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Facebook Filter

Minimizes all posts your friends didn't post (friend liked, friend commented, friend attends...)

Per 08-11-2016. Zie de nieuwste versie.

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Are you tired of your facebook feed full of posts your friends didn't actually post?
"Friend liked", "Friend commented", "Friend attends"...

This scripts minimizes all those passive posts. They're still available (you can see their title with "unhide" button), but they don't clutter your view so you can easily overlook them and focus on real posts your friends added or shared.

Works "on load" (just after page loads) and then on every scroll. So if you see some post you should not see, try scrolling a few lines up or down, it should go away :-)

Supports English (US) and Czech variations of Facebook.

IF IT STOPS WORKING, check for update, I will (maybe) post an update for any Facebook-side changes that crash this script.

IF YOU WANT TO BLOCK SOME OTHER POST TYPE, just leave your comment here and I will see whether I can do something about it :-)