Eternity Tower Stats JS - Adds various stats to the Eternity Tower game
Eternity Tower Mining Details JS - Adds mining details to the UI for the Eternity Tower game
Eternity Tower User Mute JS - User muting for Eternity Tower. Must refresh after altering list.
ET Battle Helper JS - A few interface tweaks to improve your battling experience
ET Battle CD Tracker JS - Displays each player's cooldowns during battle. Settings available in console via window.et_battleCd
Eternity Tower Mining Details JS - Adds mining details to the UI for the Eternity Tower game
ET Summary Timer JS - Displays crafting timers in Summary menu. Settings available in console via window.et_summaryTimer
Eternity Tower Inventory Search JS - Search your inventory!
Eternity Tower Ability Cooldown Alert JS - Plays a sound when ability CDs have expired
Eternity Tower Enemy Vitals JS - Shows the vital statistics of enemies in battle
Eternity Tower Audio Immersion JS - Adds audio immersion to the game
Eternity Tower Quick Sets JS - Equips skin, gear, and abilities in configurable sets
Eternity Tower Enemy Target Button JS - Adds a target button to enemies in battle
Eternity Tower Combat Targets JS - Adds target information to enemies in battle
ET Hit Collection JS - Collect hit chance data for eternity tower
Eternity Tower Old Recipe Hider JS - Hides old recipes you no longer need automatically.
Eternity Tower Battle Cooldown Tracker JS - Displays each player's cooldowns during battle.
Eternity Tower Heal Buttons JS - Adds healing buttons to players in battle
Eternity Tower Chat Scroll Fix JS - Automatically scrolls down in chat whenever the chat box is restored/maximized.
Recipe Filter JS - Configurable filter for crafting and inscription recipes
Eternity Tower Network Conditions [Universal] JS - Displays network latency (ping) time, which Cloudflare server you're reaching, and more
Eternity Tower Chat Helper JS - Can automatically play audio notifications and restore the hidden chat window when new chat messages arrive.
Eternity Tower Layout Tweaks JS - Tweaks the layout and formatting of the Eternity Tower web game
Eternity Tower Energy Minder JS - Minds Energy usage and gives quick access to increasing food consumption
Eternity smarTower JS - Improve Eternity Tower's webgame display
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