let end = new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(pointB.x/5), Math.floor(pointB.y/5), Math.floor(pointB.z/5));
let tempPos;
let points = [];
for (let x = Math.min(start.x, end.x); x <= Math.max(start.x, end.x); x++) {
for (let y = Math.min(start.y, end.y); y <= Math.max(start.y, end.y); y++) {
for (let z = Math.min(start.z, end.z); z <= Math.max(start.z, end.z); z++) {
tempPos = new THREE.Vector3(x*5+2.5, y*5+2.5, z*5+2.5);
if (getBlockIdAtPos(tempPos) !== blockId) {
points.push(new THREE.Vector3(x*5+2.5, y*5+2.5, z*5+2.5));
if (points.length >= chunkSize) {
yield points;
points = [];
await sleep(10);
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
yield points;
points = [];
if (points.length > 0) {
yield points;
WorldEdit.generateBoxPoints = async function*(pointA, pointB, chunkSize) {
let start = new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(pointA.x / 5), Math.floor(pointA.y / 5), Math.floor(pointA.z / 5));
let end = new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(pointB.x / 5), Math.floor(pointB.y / 5), Math.floor(pointB.z / 5));
let tempPos;
let points = [];
for (let x = Math.min(start.x, end.x); x <= Math.max(start.x, end.x); x++) {
for (let y = Math.min(start.y, end.y); y <= Math.max(start.y, end.y); y++) {
for (let z = Math.min(start.z, end.z); z <= Math.max(start.z, end.z); z++) {
if (x === start.x || x === end.x || y === start.y || y === end.y || z === start.z || z === end.z) {
tempPos = new THREE.Vector3(x * 5 + 2.5, y * 5 + 2.5, z * 5 + 2.5);
if (points.length >= chunkSize) {
yield points;
points = [];
await sleep(10);
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
yield points;
points = [];
if (points.length > 0) {
yield points;
WorldEdit.generatePointsOf = async function*(pointA, pointB, blockId, chunkSize) {
let start = new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(pointA.x/5), Math.floor(pointA.y/5), Math.floor(pointA.z/5));
let end = new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(pointB.x/5), Math.floor(pointB.y/5), Math.floor(pointB.z/5));
let tempPos;
let points = [];
for (let x = Math.min(start.x, end.x); x <= Math.max(start.x, end.x); x++) {
for (let y = Math.min(start.y, end.y); y <= Math.max(start.y, end.y); y++) {
for (let z = Math.min(start.z, end.z); z <= Math.max(start.z, end.z); z++) {
tempPos = new THREE.Vector3(x*5+2.5, y*5+2.5, z*5+2.5);
if (getBlockIdAtPos(tempPos) == blockId) {
points.push(new THREE.Vector3(x*5+2.5, y*5+2.5, z*5+2.5));
if (points.length >= chunkSize) {
yield points;
points = [];
await sleep(10);
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
yield points;
points = [];
if (points.length > 0) {
yield points;
WorldEdit.generateSpherePoints = async function*(centerPoint, radius, chunkSize, blockId) {
let points = [];
let radiusSquared = radius * radius;
let minX = Math.floor((centerPoint.x - radius) / 5);
let maxX = Math.floor((centerPoint.x + radius) / 5);
let minY = Math.floor((centerPoint.y - radius) / 5);
let maxY = Math.floor((centerPoint.y + radius) / 5);
let minZ = Math.floor((centerPoint.z - radius) / 5);
let maxZ = Math.floor((centerPoint.z + radius) / 5);
let tempPos;
for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) {
for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) {
tempPos = new THREE.Vector3(x * 5 + 2.5, y * 5 + 2.5, z * 5 + 2.5);
let distanceSquared = tempPos.distanceToSquared(centerPoint);
if (distanceSquared <= radiusSquared && getBlockIdAtPos(tempPos) !== blockId) {
if (points.length >= chunkSize) {
yield points;
points = [];
await sleep(10);
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
yield points;
points = [];
if (points.length > 0) {
yield points;
WorldEdit.generateHollowSpherePoints = async function*(centerPoint, radius, chunkSize, blockId) {
let points = [];
let radiusSquared = radius * radius;
let innerRadiusSquared = (radius - 1) * (radius - 1);
let minX = Math.floor((centerPoint.x - radius) / 5);
let maxX = Math.floor((centerPoint.x + radius) / 5);
let minY = Math.floor((centerPoint.y - radius) / 5);
let maxY = Math.floor((centerPoint.y + radius) / 5);
let minZ = Math.floor((centerPoint.z - radius) / 5);
let maxZ = Math.floor((centerPoint.z + radius) / 5);
let tempPos;
for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) {
for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) {
tempPos = new THREE.Vector3(x * 5 + 2.5, y * 5 + 2.5, z * 5 + 2.5);
let distanceSquared = tempPos.distanceToSquared(centerPoint);
if (distanceSquared <= radiusSquared && getBlockIdAtPos(tempPos) !== blockId) {
let isOnSurface = false;
for (let dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
for (let dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
for (let dz = -1; dz <= 1; dz++) {
let neighborPos = new THREE.Vector3(tempPos.x + dx * 5, tempPos.y + dy * 5, tempPos.z + dz * 5);
let neighborDistanceSquared = neighborPos.distanceToSquared(centerPoint);
if (neighborDistanceSquared >= innerRadiusSquared) {
isOnSurface = true;
if (isOnSurface) break;
if (isOnSurface) break;
if (isOnSurface) {
if (points.length >= chunkSize) {
yield points;
points = [];
await sleep(10);
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
yield points;
points = [];
if (points.length > 0) {
yield points;
WorldEdit.copyChunks = async function(pointA, pointB) {
let start = new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(pointA.x/5), Math.floor(pointA.y/5), Math.floor(pointA.z/5));
let end = new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(pointB.x/5), Math.floor(pointB.y/5), Math.floor(pointB.z/5));
let tempPos, tempBlock;
let i, e, o;
let chunk, volume;
let key;
let volumes = {};
let minX = Math.min(start.x, end.x);
let minY = Math.min(start.y, end.y);
let minZ = Math.min(start.z, end.z);
let maxX = Math.max(start.x, end.x);
let maxY = Math.max(start.y, end.y);
let maxZ = Math.max(start.z, end.z);
for (let x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) {
if (x % 32 !== 0 && x !== minX && x !== maxX) continue;
for (let y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
if (y % 32 !== 0 && y !== minY && y !== maxY) continue;
for (let z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) {
if (z % 32 !== 0 && z !== minZ && z !== maxZ) continue;
tempPos = new THREE.Vector3(x*5+2.5, y*5+2.5, z*5+2.5);
[i, e, o] = GAME.a865.getChunkFromPos(tempPos);
if (i>160 || e>160 || o>160)
chunk = GAME.a865.a643s[i][e][o];
volume = chunk?.volume;
key = [i, e, o].join(',');
if (volume) {
volumes[key] = [chunk.buildP.clone(), volume];
} else {
volumes[key] = [new THREE.Vector3(i*32*5, e*32*5, o*32*5), new Uint8Array(32768)]
await sleep(1);
return [
new THREE.Vector3(minX, minY, minZ),
new THREE.Vector3(maxX, maxY, maxZ),
WorldEdit.generatePointsFromClipboard = async function*(chunkSize = 100, newStart = null) {
let [start, end, cbVolumes] = cheatnite.worldedit.clipboard;
const diff = newStart ? new THREE.Vector3(Math.floor(newStart.x/5), Math.floor(newStart.y/5), Math.floor(newStart.z/5)).sub(start) : new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0);
let count = 0;
let chunkXList = [];
let chunkYList = [];
let chunkZList = [];
let insidePositionsList = [];
let blockIdsList = [];
for (let x = start.x; x <= end.x; x++) {
for (let y = start.y; y <= end.y; y++) {
for (let z = start.z; z <= end.z; z++) {
const oldPos = new THREE.Vector3(x*5+2.5, y*5+2.5, z*5+2.5);
const chunkCoords = GAME.a865.getChunkFromPos(oldPos);
const chunkData = cbVolumes[chunkCoords.join(',')];
if (!chunkData)
const insidePos = customPosToV(oldPos, chunkData[0]);
const blockId = chunkData[1][insidePos];
const [newChunkCoords, newInsidePos] = posTochunk(oldPos.clone().add(diff.clone().multiplyScalar(5)));
const [newCx, newCy, newCz] = newChunkCoords;
const currentBlock = GAME.a865.a643s[newCx][newCy][newCz]?.volume?.[newInsidePos];
if (blockId === currentBlock)
if (count >= chunkSize) {
yield [chunkXList, chunkYList, chunkZList, insidePositionsList, blockIdsList];
chunkXList = [];
chunkYList = [];
chunkZList = [];
insidePositionsList = [];
blockIdsList = [];
count = 0;
await sleep(10);
if (count) {
yield [chunkXList, chunkYList, chunkZList, insidePositionsList, blockIdsList];
WorldEdit.generatePointsFromBuild = async function*(buildName, start, chunkSize) {
let tempPos;
let shiftedPoints = [];
let buildBlockIds = [];
const buildBlocks = cheatnite.worldedit.builds[buildName];
for (let i = 0; i < buildBlocks.length; i++) {
tempPos = new THREE.Vector3(
buildBlocks[i].pos[0] * 5 + start.x,
buildBlocks[i].pos[1] * 5 + start.y,
buildBlocks[i].pos[2] * 5 + start.z
const blockId = blocks[buildBlocks[i].name];
if (getBlockIdAtPos(tempPos) !== blockId) {
if (shiftedPoints.length >= chunkSize) {
yield [shiftedPoints, buildBlockIds];
shiftedPoints = [];
buildBlockIds = [];
if (shiftedPoints.length) {
yield [shiftedPoints, buildBlockIds];
WorldEdit.set = async function(start, end, blockName) {
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = "set";
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `Setting ${convertCoords(start, "adjusted")} - ${convertCoords(end, "adjusted")} to ${blockName} blocks...`);
let blockId = blocks[blockName];
let chunkSize = 30000;
let generator = this.generatePointsNotOf(start, end, chunkSize, blockId);
for await (let chunk of generator) {
await a637(chunk, this.createBlockArr(chunk.length, blockId), ()=>{
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Stopped //set command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress)
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = false;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Completed //set command.');
WorldEdit.box = async function(start, end, blockName) {
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = "box";
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `Generating a box from ${convertCoords(start, "adjusted")} to ${convertCoords(end, "adjusted")} using ${blockName} blocks...`);
let blockId = blocks[blockName];
let chunkSize = 30000;
let generator = this.generateBoxPoints(start, end, chunkSize, blockId);
for await (let chunk of generator) {
await a637(chunk, this.createBlockArr(chunk.length, blockId), ()=>{
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Stopped //box command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress)
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = false;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Completed //box command.');
WorldEdit.replace = async function(start, end, blockIdStart, blockNameEnd) {
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = "replace";
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `Replacing ${BLOCK_CONFIG[blockIdStart].name} with ${blockNameEnd} in ${convertCoords(start, "adjusted")} - ${convertCoords(end, "adjusted")}...`);
let blockIdEnd = blocks[blockNameEnd];
if (blockIdStart === blockIdEnd) {
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = false;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Completed //replace command.');
let chunkSize = 30000;
let generator = this.generatePointsOf(start, end, blockIdStart, chunkSize);
for await (let chunk of generator) {
await a637(chunk, this.createBlockArr(chunk.length, blockIdEnd), ()=>{
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Stopped //replace command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress)
