Overleaf editor: map j to gj and k to gk JS - Remap j/k to gj/gk in Overleaf Vim mode editor
Overleaf Editor Custom VIM Keybindings JS - Bind fd to <esc> in overleaf
Overleaf morekeys JS - Custom hotkeys for overleaf.com
Overleaf morekeys JS - Custom hotkeys for overleaf.com
Overleaf Editor Custom VIM Keybindings (legacy, for Ace editor only) JS - Configure a list of shortcuts for Vim-mode + :commands for toggling panes on Overleaf
overleaf clopnaz JS - does :set tabstop=2 and :set softtabs in Overleaf's vim editor
Overleaf Collapse All Folders JS - Adds a button, that when pressed, collapses all folders within the Overleaf file viewer.
Double-click for SyncTeX goto-pdf on Overleaf JS - Double-click to go to code location in PDF on Overleaf (works as well as the button on Overleaf, which sometimes has issues)
Overleaf - automatic hardwrap JS - Set a hard linebreak at 80th col
Overleaf PDF Viewer Page Numbers JS - show page numbers in PDF preview panel
Overleaf PDF Viewer Page Numbers JS - show page numbers in PDF preview panel
Overleaf customisation. JS - overleaf line-wrap toggle for overleaf.com
Overleaf Editor Font Customizer JS - Customize your Overleaf editor's font family.
Overleaf Editor Custom VIM Keybindings (Code Mirror v6) JS - Configure a list of shortcuts for Vim-mode + user-defined :commands for toggling panels on Overleaf.
Overleaf - Paste Images from Clipboard JS - Paste images from your clipboard directly into Overleaf (Community Edition, Cloud and Pro)
Overleaf - Additional Keymaps JS - Adds new keybindings to Overleaf
Overleaf - Compile time JS - View the compile time of your project
Overleaf - File History JS - Lets you use the browser history to navigate between previously opened files
Overleaf Custom VIM Keybindings (Code Mirror v6) (aik2 modified) JS - Configure a list of shortcuts for Vim-mode + user-defined :commands for toggling panels on Overleaf.
Overleaf PDF Viewer Page Numbers JS - show page numbers in PDF preview panel
LaTeX Question Itemizer with vspace JS - Open a text box with CMD u or CTRL u and paste a HW question you have to automatically get it in \item format
Search Box Keyboard Shortcut for General Websites JS - Adds a keyboard shortcut to jump to the search box on websites when '/' is pressed
Overleaf New Tabs JS - Make links on the Overleaf "Your Projects" page open in a new tab
Typing Accented Characters in Oveleaf (for macOS only) JS - Block dead keys in Overleaf to allow for typing of accented letters. It also allows typing ß. It blocks undesired key combinations.
Ovearleaf-BibTex JS - the script to enhance the function of overleaf
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