- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Diep.style
- // @namespace https://www.reddit.com/r/Diepio/comments/5y1np1/diepstyle_plugin/
- // @version 0.097
- // @description Press Esc twice to toggle the menu,and save the setting
- // @author sbk2015
- // @match https://*diep.io/*
- // @grant none
- // @run-at document-idle
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function () {
- "use strict";
- const jsColorPackage=`https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jscolor/2.0.4/jscolor.min.js`;
- var localStorage;
- var saveList;
- var nowSetting;
- var isLocal;
- var clone;
- jsInit();
- setTimeout(pluginInit, 2000);
- function jsInit() {
- Storage.prototype.setObject = function (key, value) {
- this.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
- };
- Storage.prototype.getObject = function (key) {
- var value = this.getItem(key);
- return value && JSON.parse(value);
- };
- clone = function (obj) {
- return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
- };
- window.diepStyle = {};
- localStorage = window.localStorage;
- if (location.href.indexOf("file://") >= 0) {
- var warning = false;
- warning ? "" : console.warn("off warning");
- isLocal = true;
- window.input = {
- set_convar: function () {
- warning ? console.warn("block input.set_convar") : "";
- },
- execute: function () {
- warning ? console.warn("block input.set_execute") : "";
- },
- };
- }
- }
- function pluginInit() {
- storageInit();
- keyListen();
- tempInit();
- styleInit();
- diepStyle.onColor = onColor;
- diepStyle.storageInit = storageInit;
- //togglePanel(true);
- function storageInit(cmd) {
- var th = 50,
- netTH = 110;
- var colors = [
- {
- id: 2,
- name: "You FFA",
- color: "00b1de",
- },
- {
- id: 15,
- name: "Other FFA",
- color: "f14e54",
- },
- {
- id: 3,
- name: "Blue Team",
- color: "00b1de",
- },
- {
- id: 4,
- name: "Red Team",
- color: "f14e54",
- },
- {
- id: 5,
- name: "Purple Team",
- color: "bf7ff5",
- },
- {
- id: 6,
- name: "Green Team",
- color: "00e16e",
- },
- {
- id: 17,
- name: "Fallen team",
- color: "c6c6c6",
- },
- {
- id: 12,
- name: "Arena Closer",
- color: "ffe869",
- },
- {
- id: 8,
- name: "Square",
- color: "ffe869",
- },
- {
- id: 7,
- name: "Green Square?",
- color: "89ff69",
- },
- {
- id: 16,
- name: "Necro Square",
- color: "fcc376",
- },
- {
- id: 9,
- name: "Triangle",
- color: "fc7677",
- },
- {
- id: 10,
- name: "Pentagon",
- color: "768dfc",
- },
- {
- id: 11,
- name: "Crasher",
- color: "f177dd",
- },
- {
- id: 14,
- name: "Waze Wall",
- color: "bbbbbb",
- },
- {
- id: 1,
- name: "Turret",
- color: "999999",
- },
- {
- id: 0,
- name: "Smasher",
- color: "4f4f4f",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "All Bars",
- color: "000000",
- cmd: "ren_bar_background_color",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Outline",
- color: "555555",
- cmd: "ren_stroke_solid_color",
- },
- {
- id: 13,
- name: "Leader Board",
- color: "64ff8c",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Xp Bar",
- color: "ffde43",
- cmd: "ren_xp_bar_fill_color",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Score Bar",
- color: "43ff91",
- cmd: "ren_score_bar_fill_color",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Health Bar1",
- color: "85e37d",
- cmd: "ren_health_fill_color",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Health Bar2",
- color: "555555",
- cmd: "ren_health_background_color",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Grid Color",
- color: "000000",
- cmd: "ren_grid_color",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Minimap 1",
- color: "CDCDCD",
- cmd: "ren_minimap_background_color",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Minimap 2",
- color: "797979",
- cmd: "ren_minimap_border_color",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Background 1",
- color: "CDCDCD",
- cmd: "ren_background_color",
- },
- {
- id: th++,
- name: "Background 2",
- color: "797979",
- cmd: "ren_border_color",
