复制LaTex公式,支持ChatGPT/DeepSeek/wikipedia/知乎等多个网站 JS - 单击网页中的LaTeX公式,将其复制到剪切板,可以选择直接复制成mathtype对象或者是latex源码
Auto-Add A Comment When Closing JS - Automatically adds a comment with details of the close reason, so that the OP can see why their question may be being downvoted, and improve it, before it is closed (disabled for Duplicate, Off-topic > Migrate, and Off-topic > Other)
Hide badges I've already attained JS - Adds a checkbox to the Badges page to optionally hide badges you've already attained, from the list
Review Queue Hider JS - Hide and show individual queues from the Review page
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question. This script is forked from http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/77298 and it add supports for HTTPs
add H6 for screenreaders JS - adds a H6 element before an answer to aid screenreaders in finding the start of an answer
help/formattin JS - Converts [help/formatting] into the link to help center article on formatting
Board Games SE mana symbols JS - Convert mana symbols to MTG's icons on MTG questions.
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question
Alt To Hover JS - Changes the alt text to hover text on SE sites
Auto-Load Vote Counts JS - Automatically loads SE vote counts if user holds that privilege
Link to Main Site Reviews JS - Adds a link to main site reviews from the Meta page
Review Stalker JS - Stalks the StackExchange review pages
RPG.SE Chat Fudge Dice JS - Convert RPG.SE chat d6 to Fudge dice (dF)
Stack Snippets Console JS - Add a console to "Stack Snippets" executable code on StackExchange
Puzzling.SE Empuzzler JS - Hide answers and comments on Puzzling.SE questions until you want to see them.
Old Meta.SE Stars JS - Reverts to the old Meta.SE star style
Sort Flags JS - Allows you to sort flags by on your user flag page
remaining reviews for today JS - Shows the number of reviews remaining for today
Review progress for today JS - Adds your review progress for today
Shortcut for /review JS - Adds a keyboard shortcut [R] for /review
Always Edit Inline JS - Adds an ability to lauch inline editor, which is used by >2k users by default
Go To Review JS - Adds a "G+R" shortcut to go to review
Mini review controller JS - Adds an ability to see the review queues by hovering "review" link
Meta Reviews Counter JS - Adds an the number of meta reviews left from the name of this queue
Rep farmer JS - effeciently farms rep
Stack Exchange: "View Vote totals" without 1000 rep JS - Enables the total vote counts feature without requiring an account or 1k+ reputation.
Fixed Stack Exchange Top Bar JS - Fixes the top bar of Stack Exchange sites so that it remains at the top with scrolling
Unhide Downvoted Answers JS - Hover over greyed-out answers to show them as normal
ACQUA: StackExchange best answer predictor JS - G. Gkotsis, K. Stepanyan, C. Pedrinaci, J. Domingue, and M. Liakata. It's all in the Content: State of the art Best Answer Prediction based on Discretisation of Shallow Linguistic Features. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Web Science, WebSci '14, pages 202-210, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM.
StackExchange hide closed questions JS - Hide closed questions on the home page and in other lists of questions. Put a link showing the number of closed questions that have been hidden that shows the closed questions again.
StackExchange obvious followed link color JS - Change the color of followed links on all StackExchange sites so they they are easily distinguishable.
Quick nav JS - Adding quick-navigation links
Cancel inline tag editor with [esc] JS - Adds an ability to cancel the inline tag editor with [esc]
SE Timeline link JS - Adds a timeline link for the questions
SE Preview on hover JS - Shows preview of the linked questions/answers on hover
StackExchange Link Personalizer JS - Personalizes links to questions with your userID for sharing and collecting (Announcer/Booster/Publicist) badges
Unsolved tab on PSE JS - Add "Unsolved" tab on Puzzling Stack Exchange
HoverCard: BoardGames.SE MTG Gatherer Card Link Rollover JS - Display MTG cards in tooltip when hovering over Gatherer and Autocard links
Single Line Scrollbars JS - Fixes appearance of single-line code blocks so that OS X's scrollbars don't block the text within
Hide the Community Bulletin JS - Hides per-site meta links from Community Bulletin
Hide Negatively Voted Posts JS - Hides questions with a score of less than 0 from the front page
Click to Search JS - Adds a clickable button to SE search
Comment Separator Fix JS - Fixes new SE comment separator to fit the existing style
SE Chat Catch-up Marker Remover JS - Removes "catch-up" separators from SE Chat
Add spoiler tag for PSE JS - Add the "add spoiler" button in the right click menu
Color code StackOverflow users by recent activity/last login JS - Color highlight users by recent activity
StackExchange: No Hot Questions JS - Hide hot network questions from StackExchange network
hide hot network questions JS - adds a toggle button to hide/show hot network questions on stackexchange sites
StackOverflow净化器 JS - 屏蔽某个智障用户Ciro Santilli
View StackOverflow code snippet JS - Open code snippet on Stack Exchange in CodePen / JSFiddle
ShadeRoot StackOverflow JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for StackOverflow
Sandbox Viewer JS - PPCG Sandbox Viewer
Sandbox-View JS - Sandbox-View, ver 1.5
AutoReviewComments JS - No more re-typing the same comments over and over!
