KOL - Chat - Label Mods JS - Labels the Mods in chat, and puts their name in the warnings and bans
antimarty fortune cookie script JS - Kingdom of Loathing fortune cookie tracker
monster manuel JS - Version 0.1.7 - The [], spring break monsters
Recipe Counter JS - Counts known recipes and tracks missing recipes in your crafting discovery pages in Kingdom of Loathing.
Chat Control Panel JS - Adds a small panel to the top of the chat window with a list of macros, allowing you to fire chat macros with mouse actions.
Battle Checker JS - To help monitor the hippy/frat war; adds a notice to the charpane in KOL of the current image numbers, updating after each charpane refresh.
JHunz's KOL Insult tracker JS - Tracks which insults have been received for Insult Beer Pong in KOL kingdom of loathing kingdomofloathing
Tard's Kol Scripts - Choice Adventure Rewards JS - Tard's Kol Scripts - Choice Adventure Rewards kol kingdomofloathing kingdomofloathing.com kingdom of loathing
JHunz's KOL Hippy/Fratboy Counter JS - Kingdom of Loathing script to count the remaining number of hippies and fratboys on The Battlefield
Nemesis Spoilers V1.1 JS - Pre-select items and auto-solve the password in the (first part of the) Nemesis Quest.
Plater NS Tower Monster JS - (Ver 1.3) Attempts to select the correct item to defeat the tower monsters
Tard's Cake-Shaped Arena Trainer JS - Version 1.56
Plater's GameInformer Dungeon JS - Tracks (and solves?) the various puzzles in gameinformer dungeons
KOL Consumption Tracker JS - Adds info about inventory items, tracks fullness, spleen.
Tard's KoL Scripts - Strange Leaflet JS - Strange Leaflet spoiler script
Domd's Clover O' Matic JS - Shows how many clovers are in the hermit
Plater's NS Gates JS - Shows you the item to use for the gates (why doesny anyone do this??)
Auto PVP JS - Click the PVP button over and over
make bet JS - multiple MMG bets KOL
Zamiel's KoL Scripts - Monster Level Dropdown JS - v0.3 - Changes the ML device link on the charpane into a dropdown menu.
PortraitZapper JS - kills portrait in KOL
KoL Previous n adventures JS - Adds several previous adventure links to the side pane of KoL
Macro Combat Compacter JS - Compacts the divisions shown when using fight macros in KoL, displaying only the last.
NC Actionbar JS - Retains the combat action bar (in a limited form) over non-combat adventures in KoL.
Bang Identifier JS - identifieds DoD potions. KOL
Naltrexone's KoL Scripts - WikiLink JS - Version 2.6
Upup.us MCD 0 JS - Adds an MCD:0 link to the charpane
Trophy Counter JS - Counts trophies and shows missing trophies in Kingdom of Loathing.
Tattoo Counter JS - Counts tattoos and shows missing tattoos in Kingdom of Loathing.
Porko Solver JS - Helps you play Porko optimally in the Kingdom of Loathing
NC Actionbar JS - Retains the combat action bar (in a limited form) over non-combat adventures in KoL.
Colour Bag JS - Lets you colour inventory text in KOL. Click on inventory item text to rotate colours.
Fruit Factory JS - Provides a convenient button for restocking fruit as soon as it is duplicated in Professor Jacking's laboratory, in Kingdom of Loathing.
Chat Misfire Stopper JS - Changes the colour of your chat command entry text if you start text with a '/'.
Auto Fist! JS - Plays the Dungeon Fist! mini-game in KoL for you.
Auto Fighters JS - Plays the Fighters of Fighting mini-game in KoL for you.
Meteoid Path Finder JS - Provides pathfinding for the mini-map in KoL's mini-game Meteoid.
Macro Combat Compacter JS - Compacts the divisions shown when using fight macros in KoL, displaying only the last.
Smut Orc Fixer Deluxe JS - Fixes the smut orcs, using Tampermonkey in Chrome. Firefox users may need this version: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/4249-smut-orc-fixer-deluxe-ff
Smut Orc Fixer Deluxe (FF) JS - Fixes the smut orcs, using Greasemonkey in Firefox.
Lair Item Spoiler JS - This script for Kingdom of Loathing ( KoL ) shows needed tower items when using the telescope or 3 doors before the tower, checks to see if you have them, and provides links to the zones where you can get them.
KoLE2-alpha JS - Misc enhancements for kingdom of loathing
Autosmash JS - Choose items to pulverize. Pulverize all of them with one click.
UNDYING! JS - Changes the flavor text on a button in the Kingdom of Loathing.
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