Dette scriptet burde ikke installeres direkte. Det er et bibliotek for andre script å inkludere med det nye metadirektivet // @require
Baidu translate api support for userscripts.
No need for baidu's token.
baidu_translate(details): details = {
text: Text you want to translate.
Required argument, no default value.
callback: Callback function when translation succeed,
e.g. function(result) {console.log(result);}.
Argument `result` will be translate result.
Required argument, no default value.
[src]: Source language; e.g. 'zh' for Chinese, 'en' for English, 'ja' for Japanese, ....
Default: Auto detect.
[dst]: Destination language,
Default: 'zh'.
[split]: Text spliting max length, just leave blank if you don't know what this means.
What it is: Baidu has limited that up to 5000 letters can be translated each single API
request, so the translate function will split text by about every ${split} letters, and
translates each of them with a single API request then concatenate the translate result
together again. Don't worry if any sentence to be splited, actually the translate
function splits text with '\n' first, then concatenate the '\n'-splited strings as long
as possible while keeping its length <= ${split}.
Default: 5000
[onerror]: Callback function when translation failed,
e.g. function(reason) {console.log(reason);}.
Argument: `reason` may be anything that causes its failure, just for debugging and do
not use it in production.
Default: function() {}.
[retry]: Times to retry before onerror function being called or an error being thrown,
Default: 3.
baidu_translate(text, src, dst, callback, onerror, split, retry)
baidu_translate(text, src, dst, callback, onerror, split)
baidu_translate(text, dst, callback, onerror, split)
baidu_translate(text, callback, onerror, split)
baidu_translate(text, callback, onerror)
baidu_translate(text, callback)
Important Note:
baidu_translate needs to be initialized before using. Don't worry, the initialization is automatic, just call bdTransReady(callback)
to get your callback function called while initialized.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Baidu translate API test
// @name:zh-CN 百度翻译API测试
// @name:en Baidu translate API test
// @namespace Baidu-API-Test
// @version 0.1
// @description Baidu translate API test script
// @description:zh-CN 百度翻译API测试脚本
// @description:en Baidu translate API test script
// @author PY-DNG
// @license WTFPL - See
// @match
// @require
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect
// ==/UserScript==
(function __MAIN__() {
bdTransReady(function() {
text: '欢迎来到 Greasy Fork,这里是一个提供用户脚本的网站。',
dst: 'en',
callback: function(result_text) {
onerror: function(reason) {
console.log('something unexpected happened');
Expected output: