Greasy Fork is available in English.

Swap colours of issue status icon at GitHub and Bugzilla. Open=red, closed=green.

Makes "good" icons green and "bad" ones red. Closed issue is good, unresolved is bad.

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Swap colours of issue status icon at GitHub and Bugzilla. Open=red, closed=green.
@description    Makes "good" icons green and "bad" ones red.  Closed issue is good, unresolved is bad.
@namespace      myfonj
@version        0.1.2
@license        CC0 - Public Domain
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {

 0.1.2 (2023-07-31) merged badge background (= "OK")
  <span class="bug-status-label text" data-status="closed">Closed</span>
 --bug-status-color-open: #188716;
 --bug-status-color-closed: #1B6AB8;
 --bug-status-color-untriaged: #1B9BB8;
 --bug-type-color-defect: #EA3C3D;
 --bug-type-color-enhancement: #2ABA27;
 --bug-type-color-task: #2886C9;
 [class*="bug-status"][data-status="open"] {
   --bug-status-color-open: #EA3C3D;
 [class*="bug-status"][data-status="closed"] {
   --bug-status-color-closed: #188716;
 .bz_bug_link:not(.bz_closed)  {
  color: color-mix(in srgb, white 30%, red);
 .bz_bug_link.bz_closed {
  color: color-mix(in srgb, white 30%, green);


@-moz-document domain("") {
 GitHub - swap colors (open=red, closed=green)
 .octicon.octicon-issue-opened:not(.UnderlineNav-octicon) path
 {	color: #cb2431; /* original is green */
 .octicon.octicon-issue-closed path
 {	color: #28a745; /* original is red */
 .reponav-item .octicon path,
 .table-list-header-toggle .btn-link path,
 .State--green .octicon.octicon-issue-opened path,
 .State--red .octicon.octicon-issue-closed path
 { color: inherit
 {	background-color: #cb243133; /* original is green */
 ;color: #cb2431;
 {	background-color: #28a74533; /* original is red */
 ;color: #28a745;
 .type-icon-state-closed .octicon-git-pull-request
 { /* leaving original red, as for "closed not merged" */
 { color: orange; /* original is green */
 { color: orange !important; /* text-green is !important; ghis appears in tooltip */
 .octicon.octicon-git-merge.merged , /* does not seem to be needed anymore */
 .type-icon-state-merged .octicon-git-merge
 { color: #28a745; /* original violet seems quite ok-ish as well, but to be consistent let's make it green. merged PR = OK*/
 { color: #cb2431; /* original is green; closed not merged - not error, not OK */
 { /* "draft" PR is gray */
 /* user closed this issue ... */ > .octicon.octicon-circle-slash
 {	background-color: #28a745;
 	outline: .4rem solid #28a745;
 	color: rgba(255,255,255,.2); /* icon shape is like "🚫" here */
 /* user reopened this issue ... */ > .octicon.octicon-dot-fill
 {	background-color: #cb2431;
 	outline: .4rem solid #cb2431;
 	color: rgba(255,255,255,.2); /* icon shape is "•" here */
/* Open pull request should not be red. Nor green. */
@-moz-document regExp("[^/]+/[^/]+/pull/.*")
   #partial-discussion-header .State.State--green  { background-color: purple; }
END: GitHub - swap colors (open=red, closed=green)