AO3: [Wrangling] When did I last wrangle?

turns the last wrangled date into a "X days ago" message, and highlights it if more than 10 days ago

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Takes the date/time when you last wrangled, and turns it into a message of "X days ago", so you don't have to do the math.
The calculation rounds to the closest full day: if you wrangled 5 hours ago, it'll show 0 days. if you wrangled 18 hours ago, it's already showing as 1 day ago.

The "X days ago" message has a tooltip where it'll show the date/time that Ao3 provided, because the script also removes the usual text above the table of assigned fandoms.

Once you've hit 10 days, the highlight goes from gray to red, to alert you that you're coming close to the allowed 2-week maximum.

PS: Timezones are a mess. If you notice anything wonky with the day calculation, let me know. Your selected timezone might be unrecognized because it's missing off the list in the script, then the scripts treats everything as UTC.

Known Issues: If you're running a script that tries to write into the paragraphs of text right underneath the "Assigned Fandoms" heading, it might disagree with this script hiding those paragraphs. Try commenting out (adding two forward slashes //) in code lines #22 and #23. Then the script doesn't try to hide these paragraphs.