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RARBG torrent detail pages - rearrange entries and various visual tweaks

Rearranges various entries, displays in bold the various rating values, renames more suitably a few entries and uses decimal rating for the users' ratings

Fra 06.09.2018. Se den seneste versjonen.

This userscript applies to RARBG torrent detail pages. It rearranges various entries, displays in bold the various rating values, renames a few entries more suitably and use decimal rating for the users' ratings.

Screenshot comparison: Initial:

With the script:


  • The script makes use of the page's jQuery 1.11.3.
  • The Year row is hidden because that info is still contained in various other rows ('Release Name', 'IMDb' link title, 'Title')
  • The Runtime and PG rating rows info is still there, appended to the end of the 'IMDb summary' text (the 'Runtime' info is converted from: e.g. '118' to: 1h 58min).
  • The Trailer row is hidden because is blocked by default in uBlock Origin (via EasyList), therefore it's pointless to keep.
  • The VPN row (not shown in the 'initial' screenshot) is hidden because it's an ad.