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = false;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Completed //replace command.');
WorldEdit.sphere = async function(centerPoint, blockName, radius) {
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = "sphere";
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `Creating a ${blockName} sphere with center ${convertCoords(centerPoint, "adjusted")} and radius ${radius}...`);
let blockId = blocks[blockName];
let chunkSize = 30000;
let generator = this.generateSpherePoints(centerPoint, radius, chunkSize, blockId);
for await (let chunk of generator) {
await a637(chunk, this.createBlockArr(chunk.length, blockId), ()=>{
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Stopped //sphere command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress)
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = false;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Completed //sphere command.');
WorldEdit.hollowSphere = async function(centerPoint, blockName, radius) {
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = "hollow sphere";
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `Creating a ${blockName} hollow sphere with center ${convertCoords(centerPoint, "adjusted")} and radius ${radius}...`);
let blockId = blocks[blockName];
let chunkSize = 30000;
let generator = this.generateHollowSpherePoints(centerPoint, radius, chunkSize, blockId);
for await (let chunk of generator) {
await a637(chunk, this.createBlockArr(chunk.length, blockId), ()=>{
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Stopped //hsphere command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress)
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = false;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Completed //hsphere command.');
WorldEdit.copy = async function(start, end) {
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `Saving volume ${convertCoords(start, "adjusted")} - ${convertCoords(end, "adjusted")} to clipboard...`);
cheatnite.worldedit.clipboard = await this.copyChunks(start, end);
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Saved volume to clipboard.');
WorldEdit.paste = async function(start) {
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = "paste";
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `Pasting clipboard at ${convertCoords(start || cheatnite.worldedit.clipboard[0], "adjusted")}...`);
let chunkSize = 30000;
let generator = this.generatePointsFromClipboard(chunkSize, start);
for await (const [x, y, z, insidePos, blockIds] of generator) {
await rawa637(x, y, z, insidePos, blockIds, ()=>{
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Stopped //paste command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress)
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = false;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Pasted volume.');
WorldEdit.build = async function(buildName, start) {
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = "build";
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `Building ${buildName} at ${convertCoords(start, "adjusted")}...`);
let chunkSize = 30000;
let generator = this.generatePointsFromBuild(buildName, start, chunkSize);
for await (let chunk of generator) {
await a637(chunk[0], chunk[1], ()=>{
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Stopped //build command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress)
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = false;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Finished building '+buildName+'.');
WorldEdit.error = function(msg) {
addCustomChat('WorldEdit.Error', msg);
WorldEdit.createBlockArr = function(len, blockId) {
if (typeof(blockId) === 'number') {
return Array(len).fill(blockId);
} else {
const filteredKeys = Object.keys(BLOCK_CONFIG).filter(key => parseInt(key) !== 0);
const arr = Array.from({ length: len }, () => {
return parseInt(filteredKeys[Math.floor(Math.random() * filteredKeys.length)]);
return arr;
setInterval(() => {
if (typeof(GAME) !== 'undefined' && GAME?.a865?.player?.position && GAME?.loadingUI.hidden == true) {
let me = GAME.a865.player;
let bottomright = document.getElementById('bottomright');
bottomright.style.display = 'block';
if (!me.dead) {
cheatnite.coords = convertCoords(me.position, "adjusted");
bottomright.textContent = `(${cheatnite.coords.x.toFixed(1)}, ${cheatnite.coords.y.toFixed(1)}, ${cheatnite.coords.z.toFixed(1)})`;
if (GAME?.oceanHeightTo) {
cheatnite.drain = cheatnite.coords.y < 10;
GAME.oceanHeightTo = cheatnite.drain ? -10000 : 317;
if (GAME.myKillerId && !G.othera822ers.some((p) => p?.ID === GAME.myKillerId))
GAME.myKillerId = null;
} else {
var newPos = G.othera822ers?.[GAME.myKillerId]?.position || me.position;
let coords = convertCoords(newPos, "adjusted");
bottomright.textContent = `(${coords.x.toFixed(1)}, ${coords.y.toFixed(1)}, ${coords.z.toFixed(1)})`;
if (cheatnite.updateCheatDisp) {
//cheat display code inspired by https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/474923-craftnite-io-hacked-client-fly-triggerbot-esp-rapidfire-speedhacks-and-more
var textArr = cheatnite.activatedCheats;
textArr.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length);
textArr = textArr.slice(0);
if (cheatnite.customBlockId !== 256)
textArr.push(`Item: ${BLOCK_CONFIG[cheatnite.customBlockId]?.name || cheatnite.customBlockId}`);
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress)
textArr.push(`WorldEdit: ${cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress}`);
var coloredTextArr = textArr.map(function(text, index) {
return '<span style="color: ' + getColor(index, textArr.length) + '">' + text.toUpperCase() + '</span>';
