atcoder-problem-navigator JS - Shows a navigation bar on AtCoder and Codeforces contest pages for jumping to problems.
CF-virtual-pretest JS - Show only pretest result when participating in virtual contest in Codeforces
AtCoder Easy Test v2 JS - Make testing sample cases easy
carrot-script JS - Predicts Codeforces rating changes, original by meooow25 (https://github.com/meooow25/carrot), ported to Tampermonkey by RimuruChan
CF-Predictor JS - This extension predicts rating changes for Codeforces. It shows approximate deltas during and after the contest.
Input Copier JS - just cick on input!
Input to Output JS - Copies 'copy' button to output
Preferred language setter JS - Bored from codeforces changing your language? Use this
cf-fast-submit JS - append the form to submit to codeforces contest problem page.
Colorize standings for Codeforces JS - Colorize standings pages at Codeforces by used programming language
Multi rating graph for Codeforces JS - Enable to show rating history graph with other accounts on profile pages at Codeforces
Multi rating graph for Codeforces by im0qianqian (http & https) JS - Enable to show rating history graph with other accounts on profile pages at Codeforces
Non display rating on Codeforces JS - Hide Rating related info on Codeforces
codeforces_submission_accept JS - show your accepted submissions on your sidebar
Codeforces Problem Statement Jumper JS - Automatic jump the problem statement from problemset to contest
CF problemset to contest JS - Display CF problems in the contest field instead of problemset
hide single problem tag on CF JS - hide single problem tag on Codeforces
CF-rating-chart-patch JS - Some modification to make Codeforces rating chart better
Fast-Codeforces JS - Make Codeforces convenient
CF - keep mobile and locale unchanged JS - Prevent accidentally modifying the mobile or locale on Codeforces
CF-problem-score-table JS - Add the "score table" to Codeforces in practice/virtual contest
No magic JS - Disable magic on CF
rating only JS - the only tag is rating
codeforces-hide-tags JS - Hide "Problem tags" on Codeforces, a serious spoiler.
Codeforces Performance JS - You can check your performance for each contest!
Codeforces_spoiler_tutorial JS - Wrap spoilers in Codeforces tutorial in spoiler blocks
CF Linemaster JS - Adds supports for line highlighting and copying on Codeforces
CodeForces_submit_keyboard_shortcut JS - CodeForcesにおいてCtrl+Enterで提出ができるようになります
Codeforces Optimal Theme JS - Easy to read and saves your eyes. Most colors and styles of elements are choosed using Golden Ratio Technique.
codeforces-problem-queue JS - You can queue the problems you want to revenge!
CF Contest Information Viewer JS - Add information about the contest, such as contest times, to the sidebar.
CFAccountsManager JS - Codeforces多账号管理助手
Codeforces Bold Emphasizer JS - Emphasize the bold text in the problem statement.
cf隐藏中国某个省的旗帜 JS - 隐藏cf中国某个省的旗帜
my cf JS - CF插件,可以跳转洛谷
CodeForces Solution Opener JS - Quickly find fastest solution.
Codeforces-Hide-Problem-Tags JS - Hide problem tags to avoid spoiling solutions
Bold First Letter JS - 𝗠ake 𝗲very 𝗳irst 𝗹etter 𝗶n 𝗲very 𝘄ord 𝗯𝗼𝗹𝗱.
Codechef theme JS - dark theme for codeforces
See-friends-codeforces JS - Introduces a button which takes you to the friends standings directly
CodeForces Print Helper JS - Help you to print complete problemset from CodeForces with only 1 column
Send to VJudge JS - Get code submitted to other task sites and send it to VJudge
Codeforces Friends Online Status JS - Show the online status of friends in the friends table
cf-no-snowflakes JS - codeforces no snowflakes
CF notification JS - Send a system notification when your friend solves a problem on codeforces.
CodeForces Helper JS - Print elegantly
Emojiforces JS - Add emojis to submission verdicts.
Bullyforces JS - Makes Codeforces a bully — a modified version of ExplodingKonjac's Emojiforces.
Codeforces to Luogu JS - 在 CF 题目界面显示两个通往洛谷该题目的题面 / 题解的按钮
CF解题数据可视化 JS - 显示某人Codeforces每个难度过了多少题,每个标签占比,喜欢用什么语言过题,有什么题试过了但是没有通过。
Sort The Unsorted JS - ICPC teams may love this script!
Codeforces与洛谷题目链接跳转 JS - Codeforces与洛谷题目链接跳转脚本
Codeforces show contestId JS - 在每场比赛名称的前面添加一个比赛Id的超链接,指向这场比赛。
Codeforces User Notes JS - Adds a notes section to Codeforces user profiles for adding custom notes.
Codeforces Modern Design JS - A modern UI redesign for Codeforces platform
Codeforces显示problemSet页面的题目数量统计 JS - 一款可以显示当前页面的题目数量和已解决题目数量和待解决题目数量的Codeforces插件。
Codeforces Worse! JS - CF is CF
Restore old codeforces languages JS - Restore codeforces old languages status filter
Codeforces Match Enhancer. JS - auto insert problem id and language in match.
Submit & status shortcuts JS - Replace a word in the URL and redirect to the new URL when Ctrl+Shift+S is pressed (Works only on Codeforces)
Luogu Solutions for Codeforces JS - Add a button to your Codeforces tool bar.
Zen Mode for Codeforces JS - Add a button to your Codeforces tool bar.
彩色AC JS - 一些编程网站的 AC 记录都会变成彩色!
Flying mode JS - 禁用大部分常见的OI题解来源(站内,站外)
CF 随机跳转题目 JS - 在 Codeforces 上随机跳题
CF 按照难度跳转题目 by lbw JS - 按照难度在 Codeforces 上随机跳题 by lbw
cf shortest codes JS - 添加claude编写的快捷跳转朋友排名、c++、py最短代码的按钮。
Codeforces+ JS - 美化 Codeforces 用户界面
CodeForces-AC前隐藏标签 JS - hide tags before ac
CodeForces-显示AC数 JS - display AC count
CodeForces-朋友列表显示状态 JS - display friend status on list
Codeforces Gym Statistic JS - gym做题信息统计
Codeforces problemset 题目页面 status 指向当前题目所在比赛的提交记录 JS - Make it more easy to view codeforces judging status.
Auto Select CF Language JS - Auto selects the language based on file extension, when you upload a file
Hide standings codeforces JS - Improved dark mode for Codeforces
Codeforces Verdict Hidden Tool JS - The tool show codeforces submission status without which test case. For competitors practicing for the domjudge environment.
Codeforces Verdict Hidden Tool JS - The tool show codeforces submission status without which test case. For competitors practicing for the domjudge environment.
cdwswb JS - 为收藏的题目添加评分
Codeforces charged JS - (Codeforces) Wide problems UI. Keyboard shortcuts. Quick navigation to submission and solutions pages on Codeforces.
Domjudge-UI-for-Codeforces JS - For ICPC competitors practicing for the DOMjudge UI in codeforces.
CF Hide Problem Info JS - For ICPC training, hide problem names and which teams solved which problems
CF Hide Verdict Info JS - For ICPC training, hide test number and time/memory usage in verdicts
CF Hide Standings JS - For ICPC training, hide contest status and standings
Polygon Problem Share JS - polygon
CFCodereviewer JS - Codereview codeforces
TODO Problem Manager JS - Save TODO Problems for CF, QOJ, and AtCoder
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