- },
- {
- id: netTH++,
- name: "UI Color1",
- color: "e69f6c",
- cmd: "ui_replace_colors",
- },
- {
- id: netTH++,
- name: "UI Color2",
- color: "ff73ff",
- cmd: "ui_replace_colors",
- },
- {
- id: netTH++,
- name: "UI Color3",
- color: "c980ff",
- cmd: "ui_replace_colors",
- },
- {
- id: netTH++,
- name: "UI Color4",
- color: "71b4ff",
- cmd: "ui_replace_colors",
- },
- {
- id: netTH++,
- name: "UI Color5",
- color: "ffed3f",
- cmd: "ui_replace_colors",
- },
- {
- id: netTH++,
- name: "UI Color6",
- color: "ff7979",
- cmd: "ui_replace_colors",
- },
- {
- id: netTH++,
- name: "UI Color7",
- color: "88ff41",
- cmd: "ui_replace_colors",
- },
- {
- id: netTH++,
- name: "UI Color8",
- color: "41ffff",
- cmd: "ui_replace_colors",
- },
- ];
- diepStyle.colorMap = new Map(
- colors.map(function (elem) {
- return [
- elem.id,
- {
- color: elem.color,
- cmd: elem.cmd || "no cmd",
- },
- ];
- })
- );
- diepStyle.uiColorMap = function (cmd) {
- var uiTH = nowSetting.colors.findIndex(
- (elem) => elem.name == "UI Color1"
- );
- var colorBunch = "";
- var arr = [];
- if (cmd == "0x") {
- for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- colorBunch = " 0x" + nowSetting.colors[uiTH + i].color + colorBunch;
- }
- return colorBunch;
- }
- if (cmd == "array") {
- for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- arr.push(nowSetting.colors[uiTH + i].color);
- }
- return arr;
- }
- };
- var renders = [
- {
- name: "Grid Alpha",
- value: 0.1,
- cmd: "grid_base_alpha",
- },
- {
- name: "Outline Intensity",
- value: 0.25,
- cmd: "stroke_soft_color_intensity",
- },
- {
- name: "Show Outline",
- value: false,
- cmd: "stroke_soft_color",
- reverse: true,
- },
- {
- name: "Border Alpha",
- value: 0.1,
- cmd: "border_color_alpha",
- },
- {
- name: "UI Scale",
- value: 1,
- cmd: "ui_scale",
- },
- {
- name: "Clear UI",
- value: false,
- cmd: "ui",
- reverse: true,
- },
- {
- name: "Show FPS",
- value: false,
- cmd: "fps",
- },
- {
- name: "Show Health",
- value: false,
- cmd: "raw_health_values",
- },
- {
- name: "Hide Name",
- value: false,
- cmd: "names",
- reverse: true,
- },
- ];
- (function checkHasStorage() {
- var _localStorage = localStorage.getObject("diepStyle");
- var page = 1;
- if (nowSetting && nowSetting.saveTH) {
- page = nowSetting.saveTH;
- }
- if (_localStorage && _localStorage.saveList) {
- saveList = _localStorage.saveList;
- nowSetting = _localStorage.nowSetting;
- }
- if (!nowSetting || cmd == "reset") {
- nowSetting = getBlankSetting();
- nowSetting.saveTH = page;
- }
- if (!saveList) saveList = getBlankSaveList();
- saveList[0] = getBlankSetting();
- (function checkMissing() {
- var plain = getBlankSetting();
- plain.renders.forEach((elem, th) => {
- var index = nowSetting.renders.findIndex(
- (now) => elem.cmd == now.cmd
- );
- if (index < 0) {
- nowSetting.renders.splice(th, 0, elem);
- saveList[nowSetting.saveTH].renders.splice(th, 0, elem);
- }
- });
- plain.colors.forEach((elem, th) => {
- var index = nowSetting.colors.findIndex((now) => {
- if (elem.cmd && elem.cmd == now.cmd) return true;
- if ((elem.id || elem.id == 0) && elem.id == now.id) return true;
- });
- if (index < 0) {
- nowSetting.colors.splice(th, 0, elem);
- saveList[nowSetting.saveTH].colors.splice(th, 0, elem);
- }
- });
- })();
- })();
- (function command() {
- diepStyle.command = {};
- renders.forEach((elem) => {
- diepStyle.command[elem.cmd] = {};
- if (elem.reverse) diepStyle.command[elem.cmd].reverse = true;
- });
- diepStyle.command.fn = function (cmd, value) {
- nowSetting.renders = nowSetting.renders.map((elem) => {
- if (elem.cmd == cmd) elem.value = value;
- return elem;
- });
- if (diepStyle.command[cmd].reverse) value = !value;
- input.set_convar("ren_" + cmd, value);
- };
- })();
- function getBlankSetting() {
- return {
- version: 0.097,
- saveTH: 1,
- lock: false,
- colors,
- renders,
- };
- }
- function getBlankSaveList() {
- var list = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- list[i] = getBlankSetting();
