O365_Unread_Email_Script JS - Tampermonkey script that changes the background color for unread emails in the Outlook page of Microsoft O365 (Office 365)
Hide Email Address From Title Bar JS - Remove email address from title bar on Gmail, Outlook.com, Office365, and Yahoo Mail
Office 365/People - Org Chart JS - Include Salary lookup for employees
Change MS Office 365 Calendar favicon JS - Change MS Office 365 Calendar favicon.
Outlook Web App Unread Count Favicon JS - Adds an unread count favicon
Special Claims - Outlook Buttons JS - Copies the Receive Date, Email, and Name
Disable Outlook Reading Pane Zooming JS - as the name states
Outlook Calendar - Auto full-open schedule popup JS - Cancel the unusable mini-popup that appears when you click on a schedule and force it to be displayed in full-size modal.
Outlook Calendar - Auto uncheck "Email organizer" JS - Automatically turn off the annoying "Email organizer" checkbox that appears every time you try to respond to an invitation.
Outlook 365 change colour of mouse-hover email and selected email JS - Changes the colour of the email that your mouse cursor is hovering over, as well as the colour of a selected email
Keep Outlook/Teams/Sharepoint Alive JS - Simulates user activity on a webpage by refreshing the page to prevent it from logging out due to inactivity, with reset if user interacts
Enhanced O365 Unread Email Highlighter - Adjusted JS - Attempt to more reliably highlight unread emails in Outlook Web App.
Sidebar Customization for Outlook JS - Customize the Outlook sidebar with a draggable button.
Outlook unread email count JS - Display the number of unread messages in the tab title
Outlook Privacy Enhancer JS - Disables tracking in Gmail and Outlook by blocking images and JavaScript in email content areas
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