cheatnite.cheatDisp.innerHTML = coloredTextArr.join('<br>');
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = false;
cheatnite.cheatDisp.style.top = (document.documentElement.clientHeight + bottomright.clientHeight*0.5 - (26*textArr.length)) + "px";
var extra = document.getElementsByClassName('truepush_optin_notifications');
if (extra.length)
}, 50);
function initEsp() {
espGeometry = new THREE.EdgesGeometry(new THREE.BoxGeometry(5, 10, 5).translate(0, -3, 0));
lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0xff0000 });
red = `
void main() {
gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
espMaterial = new THREE.RawShaderMaterial({
vertexShader: `
attribute vec3 position;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;
void main() {
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
gl_Position.z = 1.0;
fragmentShader: red
textCanvas = new G.Canvas2d();
textCanvas.alpha = 0;
function animate() {
const players = [];
for (const p of G.othera822ers)
if (p && p.id && p.id !== GAME.a865.player.id)
const drawnTextPositions = [];
const minSpacing = 4;
const textOffset = 24;
for (let i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {
const player = players[i];
if (!player.a472.box) {
const box = new THREE.LineSegments(espGeometry, espMaterial);
box.frustumCulled = false;
player.a472.box = box;
player.a472.box.visible = cheatnite.esp;
if (player.a472.visible && cheatnite.esp) {
const worldPos = new THREE.Vector3();
let screenPos = G.worldPosToScreenCoords(worldPos, GAME.camera, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
if (screenPos.orientation !== 'center')
let playerName = `(${player.id}) ` + (player.name.length > 20 ? player.name.substring(0, 17) + '...' : player.name);
let color = "#FFFFFF";
if (player.ID === GAME.myKillerId) {
playerName = '(killer) '+playerName;
color = "#FF8080";
const textSize = 16;
let yPos = screenPos.coords.y - 10;
for (const drawnPos of drawnTextPositions) {
if (Math.abs(drawnPos.x - screenPos.coords.x) < textSize && Math.abs(drawnPos.y - yPos) < textSize) {
yPos = drawnPos.y - textSize - minSpacing;
drawnTextPositions.push({ x: screenPos.coords.x, y: yPos });
[screenPos.coords.x, yPos],
let checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (typeof(G) !== 'undefined' && typeof(G.socket) !== 'undefined' && G.socket !== null && G.socket.binaryType == "arraybuffer") {
G.socket.onmessage = new Proxy(G.socket.onmessage || function(){}, {
apply: function (target, scope, args) {
var i = new DataView(args[0].data);
let opcode = i.getUint8(0);
if (opcode === 19) {
} else if (opcode === G.a823.RPCMatchRemainingTime) {
var c, ratio;
(c = new RPCMatchRemainingTime).a615(i);
if (!cheatnite.server.time) {
cheatnite.server.r = 3;
var e = new a201();
e.msg = a914;
} else {
ratio = (Date.now() - cheatnite.server.time)/1000;
if (ratio >= 1)
cheatnite.server.r = ratio;
cheatnite.server.time = Date.now();;
let data = target.apply(scope, args);
return data;
}, 1000);
WebSocket.prototype.send = new Proxy(WebSocket.prototype.send, {
apply: function (target, scope, args) {
var dataView = new DataView(args[0]);
let opcode = dataView.getUint8(0);
if (opcode == 27) {
let blockName, thickess, radius, pID, pkt, player;
let adjustedCoords = `(${cheatnite.coords.x.toFixed(0)}, ${cheatnite.coords.y.toFixed(0)}, ${cheatnite.coords.z.toFixed(0)})`
let msg = parseOutgoingChat(dataView);
if (msg.startsWith('/')) {
addCustomChat('$', msg)
let splitMsg = msg.split(' ').filter(word => word !== '');
let cmd = splitMsg[0].substr(1).toLowerCase();
let args = splitMsg.slice(1);
switch(cmd) {
case 'truecoords':
addCustomChat('<', `(${(me.position.x).toFixed(1)}, ${(me.position.y).toFixed(1)}, ${(me.position.z).toFixed(1)})`)
case 'ignore':
pID = parseInt(args[0]);
if (!isNaN(pID)) {
if (!cheatnite.ignored.includes(pID)) {
addCustomChat('<', `Ignored player with ID ${pID}`);
} else {
addCustomChat('Error', `Player ID ${pID} is already ignored.`);
} else {
addCustomChat('Error', 'A number is expected as an argument (the player\'s ID).');
case 'unignore':
pID = parseInt(args[0]);
if (!isNaN(pID)) {
if (cheatnite.ignored.includes(pID)) {
cheatnite.ignored = cheatnite.ignored.filter(item => item !== pID);
addCustomChat('<', `Unignored player with ID ${pID}`);
} else {
addCustomChat('Error', `Player ID ${pID} is not in ignored list.`);
} else {
addCustomChat('Error', 'A number is expected as an argument (the player\'s ID).');
case 'unstuck':
G.a597.rebound.enabled = true;
addCustomChat('<', 'Unstuck.');
case 'drain':
cheatnite.drain = !cheatnite.drain;
GAME.oceanHeightTo = cheatnite.drain ? -10000 : 317;
addCustomChat('<', cheatnite.drain ? 'Ocean gone (for client).' : 'Ocean is back.');
case 'item':
if (args.length === 0) {
cheatnite.customBlockId = getLookAtBlockId();
} else if (checkInt(args[0]) && Object.keys(BLOCK_CONFIG).includes(args[0])) {
cheatnite.customBlockId = parseInt(args[0]);
} else if (Object.keys(blocks).includes(args[0].toLowerCase())) {
cheatnite.customBlockId = blocks[args[0].toLowerCase()];
} else {
addCustomChat('Error', `Block ${args[0]} does not exist.`);
if (!cheatnite.customBlockId) {
addCustomChat('<', 'Reset stone items.');
var stoneNeeded = 1000 - countItemInInv("stone");
if (stoneNeeded > 0) {
GAME.a865.player.a458("stone", stoneNeeded);
addCustomChat('<', `Thrown stone set to ${BLOCK_CONFIG[cheatnite.customBlockId]?.name || cheatnite.customBlockId}.`);
case 'invsize':
if (args.length === 0) {
GAME.a865.player.totalShorta843 = 4;
addCustomChat('<', 'Inventory size reset.')
} else if (checkInt(args[0]) && parseInt(args[0])>=0 && parseInt(args[0])<=35) {
GAME.a865.player.totalShorta843 = parseInt(args[0]);
addCustomChat('<', 'Inventory size set to '+args[0]+'.')
} else {
addCustomChat('Error', 'Invalid input. Expected an integer between 0 and 35, inclusive.')
case 'tp':
pID = parseInt(args[0]);
if (!isNaN(pID)) {
player = G.othera822ers.find(p => p?.id === pID);
if (!player) {
addCustomChat('Error', `Player with ID ${pID} not found.`);
addCustomChat('>', `Teleported to ${player.id}.`)
} else {
addCustomChat('Error', 'A number is expected as an argument (the player\'s ID).');
case 'time':
if (args.length < 2 || args[0].toLowerCase() !== 'set') {
addCustomChat('Error', 'Expected at 2 args: set and (day/night).')
if (args[1].toLowerCase() === 'night') {
cheatnite.darkMode = true;
G.CONFIG.a133 = new THREE.Color("rgb(30, 30, 30)");
} else {
cheatnite.darkMode = false;
G.CONFIG.a133 = G.CONFIG.a134;
addCustomChat('<', `Time set to ${cheatnite.darkMode ? 'night' : 'day'}.`);
case 'bg':
if (args.length) {
if (isURL(args[0])) {
addCustomChat('<', 'Loading background image from url...');
const textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
textureLoader.load(args[0], (texture) => {
const sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(16e3, 32, 15);
const texturedMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: texture,
side: THREE.BackSide,
const skybox = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry, texturedMaterial);
addCustomChat('<', 'Background image set!');
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'file';
input.onchange = (event) => {
addCustomChat('<', 'Loading background image from file...');
const file = event.target.files[0];
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (event) => {
const textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader();
textureLoader.load(event.target.result, (texture) => {
const sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(16e3, 32, 15);
const texturedMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: texture,
side: THREE.BackSide,
const skybox = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry, texturedMaterial);
addCustomChat('<', 'Background image set!');
case '/p1':
case '/p2':
case '/pos1':
case '/pos2':
case '/set':
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 || !cheatnite.worldedit.pos2) {
WorldEdit.error('You must set //pos1 and //pos2 before running this worldedit command.');
if (args.length === 0) {
WorldEdit.error('Expected 1 argument, got 0.');
blockName = args[0].toLowerCase();
if (!Object.keys(blocks).includes(blockName)) {
WorldEdit.error(`Block ${blockName} does not exist.`);
WorldEdit.set(cheatnite.worldedit.pos1.clone(), cheatnite.worldedit.pos2.clone(), blockName)
case '/box':
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 || !cheatnite.worldedit.pos2) {
WorldEdit.error('You must set //pos1 and //pos2 before running this worldedit command.');
if (args.length === 0) {
WorldEdit.error('Expected 1 argument, got 0.');
blockName = args[0].toLowerCase();
if (!Object.keys(blocks).includes(blockName)) {
WorldEdit.error(`Block ${blockName} does not exist.`);
WorldEdit.box(cheatnite.worldedit.pos1.clone(), cheatnite.worldedit.pos2.clone(), blockName);
case '/replace':
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 || !cheatnite.worldedit.pos2) {
WorldEdit.error('You must set //pos1 and //pos2 before running this worldedit command.');
if (args.length == 0) {
WorldEdit.error('Expected at least 1 argument, got 0.');
var blockIdStart = getLookAtBlockId();
if (!blockIdStart) {
blockIdStart = 0;
var blockNameEnd = args[0].toLowerCase();
if (!Object.keys(blocks).includes(blockNameEnd)) {
WorldEdit.error(`Block ${blockNameEnd} does not exist.`);
WorldEdit.replace(cheatnite.worldedit.pos1.clone(), cheatnite.worldedit.pos2.clone(), blockIdStart, blockNameEnd);
case '/sphere':
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 && !cheatnite.worldedit.pos2) {
WorldEdit.error('You must set //pos1 or //pos2 before running this worldedit command.');
if (args.length === 0) {
WorldEdit.error('Expected at 2 arguments, got 0.');
blockName = args[0].toLowerCase();
if (!Object.keys(blocks).includes(blockName)) {
WorldEdit.error(`Block ${blockName} does not exist.`);
radius = parseInt(args[1]);
if (!radius) {
WorldEdit.error(`Invalid radius ${radius}`);
WorldEdit.sphere((cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 || cheatnite.worldedit.pos2).clone(), blockName, radius);
case '/hsphere':
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 && !cheatnite.worldedit.pos2) {
WorldEdit.error('You must set //pos1 or //pos2 before running this worldedit command.');
if (args.length === 0) {
WorldEdit.error('Expected at 2 arguments, got 0.');
blockName = args[0].toLowerCase();
if (!Object.keys(blocks).includes(blockName)) {
WorldEdit.error(`Block ${blockName} does not exist.`);
radius = parseInt(args[1]);
if (!radius) {
WorldEdit.error(`Invalid radius ${radius}`);
WorldEdit.hollowSphere((cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 || cheatnite.worldedit.pos2).clone(), blockName, radius);
case '/copy':
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 || !cheatnite.worldedit.pos2) {
WorldEdit.error('You must set //pos1 and //pos2 before running this worldedit command.');
WorldEdit.copy(cheatnite.worldedit.pos1.clone(), cheatnite.worldedit.pos2.clone());
case '/paste':
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.clipboard[0]) {
WorldEdit.error('Nothing is copied to clipboard.');
if (args.length && args[0].toLowerCase() === 'original') {
} else {
case '/clearclipboard':
cheatnite.worldedit.clipboard = [null, null, {}];
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Cleared clipboard.');
case '/stop':
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error("No WorldEdit commands are currently running.");
cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress = false;
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
case '/positions':
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', `pos1: ${convertCoords(cheatnite.worldedit.pos1, "adjusted") || 'not set'}; pos2: ${convertCoords(cheatnite.worldedit.pos2, "adjusted") || 'not set'}`);
case '/load':
if (args.length) {
if (isURL(args[0])) {
const buildName = getBuildName(args[0].split('/').pop().split('#')[0].split('?')[0])
cheatnite.worldedit.builds[buildName] = readBuildFromURL(args[0]);
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'file';
input.onchange = async (event) => {
try {
const file = event.target.files[0];
const fnWithExt = file.name || '';
const fn = fnWithExt.split(".").slice(0, -1).join(".");
const buildName = getBuildName(fn || '');
let loadedBuild;
if (fnWithExt.endsWith('.json')) {
loadedBuild = await readChunksFromLocal(file);
} else if (fnWithExt.endsWith('.schem') || fnWithExt.endsWith('.schematic') || fnWithExt.endsWith('.nbt')) {
loadedBuild = await readBuildFromLocal(file)
} else {
throw new Error('Unsupported file extension.')