- if (i == 0) list[i].isDefault = "default,no save";
- }
- return clone(list);
- }
- Storage.prototype.pluginSave = function () {
- saveList[nowSetting.saveTH] = clone(nowSetting);
- var _storageObj = {
- nowSetting: clone(nowSetting),
- saveList: clone(saveList),
- };
- localStorage.setObject("diepStyle", _storageObj);
- };
- localStorage.pluginSave();
- }
- function keyListen() {
- var input = "";
- document.addEventListener("keyup", function (evt) {
- var that = this;
- if (that.pluginOn == undefined) that.pluginOn = false;
- var e = window.event || evt;
- var key = e.which || e.keyCode;
- input += key;
- if (input.indexOf("2727") >= 0) {
- input = "";
- that.pluginOn = !that.pluginOn;
- togglePanel(that.pluginOn);
- (function save() {
- if (!that.pluginOn) {
- localStorage.pluginSave();
- }
- })();
- }
- if (input.length > 10) input = input.substring(input.length - 10);
- });
- }
- function tempInit() {
- var colorObj = {
- th: 0,
- };
- var setObj = {
- th: 0,
- };
- diepStyle.exportJSON = exportJSON;
- diepStyle.importJSON = importJSON;
- init1();
- loadColor();
- setTimeout(diepStyle.resetRender, 1500);
- diepStyle.resetColor = loadColor;
- function init1() {
- diepStyle.resetRender = resetRender;
- var title = `<div class="title">Diep.Style Ver 0.096<br>
- Press Esc twice to toggle this</div>`;
- var colorPlane = function (id) {
- return `{position:'left',width:300, height:200,onFineChange:'diepStyle.onColor(${id},this)'}`;
- };
- colorObj.setClass = function () {
- return `colorBlock colorBlock${this.th++}`;
- };
- setObj.setClass = function () {
- return `setting setting${this.th++}`;
- };
- function resetRender(cmd) {
- document
- .querySelectorAll("#styleSetting .render")
- .forEach(function (elem) {
- elem.outerHTML = ``;
- });
- var it = document.querySelector(".renderBegin");
- it.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", getRenderBody());
- it.remove();
- nowSetting.renders.forEach(function (elem) {
- diepStyle.command.fn(elem.cmd, elem.value);
- });
- listenerInit(cmd);
- }
- var bodyTheme = getThemeBody();
- var bodyRender = getRenderBody();
- var bodyColor = getColorBody();
- var bodyImport = getImportBody();
- function getThemeBody() {
- var th = 0;
- var html = `
- <div class="themeBody">
- <div class="themeBegin">Theme</div>
- <div class="header hide themeDesc">
- <span class="name"></span>
- <span class="author"></span>
- </div>
- <div class="theme">
- <div class="list">
- <div data-theme="dark"><img src="https://imgur.com/bFyXqs5.jpg"><br>Dark</div>
- <div data-theme="glass"><img src="https://imgur.com/4fnXdkE.jpg"><br>Glass</div>
- <div data-theme="moomoo"><img src="https://imgur.com/XJwGabH.jpg"><br>Moomoo</div>
- <div data-theme="80s"><img src="https://imgur.com/9Lma43A.jpg"><br>80s </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- `;
- return html;
- }
- function getRenderBody() {
- var renders = nowSetting.renders;
- var th = -1;
- var html = `
- <div class="renderBegin">Render</div>
- <div class="row render">
- <div class="cell">${
- renders[++th].name
- } <br><span class="grid_base_value">${
- renders[th].value
- }</span></div>
- <div class="cell"><input type="range" name="grid_base_alpha" value=${
- renders[th].value * 100
- } max="200"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="row render">
- <div class="cell">${
- renders[++th].name
- } <br><span class="stroke_intensity_value">${
- renders[th].value
- }</span></div>
- <div class="cell"><input type="range" name="stroke_soft_color_intensity" value=${
- renders[th].value * 100
- } max="100"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="row render">
- <div class="cell">${renders[++th].name}</div>
- <div class="cell"><input type="checkbox" name="stroke_soft_color" ${
- renders[th].value ? "checked" : ""
- }></div>
- </div>
- <div class="row render">
- <div class="cell">${
- renders[++th].name
- } <br><span class="border_value">${
- renders[th].value
- }</span></div>