Image Proxier JS - Replaces images from stack.imgur.com and collates them
StackExchange link newtaber JS - opens links from posts, answers, comments and user signatures in the new tab instead of the annoying in-place opening
kbd formatting button for stackexchange JS - Adds the ability to quickly insert kbd formatting tags in the SE editor
Stackoverflow Right Sidebar Toggler JS - Gives you the ability to collapse right sidebar.
StackOverflow Distraction Blocker JS - Block distractions on StackExchange sites!
StackExchange Tweaks JS - Minor visual tweaks to StackExchange (remove the new sidebar from Q/A pages, for classic look)
Remove User ID from Stack Overflow Share URLs JS - Removes the User ID from the URL displayed by the "Share" button for questions and answers on Stack Overflow and related sites. For a description of why the User ID was added, see https://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/277769
[user] to OP's name on StackExchange sites JS - Changes [user] to the OP's username when commenting on StackExchange sites
StackExchange Hide Comments JS - Hide comments on all Stack Exchange sites (except StackOverflow).
Hide stack blot JS - Removes stackexchange cancer
Minimize pics JS - Minimize pics/youtube/wikipedia/tweet previews in chat
Stack Exchange Formatter JS - Format a webpage on Stack Enchange websites such as stackoverflow.com so that web clippers can save a pretty webpage containing only the content you need.
Stackoverflow 轻度汉化 JS - stackoverflow 轻度汉化,包含 stackexchange 汉化
Remove Stackoverflow Sidebar JS - Remove the sidebar and stretch the main content so that it fills the whole width, better when you have a browser window open next to your code and it's too narrow to see much with all the wasted space.
Stack Overflow reformat for Evernote JS - Format contents on Stack Enchange websites such as stackoverflow.com and askubuntu.com for easy saving to Evernote.
local time in stackoverflow and stackexchange JS - convert time in stackoverflow and stackexchange to the locale string
翻译垃圾再利用 JS - 跳转到源地址
ISO time format for StackOverflow JS - Use ISO time format for Stack Overlow and other Stack Exchange sites
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter Mod JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question. This script is forked from https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/12350-stack-overflow-stackprinter
StackExchange chat links JS - Adds a chat link to the left hand nav of the home page of all Stack sites followed by a lightly filtered list of recently active chat rooms
stackoverflow show user last seen JS - stackoverflow stackexchange show user last seen in question page
stackoverflow show user reputation in comments JS - stackoverflow stackexchange show user reputation in comments
stackoverflow make markdown link for question and answers automatically JS - stackoverflow make markdown link for question and answers automatically :)
Revert StackExchange Formatting JS - Brings back the old line-height, colors, padding, borders, etc. of StackExchange websites like StackOverflow, SuperUser, ServerFault, etc.
Chat box exec JS - Executes apl code inside a chat box textarea!
Hide stackoverflow.com privacy panel JS - Many websites show panel on the left down corner to ask us to accept cookies. But it will connect google API which is NOT reachable from our country,
Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange Helper JS - A Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange Helper
Stack Exchange comment template context menu JS - Adds a context menu (right click, long press, command click, etc) to comment boxes on Stack Exchange with customizable pre-written responses.
ISO Formatted Time/Date for Github & StackOverflow JS - Change time/date to ISO format for Github and stackoverflow websites.
Better Stack Overflow JS - Replace time format and add share button to each answer
Scroll to first stackoverflow answer JS - Scroll to the first stackoverflow answer on page load
一键复制HTML表格/网页代码/latex公式 JS - 在指定网站的表格上方添加按钮,点击将表格以Markdown格式复制到剪贴板
remove_stackexchange_cookie_popup JS - Remove StackOverflow cookie popup (applies to all StackExchange websites).
StackOverflow Answers full width JS - Makes the Main bar full width to show more content and hide the stupid useless Side Bar
Show Deleted Answers/Questions at head for StackExchange JS - Swap two divs inside a parent
Stack Exchange - Hide Cookies Consent Banner JS - Hide Stack Exchange websites' annoying cookies consent banner
Easy Markdown for StackExchange JS - Adds "Markdown" and "Copy" buttons to display original Markdown content in StackExchange sites.
StackOverflow: Highlight Your Text JS - This userscript highlights the questions, answers, and comments you've made on StackOverflow and StackExchange to distinguish you from other users.
StackOverflow: Easy select question header JS - Remove the hyperlink from the question header to make it easy to select
Stackexchange TeX copy JS - Copy TeX code from stackexchange sites by clicking on equations
Hide StackOverflow Sidebars JS - The minimum viable StackOverflow UI while removing all distractions
NERD Inserter JS - just enable it and see what happens
Expand Code to Fullscreen on StackExchange Site JS - Toggle fullscreen for code blocks on hover
GitHub CodeBlock Icon Enhance PowerBy NerdFont JS - Display more icons by setting NerdFont for GitHub's code block.
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