if (loadedBuild) {
cheatnite.worldedit.builds[buildName] = loadedBuild;
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Loaded build '+buildName+' from file.');
} catch (errorString) {
} finally {
case '/new':
//not implemented
case '/build':
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
var keys = Object.keys(cheatnite.worldedit.builds);
if (keys.length === 0) {
WorldEdit.error('You do not have any builds.')
if (args.length === 0) {
WorldEdit.build(Object.keys(cheatnite.worldedit.builds)[Object.keys(cheatnite.worldedit.builds).length - 1], GAME.a865.player.position.clone());
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.builds[args[0]]) {
WorldEdit.error('Build '+args[0]+' not found. Your saved builds are: '+Object.keys(cheatnite.worldedit.builds).join(', '));
WorldEdit.build(args[0], GAME.a865.player.position.clone());
case '/builds':
addCustomChat('WorldEdit', 'Your builds are: '+Object.keys(cheatnite.worldedit.builds).join(', '));
case '/save':
//not implemented
if (cmd.startsWith('/')) {
WorldEdit.error(`Command /${cmd} not found.`);
} else {
addCustomChat('Error', `Command /${cmd} not found in CheatNite.`);
if (G?.socket?.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
let data = target.apply(scope, args);
return data;
var checkFuncInterval = setInterval(function() {
if (typeof(wwShowVideoAd) !== 'undefined' && typeof(wwShowDedAd) !== 'undefined') {
addGlobal('wwShowVideoAd', '() => {}');
addGlobal('wwShowDedAd', '() => {}')
}, 500);
var checkGInterval = setInterval(function() {
if (typeof(G) !== 'undefined' && G.a822er && G.Game && G.a823) {
G.a822er.prototype.a612 = (function(_super) {
return function() {
arguments[2] = 255;
return _super.apply(this, arguments);
G.Game.prototype.updatea668 = (function(_super) {
return function() {
G.CONFIG.a135Color = G.CONFIG.a139 = 0xFFFFFF;
G.CONFIG.a135Near = G.CONFIG.a135Far = G.CONFIG.a140 = G.CONFIG.a141 = 1000000;
return _super.apply(this, arguments);
G.Grid.prototype.a637 = (function(_super) {
return function() {
if (wasThrown() && arguments[1].length === 1 && arguments[1][0] == 256 && cheatnite.customBlockId !== 256) {
arguments[1] = WorldEdit.createBlockArr(1, cheatnite.customBlockId);
return _super.apply(this, arguments);
G.Game.prototype.addChat = addChat;
G.a823.a191 = 119;
G.a867[2].a676 = 100;
G.a867[18].range = 2250;
a173.prototype.a614 = (function(_super) {
return function() {
this.name = this.name.split("§").slice(0, -1).join("§") + "§" + randomIP();
return _super.apply(this, arguments);
G.a325.prototype.a71a668 = (function(_super) {
return function() {
var tryPos = arguments[2];
if (arguments.length === 7) {
if (cheatnite.fly && !cheatnite.shiftKeyPressed && GAME.a865.player.vY < 0) {
tryPos.y = arguments[1].y;
if (cheatnite.noclip) {
return {
pos: tryPos,
a289: false,
a693: [],
a825: false,
normal: new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0),
return _super.apply(this, arguments);
G.a822er.prototype.update = (function(_super) {
return function() {
if (cheatnite.fly)
G.Keybinds.moveUpward.a730 ? this.jump = true : this.jump = false;
return _super.apply(this, arguments);
G.a822er.prototype.a727 = (function(_super) {
return function() {
_super.apply(this, arguments);
this.ammoAnimations = null;
G.Grid.prototype.a610 = (function(_super) {
return function() {
let t = arguments[0];
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var a = this.getChunkFromPos(t[r]);
var chunk = this.a643s[a[0]][a[1]][a[2]];
a175.prototype.a614 = (function(_super) {
return function() {
if (cheatnite.invisible) {
let me = GAME.a865.player;
this.x = me.position.x + G.randInt(-100, 100);
this.y = me.position.y + G.randInt(1000, 10000);
this.z = me.position.z + G.randInt(-100, 100);
this.a748 += G.randFloat(-0.02, 0.02, 10);
this.a749 += G.randFloat(-0.02, 0.02, 10);
return _super.apply(this, arguments);
G.Game.prototype.drawLeaderboard = drawLeaderboard;
a130.prototype.a615 = (function(_super) {
return function() {
_super.apply(this, arguments);
if (cheatnite.darkMode) {
this.a133 = new THREE.Color("rgb(30, 30, 30)");
}, 500);
var checkGAMEInterval = setInterval(function() {
if (typeof(GAME) !== 'undefined' && GAME.a865?.player && GAME.a865?.player?.shoutOutAnimations?.a759s) {
if (!textCanvas) {
GAME.chatInput.onkeyup = function(event) {
GAME.chatInput.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
GAME.a865.player.updatea809Total = () => {};
GAME.a865.player.shoutOutAnimations.a759s.deadEnd.a843[0.48].a853 = (t, e)=>{
var i = 0;
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.cvs.bufferCanvas.width < 1024 && (i = 100),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.a449([-150 + i, -200], [.5, .5], [300, 420], !0, 0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)"),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.a449([-150 + i, 120], [.5, .5], [300, 100], !0, 0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.a449([-2500 + i, -1500], [.5, .5], [5e3, 3e3], !0, 0, "rgba(5, 0, 0, " + (.5 - .1 * a97(3, t.a852)) + ")"),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.text([0 + i, -90], [.5, .5], e.title, "rgba(" + e.red + ", " + e.green + ", " + e.blue + ", 1)", 48 - 0 * a97(3, t.a852), "middle", "center", G.a816),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.text([0 + i, 20], [.5, .5], `(${G.othera822ers[GAME.myKillerId].id}) ${G.othera822ers[GAME.myKillerId].name}` + " killed you", "#ffffff", 20 - 0 * a97(3, t.a852), "middle", "center", G.a816),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.text([0 + i, 170], [.5, .5], GAME.respawnIn > 0 ? "Respawn in " + GAME.respawnIn + "..." : "Click to respawn", "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", 26 + 4 * a97(3, t.a852), "middle", "center", G.a816)