- <div class="cell"><input type="range" name="border_color_alpha" value=${
- renders[th].value * 100
- } max="100"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="row render">
- <div class="cell">${
- renders[++th].name
- } <br><span class="ui_scale_value">${
- renders[th].value
- }</span></div>
- <div class="cell"><input type="range" name="ui_scale" value=${
- renders[th].value * 100
- } max="200"></div>
- </div>
- <div class="row render">
- <div class="cell">${renders[++th].name}</div>
- <div class="cell"><input type="checkbox" name="ui" ${
- renders[th].value ? "checked" : ""
- }></div>
- </div>
- <div class="row render">
- <div class="cell">${renders[++th].name}</div>
- <div class="cell"><input type="checkbox" name="fps" ${
- renders[th].value ? "checked" : ""
- }></div>
- </div>
- <div class="row render">
- <div class="cell">${renders[++th].name}</div>
- <div class="cell"><input type="checkbox" name="raw_health_values" ${
- renders[th].value ? "checked" : ""
- }></div>
- </div>
- <div class="row render">
- <div class="cell">${renders[++th].name}</div>
- <div class="cell"><input type="checkbox" name="names" ${
- renders[th].value ? "checked" : ""
- }></div>
- </div>
- `;
- return html;
- }
- function getColorBody() {
- var it = `<div class="row colorBegin">Color</div>\n`;
- nowSetting.colors.forEach(function (elem, th) {
- var id = elem.id;
- it += `
- <div class="row colorBlock colorBlock${th}">
- <div class="cell"></div>
- <div class="cell"><input class="jscolor ${colorPlane(
- `${id}`
- )}"> </div>
- </div>
- `;
- });
- return it;
- }
- var allBody = `
- <div class="pluginBody">${title}
- <hr>
- ${bodyTheme}
- <div class="table">
- ${bodyRender} ${bodyColor} <br>
- </div>
- </div>
- `;
- var getSaveBtns = function () {
- var btn = "";
- for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- if (i == 0) {
- btn += `<button>Default</button>`;
- continue;
- }
- btn += `<button>${i}</button>`;
- }
- return btn;
- };
- function getImportBody() {
- var html = `
- <div class="importBegin">Import / Export Save</div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="cell">
- <button class="import">Import</button>
- </div>
- <div class="cell">
- <button class="export">Export</button>
- </div>
- </div>
- `;
- return html;
- }
- // <button class="selectTheme">Theme</button>
- var footer = `
- <div class="footer">
- <div class="saveBtns">${getSaveBtns()}</div>
- <div class="otherBtns">
- <span><button class="import">Import</button></span>
- <span><button class="export">Export</button></span>
- <span class="lock"><button>Lock</button></span>
- <span class="reset"><button>Reset</button></span>
- </div>
- </div>
- `;
- var id = 0;
- var temp = `<div id="styleSetting"> ${allBody} ${footer} </div>`;
- document.querySelector("body").insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", temp);
- addScript(jsColorPackage);
- function listenerInit(cmd) {
- (function () {
- var theName = "grid_base_alpha";
- document
- .querySelector(`input[name=${theName}]`)
- .addEventListener("input", function (e) {
- var value = (e.target.value - (e.target.value % 2)) / 100;
- document.querySelector(".grid_base_value").innerHTML = value;
- diepStyle.command.fn(theName, value);
- });
- })();
- (function () {
- var theName = "stroke_soft_color_intensity";
- document
- .querySelector(`input[name=${theName}]`)
- .addEventListener("input", function (e) {
- var value = (e.target.value - (e.target.value % 5)) / 100;
- document.querySelector(".stroke_intensity_value").innerHTML =
- value;
- diepStyle.command.fn(theName, value);
- });
- })();
- (function () {
- var theName = "stroke_soft_color";
- document
- .querySelector(`input[name=${theName}]`)
- .addEventListener("change", function (e) {
- diepStyle.command.fn(theName, e.target.checked);
- });
- })();
- (function () {
- var theName = "border_color_alpha";
- document
- .querySelector(`input[name=${theName}]`)
- .addEventListener("input", function (e) {
