gImagesAttr JS - Adds dimension informations of the images on thumbnails in Google Images search
NoMouseGoogle JS - Shortcut for Google search results. j/k to move focus, enter/l/h to open in current/new/background tab.
PLITT JS - allow visiting search result without the redirection overhead
RT_Consensus JS - Adds RottenTomatoes Consensus under Google Knowledge Graph display
Link Guru JS - Adds boxes full on links to a few sites.
ST-Script JS - 修改google背景图、去除页脚;CSDN自动阅读全文、关闭页脚登录注册框、Github增加顶部导航、隐藏rtd侧边栏。
Anki_Search JS - 同步搜索Anki上的内容,支持google、bing、yahoo、百度。依赖AnkiConnect(插件:2055492159)
Google Image Direct View JS - A different take on Google direct image viewer
तुम्ही लिहिलेली स्क्रिप्ट प्रकाशित करा (किंवा कशी लिहायची ते शिका)