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Steam Linkfilter Redirector (/linkredirector/)

Redirects links filtered by steam

< Feedback on Steam Linkfilter Redirector (/linkredirector/)

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 15.07.2014

Converted to chrome extension

I took the liberty to convert this to an extension for chrome and uploaded it to the chrome webstore @
I hope its okay with you! Great script btw.

Mr McPownedAuthor
Posted: 15.07.2014
Edited: 15.07.2014

I'm not sure why you'd do that. In the end, if a person is going to be downloading an extension, they're better off getting Tampermonkey and downloading the userscript. Something as trivial as what I've made shouldn't be an extension since there isn't really any substance to it.

Posted: 09.08.2014

BTW, in dev version of chrome, it's possible to install script as an extension anyway, without the tampermonkey.

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