- var value = (e.target.value - (e.target.value % 2)) / 100;
- document.querySelector(".border_value").innerHTML = value;
- diepStyle.command.fn(theName, value);
- });
- })();
- (function () {
- var theName = "ui_scale";
- document
- .querySelector(`input[name=${theName}]`)
- .addEventListener("input", function (e) {
- var value = (e.target.value - (e.target.value % 2)) / 100;
- document.querySelector(`.${theName}_value`).innerHTML = value;
- diepStyle.command.fn(theName, value);
- });
- })();
- (function () {
- var theName = "ui";
- document
- .querySelector(`input[name=${theName}]`)
- .addEventListener("change", function (e) {
- diepStyle.command.fn(theName, e.target.checked);
- });
- })();
- (function () {
- var theName = "fps";
- document
- .querySelector(`input[name=${theName}]`)
- .addEventListener("change", function (e) {
- diepStyle.command.fn(theName, e.target.checked);
- });
- })();
- (function () {
- var theName = "raw_health_values";
- document
- .querySelector(`input[name=${theName}]`)
- .addEventListener("change", function (e) {
- diepStyle.command.fn(theName, e.target.checked);
- });
- })();
- (function () {
- var theName = "names";
- document
- .querySelector(`input[name=${theName}]`)
- .addEventListener("change", function (e) {
- diepStyle.command.fn(theName, e.target.checked);
- });
- })();
- if (cmd == "reset") return;
- (function () {
- document
- .querySelectorAll(`.theme div[data-theme]`)
- .forEach((dom) => {
- dom.addEventListener("click", () => {
- const name = dom.getAttribute("data-theme");
- const themes = diepStyle.themeJson;
- diepStyle.importJSON(themes[name]);
- });
- });
- })();
- // document.querySelector('button.selectTheme').addEventListener('click', function(e) {
- // alert('k');
- // });
- document
- .querySelector("button.import")
- .addEventListener("click", () => {
- var example =
- '[\n{"cmd":"ui_scale","value":"1.5"},' +
- '\n{"id":"8","value":"888888"}\n]';
- var gotValue = prompt(
- "Enter The JSON\nExample:\n" + example,
- example.replace(/\s/g, "")
- );
- diepStyle.importJSON(gotValue);
- });
- document
- .querySelector("button.export")
- .addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- prompt("Copy the Json", diepStyle.exportJSON("one"));
- });
- document.querySelectorAll(".saveBtns button").forEach((elem, th) => {
- elem.addEventListener("click", function () {
- localStorage.pluginSave();
- nowSetting = clone(saveList[th]);
- nowSetting.saveTH = th;
- // diepStyle.storageInit();
- // nowSetting.saveTH=th;
- diepStyle.resetColor();
- diepStyle.resetRender("reset");
- updateSaveBtns();
- });
- });
- document
- .querySelector(".lock button")
- .addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- nowSetting.lock = !nowSetting.lock;
- updateSaveBtns();
- });
- document
- .querySelector(".reset button")
- .addEventListener("click", function (e) {
- if (e.target.innerHTML != "Confirm") {
- e.target.innerHTML = "Confirm";
- } else {
- diepStyle.storageInit("reset");
- diepStyle.resetColor();
- diepStyle.resetRender("reset");
- updateSaveBtns();
- }
- });
- document
- .querySelector(".reset button")
- .addEventListener("mouseleave", function (e) {
- e.target.innerHTML = "Reset";
- });
- updateSaveBtns();
- function updateSaveBtns() {
- var theTH = nowSetting.saveTH;
- var status = saveList[theTH];
- var lockBtn = document.querySelector(".lock button");
- var resetBtn = document.querySelector(".reset button");
- if (theTH == 0) {
- lockBtn.disabled = true;
- resetBtn.disabled = true;
- nowSetting.lock = true;
- } else {
- resetBtn.disabled = nowSetting.lock;
- lockBtn.disabled = false;
- }
- if (resetBtn.disabled) {
- document.querySelector(".table").classList.add("noClicks");
- document.querySelector(".themeBody").classList.add("noClicks");
- document.querySelector("button.import").classList.add("noClicks");
- lockBtn.innerHTML = "locked";
- } else {
- document.querySelector(".table").classList.remove("noClicks");
- document.querySelector(".themeBody").classList.remove("noClicks");
