IG Helper

Downloading is possible for both photos and videos from posts, as well as for stories, reels or profile picture.

Per 13-02-2024. Zie de nieuwste versie.

SN-Koarashi (5026)
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Instagram Download Helper (IG Helper)

GitHub | GreasyFork


▪ It can only download three images most.
▪ You can click another download button to download the full thumbnail of stories videos.
▪ Download button in top right of photos.

▪ Disable video looping with script settings.
▪ You can download user profile picture (full-size).
▪ Redirect to a user's profile page when right-clicking on their user avatar in the story area on the homepage.

How to Change Settings

1. Go Instagram.com
2. Check your Tampermonkey extension
3. See following:

Hot keys

ALT+Q - Close pop-up window
ALT+W - Open the settings menu

Developer Statement

1. All code development and testing are based on the Chrome browser and the extension Tampermonkey.
2. Due to the framework and personal differences used in Instagram development, the page layout and node names presented by each person may be different. Therefore, all development and testing are based on the pages I have seen, which may cause a few people to The script does not work, please forgive me.

Contact & Donate

If you want to contact me, you can join my discord server: " https://discord.gg/Sh8HJ4d " and then calling my discord 5026.

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com