Disney+ Audio Downloader JS - Download audio from Disney+
Disney+ | Picture in Picture JS - Enable Picture in Picture on Disney+
Disney toggle play/pause JS - Allows you to play/pause disney plus by pressing `space` on your keyboard
Disney+ Subtitles Downloader (Enhanced) JS - Download subtitles from Disney+ with a dedicated download button
Disney+ Mark Watched JS - Mark Disney+ shows as watched.
disney+ auto speed JS - 可自由增減disney+影片播放速度
Disney Plus Enchantments JS - Enhancements for Disney Plus video player: auto fullscreen, skip intro, skip credits, and more.
Disney+ Arabic Subtitle Auto Downloader JS - Automatically download Arabic subtitles from Disney+ once they're detected
Change Disney+ Subtitles Style JS - This script auto-modifies the style of Disney+ subtitles to make them similar to those on Netflix, and it is recommended that you install "Netflix Sans" fonts.
Disney plus plus plus JS - Overlay for movie/series tiles with some information (title, year, brief description and genres)
Disney+: Move subtitles up when controls are showing JS - Dynamically moves the subtitles so that they’re not covered by the progress bar
Links on Disney+ - IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, YouTube Trailers JS - Adds links for searching titles from disneyplus.com
Netflix Marathon (Pausable) JS - A configurable script that automatically skips recaps, intros, credits, and ads, and clicks "next episode" prompts on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max, Starz, Disney+, and Hotstar. Customizable hotkey to pause/resume the auto-skipping functionality. Alt + N for settings.
DisneyPlus Skip Intro & Next Episode JS - Auto-skip intro on supported Disney series & Next Episode
Wookieepedia Default to Legacy JS - Default to Legacy instead of Disney Canon.
DisneyPlus Starplus user agent change JS - Starplus and Disney random user agent change to bypass in linux.
DisneySubtitlesLikeNetflix JS - The script modifies the appearance of Disney+ subtitles to resemble the subtitles on Netflix. Your device must have "Netflix Sans" font installed.
Autoskip DisneyPlus/StarPlus JS - Automatically skip intros and click nexts on DisneyPlus and StarPlus.
Remove PiP Disable Attributes JS - Clear disablePictureInPicture attributes from videos.
2 in 1 PiP Tool JS - Allows Picture-in-Picture on any website even if blocked `alt+ctrl+p`
Netflix Audio Downloader JS - Download audio from Netflix
brickmerge® Prices JS - Displays lowest brickmerge® price next to offer price
高校邦一键完成,自动答题静音播放 JS - 高校邦自动静音播放,自动答题,一键完成视频
Auto Skip Streaming Services JS - 28/04/2024, 23:42:18 Clicar Automaticamente em "Pular Abertura" e em "Próximo Episódio" em diversas plataformas de streaming
重庆邮电大学学评教 JS - 重庆邮电大学学评教,一键好评
febbit bot 2019 JS - FREE Febbit bot, install now!
AO3: [Wrangling] n-in-1 Wrangling Home Filter(s) JS - have different categories of wrangling home filters
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