Scrying Workshop Reworked JS - UX Improvements for Flight Rising's Scrying Workshop and Search
Fix old FR site titles JS - Fixes page titles for old site
Replace FR forums favicon JS - Replaces Flight Rising forum favicon to generic red diamond
FlightRising GUI Improvements JS - Improves the interface for Flight Rising.
FlightRising GUI Improvements Sandboxed Portion JS - Runs potentially unsafe code in a protective sandbox.
Baldwin's Cheatsheet JS - Adds a quick reference box to the Transmute page so you can see what type of item transmutes to what type of compound without leaving the page
FlightRising Scrying Helper JS - Adds Scrying Workshop related quality-of-life tweaks
Flight Rising: Auto Dailies JS - Start at Gathering. When Gathering finishes, go to Trivia, then Plunder, then to Flattery, then Nesting Grounds (to incubate). Automatically collects and clicks Transmute in Baldwin. At Crim, if you can't trade, it clicks 'new offer' until you can or until you run out of offers. When you run out of offers, there will be a timer to refresh when you get new offers.
flight rising skip gatekeeper JS - never click visit link again!
Flight Rising: Swift Links JS - Swiftly navigate Flight Rising. Adds customizable links to the sidebar.
Flight Rising: Select All (Hoard/Vault) JS - Select ALL checkboxes in hoard / vault for ease moving between the two
Flight Rising - Auction House Improvements (Seller) JS - Adds search link to selected items on auction house. Sets currency to gems and duration to 7 days.
Flight Rising - Jicky's Auction House Improvements (Seller) JS - Adds auction house link for selected items, sets currency to gems, duration to 7 days. Original version by necramancy.
Flight Rising: Auction House - Dragon - Image Increase, Card Style JS - Increases the size of dragon images on the auction house. Set card style display for easier browsing (optional).
Flight Rising Baldwin JS - Automatically transmutes items from your list
FR Hoard Item Counter JS - try to take over the world!
FlightRising Scrying Helper 2020-11-29 JS - Adds Scrying Workshop related quality-of-life tweaks
Flight Rising: Dressing Room Previewer JS - Hover items to preview on current model (dragon or scry).
Flight Rising: Predict Morphology - Next Option + Image Code Copy JS - Adds a button to select the next option for each dropdown. Automatically predicts, removing excess clicks. Adds option to copy scry image code with settings for auto copy & adult on load.
FR - Auction House - Bookmarks Bar JS - Hardcode bookmarks by categories for the buy section of the auction house
FR: Dragon Search JS - Adds dragon search button to auction house to easily find the dragon(s) you are looking for
Flight Rising - Auction House Keyboard Navigation JS - Allows user to navigate Auction House results pages using left- and right-arrow buttons.
Flight Rising - Detect Underpriced Auctions JS - Detects and highlights Auction House listings where the price is set at or below the autosell cost. If underpriced listings are found, automatically scrolls down to the first one.
Flight Rising - Add Auction Search Links to Market Items JS - Adds Auction House search buttons to market item listings, allowing users to easily check for better prices.
Flight Rising - Market Place-Keeper JS - Prevents you from losing your place when you buy a market item by updating the browser URL.
Flight Rising - Market Keyboard Navigation JS - Allows user to navigate Market pages using left- and right-arrow buttons.
Flight Rising - Add Commas To Page-Header Currency Counters JS - Add commas to page-header currency counters to make them more readable. (9999999 => 9,999,999)
Flight Rising: Game Database Dom Discount JS - Applies dom discount to items that can be bought in the marketplace
Flight Rising: Board Aesthetic JS - Automatically apply bbc code to forum posts for your aesthetic
Flight Rising - Keep Search Settings On Hoard/Vault Toggle JS - Keep search settings (item name, color, etc) when toggling between Hoard and Vault.
Flight Rising - Auction House - Insert Cancel Buttons For Own Listings JS - Allows users to cancel their auctions from Search/Buy without needing to pick through "Current Listings".
Flight Rising: Active Dragon to Bio JS - Instead of sifting through someones lair, clicking the active dragon on the forums or user profile will link directly to the dragon.
Flight Rising Baldwin JS - Automatically transmutes items from your list.
Flight Rising: 'Share Dragon' Widgets & Sales Listings JS - Generate forum sales listings for dragons, from the 'share' popup on a dragon's page
Auto Familiar Bonding JS - Automatically bonds with your familiars. Has a GUI and some options for handling bonds.
XYZ Achievement AH Finder JS - When on the AH Dragons search page, marks any dragon which is an XYZ where each color is one off from the previous, acsending. Currently does not get wraparound edge cases like Pearl-Maize-Cream.
Flight Rising Archeology JS - Automatically digs for you! Various completion/repeat options available.
Flight Rising Archeology (Tweaked) JS - Automatically digs for you! Does Precise or Rugged work. Various completion/repeat options available. Based on the original by Triggernometry
Tomo Trivia Helper JS - Highlights the correct answer (may not work for some questions)
Flight Rising: Swap achievements link back to lair in profile section JS - If the change to achievements also annoys you and you find yourself clicking it... welp, no more
Baldwin's Cheatsheet JS - Adds a quick reference box to the Transmute page so you can see what type of item transmutes to what type of compound without leaving the page. Now with white background for easy reading. Original version by Fiofiofio.
Coliseum Familiar Collection Tracker JS - Add icons beside the monsters in Stages in the Game Database if the user owns them.
Flight Rising Unclaimed Achievements Badge JS - Add unclaimed achievements and pursuits badge indicators to the Flight Rising GUI.
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