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SteamGifts Blacklist Searcher (

Tired of getting blacklisted on SteamGifts? Want to counter those blacklisters? Run this script and find dem blacklisters! Note: script is very slow and uses lots of memory and may crash from time to time, and you will not be able to do anything on that tab (Script runs on

Dette er versjoner av dette scriptet hvor koden ble oppdatert. Vis alle versjoner.

  • v1.4 08.01.2018 Use GM_set to cache user giveaway links
  • v1.3 04.12.2016 forgot to remove condition that skips level 1
  • v1.2 04.12.2016 Fixed issue where script may skip user if their first page of giveaways are all private
  • v1.1 30.10.2016 fix some memory leaks hopefully, but there are still a lot of memory leaks forsome reason
  • v1.0 20.10.2016
  • v1.0 20.10.2016