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Could you help me with my script - Please

Posted: 2016-12-09
Edited: 2016-12-09

Could you help me with my script - Please

Hi ALL :)

I'm trying to make auto redirect script for this site "ani-share.com" can anyone try to help me
My script can skip wait time but can't open redirect page

Ani-Share.com Test Link :) :) :)

The Help I Need is : :)
Open redirect page in same window not in new window
Auto open redirect page without click the button

This script inside the site ↓↓↓
I can't call function changeLink();
but i able to call function generate();
var a = Redirect Page

When click 'Menuju Link' (Indonesian language) Button it will call the function changeLink(); and Call window.open(a,"_blank")};

This is my Script

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Auto Bypasser For Ani-Share.com
// @namespace     Skip Ani-Share.com Wait Time
// @description   Bypass  Wait Time
// @version       0.1
// @author        Another Dimension
// @include       http*://ani-share.com/*
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
	function Generate () {
	} Generate ();

    $('body,html').animate({scrollTop:0}, 100);
    document.querySelector('.soractrl img').remove();
    document.querySelector('.spoint').src = 'http://static.wixstatic.com/media/e9bf02_dda835f5d45e4f3eb70e3d9d623137f1.png_srz_286_119_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_png_srz';
    // I want auto click download button to redirect or Any Way to Redirect and Open Redirect Page in Same Window not in new window
    $(".spoint").click = alert('$(".spoint").click Working But Not Open Redirect Page Click Blue Download button to open redirect page ');

Posted: 2016-12-09

I can't call function changeLink();

Why not ? If you don't want to open a new window, rewrite the function !

// ==UserScript==
// @author       @leoncastro
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org
// @name         ani-share.com
// @version      0.01
// @description  Helper for ani-share.com
// @include      http://ani-share.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
 window.open = function(n, w){location.href=n;}

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