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Inspired by but modified to require less maintenence

< Feedback on AWS-SSO-Console-User-Title-IAM-Alias

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 07.02.2023

Hi Nick. Thanks for this script. I am trying to work out what it's actually doing. I'm signing in to AWS via an Identity Center user (what used to be called AWS SSO), and I can't spot any difference in the AWS console between when the script is running and not. I still can't see the AWS account name anywhere. Am I missing something obvious, or does the Identity Manager login work differently to the SSO Login, perhaps? BTW the same applies to the script that ispired you. :-)

Posted: 07.02.2023

Hi Nick. Thanks for this script. I am trying to work out what it's actually doing. I'm signing in to AWS via an Identity Center user (what used to be called AWS SSO), and I can't spot any difference in the AWS console between when the script is running and not. I still can't see the AWS account name anywhere. Am I missing something obvious, or does the Identity Manager login work differently to the SSO Login, perhaps? BTW the same applies to the script that ispired you. :-)

Looks like the regex is failing to populate the results array - I get the "String contents from span title attribute was not parsed properly by regular expression" assert error. My str is like: AWSReservedSSO_zzzz-administrator-access_f2eeea2f1ea4eea1/ @ zzzz-aud-acc. Looks like it should work...! Hope that helps. :-)

Posted: 07.02.2023

OK, the issue is because in my case, the role (permission set in Identity Center parlance) has dashes in it. I changed the regex to:
and it's working now!

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