- document
- .querySelector("button.import")
- .classList.remove("noClicks");
- lockBtn.innerHTML = "no lock";
- }
- (function () {
- document
- .querySelectorAll(".saveBtns button")
- .forEach(function (elem, th) {
- elem.classList.remove("chosenBtn");
- if (theTH == th) elem.classList.add("chosenBtn");
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- })();
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- nowSetting.colors.some(function (elem, th) {
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- if (!target || !target.querySelector(".cell input").jscolor) {
- setTimeout(loadColor, 500);
- return true;
- }
- onColor(elem.id, elem.color);
- target.querySelector(".cell").innerHTML = elem.name;
- target.querySelector(".cell input").jscolor.fromString(elem.color);
- });
- }
- function exportJSON(cmd) {
- var toExport = [];
- if (cmd == "one") toExport = write(nowSetting);
- if (cmd == "all")
- saveList.forEach((elem) => toExport.push(write(elem)));
- return JSON.stringify(toExport);
- function write(now) {
- var array = [];
- now.colors.forEach(function (elem) {
- if (elem.id && elem.id < 50)
- array.push({
- id: elem.id,
- value: elem.color,
- });
- if (elem.id && elem.id >= 50 && elem.id < 100)
- array.push({
- cmd: elem.cmd,
- value: elem.color,
- });
- if (!elem.id && elem.cmd)
- array.push({
- cmd: elem.cmd,
- value: elem.color,
- });
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- cmd: "ui_replace_colors",
- value: diepStyle.uiColorMap("array"),
- });
- now.renders.forEach(function (elem) {
- array.push({
- cmd: elem.cmd,
- value: elem.value,
- });
- });
- if (now.theme) {
- array.unshift({
- theme: {
- name: now.theme.name || "",
- author: now.theme.author || "",
- },
- });
- } else {
- array.unshift({
- theme: {
- name: "",
- author: "",
- },
- });
- }
- return array;
- }
- }
- function importJSON(json) {
- if (!isJson(json)) {
- alert("Code Incorrect\nPlz git gud and check your JSON");
- return;
- }
- var gotArr = JSON.parse(json);
- if (!gotArr) return;
- gotArr.forEach(function (elem) {
- nowSetting.colors = nowSetting.colors.map(function (now) {
- if (elem.id && now.id == elem.id) now.color = elem.value;
- if (!elem.id && elem.cmd && now.cmd == elem.cmd)
- now.color = elem.value;
- return now;
- });
- nowSetting.renders = nowSetting.renders.map(function (now) {
- if (elem.cmd && now.cmd == elem.cmd) now.value = elem.value;
- return now;
- });
- if (elem.cmd == "ui_replace_colors") {
- var uiTH = nowSetting.colors.findIndex(
- (elem) => elem.name == "UI Color1"
- );
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- nowSetting.colors[uiTH + i].color = elem.value[i];
- }
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- [nowSetting.saveTH].click();
- function isJson(str) {
- try {
- JSON.parse(str);
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
- if (typeof JSON.parse(str) == "object") return true;
- }
- }
- }
- function onColor(id, e) {
- var target = id;
- var color = e.toString();
- if (id >= 0 && id < 50) {
- input.execute(`net_replace_color ${target} 0x${color}`);
- } else if (id >= 50 && id < 100) {
- var cmd = diepStyle.colorMap.get(id).cmd;
- input.set_convar(cmd, `0x${color}`);
- } else {
- input.execute("ui_replace_colors" + diepStyle.uiColorMap("0x"));
- }
- nowSetting.colors = nowSetting.colors.map(function (elem) {
- if (elem.id === id) elem.color = color;
- return elem;
- });
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- document.querySelector("#styleSetting").style.display = "block";
- } catch (err) {
- var warn =
- "\n\nYou can DELETE ALL PLUGIN SAVES to fix this" +
- "\nType delete to confirm" +
- "\nor cancel to download all saves";
- var gotValue = prompt("Got an error\n" + err + warn);
- if (gotValue == "delete") {
- localStorage.removeItem("diepStyle");
- alert("Deleted,refresh to take effect");
- return;
- } else {
- download("diep.style saves.txt", diepStyle.exportJSON("all"));
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