蝦皮短網址 JS - 縮短蝦皮網址
蝦皮搜尋過濾 JS - 過濾蝦皮搜尋結果
FamilyMart Shopee JS - 自動調整蝦皮出貨單
Shopee Next/Prev Shortcut JS - Use arrow keys to operate
Shopping website (amazon, jd, ruten, shopee, taobao, tmall) - keyboard navigation JS - [a / ←] prev page, [d / →] next page. [s / ↓] parent . Used for the product-list, image-gallery, rate-page...
Shopee ChatWindow Bigger JS - oversea test
蝦皮廣告封鎖器 JS - 蝦皮搜尋結果的前幾個商品廣告封鎖
蝦皮網址縮短 JS - 蝦皮商品頁面的網址很冗長,將其縮短,方便複製、分享、儲存成乾淨的書籤
字小一點 我看不到折價券了 - shopee.tw JS - 2022/6/10 下午9:17:39
蝦皮清空購物車 JS - 蝦皮自動清空購物車
Shopee Product Link Share Script JS - A script adds button to quickly copy product link without extra text.
Shopee 悬浮按钮 JS - 添加快捷入口并移除 Shopee 追踪器
移除蝦皮廣告 (Remove Shopee Ads) JS - 移除蝦皮廣告,移除那些容易誤點的廣告,避免使用者誤點商品。
蝦皮票券管理 JS - 取出所有蝦皮票券,支援匯出,方便管理
Remove shopee tracker JS - Efficiently clean Shopee product URLs.
Shopee shopping cart display liked products JS - Products that have been liked are displayed below the Shopee shopping cart.
蝦皮短網址DS JS - 產生一個複製短網址的按鈕
獲取Shopee標題 JS - Get all product titles from Shopee.tw search page and copy them to clipboard
Shopee URL Cleaner JS - Clean Shopee URL
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