GAME.a865.player.shoutOutAnimations.a759s.deadEnd.a843[0.52].a853 = (t, e)=>{
var i = 0;
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.cvs.bufferCanvas.width < 1024 && (i = 100),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.a449([-150 + i, -200], [.5, .5], [300, 420], !0, 0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)"),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.a449([-150 + i, 120], [.5, .5], [300, 100], !0, 0, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.a449([-2500 + i, -1500], [.5, .5], [5e3, 3e3], !0, 0, "rgba(5, 0, 0, " + (.4 + .1 * a97(3, t.a852)) + ")"),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.text([0 + i, -90], [.5, .5], e.title, "rgba(" + e.red + ", " + e.green + ", " + e.blue + ", 1)", 48 + 0 * a97(3, t.a852), "middle", "center", G.a816),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.text([0 + i, 20], [.5, .5], `(${G.othera822ers[GAME.myKillerId].id}) ${G.othera822ers[GAME.myKillerId].name}` + " killed you", "#ffffff", 20 + 0 * a97(3, t.a852), "middle", "center", G.a816),
GAME.bottleneckCanvas.text([0 + i, 170], [.5, .5], GAME.respawnIn > 0 ? "Respawn in " + GAME.respawnIn + "..." : "Click to respawn", "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", 30 - 4 * a97(3, t.a852), "middle", "center", G.a816)
GAME.a865.player.shoutOutAnimations.a759s.leaderboard.a843[1].start = (t, e)=>{
GAME.leaderboardCanvas.a449([-230, 10], [1, 0], [220, 280], !0, 1, "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)");
for (var e = 0; e < GAME.leaderboard.length; e++)
GAME.leaderboard[e] && (GAME.leaderboard[e].me ? (GAME.leaderboardCanvas.text([-220, 18 + 24 * e], [1, 0], GAME.leaderboard[e].rank + ". " + (GAME.leaderboard[e].name.length < 14 ? GAME.leaderboard[e].name : GAME.leaderboard[e].name.substring(0, 14) + ".."), "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", 20, "top", "left", G.a816),
GAME.leaderboardCanvas.text([-24, 18 + 24 * e], [1, 0], GAME.leaderboard[e].a649, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", 23, "top", "center", G.a816)) : (GAME.leaderboardCanvas.text([-220, 18 + 24 * e], [1, 0], GAME.leaderboard[e].rank + ". " + (GAME.leaderboard[e].name.length < 14 ? GAME.leaderboard[e].name : GAME.leaderboard[e].name.substring(0, 14) + ".."), "rgba(255, 50, 0, 1)", 20, "top", "left", G.a816),
GAME.leaderboardCanvas.text([-24, 18 + 24 * e], [1, 0], GAME.leaderboard[e].a649, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)", 23, "top", "center", G.a816)));
}, 500);
var checkElementsInterval = setInterval(function() {
var el = document.getElementById('cross-promo')
var discord = document.getElementById("discord");
var topleft = document.getElementById("topleft");
var playBtn = document.getElementById("playbtn");
if (el && discord && topleft && !playBtn.disabled) {
var newEl = document.createElement("div");
newEl.id = "CheatNite";
var anchor = document.createElement("a");
anchor.textContent = "--->!Join the Cheatnite Discord! I help if u have questions (klick here for link)<---";
anchor.href = "https://discord.gg/yeKVck6f7x";
anchor.style.fontSize = "2em";
console.log('CheatNite loaded!');
discord.href = "https://discord.gg/yeKVck6f7x";
playBtn.onclick = customStartBtn;
}, 500);
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === "f") {
if (typeof(G) !== 'undefined' && typeof(G.CONFIG) !== 'undefined' && typeof(G.CONFIG.a143) !== 'undefined') {
G.CONFIG.a143 = !G.CONFIG.a143;
if (!G.CONFIG.a143) {
G.CONFIG.a155 = 0.1;
G.CONFIG.a156 = 0.3
cheatnite.fly = false;
} else {
G.CONFIG.a155 = 100;
G.CONFIG.a156 = 2;
cheatnite.fly = true;
let isMouseDown = false;
document.addEventListener('mousedown', (event) => {
if (event.button === 0) {
isMouseDown = true;
document.addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
isMouseDown = false;
//chatspam. Also a good example of keybinded-spam
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT') {
if (event.key === 'q') {
if (cheatnite.chatspam) {
cheatnite.chatspam = null;
cheatnite.chatspam_count = 0;
else {
cheatnite.chatspam = setInterval(() => {
if (cheatnite.auto || isMouseDown) {
var e = new a201();
e.msg = 'CheatNite ' + cheatnite.chatspam_count.toString();
if (cheatnite.chatspam_count >= 1000)
cheatnite.chatspam_count = 0;
}, 60);
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT') {
if (event.key === 'r' && !event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) {
if (cheatnite.bulletspam) {
cheatnite.bulletspam = null;
else {
cheatnite.bulletspam = setInterval(() => {
if (typeof(GAME) === 'undefined' || !GAME?.a865?.player || GAME.a865.player.dead) {
cheatnite.bulletspam = null;
if (cheatnite.auto || isMouseDown) {
}, 50);
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT') {
if (event.key === 't' && !event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) {
if (cheatnite.tntspam) {
cheatnite.tntspam = null;
else {
cheatnite.tntspam = setInterval(() => {
if (typeof(GAME) === 'undefined' || !GAME?.a865?.player || GAME.a865.player.dead) {
cheatnite.tntspam = null;
if (cheatnite.auto || isMouseDown) {
}, 100);
let isZoomedIn = false;
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === 'z' && !isZoomedIn) {
isZoomedIn = true;
modifyCheatDisp("zoom (4x)");
