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Mturk Engine (Lite)

Earn money more efficiently on Amazon's Mechanical Turk work platform.

Fra 13.10.2017. Se den seneste versjonen.

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This is an alternative version of MTurk Engine for users that are having issues installing the script.

Download the Lite version if your browser or user script manager does not allow you to install the script with the main download link. The lite version inserts the main script into the MTurk page so it works exactly the same.

This script only works on this page:

For more information on MTurk engine visit the project's GitHub page:

Mturk Engine

Homepage (You must have downloaded and installed Mturk Engine first.)

Why use Mturk Engine?

The average workflow on MTurk typically involves refreshing several different pages to find and accept new HITs as they're posted. This involves precious time being spent waiting for full page reloads and manually monitoring multiple things just to begin making money.

MTurk Engine brings all of the things that make for an efficient workflow into a single place. You can monitor new HITs in the background, have instant feedback as to whether your accept request went through, block requesters and HITs you're not interested in, and quickly check your queue when you need to, and never have to wait for your browser to refresh a full page.

Mturk Engine is under active development so feel free to suggest features or submit changes, no matter how big or small.

Installation & Usage

  1. You'll need a userscript manager to use Mturk Engine. If you're using Chrome download TamperMonkey. If you're using Firefox download Greasemonkey. If you already have a userscript manager you're good to move on to the next step.

  2. Download Mturk Engine here. Your userscript manager should prompt you to install the script.

2a. If your userscript manager or browser is not letting you download the script, install the Lite version here:

  1. Navigate to with your Amazon Mechanical Turk account to begin using Mturk Engine. It's a good idea to bookmark this link if you intend on using it frequently.


The MTurk Engine UI

Still image showing the UI for searching for HITs, seeing unread HITS, hiding HITs, and blocking requesters.

### Search for HITs and block requesters. Animated GIF showing the normal flow of searching for HITs, hiding HITs, blocking requesters, accepting HITs, viewing your queue, and returning a HIT

Add watchers to automatically accept HITs

Animated GIF showing a search result being added as a watcher, switching to the watcher tab, starting the watcher to automatically accept the HIT periodically, edit the time between auto-accepts to 1 second, and add a custom description.


  • Search for HITs periodically without waiting for full page reloads.
  • New HITs are highlighted and grouped together at the top of your search results.
  • Optionally receive a sound alert when you find a new HIT.
  • Have TO data at your fingertips.
  • Use watchers to automatically accept HITs.
  • Add watchers manually or add them directly from search results.
  • Click on each search result to see additional info.
  • Block requesters (you can unblock them later).
  • Get instant feedback on whether a HIT you accepted was added to your queue.
  • Hide unwanted HITs easily.
  • Monitor your queue in the 'Queue' tab and refresh it instantly.
  • Return HITs instantly.


  • Working HIT export to MTC and other forums.
  • Watchers for continually accepting HITs and snagging rare ones. <~ Added in 1.1.0
  • Integration with your dashboard and data visualization of income over time, your highest $/hr time of day, earning streaks etc.
  • New HIT highlighting <~ Added in 1.2.0
  • CAPTCHA detection