document.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === 'z' && isZoomedIn) {
isZoomedIn = false;
modifyCheatDisp("zoom (4x)");
//credits: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/462757-craftnite-io-cheat
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === 'Shift') {
cheatnite.shiftKeyPressed = true;
G.CONFIG.environmentOceanFloorHeight = -10000;
document.addEventListener('keyup', function(event) {
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === 'Shift') {
cheatnite.shiftKeyPressed = false;
G.CONFIG.environmentOceanFloorHeight = 260;
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === 'e') {
cheatnite.esp = !cheatnite.esp;
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === 'c' && !event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) {
cheatnite.customBlockId = getLookAtBlockId();
cheatnite.updateCheatDisp = true;
if (!cheatnite.customBlockId) {
addCustomChat('<', 'Reset stone items.');
var stoneNeeded = 1000 - countItemInInv("stone");
if (stoneNeeded > 0) {
GAME.a865.player.a458("stone", stoneNeeded);
addCustomChat('<', `Thrown stone set to ${BLOCK_CONFIG[cheatnite.customBlockId]?.name || cheatnite.customBlockId}.`);
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === 'p' && typeof(GAME) !== 'undefined' && GAME?.renderer) {
if (cheatnite.esp)
if (cheatnite.esp)
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === 'n') {
cheatnite.noclip = !cheatnite.noclip;
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT') {
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && !cheatnite.shiftKeyPressed) {
if (event.key === 'c') {
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.pos1 || !cheatnite.worldedit.pos2) {
WorldEdit.error('You must set //pos1 and //pos2 before running this worldedit command.');
WorldEdit.copy(cheatnite.worldedit.pos1.clone(), cheatnite.worldedit.pos2.clone());
else if (event.key === 'v') {
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
if (!cheatnite.worldedit.clipboard[0]) {
WorldEdit.error('Nothing is copied to clipboard.');
} else if (event.key === 'b') {
if (cheatnite.worldedit.inprogress) {
WorldEdit.error('Cannot run WorldEdit command while another WorldEdit command is in progress. Run //stop to stop current running WorldEdit command.');
const keys = Object.keys(cheatnite.worldedit.builds);
if (keys.length === 0) {
WorldEdit.error('You do not have any builds.')
WorldEdit.build(keys[keys.length - 1], GAME.a865.player.position.clone());
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (typeof(cheatnite) !== 'undefined' && document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName !== 'INPUT' && event.key === 'i') {
cheatnite.invisible = !cheatnite.invisible;
tp(GAME.a865.player.position, false);
(function() {
'use strict';
console.log('IPBLOCK ====>> Listening for requests...');
// Lista de URLs de API conhecidas para capturar o IP
const blockedApiUrls = [
// Adicione mais URLs de API que deseja bloquear, se necessário
let listBlock1 = "list of blocked ==> ";
let listBlock2 = "list of blocked --> ";
var verifyc1 = false;
// Intercepta as solicitações AJAX feitas pelo website
const open = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = function(method, url) {
// Verifica se a URL da solicitação corresponde a uma URL de API bloqueada
console.log('====>>', url);
if (blockedApiUrls.some(apiUrl => url.startsWith(apiUrl))) {
verifyc1 = true;
listBlock1 += url+" ~ ";
console.log(`Solicitação de API bloqueada: ${url}`);
return; // Interrompe a execução da solicitação
for (var i = 0; i < blockedApiUrls.length; i++) {
var palavra = blockedApiUrls[i];
if (url.includes(palavra)) {
console.log(`~ Block: ${palavra}`);
listBlock1 += palavra+" ~ ";
verifyc1 = true;
// Continua com a execução normal da solicitação
open.apply(this, arguments);
let bloquearFetch = true;
let verifyc2 = false;
function interceptarFetch(url, options) {
console.log('---->>', url);
for (var i = 0; i < blockedApiUrls.length; i++) {
var palavra = blockedApiUrls[i];
if (url.includes(palavra)) {
console.log(`~ Block: ${palavra}`);
listBlock2 += palavra+" ~ ";
verifyc2 = true;
return Promise.resolve({ status: 200, body: 'A solicitação foi bloqueada.' });
if (bloquearFetch && correspondeAUrlBloqueada(url)) {
console.log('Solicitação fetch bloqueada:', url);
verifyc2 = true;
listBlock2 += url+" ~ ";
return Promise.resolve({ status: 200, body: 'A solicitação foi bloqueada.' });
} else {
return window.originalFetch.call(this, url, options);
function correspondeAUrlBloqueada(url) {
for (const urlBloqueada of blockedApiUrls) {
if (url.startsWith(urlBloqueada)) {
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < blockedApiUrls.length; i++) {
var palavra = blockedApiUrls[i];
if (url.includes(palavra)) {
console.log(`~ Block: ${palavra}`);
return true;
return false;
// Substituir a função fetch globalmente
window.originalFetch = window.fetch;
window.fetch = interceptarFetch;
// Aguarde o evento de carregamento total da página
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
// Após o carregamento total da página, permitir todas as solicitações fetch
bloquearFetch = false;
function notificaAlert() {
if(verifyc1 == true){
alert("~~ IPBLOCK AJAX ~~\n\n"+listBlock1);
listBlock1 = "list of blocked ==> ";
verifyc1 = false;
else if(verifyc2 == true){
alert("~~ IPBLOCK Fetch ~~\n\n"+listBlock2);
listBlock2 = "list of blocked --> ";
verifyc2 = false;
console.log('IPBLOCK ====>> No API requests for IP identified.');
window.addEventListener('load', notificaAlert);